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Chapter 207 The "Heaven Gate" leading to the second floor

Chapter 207 The "Heaven Gate" leading to the second floor

Earth, Yangxin Pavilion.

Luo Feng suppressed the restlessness in his heart and took Dylan to the third floor.

On the third floor, there are many things that have never been seen before.

The first thing that caught his eye was a piece of silver armor hanging on a shelf at the entrance of the stairs.

Seeing the silver armor, Luo Feng knew that it was this silver armor that summoned him.


This was not the time to pay attention to Shining Armor. Luo Feng suppressed the hand he wanted to extend and looked towards the coffee table. The teacher was sitting next to the coffee table.

"Disciple has met the teacher!" Seeing Chen Zong, Luo Feng immediately saluted respectfully.

"Yes." Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

Luo Feng's reaction when he saw "General Jia" convinced Chen Zong that Luo Feng had successfully practiced the first tribulation of the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code".

At this time.


The kettle is boiling.

"You all come over and sit down." After Chen Zong said that, he picked up the kettle and started making tea.

After Luo Feng and Dylan took their seats, Chen Zong poured a cup of tea for all three of them.

"He is indeed a genius who emerged from the eons of time. Although he is only a realm master, as an immortal god, I was completely suppressed in front of him." Dylan looked at Chen Zong and was shocked.

"By the way, when I came back this time, I also deployed some methods based on Huyanbo's space secret method." Chen Zong said, "So, now according to the previous method, it is impossible to enter our solar system."

"Weiss, send the new method to Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen."

"Yes." Weiss immediately sent the email.

Luo Feng and Dylan were not surprised when they heard Chen Zong's words.

after all.

Chen Zong is already on the 17th floor of Tongtian Bridge. His understanding of the laws of space and the resources of secret techniques are much better than Hu Yanbo's.

"When I come back this time, I won't stay on the earth for a long time, so I plan to place two soul slaves on the earth to guard the earth." As soon as Chen Zong finished speaking, the Withered Blood King and the Dark Scale King appeared out of thin air.

"Hiss! What a strong pressure." Dylan was extremely shocked, "These two aliens are at least powerful beings at the peak of the title of king."

Realm Lord enslaves the king to the peak?

How can a world lord be so strong?
  Dylan felt like his world view had collapsed!
  Luo Feng was also shocked by the Withered Blood King and the Dark Scale King.

"Teacher, they are the immortal kings?" Luo Feng looked at Chen Zong with a surprised look on his face.

"Well, both of them are extremely powerful kings." Chen Zong smiled slightly, then looked at the Withered Blood King and the others, "You two remember, he is my direct disciple, and from now on, his words are mine. "

"Yes, Master." The Withered Blood King and Dark Scale King bowed in response, and then saluted Luo Feng respectfully, "The Withered Blood King (Dark Scale King) has met the young master!"

King's limit?

It turned out to be the limit of becoming a king!
  Luo Feng and Dylan were stunned for a moment.

After a while.

"Yes." Luo Feng nodded slowly, and at the same time, a smile appeared on his face. With these two kings guarding the earth to the limit, the security of the earth can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

"Dylan, I hope you will keep the matter between the two of them secret for the time being. After all, it involves some secrets." Chen Zong turned to look at Dylan.

"Don't worry, Your Highness Chen Zong, I will keep it a secret." Dylan quickly stood up and responded.

"Don't be nervous, sit down and talk." Chen Zong said with a smile.

Followed by.

The three of them drank tea and chatted happily.

Shortly after.

"Okay, it's time for me to return to Chaos City." Chen Zong stood up, glanced at the trophies placed around him, and said to Luo Feng and Dylan, "These are the trophies I obtained in the battlefield outside the territory. I have no use for it, so you can choose one."

Hear this.

"Thank you very much, Teacher (His Royal Highness Chen Zong)" Luo Feng and Dylan thanked him immediately.

Without hesitation, Luo Feng came to the "General Armor" of the Yan God Clan and put the "General Armor" away, while Dylan also selected a battle armor.

"By the way, Luo Feng, I still have more than a dozen treasure hunting opportunities in the garbage star region 'Wanglong Star Region'. When you are bored, you can try it and you may be able to find some treasures." After choosing the items, , Chen Zong took them out of Yangxin Pavilion and said to Luo Feng at the same time.

"Garbage Star Territory 'Wanyong Star Territory'? Taobao?" Luo Feng asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded, and then briefly explained the relevant information about the Garbage Star Territory.

"What, is there a chance to find treasures worth hundreds of millions of dollars?" Luo Feng said in surprise.

"I have always believed that you are very lucky." Chen Zong smiled.

Now that things on earth are done, it's time to leave.

