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Chapter 215 More babies?

Chapter 215 More babies?
  solar system.

There is a towering temple standing in the void to protect the earth, and this temple is far larger than the size of the earth.

The first floor of the temple.

There are fixed transmission channels that connect the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company, the Giant Ax Arena, the First Bank of the Universe, the Bank of the Universe Galaxy, and the headquarters of the Universe Mercenary Alliance.

At this time.


One of the transmission channels glowed with mist.

"somebody is coming."

"Someone from Virtual Universe Company is here."

The dozens of realm masters who were specially waiting at the transmission channel were all respectful. They knew very well that those who could come through this channel were either extremely powerful or had extremely high status.

People like myself are simply not comparable.

I saw.

A young man in a red shirt walked out of the passage.

"Huh? Realm Lord?"

"Who is this?"

"Do you know each other?"

"do not know!"

"Since you don't know me, let's greet you in the normal way."

The young man was very strange to see, and dozens of world masters sent messages to each other.

"I've met you, sir!" These dozens of realm masters saluted respectfully.

"Yes." Chen Zong glanced at the world masters and nodded, "You have been here for a month. Have the defense system of the solar system and the environmental transformation of the earth been completed?"

"My lord, it's all done!" One of the leader's realm masters replied respectfully.

"Moreover, most of the first batch of floating city residents have already moved into the floating city."

"Some more are on their way!"

Chen Zong nodded slightly, teleported directly, and disappeared into thin air.


"Wow, the Realm Master can perform teleportation."

"I think there is no one else who can perform teleportation on the Realm Master except the 'King of the Vast Sea'!"

"Huh? Why did King Hanhai come to Earth?"

"Don't you know that 'King Hanhai' is the teacher of 'His Royal Highness Luo Feng'?"

"Oh~, that's it!"

These dozens of realm masters exclaimed in amazement.

Earth outer space.

"Whoa!" Chen Zong appeared instantly and immediately rushed into the atmosphere.


The area around the earth is in a state of space blockade, and no one can teleport.

Over the North Pole.

There are hundreds of millions of residents living in the huge floating city. One of the skyscrapers is the headquarters of the alien residents on earth.

In a secret control room in the building, two middle-aged men and a woman were standing. The three of them were looking at the screen in front of them. What was displayed on the screen was Chen Zong's image.

"It's King Hanhai!" The four-armed man wearing a blue armor was a little surprised. "He really values ​​his disciple 'Luo Feng'!"

"Not only did he leave two king-limited soul slaves on the earth for Luo Feng to drive, but now they also come to the earth in person."

The other two people also nodded.

Yangxin Pavilion.

Chen Zong stood on the top of the attic, looked at the Yangxin Lake next to him, and then at the martial arts training ground.


With a wave of his hand, eighteen chaotic-colored domes with a height of ten meters appeared out of thin air, suspended in the sky above Yangxin Lake, arranged randomly.

"Teacher, what is this?" Looking at these energy domes from the side, Luo Feng looked confused.

"They are my master's children, well, they can also be regarded as your junior brothers!" Chen Zong said with a smile.

"What!" Luo Feng's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face, "The old teacher's child?"

Followed by.

He looked at Chen Zong with curiosity in his eyes: "Teacher, since they are your children, where is the master's wife?"

"I've never heard you mention it, teacher."

"Did you come with the teacher this time?"

"You don't have a master's wife!" Chen Zong said calmly, "They were 'born' for the master himself."

"?" Luo Feng's face was filled with questions.

"Withered Blood and Dark Scale, guard them." Chen Zong ordered, then looked at Luo Feng and Dylan and said, "Dylan, you also wait here. Luo Feng, follow me."

"Yes, Master!" Withered Blood King and Dark Scale King were extremely respectful.

"Yeah!" Dylan nodded.

Luo Feng followed Chen Zong and entered the third floor of Yangxin Pavilion.

The two of them were sitting at the coffee table.

