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Chapter 237 Venerable Bomb

Chapter 237 Venerable Bomb

Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

On the mountainside of the huge mountain range, a waterfall crashed into the deep pool below, making roaring sounds.

Along with the roar, the splashing water mist enveloped the exquisite palaces next to the waterfall.

On the brackets at the top of these palaces, strange little beasts are either sitting cross-legged, lying flat, or standing up with their heads held high and opening their small mouths to swallow the surrounding water mist.

at this time.

In the main palace with the largest area in the palace complex, the Lord of Ganwu called out to Chen Zong: "Hanhai, don't worry yet."

"What's wrong?" Chen Zong looked at the leader of Qianwu Kingdom in confusion.

Waiting for rescue and telling the rescuers to take it easy?
  What's the point?
  Lord Yaoyang, Lord Jiuyan and others also looked confused.

"The thing is like this, the situation here is a bit special." The leader of Ganwu Kingdom looked a little heavy, and then explained the details of his trap to everyone.

"By the way, I also felt that the two tokens were very close to my location."

"You two should be the ones holding my two tokens."

After Gan Wu finished speaking, he looked at Chen Zong and Lord Yaoyang.

The others were exploring alone, but Chen Zong went to rescue Lord Yaoyang. The two tokens together, no matter what he thought, must be Chen Zong and the others.

"Well, I also feel my token. The distance from me is about 3 trillion kilometers." Chen Zong nodded, "And, according to your description of Ganwu, the one on the Nine Star Continent that can create a space transmission channel The treasure is probably in the dangerous place you are in."

Nine Star Continent?

A treasure that can create a space teleportation channel?
  Lord Tiandao, Lord Jiuyan and others looked puzzled.

On the other hand, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom showed a hint of realization on his face. The nine-color beam transmission channel should have been produced by that treasure.


He also knew why he had discovered the space blockade before but had not encountered any enemies.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Chen Zong briefly introduced the situation of Jiuxing Continent.

Nine Star Continent, because there are nine giant planets in the sky above the continent, this continent is called Nine Star Continent by the natives such as Venerable Yangyuan.

"At the end of all space transmission channels is the Nine-Star Continent. Therefore, Yaoyang and I speculate that this Nine-Star Continent may be the core area of ​​the Mirage Secret Realm." Chen Zong said.


The leader of Ganwu Kingdom and the others looked shocked.

"There is actually a natural formation to block space!" Lord Jiuyan sighed, and then a light flashed in his eyes, "By the way, the space blockade on Jiuxing Continent sometimes disappears for a short time. Could it be because of the space created by that treasure? During the transmission channel?"

"Master Jiuyan, what you said makes sense." Lord Yaoyang agreed.

Chen Zong and others also nodded in agreement.

"Tiandao, Heiyu, Jiuyan, you should also come to Jiuxing Continent. This will be the key area for our exploration." Chen Zong said.

"Okay!" Lord Tiandao and the others nodded slightly.

"By the way." Chen Zong looked at the leader of Ganwu Kingdom, "Your place is very strange and cannot be teleported to the Kingdom of God, so it will take a lot of time for my Immortal Emperor clone to reach you."

"Well, apart from being trapped, my life is not in danger. I can afford to wait." The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom said.

In the secret realm of mirage.

In the void, an energy vortex with a diameter of hundreds of billions of kilometers crazily devoured the surrounding cosmic energy. Walking in this energy vortex, a super planet with a diameter of more than 10 billion kilometers was full of life.

In the deep sea of ​​the super planet, Lord Tiandao waved his hand and collected a golden stream of water into the world ring.

"I didn't expect to encounter the 'Golden Silk Divine Water' here, and it covers about a cubic kilometer, hahaha." Lord Tiandao looked happy.

Gold-gilded divine water is a treasure that restores divine power and is a treasure used at the level of the Lord of the Universe.

For the Lord of the Universe, whose divine body is only about 10 meters long, as long as one cubic decimeter of 'golden gilded sacred water' is used, even if the divine body has been consumed to only 10%, it can be restored to 100% instantly.

"Huh? Nine Star Continent?" At this time, Lord Tiandao said in surprise.

"Uncle Master asked us all to go to the Nine Star Continent. Well, the most valuable treasure here has been collected by me, so let's go to the Nine Star Continent."

Lord Tiandao sensed the token and directly started the teleportation from the Kingdom of God.

The Lord Black Feather, the Lord of Jiuyan Kingdom, and the Immortal Emperor Chen Zong also started teleportation from the Kingdom of God to the Nine Star Continent.

As for the demon dragon Chen Zong, he sensed the token on Zeguo Zunhuang's body and then started the teleportation from the Kingdom of God.

"Greetings to the Ancient Emperor!" Emperor Zeguo and Emperor Manglei respectfully greeted Demon Dragon Chen Zong.

"Yes." Demon Dragon Chen Zong nodded slightly, and then said, "Come with me."

After saying that, Demon Dragon Chen Zong started teleportation from the Kingdom of God again and stepped into the teleportation channel. Zeguo Zunhuang and the others quickly followed.

Nine Star Continent, on the top of the towering snow mountains.

