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Chapter 204 Famous throughout the world

Chapter 204 Famous throughout the world
  Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

At the highest point of the majestic mountain range, a majestic palace stands. Inside the palace, chaotic air is permeating the air.

at this time.

The chaotic airflow suddenly started rolling.


In this extremely empty hall, a low and emotional voice echoed.

"Soul defense treasure and treasure battle armor, where did my junior brother get these two treasures?" Chaos City Lord was a little surprised.

The Chaos City Lord's vision is naturally several levels higher than that of King Zhenyan and the others.

At best, King Zhenyan could only guess that the treasure owned by Chen Zong might be a treasure.

As for the Lord of Chaos City, he is absolutely certain that it is the ultimate treasure.

It's okay to say that the Arcana Armor is relatively common after all.


Soul defense treasures are rare.

Although there are some soul defense treasures among the human race, each one is very expensive!

Even his second disciple, Gui Yi Zun, the overlord of the universe, couldn't afford to buy one.

"Did the teacher give it to my junior brother?"

"No, the teacher's treasure was either suppressed with the teacher, contributed to the ethnic group, or was given to me for safekeeping." The Lord of Chaos City shook his head and denied the speculation, "Junior brother's treasure cannot be given by the teacher. .”

"Well, maybe this has something to do with my junior brother's early experiences?"

Thinking of this, the Chaos City Lord's eyes revealed a look of astonishment.

When he first met his junior brother, he was shocked by him.

A native of the earth left his home planet for the first time and ventured into the universe, and became a special life form. Later, he also received a special inheritance on Kunwu Planet.

He didn't see much luck like this in his long life.

Now it seems that it is very likely that the two treasures owned by the junior brother were obtained from one of these encounters.


"With these two treasures alone, they can only enhance the ability to save life. Coupled with the 'weak water', at most, the junior brother can only defeat the three invincible kings of the demon clan, the mechanical clan, and the insect clan."

"How did he annihilate the Golden Thunder King's divine body instantly?"

The Lord of Chaos City thought for a while, and then checked Chen Zong's consumption records.

"Huh? Junior brother spent trillions of points to buy the 'Kasuo' weapon?" Seeing this message, the confusion in the eyes of the Chaos City Lord was finally solved.

"Junior brother is really willing to give up!"

"However, only by giving up can you gain. Only by giving up trillions of points can he survive this siege."

The Lord of Chaos City smiled and then closed the virtual screen in front of him.

The news that King Hanhai had fought alone against the three great kings was invincible. Not only did he not die, but he also killed the King of Golden Thunder. It was like being given wings and spread throughout the entire universe.

"What? King Jin Lei was killed?"

"Were Liu Meng of the Zerg clan and Killer King of the Monster clan scared away?"

"The human King Hanhai is too powerful."

"Is it really that strong?"

"The King of Golden Thunder, even among the many invincible kings, is considered to be at the top level. He even has a record of escaping with his life at the hands of the Lord of the Universe. How could he die at the hands of King Hanhai?"

Countless strong men were shocked!
  The name of King Hanhai is completely famous in the universe!

"Trash, what bullshit Golden Thunder King, Killer King, Liu Meng, they are all rubbish!" In the ancient spirit secret realm, the Yanling Venerable cursed loudly, "Even a Hanhai King who has just been promoted to the Invincible King None of them can be killed.”

Extraterritorial battlefield.

On a continent about one light-year in diameter.


With a loud noise, a majestic mountain peak suddenly collapsed and turned into nothingness. Two ferocious-headed assassin kings filled the sky with anger.

"Zombie." The Killer King gritted his teeth, "Damn King Hanhai, if he didn't have the treasure armor, I could kill him with one axe!"

"You actually stepped on me and became famous in the universe."

"Ah! Damn it!" The King of Killers roared incompetently.

As the invincible king, what he cares about, apart from the clan, is only strength and reputation.

just now.

His reputation was ruined, and he was filled with anger.