Seeing Luo Feng's curious look, but not daring to ask, Chen Zong smiled and said, "Do you think it's incredible?"

"Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded.

"Actually, it's nothing." Chen Zong said, "You took away the body of the golden-horned giant beast. You should know very well that the golden-horned giant beast can also give birth to offspring on its own."

"These children who are my master are conceived in a similar way to those of the golden-horned giant beast."

"The difference is that the golden-horned giant beast will die after giving birth to offspring, but the master will not."

Having said this, Chen Zong stopped talking.

after all.

What follows already involves secrets that cannot be revealed for the time being.

When Luo Feng heard this, he also understood a little bit.


There was one more thing he didn't understand, that was, how could the teacher have this ability?


Luo Feng thought that if he could seize the golden-horned giant beast, the teacher might also have a similar special opportunity.

Well, yes, that should be it.

Afterwards, they drank tea and chatted.

Luo Feng asked Chen Zong questions about cultivation, especially about the nature of space. Luo Feng asked the most.

Chen Zong answered them one by one.

"Thank you, teacher!" Luo Feng said respectfully.

"Yes." Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

Outside human territory, in the dark universe.

The Dragon spacecraft is traveling rapidly at 91 times the speed of light.

Since Chen Zong broke through the original Tongtian Mountain of the Realm Lord, Virtual Universe Company has upgraded the Demon Dragon and Ancient God for free.

just now.

These two spaceships are no worse than other invincible spaceships.


In the control room of the spaceship.

"Master, arrive at the destination immediately." The voice of the Magic Dragon spacecraft's intelligent assistant sounded.

"Turn on location virtualization 100%." ​​Chen Zong ordered.

After six months of flying, we are finally arriving at the mysterious ancestral land!
  The secret realm of the universe is also divided into different levels, and the regional scope is also different.

The Ancestral Mystic Realm is one of the highest and most dangerous secret realms. Ordinary dangers in it can cause the death of the Lord of the Universe. Some extremely dangerous places, even the Lord of the Universe, have to hold their breath.



No entry!

This is synonymous with the mysterious realm of ancestors.

The "Bauhinia Island", the inheritance place of the beast god, is in this mysterious ancestral realm.

The entire Ancestral Mystery Realm has a maximum diameter of 1.6 million light-years, which is comparable to the size of a cosmic country. It would take million years to penetrate it simply by flying at sub-light speed.

If you want to explore the entire ancestral mysterious realm, you may have to fly back and forth from the birth of the universe to explore it all.

at this time.

Chen Zongdu looked outside through the exterior scene. In front of the spacecraft, there was a strong wind like a giant python. Black winds roared and covered hundreds of millions of kilometers, as if pythons were playing with each other and crisscrossing the starry sky.

And further away, there is an endless black whirlwind that is countless billions of kilometers wide and runs through the starry sky.

"This is the most common 'Black Tornado' in the Mysterious Ancestral Realm." Chen Zong marveled.

As far as he knew, once the Master of the Universe was caught in the black whirlwind, a small black whirlwind would probably cause the Master of the Universe to be seriously injured, while a large black whirlwind would be enough to annihilate the Master of the Universe.

"Master, the coordinates are here!" Chen Zong nodded.

The speed of the spacecraft began to decrease and gradually stopped. The hatch opened, Chen Zong flew out, and then put away the Magic Dragon spacecraft.

In the vast void.

Chen Zong stood quietly, waiting for the space to teleport.

Suddenly, the calm void around him began to twist, as if turning into a whirlpool, swallowing Chen Zong directly.

Chen Zong's eyes were filled with chaos, and then everything became clear.

at this time.

In the void, Chen Zong looked into the distance and saw endless colorful rivers surging in the distance.

The vastness of this colorful river is full of magical power, and its beauty is so breathtaking that people can't help but be attracted to stare at it.


Chen Zong's will, after confronting the will to kill contained in the Blood Luo Crystal, was almost comparable to the will of the Lord of the Universe.

