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Chapter 254 Battle against the Lord of Predators

Chapter 254 Battle against the Lord of Predators
  Virtual universe, Temple of the Great Ax.

The masters of the universe of the human race came one after another and sat in their seats.

"What happened? Why was another 'Axe Meeting' convened so soon?" The Lord of Huangjian, who had complex scales all over his body and three sharp horns on his head, asked in confusion.

The last time the Giant Ax meeting was held, it was because Chen Zong from Virtual Universe Company contributed information about the 'Law of Chaos'.

these years.

Most of the universe masters of the human race have begun to follow the 'law of chaos route'.

Each of them followed the 'Way of Time and Space' to become the Lord of the Universe. Therefore, they are now trying to integrate the laws and follow the way of the Beast God.

With the strength and vision of the Lord of the Universe, he has basically made some progress in following the path of the Beast God.

"I don't know!" Lord Qingdong of the First Bank of the Universe shook his head.

At this time.

The masters of the universe from the virtual universe and the giant ax fighting arena also arrived one after another.

On the main seat, a giant ax with disheveled hair also appeared out of thin air.

"Everyone is here!" From the main seat, Juaxe glanced around and said with a smile.

"Today is a great day for our human race. Our human race has another Master of the Universe." Giant Ax said with a smile, and then he looked at the Lord of Chaos City, "Chaos, the new Lord of the Universe is the Virtual Universe. It’s up to you to tell everyone about the company.”

From Metaverse?
  The appearance of the ‘Master of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace’ suddenly appeared in everyone’s minds.

"Chaos, Tian Eclipse has finally become the Lord of the Universe? Congratulations!" Master Peng Gong of the Universe Galaxy Bank congratulated.

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Others also congratulated.

"." The Lord of Chaos City smiled and shook his head, "The new Lord of the Universe is not Eclipse."

"Uh? No?" Everyone was stunned.

"If it's not him, who else could it be?" Master Peng Gong asked doubtfully.

In their opinion, there are only three people who are most likely to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe at this time, namely the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace, the Lord of the Ancestral Tree, and the Lord of the Star Prison.

The Lord of the Celestial Eclipse Palace belongs to the Virtual Universe Company.

If it wasn't the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace who was promoted to the Lord of the Universe, they couldn't think of who it was.

Disciples of Chaos, Guiyi and Golden Ax are both possible!
  "It's Chen Zong!" said the Lord of Chaos City.

"Chen Zong?"

"how is this possible?"

"Chaos, are you sure you're not mistaken? He has only been practicing for a long time, how can he be promoted to the 'Lord of the Universe'?"

The masters of the universe said in surprise.

Even the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Ice Peak, who were part of the Virtual Universe Company, looked in disbelief.

Although they knew that as long as Chen Zong did not fall, he would become one of them sooner or later.

  Some time ago, Chen Zong had just been promoted to immortality, right?
  How could he become the master of the universe all of a sudden?
  "Chen Zong does have the strength of the Lord of the Universe, well. As for the training time, he said that he practiced for a long time in a place where time flows very fast." The Lord of Chaos City said.

Time acceleration zone?
  The doubts in everyone's hearts have been reduced a lot, but they are still a little unbelievable!

At this time.

On the main seat, Juaxe said: "Chaos, let Chen Zong come over!"

"Yeah!" Chaos City Lord nodded.

The Lord of Chaos City immediately left the Great Ax Temple, returned to his palace, and appeared in front of Chen Zong.

"Junior brother, follow me to the Great Ax Temple." The Lord of Chaos City said as soon as he appeared.

"Senior brother, wait a minute!" Chen Zong suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Chen Zong doubtfully.

"Something happened here and I can't be distracted. I'll go there after I finish handling the matter." After Chen Zong finished speaking, he exited the virtual universe.

"This" Chaos City Lord was stunned.

What happened that was more important than going to the ‘Great Ax Temple’?
  But Chen Zong didn't say anything, so he couldn't ask again.

The Lord of Chaos City returned to the Great Ax Temple.

"Huh? Chaos, why are you here alone, where is Chen Zong?" Juaxe asked in confusion from the main seat.

Others were equally confused.

"Uh." The Lord of Chaos City was a little embarrassed, "Chen Zong said he had important matters to deal with, and he would come back after they are done."

"Huh, deal with things? Is there anything more important than attending the 'Great Ax Meeting'?" The Lord of Virtual Gold had some anger on his face.

Lord Peng Gong also looked a little displeased: "Chaos, this 'Giant Ax Meeting' is to welcome Chen Zong to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe. It's not impossible for us to wait for him, but we are all busy and can't wait for him. Too long!"

"Since he said he would come over later, it shouldn't be long!" said the Lord of Chaos City.

"Okay, let's wait a moment!" From the main seat, the giant axe spoke.

The giant axes all spoke, and the others said no more.

The ancient mysterious realm and the Flame Mountains.

The Lord of Prey and Raccoon showed no mercy as soon as he took action, and the virtual power was like a tsunami, rushing down Chen Zong below.

He knew that the human King Hanhai had a clone.

The most effective way to deal with opponents with clone abilities is soul attack.

