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Chapter 202 The Battle of the Peak Powerful Ones

Chapter 202 The Battle of the Peak Powerful Ones
  The Twin Spin Domain, the core area of ​​the Great Spin.

Chen Zong stood in the void. Under the bronze mask, a pair of ancient eyes were waiting quietly.

at this time.

In the void, three majestic figures appeared out of thin air, attracting Chen Zong's attention.

After reading the information about the three invincible kings, Chen Zong immediately recognized that these three figures were his opponents today, King of Golden Thunder, King of Killer, and Liumeng!
  "What a strong repulsive force!" As soon as it appeared, King Jin Lei felt a strong repulsive force rushing towards him, as if it was going to crush his divine body.


As a powerful and invincible king, he was able to withstand this repulsive force.

"King Hanhai, you must have a special treasure that allows you to ignore the repulsive force here, so you chose this place as the battlefield." On the side, the King of Killers guessed when he saw Chen Zong's calm and calm look.

"Why, are you afraid of the Tangtang Killer King?" Chen Zong said with a smile, "If that's the case, I can give you a chance to go back where you came from. Otherwise, you will have to stay here later."

As soon as these words came out.

There was an uproar outside the core of the Great Spin Domain.

"I didn't expect that the King of Vast Sea would dare to be so arrogant in the face of a king like the King of Killers who has been famous in the universe for hundreds of millions of years."

"Maybe. He is trying to cheer himself up!"

"Haha, facing the three invincible kings, I think he can only use his words."

"I somewhat admire him. Knowing that there was no possibility of survival, he still dared to show up and face the three invincible kings directly instead of leaving the battlefield outside the territory."

"You actually still admire him? I'm afraid you don't know that as King Feng Wudi, entering the battlefield outside the territory to kill King Feng Immortal is a taboo. If he still escapes Wudi's encirclement and suppression, then what awaits him next time may be He is a powerful man at the level of the Lord of the Universe."

"Is this still the case?"

"of course."

And in the core of the Great Spin Domain.

King Jin Lei and Liu Meng instantly felt a wave of anger burning around them.

"You are looking for death!" The Killer King burst into murderous intent.

It has been hundreds of millions of years, it has been hundreds of millions of years since he became the invincible king, and there has never been an opponent who dared to despise himself like this.

And now.

A mere human newly crowned king, Invincible, actually uttered arrogant words and despised himself while being surrounded and killed, and this was in front of countless powerful kings!

The murderous king's heart was like a volcano erupting, with rage rising to the sky.

The rabbit bites people when it is anxious!
  What's more, he is an invincible king!
  A terrifying battle ax appeared in the hand of the King of Killers, and then he swung the battle ax and struck Chen Zong with the axe.


Dozens of ax lights glowing with golden light grew from small to large in an instant, covering the sky and the sun. Wherever they passed, the universe directly turned into countless particle flows.

Under the action of repulsive force, the particle flow rushes to the periphery of the core of the spiral domain.


King Jin Lei and Liu Meng also took action. They flew towards both sides of Chen Zong, intending to trap Chen Zong in the middle.

at this time.

Seeing that the Killing King had taken action, Chen Zong's consciousness suddenly shattered the remaining three ancient gods. At the same time, he controlled the weak water to surge out in all directions.

  The weak water swallowed up and annihilated the golden ax light in an instant, and at the same time, it also drowned the three of them.

Weak water.

Countless blue space-time chains intertwined with each other to form huge chain nets, wrapping up the Killing King and the others.

"No, the information is wrong!" Feeling the extremely powerful binding force in the giant network, the Killer King was shocked.

According to the previous information, the binding power of this vast sea can only restrain the average king-conferring limit at most, and cannot restrain the powerful men at the level of Seven Sword King and Xuan Tomb King at all.

But now.

This binding force can even affect him, the invincible king.

Not only the King of Killers, but King Jinlei and Liu Meng also felt the powerful restraint of Han Hai, with equally shocked faces.

The so-called vast sea means weak water!
  The strong men in the battlefield outside the territory did not know Weak Shui's name, and Chen Zong was called the King of Han Hai because of Weak Shui, so Weak Shui was called Han Hai by them.

at this time.

"King of Golden Thunder, King of Killer, there is something wrong with King Han Hai. In the previous battle, he definitely hid his strength. We should not hold back anymore." Liu Meng shouted loudly.

"Okay!" King Jin Lei and King Slaughter nodded.

  King Jin Lei waved his hand, and nine pyramids appeared in the weak water. At the same time, a golden disk appeared out of thin air.


