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Chapter 218 Gong in the Early Yuan Dynasty

Chapter 218 Gong in the Early Yuan Dynasty

Bauhinia Island, the land of treasures.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!."

On the towering mountain peaks, there are figures one after another, some are huge, some are short, some are covered with scales and horns, or some are hairy people. All kinds of alien life are "teleported" out by the colorful Aurora Lake.


Then no figure flew out.

"Ah, damn it, it's not me!" The nine lions raised their heads to the sky and roared angrily, with unwillingness in their eyes. "Who caused the treasure?"

"How many of us have come out?" The snake-tailed aliens looked around and found that all the venerables on the mountain peak had been "kicked" out.

"It's the human realm master. He's the only one who hasn't come out now." The inheritors who flew out first had already checked their surroundings.

"Hey! I've licked stones, hugged trees, climbed to the top of mountains, and dived to the bottom of lakes. I don't even have a hair on my head." A nearly transparent alien sighed, "And the human realm master actually triggered the treasure as soon as he came. And it’s one of the 108 treasures, what a fate!”

"The treasure that appeared in the treasure land last time seems to have been brought out by the human King of Seven Swords."

"This time it was caused by humans again!"

"Damn humans!"

The aliens were very reluctant, but there was nothing they could do.

after all.

The conditions triggered by the "treasure" in the treasure land are all kinds of strange, and they have no idea at all.

It is said that tens of millions of epochs ago, there was a venerable Lomeng tribe who slept on a mountain peak for thousands of years. When he woke up, he directly triggered the treasure land and obtained a treasure!
  This left many inheritors at that time stunned!

And at this time.

On the towering mountain peak.

call out!
  Chen Zong stood at the foot of the mountain when a rapidly shrinking aurora suddenly flew towards him, but he did not dodge.

He knew that this aurora was a message from the treasure holder to the inheritor who would obtain the treasure in the future.

of course.

Chen Zong couldn't dodge, because the surrounding space seemed to be frozen, making it difficult for him to move.

The aurora was as fast as lightning, and one end of it gently touched Chen Zong's forehead.

A message appeared in Chen Zong's mind.

"I am the master of Tianbao. There are many treasure thieves. Now that the Ancestral God Sect has acquired such a treasure place, I will leave this 'Yuanchu Gong' to those who come after me."

"I was born with a gene level of tens of thousands times of life, and I became the Lord of the Universe as soon as I was born. Therefore, I really want to know if there is a world master with a gene level of ten thousand times of life in this world."

"Therefore, the triggering condition of the 'Yuanchu Gong' is set to - Realm Lord, the life gene level is at least 10,000 times."


"Perhaps the treasure I have hidden will never be revealed to the world!"

A simple message.

When saying the last sentence, the Lord of Tianbao sighed slightly.

"Fortunately, I have activated the power of Xueluo in the palace, otherwise, the 'Yuanchu Gong' would have missed me." After hearing the message from the Lord of Tianbao, Chen Zong was secretly happy.

If you want to trigger treasure, then you must meet the conditions.

All performances of inheritors within the coverage area of ​​Colorful Aurora Lake will be recorded by Colorful Aurora Lake.

According to the information recorded in the foundation, once it is found that the inheritor meets the conditions and the inheritor reaches the place where the treasure is hidden, the colorful Aurora Lake will trigger the birth of the treasure and give the treasure to the inheritor.

At this time.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Thousands of auroras that originally surrounded the entire mountain peak rose into the sky and quickly flew back into the vast colorful aurora lake.

The entire mountain peak appeared again in front of tens of thousands of inheritors.

"Look, the human realm master seems to be in a daze."

"It must be because it's such a surprise."

"That was one of the 108 treasures. He just got it. One of the 108 treasures was taken away. I don't know when new treasures will be placed in it."

"Tell me, what treasure did the human realm master get?"

"Is it some precious materials?"

"Defense treasure?"

"Attack the treasure?"

"A treasure that restores the divine body?"

The countless inheritors in the distance were curious and guessing, but none of them could see it.

Chen Zong, on the other hand, glanced at the inheritors in the distance, then used teleportation one after another, appeared in front of the transmission channel, stepped forward, and left the treasure place.

He believes that after inducing the treasure this time, his reputation will definitely spread among many inheritors, and his goal has been achieved.

