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Chapter 239 Imitation of the Map of Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 239 Imitation of the Map of Mountains and Rivers

The blue water is turbulent, and the coast is piled with crystals of various colors brought from the seabed by the waves. These crystals bloom beautifully in the sun.

At first glance, this is a very ordinary world.


Beyond the high hanging sun is an endless white mist.

at this time.

In the white foggy void, a sky-covering giant palm covered with golden secret patterns suddenly appeared, and in the palm of this sky-covering giant palm, there was a sphere with chaotic air currents floating in it.

Followed by.

The giant palm covering the sky broke through the white mist and entered the world of turbulent waves.


The chaotic sphere in the giant palm that covered the sky trembled slightly, and then quickly spread to the surroundings, and endless darkness swallowed the world.

The waves crashing on the coast stirred up waves, and when darkness fell here, these waves were directly fixed in mid-air and no longer fell.

Even the turbulent waves, like waves, no longer move.

Outside the foggy and dangerous place.

On the top of the Stone Mountain, the Immortal Emperor Chen Zong burned his divine power crazily, pouring it into the miniature universe in his palm.

In just 90 seconds, he burned more than kilometers of his divine body.

Fortunately, the divine body of the World Tree clone in the Kingdom of God is huge, and it continuously transmits divine power to the Immortal Emperor Chen Zong. Otherwise, the Immortal Emperor Chen Zong would have burned out his divine body and died without anyone else taking action.

"Burn, keep burning, I want to see if the micro-universe can swallow that space and time." Immortal Emperor Chen Zong stared at the water curtain in front of him.

I saw.

In the water curtain, the miniature universe almost completely swallowed up the world.

Not a moment.

A bang.

Just like the sound of bubbles bursting, that world has been completely swallowed up by the micro-universe and imprisoned in endless darkness.

"Huh? There is still one?" After devouring a world, Immortal Emperor Chen Zong suddenly discovered that there were other worlds outside that world.

With a little counting, he counted the number of worlds. Including the world that had been devoured, the total was 360.

Among these 360 ​​worlds, he has seen one-tenth of them in the water curtain.

"After swallowing this world, the fog in the dangerous area has not changed at all. Is it going to swallow up all these worlds?" Immortal Emperor Chen Zong guessed.

"Then give it a try!"

Burning divine power like crazy, the micro-universe expands outward again.

The micro-universe can maintain a certain size, but the minimum diameter in the universe is at least 100 million kilometers, and it can also expand infinitely. There is no limit to this expansion. As long as the divine body can be consumed, it can expand infinitely.

Extreme darkness swept out, and the world closest to the micro-universe was gradually swallowed by the micro-universe.

Devouring a world, burning a divine body that is more than 90,000 kilometers away.

These 360 ​​worlds, plus the gaps between the worlds, require at least 400 divine bodies that are more than kilometers away.

With the World Tree clone as the source of divine power, Immortal Emperor Chen Zong can burn his divine body without any scruples.

As time goes by, there are fewer leaves in the World Tree clone in the Kingdom of God.

And 360 of the 66 ​​worlds have been swallowed up by the micro-universe.

"Continue!" Immortal Emperor Chen Zong kept burning his divine power.

Nine Star Continent.

In the bare valley, the black wind roared continuously. Even the strongest kings would fall instantly if they entered the outer black wind.

at this time.

Outside the valley, the figures of Lord Yaoyang, Lord Tiandao, and Emperor Zeguo appeared.

"Yinfeng Valley is indeed worthy of its reputation!" Sensing the cold aura, Lord Yaoyang said softly. He looked at Lord Tiandao and Lord Zeguo, "Let's go."

According to Venerable Yang Kuan, this Yinfeng Valley is different from the foggy and dangerous place. People will not get lost, but there will be risks. It is a relatively normal dangerous place.

The three of them entered the Valley of Shadows.

The dark wind on the outside could not cause any harm to them at all, and soon they entered the depths.

Deep in the depths, the dark winds are like sharp weapons. If you don't dodge, even the Lord of the Universe will lose some of his divine body.

"It's a tornado!" Master Tiandao looked solemn.

The tornado formed by this evil wind is so powerful that if it is hit, the damage caused by thousands of evil winds will be more serious.

"I'll do it." Lord Yaoyang stepped forward, made a fist with his right hand, shouted in a deep voice, and punched out.