"Since it's not easy for me, I won't make it easy for you either."

"Yes, spread the news that he has a soul defense treasure and a treasure armor."

"Soul defense treasure, this is a treasure that the overlords of the universe are extremely eager to obtain."

"As long as the news is spread, not only can the reputation be restored, but the King of Han Hai will also be coveted by the overlords of the universe."


"Kill two birds with one stone!"

The King of Killers looked up and smiled as if he was crazy, and then started sending a group email.

"King of Killers, are what you said true or false?"

"King Hanhai really has two treasures?"

Some friends of the King of Killers quickly sent emails or directly initiated communication requests to inquire about the situation.

"Of course it's true. Otherwise, how could King Hanhai with a soul defense treasure be able to block the soul attack of 'Liu Meng'?" King of Killers replied one by one.

"If you don't believe me, you can also find some friends and ask 'Liu Meng'."

In the foreign battlefield.

Here, the news about the Killing King had just spread, and a message came from the Zerg tribe, confirming the accuracy of the news about the Killing King.


In the news about the Zerg, there are not two treasures, but three treasures.

In addition to defensive ones, there is also an offensive treasure!

"Attack treasure?" After hearing the news, the Killer King was stunned for a moment, and then with a smile on his face, he sent out the message again to prove it to the Zerg.


The dead Golden Thunder King was also resurrected by the Master of the Universe of the Machine Tribe.

Among the mechanical clan, news also spread that King Hanhai possesses three treasures.

just now.


"King Hanhai actually possesses three treasures. No wonder he can withstand the invincible attacks of the three great kings."

"Soul defense, material defense, and attack, King Hanhai is really armed to the teeth!"

"Humanity is so rich!"

"King Hanhai will feel uncomfortable in the future. It would be okay if these treasures were not made public, but now, I think many overlords of the universe will be unable to sit still."

In the secret realm of ancient spirits.

"What, three treasures?" Venerable Yan Ling's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

He, the majestic overlord of the universe, also possesses the most common treasure.

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, Venerable Yan Ling laughed, "King Hanhai, the invincible king cannot kill you, but the overlord of the universe can definitely kill you."

"Well, I have to take action quickly. Maybe these three treasures are destined for me!"

Extraterritorial battlefield.

After the battle, Chen Zong teleported continuously, left the Twin Spin Domain, and appeared on a meteorite hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

  He escaped directly into the ancient god's space.

He didn't care at all about the noise from the outside world. What he cared about was the system tasks and the rewards after completing the tasks.

at this time.

In the ancient god's space, a bronze-cast helmet with a strange monster relief on its forehead and phoenix-winged brows on both sides was suspended in the void.

Chen Zong reached out and put the helmet directly on his head.


The helmet, ancient divine armor, bronze mask, and sky-walking boots are connected in breath and resonate at the same frequency.

Immediately afterwards, the four major components of the Sky-Stepping Suit seemed to melt, turning into copper water and floating, and merged together to form a copper ball in front of Chen Zong.

Mysterious secret lines soon appeared on the smooth surface of the copper ball.

These secret patterns are almost identical to the secret patterns on the previous parts.


The secret patterns no longer increased, and the secret patterns on the surface of the copper ball also formed an extremely mysterious pattern.


The copper ball shook, then turned into flowing light and merged into Chen Zong's body, like weak water.

"This" Chen Zong looked confused. He no longer had a mask, armor, etc. on him.

But soon, Chen Zong looked happy.

After the Tatian suit turned into a copper ball, it didn't disappear and its functions were lost. On the contrary, the Tatian suit was upgraded.

If there were only three parts of the Tantian suit, each part was just an ordinary treasure, then now, with four parts of the Tantian suit, all the parts have been upgraded to high-level treasures.

  Chen Zong's consciousness flashed, and the parts of the Tatian suit that had disappeared appeared on his body again. "This is considered a high-level treasure set, and its value should be comparable to the top treasures." Chen Zong thought.