In this treasure land, one inheritor can only trigger the treasure once, and there is no use staying here any longer, so he returned directly to Bauhinia Island.

After returning to the palace, close the palace door.

virtual universe.

Chen Zong searched for the Lord of Tianbao, and a message appeared on the virtual screen.

The Lord of Tianbao: The natural beast god, a "fire and sky" beast god, a unique and special life in the universe. He was born as a beast god and named himself "Tianbao". He is keen on refining weapons and has many treasures. He is one of the earliest eight major sects of the Ancestral God Sect. One of the beast gods has fallen!
  "Sure enough, the Lord of Tianbao is really a natural beast god." Chen Zong sighed.

Beast gods are also divided into acquired beast gods and natural beast gods. Those who finally understand the entire way of beast gods through practice and inherit the position of beast gods are normal beast gods.

When the universe was born, some "beast gods" were born who were born to be the masters of the universe and themselves the incarnation of the law of fusion.

Born as a beast god, his body is a treasure, and he is destined to be surrounded and killed by countless strong men.

For example, the Golden Beast God died in Xueluo Continent.

Bauhinia Island, Chen Zong Palace.

Chen Zong exited the virtual universe, looked at the world ring in his hand, recognized its owner first, and then escaped directly into it.

In the world ring.

This is a large prairie. In the center of the prairie, stands a huge golden shelf. On the shelf hangs a circular golden gong with a diameter of one million kilometers.

Next to the golden gong, there is also a matching "drum hammer" inserted on the stand.

"Uh" Chen Zong was stunned for a moment when he saw the Yuanchu gong.

What a unique treasure!

After coming back to his senses, the power of Chen Zong's world surged out and merged into the gong of the early Yuan Dynasty, and a large amount of information suddenly poured into his mind.

"This is actually a set of treasures, and a set of high-level treasures!" Chen Zong said in surprise, "It was refined by the master of Tianbao himself and has never been used."

Chen Zong looked at it carefully. This golden gong is a high-level treasure, the rack is also a high-level treasure, and the drum hammer is also a high-level treasure. When they are combined together, they become a set of high-level treasures, comparable to the top treasures!

Although the style of the gong in the early Yuan Dynasty was a bit strange, its level made Chen Zong very satisfied.


Chen Zong collected the gongs from the early Yuan Dynasty into the first floor of the ancient temple and erected them on the vast land.

"It's a pity that this Yuanchu gong cannot be activated for the time being." Chen Zong sighed.

Without immortality, he would not be able to activate the Yuanchu gong.

A place of treasure.

"Well, where has the human world leader gone?"

"I think he must have returned to Bauhinia Island."

"Well, I received information that King Wuying met the human realm master on Bauhinia Island, and the human realm master is now in his palace."

Countless foreigners are inquiring about Chen Zong's whereabouts.

"I don't know if he dares to go to the secret place. If he goes, hehe, the treasure will belong to me."

"Do you think he is stupid? He is a Realm Master. No matter how powerful or talented he is, any inheritor on Bauhinia Island can rub him on the ground. How can he go to the secret land? Even if he wants to , that is to wait until you break through immortality, otherwise you will be courting death."


"By the way, what level of inheritance is he at now?"

"What, you want to challenge him to a fight?"

"Of course, he is just a human realm master. Even if he is in the same level of inheritance as me, he cannot be more powerful than me. Such an opponent is very suitable for inviting a fight."

"Will he agree?"

"What if he agrees?"

"Well, I'm going to see the Glory World."

"I'll go as well."

All of a sudden, many powerful aliens landed in the Glory World.

"Let me take a look at the rankings." The foreign king, whose green tongue almost dropped to the ground, turned his hand and a black book appeared in his hand.

He opened the book.

"King Poisonous Tongue, how are you? Have you found out?" Next to him, the semi-transparent bald alien king asked.

"Hey, that's strange. I checked all the rankings and didn't find any changes in the rankings." The poisonous tongue king looked confused.

The ranking list, whose full name is "Glory World Ranking List", is divided into seven lists.

Corresponding to the ‘first ranking list’, ‘second ranking list’ and ‘seventh ranking list’ respectively.

Inheritors at different levels are naturally classified into different rankings.

The rankings on the leaderboard are based on the number of battle victories and defeats.