The golden disk flashed with golden light and teleported into nine thinner golden disks, flying to the nine gold towers respectively.

  For a while.

Dazzling golden lightning burst out from the nine gold towers.

The area filled with golden lightning formed a lightning field, a field controlled by the Golden Thunder King.

"Broken!" The King of Golden Thunder stretched out his hand, and the golden lightning in the lightning field crackled and merged with each other to form a larger golden lightning, which directly tore apart the giant chain network.

Seeing that the giant chain net was broken, the surrounding binding force was greatly reduced. King Jin Lei did not show joy on his face, but was a little worried.

His golden disc is a high-level treasure.

It stands to reason.

At this moment, the restraining force given to him by Hanhai should have completely disappeared, but he could still feel the restraining force.

There is only one situation, that is, this vast sea is a top-level domain treasure.

As for the ultimate treasure, that is definitely impossible.

after all.

If this vast sea were a domain-like treasure, they might have been imprisoned and unable to move, or even died the moment they entered the vast sea.


A top-level domain treasure is enough for them to drink a pot!

At the same time, the place where dreams flow.

One thousand are Shadow Edge Zerg, one thousand are Tiger Beetle Zerg, one thousand are Golden Moth Zerg, a total of three thousand golden immortal Zerg warriors form a formation, protecting Liu Meng in the center.

In the formation, there are invisible threads that connect the three thousand immortal Zerg warriors to each other and realize the flow of energy.

at this time.

Three thousand immortal Zerg gathered their energy into one Shadow Edge Zerg.

I saw.

The size of this Shadow Edge Zerg instantly increased from tens of meters to more than a thousand meters. Its forelimbs were like swords glowing with silvery light, exuding a frightening aura.


The Shadow Blade Zerg roared, raised a silver sword hundreds of meters long, and slashed at the giant chain net. A huge hole was instantly cut in the giant chain net.

Followed by.

The Shadow Blade Zerg swung hundreds of times at once, and the entire giant chain network collapsed.

At the same time, Wang Chu was killed.

The King of Killers, as a time-space nightmare beast, has two heads, one with golden pupils and the other with silver pupils.

The golden pupil can affect space, and the silver pupil can affect time. The two pupils are deployed at the same time, and they have strong control over the surrounding time and space.

at this time.

I saw the King of Killers' golden eyes emitting golden light, and his silver pupils emitting silver light. The two beams of light hit the giant chain net in front.

The giant chain network seemed to melt away, revealing a huge hole, and the hole was still expanding under the continuous golden and silver light.

Just one second.

The three great kings were invincible and broke through the giant network of chains. Chen Zong, however, didn't care about this, because he knew very well that it was impossible for this giant chain net to trap Wang Feng Wudi.


Chen Zong was a little surprised that the giant chain net was able to trap the Killing King and the others for a second.

In the last battle, his ability to control weak water could only limit the ordinary king.


After obtaining the recognition of the original laws of time and space, he has been able to control weak water, suppress and restrain the king and become invincible.

at this time.

A golden thunderbolt with a diameter of more than a thousand meters broke through the weak water and crashed into the space-time vortex. However, the golden lightning was too powerful and the space-time vortex could not completely engulf and annihilate it.

The golden thunder and lightning that had not been swallowed up was more than a hundred meters in diameter, and it blasted straight towards Chen Zong.

Liu Meng, on the other hand, controlled the Immortal Zerg Legion and concentrated the energy of three thousand Immortal Zerg into one Immortal Golden Moth Zerg.


This golden moth Zerg has not grown in size, but the two black tentacles on its forehead emit a dark light, swallowing up all the surrounding light.


The tentacles of the Golden Moth Zerg clan pressed together, and an invisible wave instantly bombarded Chen Zong.

The light in the golden and silver pupils of the Killing King did not shrink, but became more intense.


Golden light and silver light shot at Chen Zong at the same time, and the giant ax in the hand of the King of Killers was not idle either.

The battle ax instantly grew in size and turned into a giant ax that held up the sky. Countless golden secret patterns shone on the surface of the giant ax, exuding the aura of death.


Following the golden light and silver light, the King of Killers suddenly came to Chen Zong and struck down with his axe!

Virtual universe, Thunder Island, in the bar.

"Huh? Golden Thunder Pan, Ji Yuan Xian, and Gold and Silver Eyes. Unexpectedly, the three of them actually used their strongest methods from the beginning!" The golden-haired King Zhenyan was a little surprised.