"Farewell to Teacher (His Royal Highness Chen Zong, Master)" Luo Feng and the others bowed.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded, then used teleportation and disappeared.

in the starry sky.

Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and then Nebula came out of the ancient god's space and directly started teleporting to the Kingdom of God.

Going from Earth to Chaos City would take too long if you take a spaceship and fly in the dark universe.


Back then, before Chen Zong left Chaos City and went to the battlefield outside the territory, he went to Branch No. 9 and hid a Nebula token far away in Branch No. 9.

at this time.

On an asteroid in the distance of Division 9, a beam of light broke through the darkness, and Chen Zong stepped out of the beam.

With a wave of his hand, he released the Ancient God spacecraft, entered the spacecraft, and sat on the sofa.

"Let's go to Chaos City." Chen Zong ordered.

"Yes, Master." Weiss responded.

call out!
  The spacecraft began to accelerate and soon entered the dark universe. An hour later, Chen Zong arrived at Branch 9, and then passed through the fixed space channel of Branch 9 and arrived at the Virtual Universe Company's universal headquarters.

Virtual Universe Company Headquarters.

Chen Zong took the Virtual Universe Company's spaceship and went to the Chaos City of the Initial Universe through the cosmic passage.

"Your Highness."

"Your Highness."

The immortal kings in charge of the spaceship looked respectful.

Chen Zong smiled and nodded, then found a separate cabin in the spacecraft to rest.

"Hey, Captain, didn't Chen Zong go to the battlefield outside the territory? It's only been a few decades now, why is he back?" An immortal god asked in surprise, "Didn't he go to the battlefield outside the territory in these years?"

"Okay, whether he has gone or not is not something we should discuss." The captain shook his head, "Our flight mission this time is specifically to send him to Chaos City."

"Look, isn't he the only passenger in this spaceship?"

"So, even the top management of Virtual Universe Company doesn't think there is a problem, so you should stop talking about it casually."

"Remember, you can just talk about some things in secret, but don't talk nonsense everywhere, otherwise, no one will be able to protect you."

The captain glanced at the immortals around him and reminded them.

"We understand."

"Don't worry, Captain, we are not stupid either."

These immortals nodded in response.

Over Chaos City, the spaceship slowly stopped.

  The cabin door opened, and the captain led several crew members to stand respectfully at the cabin door and send Chen Zong off.

"Well, thank you very much." Chen Zong thanked him and flew towards Chaos City.

Chaos City, as before, is shrouded in endless chaotic airflow.


In a secluded place in Chaos City, Chen Zongluo stood in front of a luxurious mansion. He looked up and saw the three characters "Ancient Shrine" written directly above the mansion.

This mansion is Chen Zong's residence in Chaos City.      was built a few days ago.

In fact, with Chen Zong's status, he should have a mansion of his own long ago. However, in the past, Chen Zong felt that his strength was insufficient, so he rejected Brother Chaos's kindness.

And now.

Chen Zong's strength is already at the level of being an invincible king, so he won't feel awkward having such a mansion.

In Chaos City, many people know that there is an additional mansion called the "Ancient Palace".

These days, they have been talking a lot about who owns this mansion.

Under normal circumstances, the name of the mansion will be named according to the title.


They have never heard of anyone with the title of "Ancient God".

at this time.

Chen Zong's figure appeared in front of the "Ancient Shrine" and suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

"Hey, isn't that Chen Zong?"

"Chen Zong? It's really him, but...what does it mean that he is standing in front of the 'Ancient Shrine'? Does he know the owner of the 'Ancient Shrine'?"

"No, why do I remember that Chen Zong seems to have gone to the battlefield outside the territory. It has only been more than ten years. Well, the outside world has only been fifty or sixty years. Why did he come back?"

"Didn't he go to the battlefield outside the territory?"

For a time, some people were transmitting messages to each other on the rooftops of the residences around the ancient temple.

Although Chen Zong couldn't hear their transmission, he could feel the glances around him.

  This Chaos City is only so big. For hundreds of millions of years, even remote places are not really barren. They are just a little remote compared to lively areas.


It didn't matter, Chen Zong shook his head, walked to the door, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the door.

"I am the intelligent system and housekeeper of the mansion, and I would like to welcome the master." A young woman's voice sounded.

Followed by.

The door of the mansion, which was originally closed, opened at this time. Chen Zong stepped in, and the door closed again.


"Hiss, I didn't expect that Chen Zong is the owner of the 'Ancient Divine Palace'!"

"Ancient God. Ancient God, have you ever heard of this title?"

"Never heard of it."

"Me too, never heard of it."

"Then he obtained the residence of this 'Ancient Palace' by virtue of his status as the direct disciple of the Lord of Chaos City. Oh, I'm so envious."

