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Chapter 212 Giant Ax Meeting

Chapter 212 Giant Ax Meeting
  The endless cosmic sea is filled with chaotic air currents everywhere.

A majestic mountain, but the peak of the mountain fell halfway down the mountainside. It was as if there was an existence with endless power that cut across the mountain with a knife, causing the peak to fall directly onto the mountainside.

"Hua Hua Hua~~~"

There was an endless huge waterfall pouring down from the smooth main mountain, hitting the mountainside below. The water flow filled the surroundings and submerged less than half of the top of the mountain that fell there.

At the same time, countless pieces of gravel were constantly flying around the mountain peak.

  A giant savage man with disheveled hair appeared out of thin air.

"Huh? It's an email from Chaos, ten emails in a row?" The founder of Giant Ax, the founder of Giant Ax Arena, was very surprised.

According to Chaos' character, this rarely happens.

And once this happens, it means something big has happened!

What on earth is going on that makes you so anxious?
  Giant Ax quickly opened the email.

"Hmm~, Chaos wants me to hold a top-level meeting?"

The highest-level meeting of the human race is attended by the Lord of the Universe and the strongest person in the universe. Because it is held by the founder of the Great Ax, it is also called the "Axe Meeting".

Giant Ax continued to look.

"What!" The huge and burly body of the giant ax shook three times, and his eyes sparkled, "The law of chaos?"

"Go meet Chaos first!"

virtual universe.

Endless darkness, with faint stars in the distance.

A simple temple is suspended in mid-air, this is the Great Ax Temple.

There is a long stone table in the not too big open space in front of the temple. There is only a stone chair on the main seat of the long stone table, but there are rows of stone chairs on both sides.

At this moment, towering figures are already sitting on these stone chairs.

"Xu Jin, do you know what happened? You want to convene a 'giant ax meeting'?" A man with a very ferocious appearance, complex scales all over his body, and three sharp horns on his head, who looked like a humanoid beast at first glance, asked doubtfully.

This person is the Lord of Huang Jian, and he is the leader of the Universe Mercenary Alliance.

"I don't know. I just received the notice and came here." The Lord of Void Gold, who was tall, had dazzling golden hair, and his eyebrows dropped to his chest, also looked puzzled and shook his head.

The Lord of Virtual Gold is the Lord of the Universe of the Giant Ax Martial Arena lineage.

In the giant ax fighting arena, the master of virtual gold is usually in charge, and the giant ax usually does nothing.

At this time.

"Swish!" "Swish!"

Two more figures appeared, it was the Lord of Chaos City and the founder of the giant axe.

Giant Axe sat on the main seat, while the Lord of Chaos City sat closest to you.

at this time.

The five major human forces gathered here, a total of 18 masters of the universe, plus one of the strongest in the universe.

"We are here today because there is a major event related to the future of mankind." The founder of Giant Ax looked around at all the masters of the universe, and finally looked at the Lord of Chaos City, "Chaos, let me explain it to you."

Hearing the words of the giant axe, the other masters of the universe were shocked.

Concerned about the future of mankind?

What is it that can have such an impact?
  Everyone looked at Chaos City Lord.

"Yes." The Lord of Chaos City nodded, and then told everyone about the little pebbles and the information about the "Law of Chaos".

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire meeting exploded.

"Law of Chaos?"

"How can the five original laws of space, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, be integrated with the original laws of time?"

"Isn't this possible?"

"Everyone, before I came here, I asked the teacher." Faced with everyone's doubts, the Lord of Chaos City said calmly, "The teacher said that the information in this pebble is extremely reliable."


The Lord of Chaos City waved his hand, and a virtual pebble appeared in front of everyone.

Although it is simulated by a virtual universe, the pebbles still exude a faint ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

"What a magical pebble."

"The aura of this pebble cannot be faked. It seems that the information about the 'Law of Chaos' is indeed true."

"With the original ancestor's confirmation, there must be no problem."

In the eyes of everyone, the original ancestor is just like the immortal gods seen by ordinary people, a "god"-like existence.

"Well, since there is no problem, then from today on, the 'Law of Chaos' is the ultimate goal of our human cultivation." From the main seat, Juaxe said, "Now, there are two ways. One is to master the ten major The second is to understand the basic law of origin and integrate it at the same time."