"No way." The transparent bald alien didn't believe it, and a black book appeared in his hand.

The world of glory is a virtual world.

Human beings' virtual universe relies on "virtual assistants" to help realize many functions.

But this world of glory depends on this book, the black book they hold in their hands. "Huh? It's true!" The bald alien also looked at the rankings and found nothing unusual. "Hasn't the human realm master been to the 'Glory World' yet?"

"That should be the case, yes!" The Venomous Tongue King nodded.

After placing the Yuanchu gong.

Chen Zong flipped his hand, and an auxiliary optical brain appeared in his hand.

This is the induction receiver of the virtual world "Glory World".

Through the induction receiver, the consciousness quickly connected to the virtual world "Glory World".

Glory to the world.

At the edge of the open square, a figure appeared out of thin air, holding a black book in his hand.

"Is this the 'Glory World'?" Chen Zong looked around and felt that it was no different from the virtual universe, and then opened the black book in his hand.

on the first page.

There is only the word "name", and the back is empty, and the text is the common language of mankind.

"I am a human being, and writing is the common language of mankind. If it is a foreign race, it should be their writing." Chen Zong thought.

At this time.

"Please fill in your name in the Glory World." When Chen Zong turned over the first page, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Zhu Rong!" Chen Zong did not hesitate.


After the "name" on the first page, the word "Zhu Rong" appeared.

Then turn to the second page.

The second page was a map of the Glory World. At the same time, a voice sounded in Chen Zong's mind: "The Glory World is divided into two spaces, one is the Glory Open Air Square and the other is the Battle World. As long as you are within the Ancestral Mystic Realm, you can connect to Glory. world."

"Maybe it's not necessary, otherwise, with the strength of the Ancestral God Sect, this 'Glory World' wouldn't be so crude." Chen Zong guessed.

after all.

Even on Earth back then, Hong was able to use the auxiliary optical brain to build the "Ares Palace", and everyone in the "Ares Palace" had a private room.

The Ancestral God Sect is the largest force in the universe, and its members come from hundreds of millions of ethnic groups in the universe. It is impossible to build a good "virtual world" without this strength.

As long as you don’t want to, there is nothing you can’t do!
  Then, Chen Zong flipped through it casually.

"Glory World Ranking."

"Point of glory."

"Glory points can be exchanged for inheritance times."

There isn't much in this black book.

"Well, if you want to get an extra chance to inherit, then you can only come to this world of glory." Chen Zong's eyes flashed, "Let's take a look at the 'First Level Ranking' first."


"I'm the only one on the first level ranking list?"

Chen Zong was stunned for a moment.

How can I collect glory points from this?

"Hey, how could I forget this!" Chen Zong sneered.

There are more than 100 million inheritors on Bauhinia Island.

Among them, the Universe Venerable is extremely rare, and the number of inheritors of the Immortal King is still over 100 million!
  The inheritor who can come here is not a peerless genius?

Moreover, most of the newly arrived inheritors generally have some basic knowledge. There is really no one who is at the "first level". There will be more "second level" and "third level".

Chen Zong was lucky. Before he practiced the way of the beast god, he received the "Beast God Inheritance Order" given by the ethnic group.

Only in this way can you come to Bauhinia Island as soon as you reach the "first level".

Chen Zong looked at the list and found that the third-level inheritors were the most numerous, followed by the fourth-level inheritors, then the second-level inheritors, the fifth-level inheritors, the sixth-level inheritors, the seventh-level inheritors, and the first-level inheritors!
  The "First Level Inheritor" is the smallest number, which is 1!
  That is, Chen Zong has just joined, otherwise it will be 0!
  A little better than the "First Level Inheritors" are the "Seventh Level Inheritors", whose strength is extremely close to that of the Guardian Beast God. Their number is extremely rare, only a few dozen.

"It seems that if you want to get more glory points and exchange them for inheritance opportunities, you have to upgrade to the 'second level' first." Chen Zong sighed lightly, "But, I upgraded to the 'second level', Definitely at the bottom.”

after all.

In the battle in the Glory World, all inheritors use the same divine body, which is 10 times the power of the world master. The weapons must also be selected in the Glory World, they are all normal weapons!
  All treasures, treasures, etc. possessed externally disappear.

In other words, the external conditions are the same for all inheritors.

