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Chapter 243 Year in a hurry

Chapter 243 A hundred years in a hurry
  Cold crystal danger.

Call ~
  The cold wind howled.

"Hahaha, Chen Zong, the surprise you brought me is not only the 'cold crystal stone', but also..." On the ice crystal snow mountain, the Lord of Dragon Walk looked at Venerable Yang Kuan who was standing behind the ancient god Chen Zong. .

"The top overlord of the universe."

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you would be able to conquer the top cosmic overlord."

The Lord of Dragon Walk was shocked.

You know, there are currently only three top cosmic overlords among the human race.

"Your strength is already at the level of the Lord of the Universe, right?" The Lord of Dragon Walk looked at Ancient God Chen Zong in surprise.

An immortal possesses the power of the master of the universe?
  This simply subverts the understanding of the Lord of Dragon Walk!
  "I hope so too!" Ancient God Chen Zong smiled and shook his head.

"Well, even if not, then you are still the top overlord of the universe." The Lord of Dragon Walk praised, "This is a great joy for the human race."

"Let's go see Chaos."

Ancient God Chen Zong nodded helplessly.

Originally, he wanted to hide it for a while and wait until he occupied this secret realm and completed the system tasks before revealing his strength to the outside world.


After previously revealing his strength in front of Lord Yaoyang and the others, he made up a reason and asked Lord Yaoyang, Lord Ganwu and others to temporarily keep the secret for him.

Unexpectedly, the ‘cold crystal stone’ actually attracted the Lord of Dragon Walk.

His reasons were not enough to convince the Lord of Dragon Walk, so he could only agree.

Virtual universe, the highest place on Thunder Island, Temple of Chaos.

"Chaos, good news!" The Lord of Dragon Walk shouted loudly as soon as he entered the hall.

"Oh, is there a lot of 'cold crystal stone' produced, or have you discovered other treasures?" the Lord of Chaos City said with a smile.

"No." The Lord of Dragon Walk shook his head, and then asked, "Chaos, do you know Chen Zong's strength?"

Before the Lord of Chaos City could speak, the Lord of Dragon Walk continued: "Hey, Chen Zong is now the fourth top cosmic overlord of our human race."

"The top cosmic overlord?" Chaos City Lord said in shock.

He immediately looked at Chen Zong.

"Senior brother, the Lord of Dragon Walk is right!" Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

"Not only that." Next to him, the Lord of Dragon Walk continued, "Chen Zong also subdued a special life top cosmic overlord."

The Lord of Longxing does not know about Zun Zun, Zeguo Zunhuang and Manglei Zunhuang for the time being.

of course.

Even if he knew, he would not compare these three with Venerable Yangyuan.

The Chaos City Lord was shocked again.

Although he was shocked that his junior brother's strength had reached the top of the universe, he could still accept it.

But the soul enslaves a top cosmic overlord.
  Even the masters of the universe who are not good at souls can't do it!
  Seeing the shock of the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Dragon Walk felt happy.

It was the same when he knew Chen Zong's strength before.


It’s much more interesting to see others shocked than to be shocked yourself!

"Senior brother, the Lord of Dragon Walk, it is pure luck that I can enslave the top cosmic overlord." Chen Zong smiled, and then briefly explained the enslavement process.

It was emphasized that Venerable Yang Kuang and the others had limited information and did not know what soul slavery was.

Hearing Chen Zong's words, the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Dragon Walk also looked surprised.

"Maybe this kind of good thing will never happen again in the future!" Chen Zong sighed.

"." Looking at Chen Zong who was sighing, the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Dragon Walk was speechless.

  Junior brother (Chen Zong) is so good at pretending!

This kind of thing will never happen to anyone else, but you will have it at least once.

And just this time, it can make countless strong men jealous!


"Junior brother, you now have the strength of the top cosmic overlord. Well, you can move the palace to the top of the mountain later." The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

"Senior brother, the palace matter is not urgent. I will stay on the mountainside for the time being." Chen Zong said, "By the way, senior brother, I want Yangyuan and Zhen to join Hongmeng."

"Okay." Chaos City Lord nodded.

"You can move whenever you want, and for your two subordinates, I will ask Hongmeng to invite them."


"Well, senior brother, I have one more thing." Chen Zong thought for a while and decided to say it.

"What's the matter? Tell me." The Lord of Chaos City asked curiously.

The Lord of Dragon Walk also looked at Chen Zong.

"I decided to open up the Ancient God Universe Kingdom, and the location was chosen in the territory surrounding the 'Mirage Secret Realm'." Chen Zong said seriously.

"And the 'Mirage Secret Realm'."

"I plan to make it the exclusive secret realm of my Ancient God Universe Kingdom!"

This time.

The Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Dragon Walk were both stunned.

"Open up the universe country?" Chaos City Lord frowned.

"Junior brother, I don't need to tell you. You should also know that you should focus on cultivation at the moment, rather than creating a cosmic kingdom."