Wake up instantly.

"Huh? What a strong will!" A surprised voice sounded.

Chen Zong looked at the sound.

In the void next to him, stood a rock god about eight meters tall. He was wearing purple armor with flames swirling around the surface. His whole body was glowing dark green, and at first glance it looked like dark green emerald.

This is the "Feicang tribe" in the universe, a type of rock life.

"This is my Beast God inheritance order." Chen Zong took out the Beast God inheritance order without waiting for the powerful Feicang tribe to speak.

He knew that this powerful man from the Feicang tribe was the guide of the Ancestral God Sect.

The Ancestral God Sect is the largest force in the universe. Its official members include ancestral gods, beast gods, divine generals, and divine envoys. The weakest divine envoy is also comparable to ordinary cosmic lords.

If he didn't come up with the Beast God's inheritance order in advance, he would definitely be attacked by the Feicang clan's venerable master.

Chen Zong doesn’t want this!
  "Human, you seem to be very familiar with us." The venerable Feicang tribe smiled.

Just now.

He was also preparing to release his momentum and shock the humans in front of him.

But now that humans have taken out the Beast God inheritance order, he can no longer do this.

It’s a pity for Weiwei!
  "Some understanding!" Chen Zong nodded.

"Well, you have the Beast God inheritance order. You are the inheritor and are qualified to enter. Come with me." After the Venerable Feicang tribe finished speaking, he flew ahead.

Chen Zong naturally followed.

"Did you see that?" The Venerable Feicang Clan pointed ahead, a few light-years away, at the endless and turbulent colorful dreamy river, "Since you know about our Ancestral God Religion, you should know what that is!"

"That should be the 'Colorful Aurora Lake' in the legend of the Mysterious Ancestral Realm!" Chen Zong nodded.

"Well, you are quite knowledgeable!" The Venerable Feicang Clan glanced at Chen Zong in surprise, smiled and praised, "Yes, this is the Colorful Aurora Lake."

Colorful Aurora Lake, the entire lake is composed of endless aurora, these aurora are in five colors.

Its maximum diameter is 10 light years, and its power is endless.

Each aurora alone, if it burst out with power, would be enough to seriously injure the Lord of the Universe.

This colorful aurora lake is the protective treasure of the Ancestral God Sect, and one of the most powerful treasures in the vast universe!

Infinite power!

With this colorful Aurora Lake around, no one dares to break into the Ancestral God Religion!

"I have only heard of it, but have never seen it. It is also a kind of luck that I can see it now." Chen Zong praised.

Hearing Chen Zong's words, the Venerable Feicang Clan felt a little proud.

after all.

Who doesn’t want to hear good things?

"Well, I'll take you to Bauhinia Island first." The Venerable Feicang Clan teleported directly with Chen Zong.

Starry sky transfer.

Chen Zong suddenly saw that he had reached the edge of the colorful Aurora Lake, which was only a few hundred meters away.

too close.

Moreover, those auroras were each about 10,000 kilometers long, and their unparalleled power frightened Chen Zong.

"Did you see it? Bauhinia Island is right there." The venerable Feicang tribe pointed to the depths of the colorful Aurora Lake.

Chen Zong looked over and could vaguely see an island, but it looked very blurry under the endless aurora.

"Come in." The Venerable Feicang Clan flew directly into it, "This is one of the most powerful treasures in the universe. Anyone recognized by it will not be harmed. You have the Beast God's inheritance order, so it will be fine if you come in."

"Yeah!" Chen Zong also flew into it.


Bauhinia Island is getting bigger and bigger.

Bauhinia Island has a diameter of millions of kilometers, and no aurora is close to it for tens of thousands of kilometers. It is the place where the inheritors of the Beast God live, and it is also the outermost edge of the Colorful Aurora Lake.

call out!call out!call out!
  Two streams of light quickly flew into it and landed on Bauhinia Island. It was none other than the Venerable Chen Zong of the Feicang Clan.