A blazing sun rose behind him. This blazing sun rotated slowly, then wrapped around Lord Yaoyang's arm, shot out from his fist, and hit the tornado.


The cold tornado sizzled under the scorching sun.

Followed by.

The scorching sun burst out, endless heat waves spewed out, and the tornado suddenly collapsed.

"Hey, what is that?" Lord Tiandao looked towards where the tornado disappeared and saw a black crystal.

Lord Yaoyang also looked over, then stretched out his hand and sent out a burst of immortal power to lift the black crystal and put it in his hand.

After examining the black crystal in his hand, Lord Yaoyang recognized it: "This is the metal 'Wind Ultimate Crystal'. One crystal is worth 18 treasure points."

"Is this one worth 18 treasure points?" Venerable Tiandao showed surprise in his eyes.

Although he has just been promoted to the level of Universe Venerable, he is considered to be a mid-level Venerable, and in terms of combat power, he can barely be considered a high-level Universe Venerable.


Even though he is powerful, to be honest, he is very poor!

after all.

Before he was promoted to a venerable, he was just a junior disciple enjoying the resources of the clan, but now, he can no longer enjoy the resources of the clan for free.

If you want good things, you have to contribute to the clan and use your contribution points to exchange for the treasures you want.

Group contribution value?
  He doesn’t have much!

"Brother, leave the tornado here to me." Lord Tiandao was eager to try.

"Okay!" Lord Yaoyang nodded, then looked at Emperor Zeguo, "You can also choose a direction."

This Zeguo Zunhuang is a subordinate of his uncle, so he naturally has to take care of him.

"Yes." Ze Guozunhuang nodded.


Zeguo Zunhuang flew towards a tornado that looked relatively weak.

He is not ignorant of the situation in the outside world now. He knows that there are so-called secret methods in this world. There is a huge difference between fighting with secret methods and fighting without using secret methods.

As for the secret method taught to me by the ancient emperor, I have only scratched the surface of it so far!


Although he is at the level of a high-level cosmic venerable, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is only at the level of an ordinary venerable.

Shortly after.

All the tornadoes in this area were dealt with by them.

"Hehe, it's not like I've learned nothing." Emperor Zeguo looked at the six 'Wind Ultimate Crystals' in his claws and smiled.

Previously, before coming to Jiuxing Continent, Emperor Manglei obtained a special piece of metal and received praise from the ancient emperor. This made Emperor Zeguo secretly determined to find the treasure no matter what, contribute the treasure to the ancient emperor, and obtain the ancient emperor's treasure. of praise.

"Keep moving forward." Seeing the tornadoes around him disappear, Lord Yaoyang said.

"Yes!" Lord Tiandao and Lord Zeguo nodded.

Not long after.

In front of them, a black ocean appeared. The waves on the ocean were rough. The splashing waves did not fall into the ocean, but turned into a dark wind and rose into the sky, and then flew towards the periphery.

"The dark wind actually condensed into an ocean?" Lord Tiandao said in surprise.

"Tiandao, don't go into this Yinfeng Ocean. Without the strength of the overlord of the universe, it is too dangerous to go in." Venerable Yaoyang looked at Venerable Tiandao.

"Yes, senior brother." Lord Tiandao also knew his own strength, so he nodded.

"Emperor Zeguo, what about you, what are your plans?" Lord Yaoyang asked.

"I'll go in with you," Zeguo Zunhuang said.

"Okay!" Venerable Yaoyang looked at Zeguozunhuang seriously and agreed when he saw Zeguozunhuang's serious face.

of course.

More importantly, he asked his uncle in the virtual universe, but his uncle did not stop him.


They entered the sea of ​​dark winds, and the biting cold directly produced frost on their bodies.

Exploring the Yinfeng Ocean step by step, they also harvested some ‘Wind Research Crystals’.

As long as you can resist the damage, it is easier to obtain the 'Wind Crystal' in this sea of ​​wind than to destroy the tornado.

Lord Yaoyang is the overlord of the universe, and he can withstand the damage of this sinister ocean.

Zeguo Zunhuang can only damage him with his will attack, and material damage like this is nothing to him.


In front of them, strange beasts covered with pitch-black scales appeared. These strange beasts stepped on the sea and roared at Lord Yaoyang and the others.