"Look at the 1008 cosmic kingdoms of our human race. The people who created them are all below the level of the cosmic overlord."

"Do you know why?"

"That's because their potential is insufficient and it's difficult to go further."

"Which of those cosmic sages who aspire to a higher level has opened up the cosmic kingdom?"


"not even one."

"You shouldn't waste your energy on the Kingdom of the Universe."

The Lord of Chaos City persuaded.

"Chen Zong, Chaos is right. The most important thing for you now is to improve your strength and open up the universe country. You should leave it to others!" Next to him, the Lord of Dragon Walk also persuaded.

"Senior brother, Lord of Dragon Walk, I opened up the Universe Kingdom for the purpose of cultivation!" Chen Zong looked at the two of them.

"For practice?" The Lord of Chaos City asked doubtfully.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

He didn't continue.

Seeing Chen Zong's serious look, the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Dragon Walk looked away and looked at each other!

They also have the answer in their minds.

"Since you know what's going on, there's no reason for us to stop it," the Chaos City Lord said.


"Opening up a universe country is not a trivial matter and needs to be reviewed by the Supreme Council."

"Once the review is passed, the tribe will fully support you."

"When are you going to submit the bill?"

Opening up a universe country involves all aspects and is very complicated.

For example, foreign conquests, population migration, etc.

Especially in foreign wars.

The Lujiang tribe is a member of the Monster Clan Alliance. If they want to occupy their territory, it is tantamount to taking a bite out of the Monster Clan Alliance.

This is likely to cause a clan war!
  Without the support of the ethnic group, it would be difficult for Chen Zong alone to do it!
  "The motion will be submitted in a while," Chen Zong said.

"Yeah!" Chaos City Lord nodded.


Chen Zong and the Lord of Dragon Walk left the Chaos Temple.

Nine Star Continent, a dangerous place with cold crystals.

The Lord of Dragon Walk went to the depths of the Cold Crystal Dangerous Area alone.

The ancient gods Chen Zong and Yang Kuan did not follow.

after all.

If even the Lord of Dragon Walk couldn't find out clearly, it would be useless for them to go there.

In the cave of Yi.

"Yangyuan, this is an intelligent assistant. Let me teach you how to use it first." The ancient god Chen Zong took out an intelligent optical brain from the world ring and handed it to the Venerable Yangyuan.

Venerable Yangyuan took over the intelligent optical brain and recognized its master directly.

Then Chen Zong directly opened accounts for Venerable Yang Kuan and Venerable Quan.

As a senior member of the virtual universe, Chen Zong has the authority to directly open accounts for Venerable Yangyuan and the others.

"Okay, you can log into the virtual universe now." Ancient God Chen Zong said with a smile.

at the same time.

Elsewhere in the Nine-Star Continent, the Demonic Dragon's clone also gave Master Zhan an intelligent optical brain and taught him how to use it. Then, Venerable Yang Yuan and Venerable Yuan successively landed in the virtual universe.

Virtual universe, Hongmeng City.

On this day, Hongmeng City was a little livelier than usual.


In the inner city of Hongmeng, there is an extra palace, and it is not an ordinary palace, it is the palace where the Seven Star Overlord lives.

"Well, there is another seven-star overlord in Hongmeng."

"Who has been promoted to the hegemon of the universe?"

"do not know!"

"No, look, the palaces of Six-Star members have not decreased. Hey, there is actually one more palace."

In the inner city, King Wudi and the Venerables of the Universe were discussing.

And this time.

In an ordinary palace in the inner city of Hongmeng, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air.


Although Chen Zong possesses the top strength of the universe overlord, the Hongmeng system did not obtain this information, so it was not recorded, so he still appeared in Hongmeng City as a four-star member.


He walked out of the palace and walked towards the palace of Venerable Yang Kuan.

the other side.

Venerable Zhan also left his palace and walked towards the palace of Venerable Yangyuan.

"Hey, is that human Chen Zong?"

"He entered the palace of the new Seven-Star Overlord. It seems that he knows the new Seven-Star Overlord!"

"Who is that? I seem to have never seen him before. Hey, he also entered that palace."

"I just saw that he walked out of the new six-star palace."

"The two newly emerged powerful men know each other and the human Chen Zong. Could it be that the two of them joined the Hongmeng because of Chen Zong?"

"Well, what you said is very possible."

"Yes, some time ago, Chen Zong left Chaos City, presumably to go out to explore. During the process, he met these two strong men, and then invited them to join the Hongmeng."

Many Hongmeng members have been paying attention to the newly emerged palace.

In the palace of Venerable Yang Kuang.

"I've met the master!" Venerable Yang Kuan and Venerable Zhan bowed respectfully to Chen Zong who was sitting on the throne.

"Yes." Chen Zong smiled and nodded, "Let's go, I'll take you for a walk!"


He also needs Venerable Yang Kuan and Venerable Quan to do things for him. Naturally, he needs to take them two to understand Hongmeng City first and make more friends.