"Envy, envy is useless. If you are also a genius born in eons, I don't think anyone would object if I give you two mansions, let alone one."

"Well, although I don't like what you said, I think what you said makes sense."

Chaos City, inside the ancient palace.

Chen Zong sat on the wooden chair in the main palace hall and immediately logged into the virtual universe.

In the virtual universe, at the highest point of Thunder Island, Chen Zong's figure appeared again, and then entered the palace of the Lord of Chaos City.

"I've met senior brother." Chen Zong said respectfully when he saw the Lord of Chaos City in the main hall.

"You're back." The Lord of Chaos City naturally meant that Chen Zong had returned to Chaos City.

"Well, senior brother, I want to continue to pass the level in the next time, so I'm sorry to bother you, senior brother." Chen Zong explained his intention directly.

Breaking through the barrier was naturally the same barrier that I had overcome when I created the secret technique before.

His current opponent is the 1999th, and he is only one away from creating the ultimate secret skill.

"Junior brother, you have created a top-notch peak secret method, which is completely sufficient at the realm lord level. Therefore, you should focus on understanding the law now." After hearing Chen Zong's decision, the Lord of Chaos City persuaded.

"Brother, I use 50% of my consciousness to create the ultimate secret skill, and I use 50% of my consciousness to understand the original law. There will be no impact." Chen Zong said with a smile.

The reason why Chen Zong wanted to create the ultimate secret skill was to open the second level of the ancient temple.

In the first floor of the ancient temple, Chen Zong's thoughts formed a virtual figure.

In the ancient temple, Chen Zong can do many things that cannot be done outside, and this virtual figure is one of them.

at this time.

The virtual figure stood on the top of the highest mountain on the first floor. Looking up, the gray sky suddenly became turbulent, and in the blink of an eye, the gray air flow formed a "Heaven Gate".

There are extremely complex and mysterious lines on the Tianmen, which seem to be of the same origin as the lines on the ancient divine armor.

This Tianmen is the passage leading to the second floor.

According to the information from the ancient temple, if Chen Zong could break through this heavenly gate during his time as Realm Lord, then his life gene multiplier would be raised to a perfect level.


Before entering the second level, Chen Zong didn't know what treasures on the second level could enhance the level of life genes.

prior to.

After creating a peak secret skill that was close to the ultimate secret skill, Chen Zong tried to open the Tianmen. The result was obvious, he failed.

However, Tianmen trembled slightly.


Chen Zong felt that as long as he could create the ultimate secret skill, he would be able to open the Heavenly Gate and successfully enter the second floor of the ancient temple.

"Well, in that case, it's up to you." The Lord of Chaos City shook his head slightly.

This junior brother is very talented and has never encountered setbacks. Perhaps creating the ultimate secret skill will be his first setback.


The world lord's life is very long, and the junior brother has only lived for a long time. It is not a loss to waste a little time and correct the junior brother's thoughts.

"Thank you, senior brother." Chen Zong thanked him, "Then I won't disturb senior brother for now."

The goal has been achieved, Chen Zong resigned to the Lord of Chaos City, left the Chaos Palace, and entered his own exclusive space "Ancient God Realm".

A martial arts training ground in the Ancient God Realm.

In front of Chen Zong, a giant flame star beast appeared, and the breakthrough started again.

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles!
  In the blink of an eye.

One year later, Chen Zong failed again, but this time, he made a little progress and lasted longer.

"Well, it's not a problem to keep fighting." Chen Zong closed the martial arts training ground.

In Chaos City.

Chen Zong left the Ancient Shrine and flew towards the City Lord's Mansion. He planned to study the Cosmic Chaos Monument.

Come to the secret room.

"I've met Lord Candli." Chen Zong saluted respectfully.

"Well, Chen Zong, it's been a year since you returned to Chaos City." Candli smiled and teased, "If you hadn't come to study the Chaos Monument, you might have forgotten about me."

Chen Zong went to the battlefield outside the territory and completed the military merit quota task assigned by the Virtual Universe Company, which took less than a hundred years.

Such speed, such strength, even Candli, who has experienced a lot and has lived for countless years, is extremely shocked.


When he wanted to apply to check Chen Zong's performance in foreign battlefields, he found that he did not have enough permission.

  He could only sigh.

"Sir Candli, how dare I forget you!" Chen Zong smiled, "Well, Master Candli, I bought a few bottles of good wine. After I understand it, I wonder if I will be lucky enough to invite you to have a drink with me?"

"Good wine?" Candli's eyes lit up. He also knew that since Chen Zong dared to bring it out, it must be good wine. Otherwise, how could it be worthy of their status.

"Ha, of course it's no problem." Candry said with a smile, "Well, there's no one inside now, you go and understand the Chaos Monument first."

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded and walked into the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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