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Chapter 257 Helping Hand

Chapter 257 Helping Hand
  Metaverse, Thunder Island, Temple of Chaos.

In the main hall, the chaotic air flow is still permeating the air. Looking through the chaotic air flow to the top of the main hall, you can see a floating place.

On the suspended land.

The huge, simple green-gray round table is surrounded by endless airflow. There are six huge stone chairs next to this blue-gray stone table. At the same time, there are complex carvings on the backs of each stone chair. Even the blue-gray stone table is surrounded by endless airflow. They all have a large number of carvings and pictures.

There was a picture carved in it. There were three strong men saluting one strong man respectfully. There was a single strong man killing everyone. There were also two strong men joining forces to attack a group of strong men.

The carving is very abstract.

At this time.

Six figures came from a distance.

"Junior brother, this is the gathering place for the universe masters of our Virtual Universe Company. This is your first time here. Well, you can sit there." The Lord of Chaos City walked to his place, sat down directly, and then Point to the second position on the left.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded.

He has read the original work and naturally knows this place.

He also knew clearly that the characters carved on the stone table were the original ancestors, the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness and others.

Chen Zong walked to his stone chair and noticed the carvings on the back of the stone chair. In the center of the carving was the scene of Chen Zong crushing the Lord of Predators and killing the Lord Jiansi. Next to it, The scene of countless magical beasts respectfully worshiping Chen Zong.

"Huh? It seems that in the eyes of senior brother, the value of the magical beast is lower than that of the Lord of the Universe." Chen Zong thought in his mind.


In my opinion, even the ten or eight universe masters cannot compare with the magical beasts.

Although the current magical beasts are very weak, they have huge potential.


Now the formation of the 'Bronze Giant Pillar' in the Divine Hall of Illusions has been activated, giving the Divine Illusion Beasts an opportunity to grow.

As long as there is enough time, it should not be a big problem to cultivate hundreds of universe lord level divine beasts.

after all.

In the fantasy world, there are as many continents as stars, and on every ordinary continent, there are at least tens of millions of mythical beasts living, and every mythical beast is at the immortal level.

Pulse master-level (king-level) phantom beasts are measured in hundreds of millions.

The base of magical beasts is really huge!
  After cultivating hundreds of lord-level divine beasts of the universe, Chen Zong was actually being humble.


Chen Zong didn't want to reveal more. After all, he currently didn't even have a Lord of the Universe level divine beast under his command.


Even if Chen Zong really said it, Chaos City Lord and the others would think Chen Zong was crazy!
  You must know that the human race has been an extremely powerful race in the original universe since the early days of the original universe. However, the number of masters of the universe, including Chen Zong, is only 19.

Cultivate hundreds of universe masters?

Arabian Nights!

Maybe you can think about it when you dream!
  I wouldn’t even dream of doing this!

at this time.

Everyone has already taken their seats.

In terms of strength and status, the Lord of Chaos City is naturally the leader of the virtual universe.

at this time.

"We haven't been together like this for a long time, and today, our virtual universe has an additional universe master." The Lord of Chaos City swept his eyes and stopped at Chen Zong, "Welcome, junior brother. "

"Welcome you (Junior Brother/Uncle/Chen Zong)" The Lord of Dragon Walk, Lord of Ice Peak, Lord of Darkness, and Lord of Youhou also looked at Chen Zong and said with a smile.

The Lord of Darkness has a bald head and skin as white as jade. He is covered in a black coat. Inside the black coat is a strange armor that combines silver and black. His whole body is filled with an evil and dark aura.

His eyes were looking at someone, as if a poisonous snake in the dark was spitting out its core from the back of someone's neck.

The Lord of Youhou, the direct disciple of the Lord of Darkness, has a tall and thin body. Each of his ears has a curved upward, like two scythes. There is also an eye between his eyebrows. He is wearing a set of dark blue armor in the shape of scales. Because he is in a virtual world. The universe is therefore not burdened with his iconic 'Youhou Thorn'.

The Lord of Dragon Walk, as seen last time, has a body as tall as a mountain, with a dragon tail extending out from behind. He is an early veteran of the Virtual Universe Company.