Noticing the changes in the panel, Chen Zong looked at the panel.

【Name】Chen Zong

【Ethnic Group】Human Ethnic Group (Ancient God)

[Level] Realm Lord Level 9 (Illusion Warrior Style)

[Secret Method] Xuanzong Sword Code (peak), Phantom Xiaoyao (top), Spiritual Phantom (top)

[Special Secret Technique] Ancient God Technique (Fourth level, body amplitude 100 times)
  [Secret Talent] Ancient God Broken Star, Ancient God Roar, Ancient God Finger
  [Talent Clone] World Tree Clone (Ninth Level Lord), Demonic Dragon Clone (Ninth Level Lord)

[Gene level] 1103 times.

[Original Law] The original law of earth is recognized, the original law of wind is recognized, the original law of fire is recognized, the original law of space is recognized, and the original law of time is recognized.

[Task 1] During the period of Realm Lord, obtain the title of King on the battlefield outside the territory (completed)
  [Reward] "The Fourth Level of the Ancient God Art"

[Task 2] During the realm lord period, kill the invincible king on the battlefield outside the territory (completed)

[Reward] Ancient God War Helmet (One of the Sky-Treading Sets)

[Task] Open up the Ancient God Universe Kingdom.

[Reward] Ancient Pattern Armguards (One of the Sky-Treading Sets)

"Open up the Ancient God Universe Kingdom?" Chen Zong was slightly startled.

This mission feels a little different from what I thought.

In the past, every mission was not very different from my own ideas.

For example, the task of conferring the title of king just completed is basically the same as what I want to do, but killing the invincible king is slightly different, but it is also within a reasonable range.

And now.
  Open up the universe?

He never thought of opening up the universe!


Ancient Pattern Armguards, one of the Sky-Stepping Sets, but this reward is so tempting!

This time, after the Tatian suit turned into a copper ball, he got a message.

That is, if he obtains another piece of the Sky-Talking Suit, every part of his Ta-Tian Suit should be able to be upgraded to the top level of treasure.

And overall, it will be comparable to the pinnacle treasure.

There are only a few pinnacle treasures among the human race.

"Well, in order to have one more pinnacle treasure for mankind, it won't be difficult to open up a cosmic kingdom when the strength is enough." Chen Zong thought.


Chen Zong withdrew from the Ancient God Space.

As soon as he realized his consciousness, the ancient god's helmet turned into a blood-red headband, while the ancient god's armor turned into a blood-red robe, the bronze mask turned into red lines on both sides of the cheeks, and the sky-stepping boots turned into a pair of blood-red robes. Red combat boots.

"It's much safer now." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

"Master!" King Withered Blood, King Burning Heart, and King Darkscale saluted Chen Zong respectfully.

"Take me to the Star Tower." Chen Zong said.

"Yes, Master." The Withered Blood King and Dark Scale King exchanged views and selected the Withered Blood King to start the teleportation to the Kingdom of God.

call out!
  A beam of light appeared, covering Chen Zong and the others, and then they disappeared.

In a remote void, meteorites are scattered here and there.

Light flashed, and Chen Zong and the others appeared on a meteorite block.


Chen Zong collected the Withered Blood King and the others into the World Ring, and released the Ancient God at the same time.

"The mission has been completed, and it's almost time to go back. However, before going back, you can't miss the famous attraction 'Star Tower'."

  The hatch opened and Chen Zongfei walked in, walked to the hall and sat on the sofa.

"Wes, let's go!"

"Yes, Master."

  The Ancient God was activated and flew towards the Star Tower.

Inside the spaceship.

Chen Zong took advantage of the time he was on the road to log into the virtual universe, planning to visit Hongmeng City and get some information.

Virtual universe, Hongmeng space.

Hongmeng's base camp is in a plane space specially opened up in the virtual universe.

In this Hongmeng plane space, there are countless stars. In the center surrounded by the stars, there is a huge floating ancient city, which is the "Hongmeng City".