And he is the Lord of the universe, and the human King of the Sea is just immortal.


It is not a problem at all for the soul to enslave the human King Hanhai!

The Lord of Prey and Raccoon looked like he had everything under control.

A look of joy!
  And below.

When Chen Zonggang discovered the Lord of the Birds of Prey, he took back his consciousness in the virtual universe, and at the same time extracted most of the consciousnesses of other clones and concentrated them on his original body.

The 'Imitation Mountains and Rivers Map' separated from the Immortal Emperor's clone through the coordinate points and merged into Chen Zong's right hand.

at the same time.

Chen Zong also virtualized his divine power, and the virtualized divine power formed a protective shield around him.

Although in terms of divine power, Chen Zong is inferior to the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons, his will and consciousness are not weaker than the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons.


In each of its divine powers, there is a miniature ‘magic mountain’.

These 'Fantasy Mountains' echoed each other, forming a huge virtual 'Fantasy Mountain'. Then, this virtual 'Fantasy Mountain' was integrated into the virtual protective shield, protecting Chen Zong in the center.

The defensive ability of the protective shield has been increased by an unknown number of times!
  The virtual power of the Lord of Prey and Raccoon bombarded the virtual protective shield. Not to mention breaking the protective shield, even a slight shake of the protective shield could not be done.

"Huh?" The Lord of Predators was stunned.

"how is this possible?"

"A mere immortal can actually block the penetration of my soul?"

"The soul-type treasure is definitely the soul-type treasure, and at least it is a high-level soul-type treasure!"

The Lord of Prey and Raccoon had excitement in his eyes.

Although soul enslavement failed, he didn't care.

He cares more about high-level soul treasures!
  Even though he was the master of the universe, he was only lucky enough to obtain one of the high-level treasures of the soul - the Sun Golden Wheel.


The ‘Sun Golden Wheel’ has now become a top soul treasure!

But no one would think that they have too few treasures!
  just now.

A high-level soul treasure is right in front of you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"Golden Clouds Half Moon Slash!"

In order not to cause trouble, the Lord of Birds of Prey directly used a decisive move!

I saw.

The Moon Golden Wheel flew out from the Lord of Prey and Raccoon Dog, and with a sudden collision, it transformed into countless tiny 'Moon Golden Wheels', forming a golden glow, and then rushed towards Chen Zong like a waterfall.

next to.

Seeing the golden clouds, Venerable Jiansi was startled and immediately retreated!

This 'Golden Clouds Half-Moon Slash' is the famous move of the Lord of Predator and Raccoon Dog. On the 'Primordial Star', he had seen the Master of Predator and Raccoon Dog perform it before.

Extremely powerful!

  The power that time was far from comparable to the power this time. "The strength of the Lord of Birds and Raccoons is stronger than before!" Venerable Jian Si was delighted, "Is it because of the crescent-shaped treasure?"

No matter what the reason was, Venerable Jiansi didn't care.

As long as the Lord of the Birds of Prey becomes stronger!

after all.

The Lord of Predators and Raccoons is his backer!
  With a strong backer, he also benefits from it!

"Hmph!" Chen Zong snorted coldly when he saw the golden clouds approaching, "Lord of the Birds of prey, you really think I'm easy to bully!"

Chen Zong burned his divine power, and a monstrous force rose into the sky, and at the same time he used 'Control Time and Space'.


The surrounding one trillion kilometers of space and time suddenly became a space and time controlled by Chen Zong.

"Control time and space." The Lord of Prey and Raccoon was extremely shocked. The golden hair on his head suddenly stretched straight, "You still have this aura. Are you the Lord of the Universe?"

"How can it be!"

"What's impossible?" Chen Zong said coldly, "Lord of the Predator, you are my first opponent after becoming the Lord of the Universe. I hope you won't let me down!"

"Endless Sword Sea!"

Chen Zong wanted to see the gap between himself and the Lord of the Universe, but he did not directly use the 'Universe in the Palm' and 'Virtual God Annihilation'.

He turned his hand over and the ultimate treasure, the Oracle Sword, appeared in his hand.


The oracle sword was unsheathed, the turbulent flow of time and space, and the endless sea of ​​swords merged, facing the golden glow.

It's like two oceans colliding in the void.

  Although the combination of 'turbulent flow of time and space' and 'endless sea of ​​swords' is no less powerful than the Lord of the Universe's peak secret technique, the Lord of the Rooster's 'Golden Clouds Half-Moon Slash' is the ultimate secret technique of the Lord of the Universe.

The strengthened sword sea was torn into pieces under the impact of the golden clouds.

  The sea of ​​swords suddenly collapsed!

"What a powerful secret technique at the pinnacle of the Lord of the Universe!" High in the sky, the Lord of Predator and Raccoon Dog was a little surprised.

The ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe was able to temporarily block his ultimate secret method of the Master of the Universe, which was beyond his expectation.

Facing the golden clouds rushing towards my eyes.

"The universe in the palm of your hand!" Chen Zong muttered silently in his heart.

He slapped his right hand forward.


In the palm of his hand, a 'miniature universe' entwined with chaotic airflow appeared.