The Frozen Lord is a gray-haired man with gray hair on his temples who carries a sword on his back. He wears an ancient battle armor with blood stains. He looks extremely handsome. However, he has an extremely cold and lonely personality and is very difficult to get close to. However, in many important matters Always doing great.

"Thank you all." Chen Zong responded with a smile.

"The birth of one more Lord of the Universe is a blessing for my lineage in the virtual universe, and also a blessing for our humanity." The Lord of Chaos City smiled, "And what you don't know is that Chen Zong has not truly broken through the Lord of the Universe, and he is still Lord of the Universe.”

The Lord of Darkness and others looked shocked.


"Lord of the Universe?"

"How could the Lord of the Universe suppress the third-level Lord of the Universe?"

"Senior brother, are you kidding?"

Before, they were also shocked when they heard that Chen Zong was promoted to the Lord of the Universe. However, when they heard that Chen Zong had been practicing for a long time in a place where time flows very fast, they were relieved and understood.

  Now the Lord of Chaos City said that Chen Zong is still just the Lord of the Universe and has not broken through to the Lord of the Universe.

This shocked them even more than Chen Zong's breakthrough to the Lord of the Universe.

"Really?" Even the extremely indifferent Lord of Ice Peak widened his eyes.

The Lord of Chaos City smiled and did not speak, but looked at Chen Zong.

Chen Zong understood, nodded and said: "Senior Brother Chaos is not wrong, I am indeed the Venerable of the Universe."


"Even if I really advance to become the Master of the Universe, my combat power will only increase by one level at most."

"Compared to now, it's not much different."

It seems that it is difficult to enhance the level of life genes, treasures, etc.

Being promoted to the Lord of the Universe only makes the divine body more powerful.

of course.

This is without counting the secret techniques into combat power.

Chen Zong has not yet created the Master of the Universe's peak secret method, the Master of the Universe's ultimate secret method, or even a stronger secret method.

If it is created, the ability to continue fighting will be stronger. When encountering the Lord of Birds and Raccoons again, there will be no need to use the 'Ancient God Broken Star' and the extremely consuming 'Virtual God Nirvana'.

After hearing Chen Zong's words, everyone was shocked and speechless.

Just one step up?

You know, the first few levels of Lord of the Universe are relatively easy to upgrade, but when you reach the third level to the fourth level, and the fourth level to the fifth level, the difficulty increases almost geometrically!
  As for level 5 to level 6, it is not a matter of strength, but a matter of luck.

Only a master of the universe who is extremely lucky can obtain the 'Supreme Treasure' and become a sixth-level master of the universe.

just now.

Chen Zong's weakest strength is at the top level of the third level. If he goes to the next level, he will be the fourth level master of the universe.

Most of the universe masters of the human race are second- and third-level universe masters. It is unknown how much time it will take to become a fourth-order universe master.

And Chen Zong only needs to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe, and he will be the fourth-level Lord of the Universe.

No one here would think that Chen Zong could not advance to the Master of the Universe.

just now.

After receiving Chen Zong's confirmation, the Lord of Darkness and others were even more excited.

They know that Chen Zong has three major clones, that is to say, the three fourth-order masters of the universe have combat power!
  The stronger Chen Zong is, the more blessing he is to the Virtual Universe Company and the human race.

of course.

This is because they don't know that Chen Zong also has a World Tree clone. If they knew, they would definitely be even more shocked.

After a while.

The Lord of Chaos City smiled and said: "Junior brother, do you have any plans for your title of Lord of the Universe?"

"The title of Lord of the Universe?" Chen Zong thought slightly.

"Well, you were called the 'King of the Vast Sea' before. Under normal circumstances, after you are promoted to the Lord of the Universe, your title will be the 'Lord of the Vast Sea'." The Lord of Chaos City said.


"If you are not satisfied with the title of 'Lord of the Vast Sea', you can change it."