"There are actually a group of strange beasts living here?" Lord Yaoyang exclaimed, "Fortunately, their strength is only at the immortal level, otherwise it would be difficult."


Lord Yaoyang and Lord Zeguo took action directly and swept away the alien beasts. Into the depths of the windy ocean.

Lord Yaoyang has begun to burn his divine power. He seems to have turned into a flame god, driving away the extreme cold in the ocean.

"Well, what is that?" Looking at the depths of the seabed, a huge black ball caught the eye of Lord Yaoyang, "Hiss, it turned out to be a super 'Wind Ultimate Crystal'. This one's The value is completely comparable to an ordinary treasure."

Lord Yaoyang immediately moved towards the black ball. However, the closer he got to the black ball, the coldness had already suppressed the flames on his body.

"This is a good place for cultivation!" Feeling the suppression, Lord Yaoyang was not unhappy, but instead showed excitement in his eyes.

He is already the overlord of the universe, and it is very difficult for him to break through and become the master of the universe.

But there is still a chance to sprint towards the top universe overlord.

And if you want to become the top overlord of the universe, it is impossible to achieve it without certain opportunities.

And now, the yin and cold attributes here can just perfect your yang attributes!
  "However, let's collect this treasure first." Lord Yaoyang took out the Yaoyang Palace directly. After entering it, the coldness of the Yinfeng Ocean had been blocked from the palace.

  Yaoyang Palace flew directly over the black ball. A palm covered with golden flames stretched out from Yaoyang Palace, grabbed the black ball, and then took it back.

The surrounding dark wind instantly filled the empty space!

Then, Yaoyang Palace left here and arrived outside the core area.

Lord Yaoyang appeared again in the Yinfeng Ocean, exploring whether there were other treasures.

The Nine Star Continent once again ushered in a dark night.

There are stars in the sky, and the nine 'suns' turn into the 'moon'. The soft moonlight shines on the nine-star continent, like a layer of gauze covering the continent, which is extremely magnificent.

at this time.

On the stone mountain outside the misty and dangerous land, the Immortal Emperor Chen Zong was burning with divine power, like a star, and the golden well in front of him was emitting dazzling golden light, dyeing everything around him golden.

And now.

Immortal Emperor Chen Zong did not care about the number of worlds swallowed by the micro-universe.

His current consciousness has been completely integrated into the micro-universe.

at this time.

The miniature universe itself is the Immortal Emperor Chen Zong.

Absolute mastery, absolute control.

At the same time, his consciousness also began to carefully study the entire micro-universe.

The thin film of the huge round spherical 'miniature universe' is the transformation of countless energy into a huge secret pattern of laws connected by the threads of laws, and turned into chaotic air flow.

The chaotic air current condenses into a thin film around this huge secret pattern.

This secret pattern of laws is in the shape of an elliptical sphere and is composed of hundreds of millions of criss-crossing threads of law. It is extremely complex. This set of secret patterns of laws is the operating rules of the micro-universe.


If he stops inputting energy, this micro-universe can still exist. However, once this micro-universe is formed, there are only two outcomes.

One is always present, the other is cracked and collapsed.

There is no possibility that the finalized micro-universe can change after re-inputting energy.

This is infinitely different from the original universe, it’s like heaven and earth!

A world of difference!

From this perspective, this set of 'secret patterns of laws' that form the micro-universe should be regarded as an extremely simplified initial pattern of the true operating rules of the original universe.

"Well, according to the information in the original work, the most powerful secret method given by the original universe is the top of countless secret methods in the universe, and all of them are perfect secret methods."

"And the most peak secret techniques can be broken down into 64 secret patterns."

"These 64 secret patterns contain the eight fusion laws. These eight fusion laws are also the perfect interpretation of the eight natural beast gods."

"The rules of the universe can also be divided into eight fusion laws."

"Studying the 64 secret patterns is to study the eight fusion laws, and to study the rules of the universe."

"If you can understand these 64 secret patterns, you will definitely be able to reach the top of the fusion law."

"Even if you don't understand it thoroughly, as long as you study it carefully, it will help you to follow the path of fusion law."


"You don't need to thoroughly understand the 64 secret patterns, and you don't need to understand the principles of each secret pattern. You just need to write them down, treat each picture as an element, and then combine the elements to create the secret method."

"Once successful, it is not impossible to create a simplified secret method with the most powerful talent secret method."