With the arrival of Chen Zong, one of the countless stars surrounding Hongmeng City also shone slightly.

"This is Hongmeng City?" Chen Zong appeared in the living room.

This is a living room of less than a thousand square meters.

"Master." Weiss, the virtual assistant on Chen Zong's shoulder, said, "I received a message that this is your residence. All official members of the outer city of Hongmeng City have the same residence, covering an area of ​​3200 square meters. "

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded, of course he knew this.


He looked at the wristband and saw a star mark, which meant that he was a one-star member of the Hongmeng.

In Hongmeng City, the hierarchy is strict!

Status is determined based on strength and contribution. Those with higher status naturally enjoy more power.

The strength of official members of Hongmeng is always determined based on their record. The stronger the record, the higher the strength classification.

The divisions here are based on one star, two stars, three stars... up to seven stars. All strong men will have star marks on their arm guards or cuffs.

Under normal circumstances, the opponent's strength division can be easily determined by the number of star marks.

of course.

This may not be accurate either.

Just like Chen Zong now, although he is only one star, this is because he has just joined the Hongmeng.

Every member who has just joined Hongmeng will be a star at the beginning. Later, based on the actual performance, the "Hongmeng City Sub-system" of the virtual universe system will automatically determine the performance and strength, and then divide the levels.

One star, this is the level for those who have just joined the Hongmeng. It is generally the most common level of the Immortal King.

Erxing is considered the strongest among the kings.

Samsung, the ultimate king.

Four Stars, the most initial level of the Universe Venerable, people like Zhenyan King can also be classified into this level.

The seven stars are the most initial level of the Lord of the Universe, and the Lord of the Eclipse Palace can also be classified into this level.

of course.

If Chen Zong logs in as "King of Hanhai", then his current star rating is four stars.

after all.

King Hanhai has the record of killing the invincible king.

After walking out of his residence, Chen Zong discovered that this is a quiet and very large community. Each residence covers an area of ​​3200 square meters including open space, and they are all two stories high, but the styles of the residences are different.

The place where he is now is the outer city of Hongmeng City, and it is also the busiest place in Hongmeng City.

"Hey, have you heard that King Hanhai possesses three treasures?" A foreigner with a curved horn on his head said with a somewhat excited expression.

"I heard that, and I also heard that a universe overlord has issued a reward order, saying that if King Hanhai is found outside the battlefield outside the territory and provides the coordinates to the universe overlord, a valuable treasure can be obtained."

"A piece of news in exchange for a valuable treasure?"

"This universe overlord is ruthless enough."

"Oh, if we can find King Hanhai and kill him, then there will be three treasures. Just one precious treasure is nothing!"

"makes sense!"

"." Chen Zong stopped and heard the information he wanted before he even walked out of the community.

Just three treasures?

He does, and there are four of them now.

However, when he was fighting, he only revealed two treasures!
  "It seems that it was the King of Killers and the others who were behind this!" Chen Zong secretly thought.


Chen Zong began to wander around Hongmeng City. After fighting continuously for so long, it was time to relax a little.

In Hongmeng City, the residents at the lowest level are all powerful kings. The city where countless strong men gather is naturally very developed. Scenes that are rarely seen in ordinary times can be seen everywhere here.

Large spaceship trade.

Plant life, metal life trading.

The strong hire business.

Soon after, he came to a huge palace covering an area of ​​several kilometers long and wide. It was the best store with a large number of goods, called "Ubaotang".

"Is this the shop opened by the 'Lord of Dragon Walk'?" Chen Zong took a look and then walked in.

The Lord of Dragon Walk, one of the Universe Lords of Virtual Universe Company!

Entering the Yubao Hall, you can see countless treasures placed all the way to the end of the field of vision. Each treasure is accompanied by a drawing. There are videos, pictures, and text information on the drawing, explaining in detail the origins of the treasures sold. Special features, etc., as well as the selling price.

(End of this chapter)

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