"After becoming the Lords of the Universe, they may have some ideas, so most of the Lords of the Universe will change their titles. Like me, I was entrusted by the teacher to sit in Chaos City. In order to keep myself in mind of the teacher's instructions, I gave myself Change it to 'Chaos City Lord'."

Chen Zong also knows this.

When some masters of the universe are weak, they do not dare to use some unnatural titles, as this will arouse the contempt of other beings.


When the strength increases, ambitions, goals, etc. will also change, and the title of the universe will be changed.

"A title?" Chen Zong thought for a while, "Let's call him 'Lord of the Ancients'."

This name of 'Ancient Lord' was just used to scare the strong men of the Longjian tribe, but now, Chen Zong feels pretty good about it.

And it suits me very well.

"The Ancient Lord?" The Lord of Chaos City smiled and said, "The Ancient God?"

The Lord of Chaos City thought
  Chen Zong is an ancient god, and his palace, exclusive space, secret realm, and universe are all named after the ancient god.

The Lord of the Ancients is quite appropriate.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded. When the Lord of Darkness and others heard the word ‘ancient god’, they were all stunned and nodded immediately.

The title is just a code name, you decide the title yourself, other strong people will not interfere.

Unless the name is really too unpleasant or there is a taboo, for example, being called the 'Lord of Human Destroyer' will naturally offend other powerful people in the human race. Generally speaking, as long as it does not violate taboos, no matter how weird it is, it will be fine.

"Okay, then the sixth universe lord of our virtual universe is the 'Ancient Lord'." The Chaos City Lord said.

"Well, the title is finally decided."


"After you are promoted to the Lord of the Universe, you should go and see the teacher. However, the teacher is currently in retreat, so don't disturb him."

"Let's go see the teacher again after he comes out of seclusion."

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Chen Zong.


Chen Zong was slightly surprised.

With the strength of the teacher, he still has to go into seclusion?

and many more!

"Is it about the 'Law of Chaos'?" Chen Zong guessed.

"Yes, junior brother, thanks to your contribution to the 'Law of Chaos' path, the teacher occasionally got inspiration." The Lord of Chaos City said happily.

"Really?" The Lord of Darkness and others said in surprise.

"Yes." The Lord of Chaos City nodded, "However, the teacher just said that he has some inspiration, but is it possible?"

The Lord of Chaos City did not continue, but the Lord of Darkness and others knew that it was whether the teacher could escape the suppression of the will of the original universe.

For countless years, they have been looking for a way to save their teacher.

But... found nothing.

just now.

The path of the 'Law of Chaos' can give the teacher inspiration. Perhaps, with this information, the teacher himself can get rid of the suppression and come back.

If so
  Then the human race will surely stand at the top of the cosmic sea!

For a while.

The faces of the Chaos City Lord and others showed expressions of anticipation.

After a while.

"Well, by the way, junior brother, I have sent a message to the alien universe masters of Hongmeng. Some are in the original universe, and some are in the cosmic sea." The Chaos City Lord said.

"The cosmic sea is vast, and it will take hundreds or thousands of years for the master of the universe who is farther away to return to the original universe."

"If we want to get their help, we have to postpone the creation of the Universe Kingdom."

"Brother, maybe it's too late to wait for them to return!" Chen Zong sighed.

"Before, I underestimated the strength of the 'Lord of the Birds' and underestimated the treasures it might possess, so I let it escape."

"I think it should have passed the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' and my information to the 'Monster Alliance' by now."

"Perhaps now, the Monster Alliance has planned to explore the 'ancient mysterious realm'!"

"This battle may start soon!"

Chen Zong was also a little helpless.

"Well, I have considered what you said." The Lord of Chaos City nodded, "So, I have asked the giant axe, and the Lord of the Universe who can free his hand, to rush to the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm'."

Even if they really start a fight with the Monster Alliance, they cannot ignore important areas within human territory.

after all.

If all the manpower is mobilized and rushed to the 'ancient mysterious realm', then the universe masters of the Zerg and Machine races will take the opportunity to break into the important areas of human territory and wreak havoc.

It is impossible for the human race to give up other 'secret realms' that have been guarded for many years for the sake of an 'ancient mysterious realm'.

