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Chapter 259 Big Brother! Dear brother!

Chapter 259 Big Brother! Dear brother!
  Bauhinia Island, Ancestral Palace.

After accepting to become the 'Protector God' of the Ancestral God Religion, Chen Zong chatted with the Double-faced Ancestral God for a while, then bid farewell to the Double-faced Ancestral God, left the Ancestral God Palace, and returned to the Five-Colored Fire Domain.

at the same time.

The news that Chen Zong had become the ‘Protector of the God’ instantly spread throughout the entire Ancestral God Sect’s senior leadership.


"The human King Hanhai has been promoted to the Lord of the Universe? And he has also become the 'Protector God'?"

"Human King of the Sea? Who is that?"

"It's normal that you just came out of seclusion and don't know. Let me tell you, the human King Hanhai broke through the 21st level of the Tongtian Bridge of the human universe when he was the world master. He is recognized by the entire universe as a super genius who emerged from hundreds of millions of epochs."

"Hi~, the human race is so lucky that such a genius was born."

"To say he is a genius is to underestimate him. He is now a super strong man who dominates the universe. When you and I see him, we have to say respectfully, 'The Ancient God Lord'!"

The senior officials of the Ancestral God Religion were talking about it, they were shocked and shocked, and some of them told their friends about Chen Zong's promotion to the Lord of the Universe.

Chen Zong didn't know about their discussion, and he didn't care if he knew it.

at this time.

He has arrived at the Fengtian Palace of God Lord Fengtian.

"Hahaha, welcome to the Ancient God Lord." From the main seat, God Lord Fengtian greeted him with a smile.

"God Lord Fengtian." Chen Zong smiled and nodded.


The two chatted happily for a while.

"By the way, God Lord Fengtian, you also know that I need the flames of the five-color fire domain, and I am still short of two types." Chen Zong said, "But don't worry, I will only take a small amount, and it will not affect the entire situation." Five-Colored Fire Realm.”

"Well~, I owe you a favor!"

"It's easy to talk about." God Lord Fengtian smiled and nodded, "You can just take it."

"Then thank you Lord Fengtian!" Chen Zong cupped his hands and thanked him.

"There is no need to be so polite. Speaking of which, we are somewhat destined." God Lord Fengtian looked thoughtful, "Back then, the treasures you obtained in the 'Treasure Land' were left behind by my teacher, 'The Lord of Heavenly Treasures'" of"

Chen Zong listened to the words of Lord Fengtian in surprise.

It turns out that Lord Fengtian regards him as his ‘junior brother’. No wonder every time he sees Lord Fengtian, he can feel that Lord Fengtian is extremely warm and friendly towards him.

  Chen Zong suddenly remembered that in the entire primitive universe, there were great beings who could refine top-level treasures, and the Lord Fengtian in front of him was one of them.

It turns out that he was the master of Tianbao. No wonder Fengtian God Master is so powerful in refining weapons.

This level of relationship between them is unknown to the human race.


Now you know!
  "Old Divine Lord, do you mind if I call you 'junior brother'?" Divine Lord Fengtian held his breath and looked at Chen Zong.

The ancient God Lord can be recognized by the teacher, and has inherited the teacher's treasures, so he can be regarded as half of the teacher's disciples!

in the universe.

Super strong people will leave treasures or inheritance in some places in the universe.

If it was left randomly, it wouldn't be a big deal.

But if it is carefully left behind, then generally speaking, those who obtain the inheritance are considered to be the preparatory disciples of that super powerful person.

It's like the Star Tower left by the mountaineer to the people on earth.


Since the Lord of Tianbao is dead, he cannot accept Chen Zong as his disciple, and this master-disciple relationship no longer exists.


Only Lord Fengtian asked this question.

Becoming the junior brother of God Lord Fengtian?

Chen Zong was slightly startled.

Then I felt happy.

A master refiner who can refine top-level treasures is a being that countless forces are vying to invite, just like the 'Lord of Craftsmen'.


The Lord of Craftsman God does not want any power!

But now that Lord Fengtian, who is also a master of weapon refining, is willing to be on good terms with him, it should be much easier for the Lord of the human universe to ask Lord Fengtian to refine the treasure by virtue of his 'senior brother' relationship.

This will help improve the strength of the human race!

God Lord Fengtian is extremely loyal, has a good character, and is very suitable for making friends.


In other words, it would not be a disadvantage to call him brother-in-law with God Lord Fengtian.

Instead, he recruited a weapon-refining master for the clan!
  "Lord Fengtian, I have never worshiped the 'Lord of Tianbao' as my disciple, so the title of 'junior brother' is not reasonable." Chen Zong looked at Lord Fengtian seriously, "But it is reasonable!"

After hearing the previous words, Lord Fengtian frowned, but when he heard the word 'reasonable', a look of confusion appeared on his face.

Is this consent?

Still disagree?
  Lord Fengtian, who has a straightforward personality, was about to ask again when Chen Zong's voice sounded: "Lord Fengtian, in my opinion, if you are willing, you and I can become brothers. What do you think?"