Yaoyang Palace is suspended on the top of the mountain, and Venerable Yang Kuan, who is tens of thousands of kilometers high, has inserted his roots into the snow-capped mountains.

At this time.

Five rays of light appeared around the Yaoyang Palace. Venerable Heavenly Sword, Venerable Black Feather, Immortal Emperor Chen Zong, Lord Jiuyan, Demonic Dragon Chen Zong, as well as Emperor Zeguo and Emperor Manglei stepped out of the light.

"I have met the master." Venerable Yang Kuan bowed his branches and bowed respectfully to Chen Zong.

"What a powerful aura!" Venerable Tiandao, Venerable Black Feather, and Lord Jiuyan were shocked when they saw Venerable Yang Kuan.

Although I had known that Venerable Yang Kuan was the top overlord of the universe before, the feeling of hearing it was still very different from seeing it with my own eyes.

Especially the Venerable Yang Kuan has not yet restrained his aura.

in this way.

They felt even more that Chen Zong’s strength was unfathomable!
  "Hiss!" They followed the direction of the salute of the Venerable Yang Kuan and saw the Demon Dragon Chen Zong, as well as Ze Guo Zun Huang and the others, and were shocked again.

Two more cosmic lords!
  And judging by his aura, his strength is no less than that of the senior venerable.

"Uncle Master, who are these two?" Although Venerable Tiandao had some guesses, he still asked.

"They are my subordinates, this is the Zeguo Emperor, and this is the Manglei Emperor." Demon Dragon Chen Zong introduced.


Everyone was horrified.

Including Venerable Yang Kuan, Uncle Master (Han Hai) already has three Venerable Universes under his command!

For a moment, especially the leaders of Ganwu Kingdom and Jiuyan Kingdom, they felt that their lives had been in vain these years.


Venerable Tiandao and others got to know each other with the two magical beasts.

"Well, Yang Kuan, tell everyone about the dangerous places you know." Demon Dragon Chen Zong looked at Venerable Yang Kuan.

"Yes, Master." Venerable Yangyuan introduced in detail, "I know the 'three dangerous places', and they are respectively."

After a while.

"The dangerous place that trapped Gan Wu is not any of these three dangerous places. It seems that the number of dangerous places on this nine-star continent may be more than these four. When exploring, be careful." Demon Dragon Chen Zong said.

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.

"Now, I will rescue Qian Wu first." After Immortal Emperor Chen Zong finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

"There is still a Universe Venerable on this continent, so I will go and deal with it. You should go explore the three 'dangerous places' first." Demonic Dragon Chen Zong said.

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.


The team of Venerable Yaoyang, Venerable Tiandao, and Emperor Zeguo, the team of Venerable Black Feather, Lord Jiuyan, and Emperor Manglei, and the team of Venerable Yangyu himself.

The three teams rushed to three dangerous places respectively.

call out!call out!
  A stream of white light and a stream of blood streaked across the sky back and forth.

"hold head high!"

Ahead, in the white stream of light, Venerable Yanzhi felt the extremely powerful aura behind him. He was so frightened that he burned his divine power crazily and increased his speed.

"Ha!" Ancient God Chen Zong smiled slightly, burning with divine power as well.

On the surface of the ‘sky boots’ under your feet, there are already five birds alive and flapping their wings.

  in a blink.

The ancient god Chen Zong then caught up with the Venerable Yanxu

"Leave it to me!" Ancient God Chen Zong stretched out his right hand and grabbed the Venerable Yanxu.

Suddenly. The dim night sky originally had a faint glow, but now it has fallen into extreme darkness.

"What's going on?" Venerable Yanxi felt that the time and space around him had completely solidified, and he was suddenly shocked.


At this time, Venerable Yanyi could not even struggle, only his consciousness could still move.

In the night sky, Ancient God Chen Zong looked at the micro-universe in his hand with a smile. He could see the situation in the micro-universe clearly.

"Original Universe Suppression!" Ancient God Chen Zong's consciousness directly dominated the micro-universe.

Imprisoned in the micro-universe, Venerable Yanxi suddenly felt a brilliant power from heaven.

This divine power even suppressed his consciousness.

The consciousness that was originally able to think easily now seems to be carrying a huge weight. Every time I think, it takes a lot of energy.

At this time.

In the endless darkness, a pair of huge golden pupils appeared out of thin air. Looking down at the Venerable Yanxi below, a stream of virtual divine power surged out from these golden pupils.

Followed by.

In the micro-universe, in the endless darkness, ten golden chains were born out of thin air. These chains were formed from the ten basic original laws.

These ten chains are like ten divine dragons, passing through the endless darkness, descending on the consciousness of the Venerable Yanxi, and binding his consciousness tightly!

The micro-universe further suppressed the consciousness of Venerable Yanxi.

"In this micro-universe, I don't know if we can forcibly enslave the Lord of the Universe." Chen Zong said softly, looking at the micro-universe filled with chaotic airflow in his hand.

This is his attempt.

In this micro-universe, weaker opponents are completely imprisoned, and only their consciousness can move.


As the master of the micro-universe, his consciousness is like the consciousness of the micro-universe.