The World Tree clone in the Kingdom of God, the Immortal Emperor clone on the Nine-Star Continent, and the Demon Dragon clone in the Ancient God Space also burned their divine power. The three 'micro-universes' followed the coordinate points and merged into the 'micro-universe' in the palm of Chen Zong's hand. '.

One 'miniature universe' is equivalent to the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe. The power of four 'miniature universes' is considered to be at the pinnacle level among the many ultimate secret methods of the Lord of the Universe!

This 'miniature universe' also incorporates the 'Sealing Heaven and Earth' that 'imitates the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map'.

Its power even exceeds the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe and reaches the level of the strongest secret method of the Lord of the Universe!
  at this time!

The 'miniature universe' in Chen Zong's palm expanded instantly, swallowing up the golden glow in the blink of an eye.

The golden glow fell into the realm of endless darkness, and the light it emitted could not penetrate the darkness at all.


The originally surging golden clouds were now motionless!
  But the 'miniature universe' did not stop expanding and continued to move towards the Lord of Birds and Raccoons at the height, Venerable Jiansi.

high in the sky.

Venerable Jiansi's expression changed drastically when he saw the 'miniature universe' entangled by chaotic air currents.

"This is the Palm Technique of the Ancient Lord. It's him. It turns out to be him, the Lord of Birds of Prey, and the human King Hanhai is the 'Ancient Lord'!" Venerable Jiansi said in horror.

"not good!"

"This palm technique is stronger than before!"

He had learned the ancient master's palm technique before, and it was extremely powerful.

If it weren't for the flying palace treasure, he would have been killed!
  But now.

Venerable Jiansi felt the boundless pressure brought by the 'miniature universe', as if he was facing the vast universe, and he could not even think of resisting.


There was a look of confusion in Venerable Jiansi's eyes.

This time in the 'Micro Universe', Chen Zong also used the 'Spirit Realm Phantom'.

The original consciousness of a 'miniature universe' is so majestic that the illusion it displays is extremely powerful and can even affect the Lord of the universe.

And Venerable Jiansi, who was not yet the Lord of the universe, fell directly under the attack of the illusion attached to the 'miniature universe'!

Just relying on illusions, it is still a little short of killing the Venerable Jiansi.

"He is the Ancient Lord?" The Lord of Prey and Raccoon was stunned.


He then saw that his Moon Gold Chakra was suppressed.

Can't take it back.

The Lord of Birds of Prey was shocked!

"Moon Golden Wheel!" The Lord of Prey and Raccoon suddenly became anxious and burned his divine power to take back the Moon Golden Wheel.

In the 'miniature universe', the golden glow suddenly emitted a strong golden light, trying to break through the double suppression of the 'miniature universe' and 'suppression of mountains and rivers', causing ripples in the surrounding space and time.

"Huh?" Chen Zong frowned.

This was the first time he had seen this situation.

  Fortunately, no matter how hard this golden glow struggles, it will only cause ripples in time and space, but cannot truly escape.

"Damn it, I was suppressed to death." The Lord of the Birds of Prey cursed angrily.

This palm technique is already the strongest secret technique level of the Lord of the Universe!
  How could the human King of the Sea break through the Lord of the Universe quietly, and be so powerful!
  Do I have to give up the Moon Gold Wheel I just got?

Absolutely not!

The Moon Golden Wheel and the Sun Golden Wheel are a set of treasures. If any one of them is lost, the power will be reduced by one level.

That's all.

I don't believe it, can your secret method trap a Lord of the Universe?
  The Lord of the Birds and Raccoons was cruel. Not only did he not avoid the 'Micro Universe', but he rushed into the 'Micro Universe'.

Next to him, the Venerable Jiansi who fell into the illusion was swallowed into the "miniature universe" without even realizing it, falling into endless darkness, far away from the golden glow.

at this time.

Within the ‘Micro Universe’.

"What a strong binding force!" The Lord of the Birds and Raccoons said in shock.


After all, he is also the Lord of the third-order universe. Although this binding force is strong, it cannot completely restrict his actions.

"Golden Feather Ningsha!"

Countless golden feathers suddenly floated out from the body of the Lord of Prey and Raccoon Dogs. These feathers seemed to have been weathered for a long time. In less than 0.001 seconds after they appeared, they all turned into grains of golden sand.

The golden sand formed a golden sea of ​​sand beside the Lord of Prey and Raccoon Dogs.

This is the high-level treasure of the Lord of Birds and Raccoons - Golden Feather Ningsha.

The Golden Feather Condensed Sand is a metallic treasure. Before possessing the 'Sun and Moon Golden Wheel', it had always been the most powerful treasure possessed by the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons.

In the sea of ​​​​sand, the restraint of the Lord of Predator and Raccoon Dog was greatly reduced.

He quickly moved closer to the 'Moon Golden Wheel'.

At this time.

A blue sword fell from the sky, blocking the way of the Lord of Predators.


A figure exuding this vast aura slowly descended and stood at the hilt of the azure blue sword. It was Chen Zong!

"Huh?" The Lord of the Predator frowned, "The Ancient Lord, do you really want to fight me to the death?"

(End of this chapter)

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