"Become brothers?" Lord Fengtian was stunned.

This was not in the plan!

Being brothers, although it sounds like they are different from senior brothers, they are still quite close, which is not bad.

And the reason why he wanted to have a relationship with Chen Zong was because of the Lord of Tianbao.

If what Chen Zong obtained was not the treasure hidden by Lord Tianbao, then Lord Fengtian would at most pay a little attention and would not go to recruit him personally.

after all.

He had already recruited the 'Insect Chasing King' before. Logically speaking, he should not be able to have another talented inheritor from the Ancestral God Sect.

But it is precisely because of this relationship that the other guardian gods within the Ancestral God Sect, as well as the Ancestral Gods, did not prevent Fengtian God from recruiting Chen Zong, who was still a world lord, under his command.

"Yes!" Chen Zong nodded.

"Hahaha, okay, I, Fengtian, am willing to become your brother!" God Lord Fengtian laughed loudly.

"I've met Brother Fengtian." Chen Zong stood up and bowed slightly.

"I've met my dear brother!" Lord Fengtian also stood up and bowed slightly.

"Hahaha!" Immediately, the laughter of the two people echoed in Fengtian Palace.


Chen Zong chatted with Lord Fengtian about weapon refining for a while.

"Brother Xian is also interested in refining weapons?" Lord Fengtian asked in surprise.

In his opinion, Chen Zong should focus all his energy on cultivation and strive to become the strongest person in the universe before the end of this reincarnation era, instead of wasting energy on refining weapons.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

Seeing that Chen Zong didn't say much, God Lord Fengtian didn't continue to ask, but discussed weapon refining with Chen Zong.

Although Chen Zong has not yet started refining weapons, he has relevant knowledge, and it is different from the knowledge of weapon refining in the original universe.

"Unexpectedly, my dear brother is not only unique in cultivation, but also has unique insights in weapon refining." God Lord Fengtian was extremely shocked.

"Item refining, I'm trapped in the current level for hundreds of millions of years."

"Now that I'm talking to my wise brother, it's really eye-opening for me."

"Good brother."

God Lord Fengtian solemnly said: "If I can make a breakthrough, it is all due to you!"

"Brother is joking. I'm just talking casually. It's hard to be elegant." Chen Zong smiled and shook his head. "Brother's breakthrough is just the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years, and now it's just a wave."

"How dare I be greedy for credit!"

"In any case, my dear brother, I will remember your feelings!" God Lord Fengtian said with an extremely serious expression.

"Yeah." Seeing this scene, Chen Zong could only nod.

"By the way, brother, I wanted to communicate with you more, but the current situation is urgent and I don't have much time. Therefore, I need to collect the 'Five Color Flame' immediately." Chen Zong suddenly stood up and said.

"Why is it so urgent that we don't even have time to talk?" God Lord Fengtian asked with a worried look on his face.

Chen Zong briefly talked about the Longjing Clan, the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons, the Ancient Mysterious Realm, and the Monster Clan Alliance.

"Hmph!" In the Fengtian Temple, five colors of fire suddenly dazzled, and the Lord Fengtian said angrily, "The damn Longjian clan dares to take action against the child of the wise brother, they are simply looking for death!"

"Also, the new secret realm belongs to whoever takes it first. The Lord of the Birds and the Monster Tribe actually want to rob it."

"That's unreasonable!"

"Xiandi, don't worry, if they dare to snatch it, I will never sit idly by and watch."

Lord Fengtian patted his chest and assured.

"Thank you, brother." Chen Zong said gratefully.

God Lord Fengtian is the Lord of the special life universe. He has the strength of the fifth-level Lord of the Universe. He is extremely powerful. As a master of weapon refining, he has many treasures!
  He is a super strong person that even the Lord of Chaos City finds troublesome.

With such a helping hand, the demon clan will think twice before going crazy.

"Brother, since the situation is urgent, you should hurry up and collect the flames." Lord Fengtian urged, "Well, the quality of the two flames you lack will be better in these two places."

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded, bid farewell to the Fengtian Divine Lord, turned into a stream of light, and flew out of the Fengtian Temple.

Shortly after.

Five-color fire domain, deep golden fire domain.

"Finally collected them all." Looking at the five-color 'Qi and Blood Furnace', Chen Zong showed joy on his face.


His expression changed.

"Huh? The Lord of the Monster Universe is here!" Chen Zong immediately contacted the Lord Fengtian, and then, the Lord Fengtian appeared next to Chen Zong.

Didn't say much.

Chen Zong immediately started teleportation from the Kingdom of God and rushed to the ‘Ancient Mysterious Realm’ with God Lord Fengtian.     Ancient mysterious realm, Nine Star Continent, ancient imperial palace.

The Ancient Emperor's Palace is the seat of the highest power in the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm'. The Lords of the Universe who came to support Chen Zong are all concentrated in the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

In the main hall, there is a secret pattern of space expansion, and the space is extremely wide.