More importantly, during battle, only the law of fusion can be used to generate power.

"It seems that it is quite difficult to obtain additional inheritance opportunities!" Chen Zong shook his head gently.

As a newcomer, he currently only has 3 glory points.

And if you want to exchange for a inheritance opportunity, you need 100 glory points.

"Forget it, let's visit the Glory World first and get to know more friends." Chen Zong withdrew his eyes from the black book and looked at the center of the square.

I saw.

This square is actually an open-air bar. All kinds of wine and food appear in the center of the square for the inheritors to use as they please.

There are densely packed chairs in the entire square, and at a glance, you can see tens of millions of inheritors.

The appearance of Chen Zong has long attracted the attention of other inheritors.

prior to.

When the word Zhu Rong appeared on his black book, those inheritors discovered Chen Zong.

"Zhu Rong, it turns out that the name of the human realm leader is Zhu Rong."

"Hey, the ranking of 'First Level Inheritors' has changed."

"He is actually the first level?"

"My dear, it's been ten thousand years since I've been here, and this is the first time I've seen a 'first-level inheritor'!"

"This is even rarer than the 'seventh level inheritor'!"

"Are humans' Beast God inheritance orders so numerous that they are useless? They are actually given to a Realm Master who is only a "first-level inheritor"."

"Perhaps this Beast God inheritance order was not given by the ethnic group, but he got it by accident."

"That's quite possible!"

"Hey, what a pity. I originally wanted to issue an 'invitation to fight' to him. Now, he is only a 'first-level inheritor', and I am a 'second-level inheritor'. This invitation is a hammer!"

"Hahaha, then you can wait until he is promoted to the 'Second Level Inheritor' before inviting him to fight!"

"Hmm~~ It seems okay. I can only hope that he can live to become a 'secondary inheritor'."

"Alive? Hehe, it might be difficult."

"what happened?"

"The fact that Lord Zhu Rong can come here is enough to prove that he has the ability to be crowned king. This is a genius who emerged from tens of millions of epochs. The Zerg, Monster, and Machine tribes will definitely put him on their must-kill list. As long as he dares to go to the secret place, he will definitely be assassinated."

"What you said makes sense. It's a pity. It's my point of glory."

"But this is also our opportunity. If we can kill him, then wouldn't the 'treasure' he obtained today belong to us?"

"Hey, that's right. It seems that I will pay more attention to the whereabouts of Lord Zhu Rong in the future."


In the square, Chen Zong's appearance caused a sensation.

at this time.

Chen Zong looked at the center of the square and found that these inheritors obviously had groups, hundreds or even thousands gathered together, and each group was clearly distinct.

These groups are mainly formed according to the alliance of major forces in the universe.

There are many forces that are hostile to each other!

There is a strong sense of opposition between different groups composed of hostile forces, and their locations are far apart.

Come on, out of sight, out of mind!

"Where is King Chaman?" Chen Zong glanced at the edge of the square.

According to the information from the ethnic group, on Bauhinia Island, if you want to know something, you can go to King Chaman to find out the situation.

King Chaman is a very low-key king among the human race.

Although his strength cannot be called invincible, it is very close.

At that time, King Chaman had extremely dazzling talents and rose rapidly. He was valued by the human race and focused on training. However, King Chaman was stuck in the last step and could not break through to become the Lord of the Universe.

Just like King Zhenyan and King Qinglian, they have been trapped for infinite years.
  This made King Chaman lose the arrogance he once had and became much more low-key.

Many peerless geniuses have such a fate.

How many people can become the sages of the universe?

Just like the King of Seven Swords, who dares to say that he will definitely become the Lord of the Universe?
  At this time.

"Zhu Rong Realm Lord."

"Zhu Rong Realm Lord."

A figure floated over like lightning, and Lian Xian shouted.

Chen Zong looked around and saw that the person coming was none other than King Chaman. He immediately smiled and said, "King Chaman."

"Let's go, our Hongmeng members are all over there. These are from many other alliance groups." Wang Lian said through the voice transmission.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

After a while.

We arrived at a corner of the square.

"That's our place." King Chaman smiled.

Chen Zong looked ahead and saw that there were about a thousand strong men at a glance. Looking at the appearance and features of those strong men, they were indeed from many common ethnic groups in Hongmeng.

(End of this chapter)

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