At a glance, there are countless palaces of various styles on the land in the distance.


There are powerful auras in many palaces.

Looking up, you can see that in the sky, there are circles of light and shadow covering the entire Bauhinia Island. The circles of light and shadow are constantly expanding, and disappear when they expand to the edge.

And a new aperture is born in the center of the aperture, just like ripples on the water, constantly spreading in all directions.

Birth, annihilation.

So endless…

Each circle of light and shadow is composed of countless law threads. The laws of time, space, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning, and light are mixed in, and there are even many fusion laws.

This halo of circular disillusionment seems to explain all the mysteries in the universe.

"This is the manifestation of the laws of the universe." The Venerable Feicang Clan's eyes were like copper bells, looking up, "Our Ancestral God Sect is the largest force in the universe, with the core of maintaining the laws of the universe, and naturally it is also influenced by the universe. Protected by the laws of operation!"

"What our Ancestral God Religion does is to follow the laws of the universe. Any violation of the Ancestral God Religion means violating the laws of the universe!"

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.

"Come with me, the first thing you do when you come here is to build a residence on this Bauhinia Island." The venerable Feicang tribe said, striding forward, and Chen Zonglian followed.

On a mountainside next to a river.

"You can build a palace here. Remember, each palace covers an area of ​​up to one kilometer long and wide. Even those monsters or starry beasts with huge divine bodies have to shrink their divine bodies to live in them. No one is an exception."

Chen Zong nodded.


Under the leadership of the Venerable Feicang Tribe, Chen Zong looked through a gap in the Five-Colored Aurora Lake and saw the depths of the core enveloped by the Five-Colored Aurora Lake, where the core of the Ancestral God Sect lies.

With the Ancestral Shrine as the center, from the inside to the outside, it is surrounded by the Octagon Beast Temple, the Guardian Beast Temple, the Continent of 72 Divine Generals, and the World of 3000 Divine Envoys.

Except for this core area.

There are also a large number of scattered islands in the Colorful Aurora Lake, and peripheral members of the Ancestral God Sect live on those islands.

The so-called peripheral members are alternate divine envoys, alternate divine generals, and inheritors of powerful beast gods.

After a while.

They arrived at the island owner's palace on Bauhinia Island. There were many carvings on the island owner's palace, like giant one-horned lizards, roaring orangutans, and flying birds. Although there were thousands of carvings, there were only eight kinds. Represents the eight beast gods.

There is a huge platform square in front of the island owner's palace, which is a cross-section of a mountain peak.

There are three fountains on the thickly carved and perfect square. The spring water is born out of thin air and gushes endlessly, but the ground of the square is not wet at all. The scene is indeed beautiful.

The two of them walked to the fountain and looked at the palace gate.

"You go in, my mission ends here." The venerable Feicang tribe said.

"Well, thank you, Your Majesty!" Chen Zong thanked him.


Months passed.

In front of the Yangxin Pavilion, the eighteen ten-meter-high energy domes had shrunk to only half a meter high and began to tremble slightly.

With each tremor, the dome grew smaller.


The energy dome has completely disappeared, replaced by eighteen children who are no different from Chinese except for their red hair and a red dot between their eyebrows.

He looks about three years old!
  Chen Zong waved his hand, and eighteen children's clothes were already put on them.

"Father God!"

"Father God!"

These eighteen children all flew in front of Chen Zong, acting coquettishly.

"Yes." Chen Zong stroked their heads with a smile on his face.

next to.

Luo Feng, Dylan, and Xu Xin were shocked when they saw this scene.

He was born as a planet, and he could even speak!
  But Chen Zong was not surprised.

after all.

Each of his children has 10 times the life gene level, the same as the golden-horned giant beast with the peak lineage.

"Teacher, how about you give birth to a few more children?" Next to him, Luo Feng said something unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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