It should be no problem to enslave the Lord of the Universe with the consciousness of a miniature universe, right?

As for the Venerable Yang Kuang, it was not forced by Chen Zong to enslave him, but the Venerable Yang Kuang himself agreed.


The virtual immortal power of the ancient god Chen Zong penetrated into the soul of Venerable Yanxu.

10% 20% 30% 60%

The soul of Venerable Yanxu has been penetrated by Chen Zong by about 70%.

At this time.

"hold head high!"

"Bury with me!"

Venerable Yanji roared wildly and directly chose to self-destruct.

I saw.

In the endless darkness, a white light suddenly lit up, and Venerable Yanzhi turned into a ball of violent energy light. Suddenly, the surrounding space and time trembled slightly, as if the time and space confinement was about to be broken.

Fortunately, the chains condensed by the ten original laws suppressed the violent energy ball.

"Huh? It failed!" Ancient God Chen Zong shook his head, and then he poured burning divine power into the micro-universe.


The time and space that was originally trembling slightly became stable again.

The power of the universe in the palm of your hand is not only related to the quantity and depth of law perception, but also to the quality and quantity of the divine power poured into it.

The more and profound the understanding of the law is, the stronger the suppression of consciousness will be.

The more divine power is instilled, the stronger the power of time and space confinement will be.

"It seems that although I have been recognized by the ten original laws, my understanding is not deep enough. Therefore, the micro-universe's suppression of consciousness is not enough." Chen Zong thought.


He looked at the miniature universe in his hand, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled in his eyes.

The miniature universe in his hand will always exist as long as he does not unravel it or it is destroyed by others.

Now, the self-destruction of the venerable inside has been suppressed.

However, this self-destruction does not disappear.

As soon as the suppression disappears, the violent energy ball will explode!

"Ha, although the experiment failed, it is not a loss. At least we got a 'Venerable Bomb'." Chen Zong collected the micro-universe into the Ancient God Space.

The reason why it is collected into the Ancient God Space instead of the World Ring is because the collection of the World Ring will be interfered by others, and the Ancient God Space. So far, Chen Zong has not found anything that can prevent him from collecting the World Ring from the Ancient God Space. Taking something inside.

"Go and meet Yang Kuan first!" After putting away the 'Venerable Bomb', Chen Zong started teleportation from the Kingdom of God.

Over the Nine Star Continent.

The sky is getting brighter, and nine colors of sunlight penetrate the clouds, each illuminating an area. There are also some areas that are illuminated by multiple types of sunlight at the same time.

These nine colors of sunlight are exactly the light emitted by the nine huge planets in the void, but this light is not like the light emitted by stars, but more like the light emitted by lights.

During the day, these nine giant stars are the 'sun', and at night, these nine giant stars are the 'moon'.

at this time.

Over the misty pothole.

A golden stream of light fell from the sky and landed on the edge of the pit. The golden light dissipated, revealing the figure of the Immortal Emperor Chen Zong.

"After several days of traveling, we finally arrived!" Immortal Emperor Chen Zong looked at the mist, and then contacted the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom in the virtual universe.

Virtual universe, Thunder Island, Chen Zong Palace.

"Gan Wu, I have now arrived at the 'Misty and Dangerous Land'. How is your situation now?" Chen Zong looked at Gan Wu.

"These days, I have tried my best, but it's still the same as before, without any gains." The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom sighed.

If the vast sea cannot rescue him, then if he wants to escape, he can only ask the Lord of the Universe for help.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded slightly, "Look at me next."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you," said the leader of Ganwu Kingdom.

Outside the foggy and dangerous place.

Immortal Emperor Chen Zong came to a bare stone mountain and sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

"It's strange that you can't teleport in this dangerous place, you can't identify the direction, and you can't teleport to the Kingdom of God." Immortal Emperor Chen Zong's eyes were full of curiosity, "I don't know if my innate secret method is useful."

"Catch the moon in the well!"

Immortal Emperor Chen Zong waved his hand, and a golden well suddenly appeared in front of him.

With the token as a coordinate, it saved him the trouble of searching aimlessly.

at this time.

What appears on the water curtain in the well is the scene in the misty and dangerous place.

A vast white mist!
  And in the mist, a vague figure was vaguely visible.

"Is it a witch?" Immortal Emperor Chen Zong's eyes narrowed.

The vast universe, a starry sky.

The three thoughts directly penetrated the endless space distance and descended in the starry sky, and three towering figures faintly appeared.

One of them is beautiful, with a faint and graceful figure surrounded by endless light. Just looking at its figure is enough to make a cosmic venerable become intoxicated.

A huge oval black sphere was suspended in another place.

The last figure was surrounded by millions of vague snake shadows. A huge silver-white snake head looked around, and the starry sky around it was completely distorted into a whirlpool.

"Mengcha, where is Zhenjiao?" the huge black sphere made a voice.

"We demon tribe, I can come." The silver-white snake head also made a voice.

Their voices were instantly transmitted to the other two parties. It seemed that the rule that the original limit speed of the universe was the speed of light did not apply to them at all.

"Well, in that case, it's time for us to talk." The huge black sphere made a voice again.

(End of this chapter)

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