"Yes, Master." Venerable Yang Kuan and the others said respectfully.

"By the way, from now on, you don't need to call me master. Well, just call me 'Ancient Emperor'." Chen Zong, who had walked to the door, thought for a while and said.

"Yes, Ancient Emperor!" Venerable Yang Kuan and the others nodded.

The master's orders come first, and whatever the master says is what he says.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded with satisfaction, and then led them out of the palace.

The secret realm of mirage, the dangerous place of cold crystal.

The Lord of Dragon Walk has completed his investigation and returned to the Ice Crystal Snow Mountain.

"Well, the danger is quite high in the depths of this cold crystal dangerous place. Ordinary cosmic lords have to be careful. If you accidentally enter the cold current, you will definitely die." The Lord of Dragon Walk told the ancient god Chen Zong about the dangerous place. Deep situation.

"There are many such cold currents deep in dangerous areas."


"The depths of this dangerous place are also a dangerous place for ordinary universe lords."

"Well, the senior venerable is strong enough to be unafraid of most dangers."

"And in the center of the dangerous area, only the strength of the universe overlord can be safe."

"This is a map I drew. It marks the location of the 'Cold Crystal Stone' veins and also marks the dangerous places."

The Lord of Dragon Walk said this because he knew that the future owner of this Mirage Secret Realm was Chen Zong.

And this Hanjing dangerous land naturally belongs to Chen Zong.

Informing Chen Zong of the situation deep in the dangerous area can save Chen Zong some effort.

"Thank you Lord Longxing." Ancient God Chen Zong saluted and thanked him.

"Well, by the way, it's best not to mine all of this 'cold crystal stone' at once." The Lord of Dragon Walk ordered.

"When mining each 'cold crystal stone' vein, it is best to only mine half of it."


"The 'Cold Crystal Stone' vein can be restored in a short time!"

The Lord of Dragon Walk said it in great detail.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.


The Lord of Dragon Walk then told Chen Zong about the special formation formed by the Nine Star Continent, nine giant stars, and countless suspended islands.

"Chen Zong, if you want to maintain the 'space blockade', then the most important thing to pay attention to is the suspended island." The Lord of Dragon Walk said.

"There are so many suspended islands. If one of them collapses, the 'space blockade' will disappear."

"The best thing to do is to transform and strengthen these islands."

Hearing the words of the Lord of Dragon Walk, Ancient God Chen Zong was suddenly enlightened.

It turns out that we need to look at the continent, superstars, and islands as a whole to truly discover the truth.

But before, I could only detect part of the area by using the "Control of Time and Space" modeled on the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map.

No wonder nothing was found!

As for space blockade, of course it is reserved.

Just like some important places of the human race, space blockades are also set up.

For example: Earth!
  "Well, thank you Lord Longxing!" Chen Zong cupped his hands and thanked him.

If it weren't for the reminder from the Lord of Dragon Walk, he really wouldn't have paid much attention to the hanging island.

"Okay, the cold crystal dangerous area has been explored. I also took some of the 'cold crystal stones', and it's time to leave." After finishing speaking, the Lord of Dragon Walk stood up.


He would have been stationed here for a while, but after discovering that Chen Zong had the strength of a top universe overlord and had a top universe overlord subordinate, he put this idea aside.

As long as he didn't meet the Lord of the Universe, Chen Zong would have no problem at all.

of course.

He also left his own token for Chen Zong in case of emergency!

Therefore, he will leave with peace of mind.

at this time.

There was a slight fluctuation in the heart of the Lord of Dragon Walk.

With the 'cold crystal stone', in reality, I can refine the top treasure 'Celestial Golden Armor'!

"Farewell to the Lord of Dragon Walk!" Ancient God Chen Zong bowed slightly.

The Lord of Dragon Walk nodded slightly, then his figure flickered and disappeared.

Time flies.

100 years in a blink of an eye.

Above the Nine Star Continent, on every suspended island, there is a magical beast at the peak of the King's level.

They guard the hanging islands.


The island in the central lake of Jiuxing Continent, which is the birthplace of Venerable Yang Kuan, is called Huxin Island!
  The island in the center of the lake has a diameter of tens of billions of kilometers.

at this time.

In the center of the island in the middle of the lake is a giant mountain range 100 million kilometers long and tens of millions of kilometers high. Venerable Yangyuan re-established his roots on the mountainside.

At the highest point of the mountain range is a towering temple that is more than one million kilometers high.

This majestic temple is the ancient palace of Chen Zong.

Inside the ancient palace.

Chen Zong, Venerable Yaoyang, and Lord Qianwu gathered together to discuss the exploration of the secret realm.

And at the other end of the wormhole.

In the void, the Immortal Emperor Chen Zong is still searching for the venerable Yujing clan.

"Catch the moon in the well!"

Immortal Emperor Chen Zong once again used his innate secret method.

"Huh? Venerable Jiansi, haha, I finally found you!" Immortal Emperor Chen Zong said happily when he saw a figure in the water curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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