"Everyone chooses the appropriate method based on his or her actual situation."

"By the way, Chen Zong contributed information about the 'Law of Chaos' and made a great contribution to our human race. He should be rewarded."

"It's not an exaggeration to give him a pinnacle treasure."

"Or you can give him resources of corresponding value."

"Chaos, what do you think?" After Giant Ax said this, he looked at the Lord of Chaos City.

The Lord of Chaos City, who has been guiding Chen Zong in his cultivation, naturally understands Chen Zong's needs better.

"Before, my junior brother told me that he wanted to gain the authority to comprehend the 52 Chaos Monuments at will, as well as a inheritance order for the Fire and Sky Beast Gods." The Lord of Chaos City said with a smile.

"Meet the 52 Chaos Monuments at will?" The Lord of Virtual Gold was startled. "Does Chen Zong plan to comprehend the ten basic original laws at the same time? Moreover, coupled with the way of the Beast God, he is now starting to follow the 'Law of Chaos' route ?”

"Yeah, not bad." Chaos City Lord nodded.

Upon hearing the affirmation from the Lord of Chaos City, many Lords of the Universe looked at each other.

"Senior brother, are you sure you want to let your little junior brother do this?" At this time, the Lord of Darkness, who exuded an evil and dark aura, frowned, "Human energy is limited. Just reaching the Lord of the Universe is very difficult. Disaster."

"Although my junior brother is very talented, he has the potential to become the master of the universe."


"He wants to reach the sky in one step, but in the end he may not even be able to break through to immortality."

The Lord of Darkness's worries are not without reason.

Just like "Luo" from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, he could have easily become immortal, but because his ambition was too great, his lifespan eventually ran out and he died.

"Junior brother, I believe in my junior brother." The Lord of Chaos City smiled, "You may not know that my junior brother only used more than twenty years of effort to create the ultimate secret skill."

  Create the ultimate unique skill in more than twenty years?

The words of the Lord of Chaos City shocked everyone present.

"Chaos, are you telling the truth?" Although Giant Ax believes that the Lord of Chaos City is not talking nonsense, this news is too shocking!

"Yes." The Lord of Chaos City nodded, then stretched out his hand, and two virtual screens appeared in front of everyone.

"Look, this is the ultimate secret technique created by Chen Zongchuang, the 'Endless Sea of ​​Swords'."

On one screen, there was a scene of Chen Zong killing the Flame Star beast in the martial arts training ground, and on the other screen, there was a video of Chen Zong fighting the gatekeeper on the 21st floor of Tongtian Bridge.


Everyone was amazed.

After a while.

They also discussed the reward for Chen Zong. In addition to what the Lord of Chaos City had mentioned before, there was also a pinnacle treasure.


This pinnacle treasure needs to be given to Chen Zong after he has advanced to immortality.

after all.

That pinnacle treasure is difficult to activate without immortal divine power.


Everyone left the Great Ax Temple, and the far-reaching "Great Ax Conference" came to an end.

Chaos City.

In the ancient temple, Chen Zong sat cross-legged on the futon in front of the courtyard, looking at the mysterious patterns next to the cracks in the sky and immersed in them.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed since Chen Zong broke through the original Tongtian Mountain.

On the futon, Chen Zong opened his eyes, and two rays of light shot out from his eyes and hit the rockery in front of him.


The rockery exploded, and the sound of the explosion echoed in the courtyard.

Fortunately, the walls, floors, palaces, etc. of the Ancient Shrine were all carved with countless secret patterns. The explosion did not spread beyond the Ancient Shrine and affected other people.

At this time.

"Master, you are finally awake." Weiss's voice sounded.

"What's wrong?" Chen Zong asked confused.

"Master, while you were immersed in cultivation, the Lord of Chaos City sent an email saying that it was your request, Master. After discussion, it was agreed." Weiss said excitedly.

Now, with the help of the Technology Department of Virtual Universe Corporation, Weiss has become an intelligent life.

Possessing human emotions.

Can feel what the owner feels.

"Yes." Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

He was not surprised at all by this result.

"Weiss, has Virtual Universe Company sent anyone here in the past three months?" Chen Zong asked.