"Oh, that's the Golden Thunder Disk!" A voice sounded from a corner of the bar, "I've heard that this Golden Thunder Disk is a domain-type treasure that combines lightning, lightning, and time."

"After the Golden Thunder King obtained the Golden Thunder Disk, he changed his royal title from Ji Lei King to the Golden Thunder King."

"With the help of the Golden Thunder Disk, the Golden Thunder King obtained many treasures in some secret realms of the universe, and upgraded the base of the Jiu Jue Divine Kingdom by one level, which greatly improved the Golden Thunder King's strength."

"Well, as for the Jiyuan Line, I've never heard of it."

"This Jiyuan Line is a special treasure. The powerful people connected by the Jiyuan Line will form a formation." King Zhenyan explained.

"The strong men in the formation can concentrate their energy on one of them, allowing this strong man to exert combat power beyond the limit."


"In this formation, if a strong person is attacked, he can also spread the damage to others, sharing the damage equally."

"Therefore, the Jiyuan Thread is an extremely precious and suitable treasure for the Zerg Mother Queen who possesses the immortal Zerg Legion."


"This Jiyuan Line is strong in attack and life-saving. It doesn't feel like it has any weaknesses!"

"What a powerful treasure!"

"This Liu Meng is really lucky to be able to obtain such a treasure."

There were several exclamations in the bar.

"Well, they used such treasures from the beginning. It seems that the pressure put by King Hanhai on them is quite great." King Qinglian said.

"You have also seen that the power of the vast sea is much greater than before. If you don't use the ultimate move, aren't you looking for death?" Next to him, the White Ape Jianlan King sighed.

"This Hanhai King should have hidden his strength before, but now facing the three invincible kings, he finally showed it all."


"He is just the Invincible King, not the Lord of the Universe. He can't defeat the three invincible kings together. At most, he can only last a little longer."

In his opinion.

For an invincible king like them, if the opponent is also an invincible king at the same level, then the chance of winning is not very great.

And if there are two opponents, then the probability of losing is very high.

If there are three opponents, you will lose 100% of the time!

and so.

The King of Hanhai, a newly promoted King of Invincible, may not be as good as an old King of Invincible. How could he be the opponent of three old King of Invincibles!

The battlefield outside the territory, the Twin Spin Territory.


A powerful soul attack directly bombarded Chen Zong, but it was blocked by the bronze mask. However, it was not completely blocked.

Still one in a thousand directly entered Chen Zong's sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time.

The golden magical mountain shook slightly, and a wave of waves was generated, annihilating the remaining one thousandth.


A golden lightning with a diameter of a hundred meters came in an instant, and Chen Zong flashed the secret pattern of the sky boots under his feet, and he appeared directly a thousand kilometers away, avoiding the golden lightning.


The golden lightning seemed to have locked onto Chen Zong, and after turning a corner, it chased Chen Zong again.

"It's so possible!" Liu Meng was shocked when he saw Chen Zong dodge King Jin Lei's attack!
  Enhanced by the Ji Yuan Thread, the soul attack of the immortal Zerg warrior she controlled was so powerful that even she herself found it terrifying.

Even if you have a soul-type defense treasure, it is difficult to completely resist such an attack.


This soul attack had no effect on King Hanhai at all, as if she had no attack at all!
  this circumstance occurs.

First, King Hanhai has a strong will and consciousness and is not affected by her soul attack, but this possibility is almost zero.

Then there is only one other possibility. What King Hanhai possesses is not a soul defense treasure, but a soul defense treasure!
  Soul defense treasure!
  Damn it... my strongest attack is the soul attack, and now, it is defeated to death.

How else to fight?
  Liumeng is very helpless!

And this moment.

Chen Zong dodged the golden lightning, but was greeted by two beams of light. Suddenly, the surroundings seemed to be imprisoned in time and space, and he could not move at all.

At this time.

Golden lightning caught up again, and a huge ax struck Chen Zong's head directly.


Although Chen Zong's body cannot move, his consciousness can.

  A space-time vortex appeared and swallowed up the golden lightning. However, the effect of the time-space vortex of the Killer King's giant ax was limited.


There was a loud noise, and Chen Zong was directly knocked away by the King of Killers' axe.

"Go to hell!" The Killer King shouted angrily.

This King of the Vast Sea had looked down upon him so much before, but now he was filled with rage and was struck by this axe.


He found that Chen Zong's aura had not decreased.

"How is that possible?" The Killer King looked shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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