This is something that the human race cannot bear.

  The Lord of the Universe, which is a secret of the group and has not been made public, even if he could take his hand out, would not go there, for example: the Lord of Darkness.


There are 19 human masters of the universe, but there are only 15 public masters of the universe.


If the battle really enters a crazy stage, then these undisclosed masters of the universe will not hesitate to join the battle.

after all.

You can't hide your strength at the expense of your apparent strength!

"Well, that's good." Chen Zong nodded.

If there is no helper, then.
  Even if Chen Zong is confident in his own strength, it is only one-on-one. If there are too many opponents, he will panic!

Although they can hide in the Ancient God Space, the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' must be occupied by the Monster Alliance.

It will be difficult for him to take back the ‘Ancient Mysterious Realm’ later.

The cosmic sea.

Endless chaotic airflow permeates the air. The chaotic airflow here is several levels stronger than the chaotic airflow on the membrane wall of the 'Micro Universe'. Its pressure is extremely powerful. Generally, the overlord of the universe will be directly annihilated if it is involved in this chaotic airflow.

At this time.

The space shook slightly.

  Three figures appeared out of thin air, two were the masters of the human universe, and one was the master of the Hongmeng alien universe.

"Youhou, Peng Gong, congratulations on the addition of a Lord of the Universe to your human race." The alien Lord of the Universe, who has a towering figure and a divine body faintly surrounded by flames, has a very loud voice.

Chen Zong's promotion to the Lord of the Universe was not concealed, but made public.

after all.

Chen Zong wants to create a universe country and needs to stand in front of the stage. He can't hide it even if he wants to, so it is better to make it public directly.

"Haha." The Lord of Youhou laughed.

"Our Hongmeng has also added another Master of the Universe." Lord Peng Gong smiled and said, "Well, Flintstone, now we are closest to the original universe, and we will be able to return to the original universe soon."

"I'll have to trouble you then."

"It's no trouble. We are members of the Hongmeng Alliance, so I will do my best." The Lord of Flintstone spurted two flames from his nose, and his voice became richer.

The Ancient Lord plans to create a cosmic kingdom.

Moreover, it should not be difficult to create a territory where there is no Lord of the Universe.

When he thought of the Ancient Lord, the Lord of Flint sighed in his heart.

A newly promoted Lord of the Universe almost killed the third-level Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons. With such talent, he will definitely become the next Lord of Chaos City, with the possibility of becoming the strongest person in the universe.

Such a strong person is worth making friends with.

And by helping him create a cosmic country, he can even get a favor, a favor at the level of the Lord of Chaos City.


It is basically impossible for the Lord of Flintstone to obtain the favor of the Lord of Chaos City. What is more likely is that he will owe the Lord of Chaos City favors.

But now, just by helping out, without working hard, you can get the favor of the Ancient Lord, and you can make a lot of money.

Regarding the words of the Lord of Flint, the Lord of Peng Gong and the Lord of Youhou are very popular.


They continued on their way.

Bauhinia Island.

"The rain is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building." Chen Zong sighed, then left the mansion and headed towards the teleportation fountain.

When the foreigners who were squatting saw Chen Zong leaving and entering the secret land, they did not follow him, but spread the news back to the clan.

  Give me a break!

You can't beat it at all, okay!
  Entering the secret realm, Chen Zong quickly headed towards the five-color fire domain.

Now that he has been promoted to the Master of the Universe, his teleportation distance is far greater than when he was immortal. Each teleportation can span thousands of light years.

Moreover, with his current strength, the dangers along the way are nothing at all.

Just rush over!
  It didn't take long.

He then arrived at the five-color fire realm.

  In an area of ​​dark blue flames, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air.

This flame, which can instantly annihilate the Lord of the Universe, cannot shake Chen Zong at all.

"Blood Furnace!"

Chen Zong no longer hesitated and directly used the 'Ancient Refining Technique', and the red-gold Bagua furnace appeared in mid-air.


The furnace lid opened, Chen Zong burned his divine power, and the dark blue flame was immediately sucked into the furnace.

(End of this chapter)

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