"Yes, after the master was immersed in cultivation for ten days, three men in purple came to the entrance of the Ancient Shrine." Weiss replied, "However, in order not to disturb the master's cultivation, I did not wake him up."           Well, you did it Very good." Chen Zong praised, saying that his own cultivation is the most important thing and cannot be interfered with.

after all.

What if he had an epiphany?
  If this is interrupted, it will be a big loss!
  "Master, they are still at the gate of the Ancient Shrine." Weiss said again.

"Hmm~~" Chen Zong was a little surprised and teleported directly to the entrance of the Ancient Shrine and saw three purple-clothed envoys.

Purple-clad messengers are very rare in the city lord's mansion, and they are usually black-clad messengers.


Once it involves the Purple Messenger, it's a big deal.

"I've met you three, and I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long." Chen Zong took the lead in saluting, "You three, please come in."

"Your Highness Chen Zong is welcome." The tall man in purple said with a smile.


The three of them followed Chen Zong into the ancient palace and came to the main hall.

"You three, please take a seat." Chen Zong greeted the three envoys in purple to take their seats, and then with a wave of his hand, the Black Water King appeared next to him.

The King of Black Water brought wine, fruits, etc.

"Hey, it's Purple Fire Ape Wine. Your Highness is welcome." The tall purple-clothed envoy glanced at the fiery red ape belly wine bottle on the table and said with a smile.


He glanced at the Black Water King and was not surprised.

The identity of King Chen Zonghanhai has been announced for a long time. It is normal to have an extreme slave who is a king.

"No problem." Chen Zong responded with a smile.

These three purple-clothed envoys serve the Lord of Chaos City in the original secret realm. They can also be regarded as one of their own. They have been waiting at the door of the mansion for nearly three months, so naturally they must be well entertained.

Drinking wine and eating fruit.

Chen Zong was laughing and chatting with the three purple-clothed envoys.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, this is the 'Beast God Inheritance Order.'" The tall purple-clothed envoy smiled with a smile on his face. At the same time, he turned his hand and a metal box appeared in his hand.

"Yes." Chen Zong took it with a smile and opened the lid of the metal box with a click. Inside the box was a six-sided stone tablet. On the stone tablet was carved a statue of a beast god looking up to the sky and roaring.

The power of the Realm Lord penetrated into it.

In an instant, Chen Zong seemed to have entered an ancient world.

"Take the Beast God inheritance order and go to the inheritance place. If your talents, qualifications and abilities are consistent, you may be able to obtain the Beast God inheritance. The cosmic coordinates of the inheritance place are..." A message penetrated directly into Chen Zong's mind.

The message also described that this six-sided stone tablet is the inheritance order of the beast god that combines the law of 'fire and space'.

That’s right!
  Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, the mission is completed. We won't stay any longer. It's time to go back and resume your duties." The tall purple-clothed messenger said.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong stood up and said

"Your Highness, there is no need to send it off." The tall purple-clothed envoy said when he saw that Chen Zong wanted to send him and others off.

Then the three messengers in purple left.

Chen Zong put away the Beast God Inheritance Order, and then prepared to put the Black Water King into the world ring. Suddenly, the movement in his hand stopped.


King Burning Heart was also released by Chen Zong.

"I have met the master." King Burning Heart saluted respectfully.

"You two go to the courtyard to practice." Chen Zong ordered.

"Yes, Master." King Burning Heart and King Blackwater looked excited. After bowing respectfully, they left the main hall and walked to the courtyard. They sat cross-legged and looked at the secret pattern next to the space crack in the sky.

"I've heard about the Chaos City of mankind a long time ago. This is a holy place for mankind. I didn't expect that I could enter here to practice. The master is so kind to us." King Burning Heart sent a message to King Blackwater.

"Yes, it is our lifelong honor to be able to follow the master." King Black Water smiled brightly, and then said with determination, "The master has given us such a good training environment, and we cannot let down the master's expectations."

"Yes, yes!" King Burning Heart nodded.

And inside the main hall.

Chen Zong looked at his permissions and found that he could study the 52 Chaos Monuments at will, with no limit on the number of times. A smile appeared on his face.

There is no limit to the number of times. From another perspective, that is, he can stay in the secret room until he is willing to come out.