"This is the so-called secret pattern flow!"

"And once you achieve something in the Secret Pattern Stream, even if you have a low level of law awareness, you may be able to create a super secret method that exceeds the level of law awareness."

"In the original work, Luo Feng relied on the flow of secret patterns to create the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe in the immortal stage."

"I can also start from this aspect!"

"after all!"

"With the help of secret pattern diagram flow and normal law cultivation, progress will be faster, and the origin and mystery of the universe will be better understood, which will be of great help to cultivation."


"Luo Feng can view the 64 beast god statues in the beast god world and know what the 64 secret patterns look like from the beast god statues. But I first need to decompose the 'law secret pattern' of the micro universe into 64 secret patterns."

"This is much more difficult!"


"No matter how difficult it is, you have to give it a try. And from another perspective, decomposing the 'Secret Pattern of Laws' is also a kind of practice and an excellent way to understand the rules of the universe!"

Looking at the extremely complex and sophisticated micro-universe 'Secret Pattern of Laws', Immortal Emperor Chen Zong felt a little dizzy and had no idea how to start.

"Well, it seems that my thinking is a bit too simple!" Immortal Emperor Chen Zong sighed.

At this time.

There is another world in the micro-universe, and after this world appeared, the number of worlds that have been swallowed has reached 360.

That is
  All worlds are swallowed up by the micro-universe!

"It actually consumed 416 divine bodies of more than kilometers!" Immortal Emperor Chen Zong finally stopped burning his divine power and did a rough calculation.

at this time.

The 360 ​​worlds in the micro-universe gradually became blurred, and in the blink of an eye, all 360 worlds disappeared.


As the controller of the micro-universe, Immortal Emperor Chen Zong knew that these worlds did not really disappear, but existed in another strange way.


After those worlds disappeared, an open picture appeared in the center of the micro-universe.

There are mountains and water in the scroll, it is a complete painting, and the scenery in the painting is the same as the scenery in the world.

Above the scroll, in the endless darkness, a pair of eyes covered with golden lines stared at the scroll.

A ray of divine power fell and fell directly into the scroll.

Then, a piece of information poured into the mind of Immortal Emperor Chen Zong.

"Imitate the map of mountains and rivers?" Immortal Emperor Chen Zong was a little surprised.

Map of Mountains and Rivers, I seem to have heard this name somewhere, it seems to be a very high-end thing.


He looked further: "It turns out to be the pinnacle treasure!"

"If this is the true map of the country, it must be the most powerful and precious treasure!"


"What a powerful function!"

"This imitation of the Mountains and Rivers Map can actually give me the ability to control time and space in advance. Although it cannot be compared with the 'control of time and space' of the Lord of the Universe, it is still very powerful."

"If the Yggdrasil clone uses it to perform the innate secret method, then the power of the innate secret method 'Controlling Time and Space' will be at the level of the true Lord of the Universe!"


Immortal Emperor Chen Zong retracted his right hand and put away the Yuanchu gong. The golden water well also collapsed. At the same time, he also unlocked the micro-universe.

  The imitation mountain and river chart automatically rolled up and merged into the right hand of the Immortal Emperor Chen Zong.

I saw.

Immortal Emperor Chen Zong stretched out his right hand, and the burning divine power poured into the imitation mountain and river map in his hand. Suddenly, everything around him was under control.

"Hahaha, now, in addition to the World Tree clone, I, and other clones can use 'Control Time and Space'!"

"Although the control is weak, only the level of control of a normal immortal-level world tree, it still controls time and space!"


"Currently I can only activate the first form!"

"The second form should be able to activate after becoming the Lord of the Universe. By then, it should be no worse than the Lord of the Universe controlling time and space!"

Immortal Emperor Chen Zong said happily.

After a while.

He looked towards the misty land and saw that the white mist in the misty land had gradually dissipated, revealing a huge pothole.

At the bottom of the pit, there is a stone platform with a groove.

This groove looks very close to the outline of the imitation of the mountains and rivers.

"It seems that the imitation of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map was on that stone platform." Immortal Emperor Chen Zong.


The stone platform seemed to be weathering, turning into fly ash. At the same time, the surrounding time and space was still under the control of Immortal Emperor Chen Zong. He found that in addition to the stone platform, many ground veins were also weathering.

"Huh? What's going on?" Immortal Emperor Chen Zong's face was full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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