"Apply for the Blood Luo Crystal first." Chen Zong logged into the virtual universe and started to apply.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, to apply for Blood Crystals, you can apply for 10000. To apply for the Blood of the Beast God, you can apply for 100 drops." A soft female voice sounded.

One hundred blood crystals extract a drop of the beast god's blood.


However, the effect of Blood Luo Crystal is even more outstanding.

If you can fuse three blood crystals, you will be a blood warrior, and the power to activate the blood will be three times the gene level. If you fuse ten blood crystals, you will be a black warrior, and the power to activate the blood will be ten times. genetic level.

  The blood of the beast god extracted from 100 blood crystals can only double the genes.

However, the only problem with using the Blood Crystal is that the will to kill in the Blood Crystal is super strong. If the user is not strong enough in will and physical fitness, there will be less Blood Crystals to be fused.

Most people can only fuse one at most.

Willpower and physical fitness are no problem at all for the demon dragon clone who has a will close to that of the Lord of the Universe and a genetic body 1000 times greater.


In order to maximize profits, Chen Zong said: "I need the Blood Luo Crystal."

"Yes, should I send it to the Primordial Secret Realm or Chaos City?" a female voice sounded. At the same time, she muttered in her heart. Under normal circumstances, people apply for the blood of the Beast God. Very few people apply for the Blood Luo Crystal. This is His Highness Chen Zong. It's really unconventional.

This is also normal.

after all.

Under normal circumstances, those who know the Blood Crystal and the Blood of the Beast God, after applying for permission, are basically unable to fuse the Blood Crystal and can only choose to absorb the Blood of the Beast God.

"Chaos City!"


After applying for the Blood Luo Crystal, Chen Zong withdrew from the virtual universe.

"Well, let's go and understand the origin law of gold first." Immediately afterwards, Chen Zong selected the Jiuyu Chaos Monument, then left the Ancient Shrine and headed to the City Lord's Mansion.

City Lord's Mansion.

In front of the secret room of Jiuyu Chaos Monument.

"Chen Zong, didn't you understand the Universe Chaos Monument? Why are you here at the Jiuyu Chaos Monument?" Candli looked surprised when he saw Chen Zong.

"Lord Candli, please check my authority." Chen Zong said with a smile.

"Huh? What? Can you comprehend any of the 52 Chaos Monuments?" Candli closed his eyes slightly, and then his heart was shocked.

what on earth is it?

Generally speaking, once the Chaos Monument is selected, it cannot be changed.

of course.

Sometimes, some geniuses with good talents make slow progress because they choose the wrong Chaos Monument. After getting agreement, they can still change to the Chaos Monument.


No one has ever been able to comprehend the 52 Chaos Monuments at will.

Chen Zong is the first one he has seen in the hundreds of millions of years he has been guarding the Chaos Monument.


For this genius who has created many legends, it seems that it is not a big deal to comprehend 52 and make the Chaos Monument.

As for persuading Chen Zong not to be greedy for too much, this is unnecessary.

Those who can give Chen Zong this authority are those at the highest level of the human race.

They all thought it was okay, and it definitely was okay.

"Well, you can go in." Candry took a deep breath and said.

"Thank you, Lord Candli." Chen Zong smiled and then walked into the secret room.


It's not a time for a genius battle or a battle of strong men. Not many people can come here to gain enlightenment.

In the secret room, Chen Zong was the only one. Chen Zong sat down and directly began to understand the original law of gold.

just now.

He has arranged for the World Tree clone to understand the original law of space, and the Demon Dragon clone to understand the original law of fire, and at the same time start the fusion of fire and space.
  Time flows.

Ten years have passed in a hurry.

In addition to studying the Chaos Monument, Chen Zongzai also guided Hong and Lei Shen in their cultivation.


Hong and Lei Shen will also leave Chaos City and go to the secret realm of the apocalypse.

"Teacher, we are leaving now." In the ancient palace, Hong and Lei Shen saluted respectfully towards Chen Zong.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded, "The training tasks of Virtual Universe Company are not comparable to the training tasks of the 'Qianwu Secret Realm', so be careful."

"Yes, teacher!" The two nodded.

"Well, let's go!"


(End of this chapter)

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