Even if the god's body is more than a million kilometers away, in this hall, let alone dust particles, it is definitely not crowded.

at this time.

In the main hall, six masters of the universe have gathered.

"Ancient Lord, the last time I heard from you, you were still the Realm Lord, and now, just a short time later, you have become one of us, which makes me feel like I am in a dream!" A humanoid alien. , with eighteen arms as clear as jade, wearing a purple-gold battle armor, looked at Chen Zong, filled with emotions.

He is a special life universe lord who joined the Hongmeng, named - the Lord of Hunyu.

"Yes!" A strange beast with three pairs of golden wings on its back, and ten golden horns on its head. These ten golden horns formed a circle, like a golden crown.

This is the Lord of the Universe of the Gulan Clan in Hongmeng - the Lord of Battle.

"In just a short nap, you have been promoted from World Lord to Master of the Universe." The Lord of Battle was extremely amazed. "From the beginning of the universe to the present, this is the only example!"

The other universe masters nodded in agreement.

"Ha, you all overestimate me." The clone of the Immortal Emperor smiled and shook his head, "I have practiced for a long time in a place where the flow of time is very fast, which makes up for my short training time."

"The Ancient Lord is so humble. The Lord of the Universe can't break through by practicing for a long time. Breakthroughs are entirely based on strength!" said the Lord of Battle.

"Yeah!" The other universe masters agreed.

The Immortal Emperor's clone smiled in response.

What these Lords of the Universe say makes sense!
  At this time.

A majestic figure appeared outside the ancient temple. Even though the ancient palace was engraved with secret patterns, it could not stop this aura.

"It's the founder of the giant axe!" The clone of the Immortal Emperor recognized the owner of the aura and immediately left the ancient emperor's palace to greet the founder of the giant axe.

The other six masters of the universe also went to greet the founder of the giant axe.

The founder of the giant axe is the ballast stone for this battle against the demon clan.

If there were no powerful men like the founder of the giant axe, Chen Zong's warship would have a great chance of capsizing!

"I've seen the founder of the giant axe!" The Immortal Emperor's clones bowed slightly.

"Yeah." Giant Ax nodded slightly.


They did not return to the ancient palace, but stood in the square in front of the palace.

Not long after.

Lord Peng Gong, Lord Youhou, and Lord Flint, who came back from the Universe Sea, appeared at the same time.


In front of the Ancient Emperor's Palace, a total of one of the strongest people in the universe and ten Lords of the Universe (including the Immortal Emperor's clone) gathered.

Many powerful men separated themselves in the void. Even though they did not deliberately release the pressure of their divine bodies, the surrounding time and space was distorted under this pressure.

At this time.

"Huh?" The founder of the giant ax looked towards the distant void, "Dream Demon Ancestor, since you are here, why don't you show up yet."

Dream Demon Ancestor?
  The demon clan is indeed led by the strongest person in the universe!

Fortunately, there was only one Dream Demon Ancestor, and the Shock Demon Ancestor did not come.

The Immortal King's clone's slightly nervous heart relaxed slightly.

The vast void.

Inside the huge ship.

A big silver snake coiled around the throne had half-squinted eyes. Its tail wrapped around the edge of the throne eight or nine times, and then the tip of its tail continued to extend to the palace.

And below, there are six powerful universe masters sent by the demon clan this time.

They are also all preparing and waiting for the upcoming war.

"Huh?" The silver snake suddenly looked in one direction, "The giant axe, and 10 masters of the universe!"

"not good."

"The giant ax is very powerful, I can only hold him back."

"The number of Masters of the Universe on my side is not dominant, so we need to find more helpers."

The divine clone of Dream Demon Ancestor who stayed in the ‘Zhen Ancestor Secret Realm’ immediately sent the news to ‘Zhen Demon Ancestor’.

"Dream Demon, there are only 6 universe masters among the monster clan who can escape. I will let the alien universe masters in the alliance rush." ​​Zhenyao Ancestor made a decisive decision.

"Okay." Dream Demon Ancestor nodded, "I'll delay it a little bit."

"Yeah!" Zhenyao Ancestor immediately contacted the alien universe master who was able to dispatch.

Ancient mysterious realm.

The Dream Demon Ancestor and the giant ax looked at each other across the sky.

"Hmph, Giant Axe, this 'ancient mysterious realm' is the territory of our Demon Clan Alliance. You humans want to occupy this place. Have you asked my Demon Clan Alliance?" Dream Demon Ancestor snorted coldly.

This is the territory that belongs to the Longjing Clan, and it is not easy for them, the Demon Clan, to occupy this place by force.

I can only speak as a member of the Monster Alliance.

"Ha, Dream Demon Ancestor, I think the longer you live, the smaller your brain becomes, and you actually said such a thing." The founder of the giant ax sneered.

"You!" After hearing the words of the giant axe, the Dream Demon Ancestor grinned angrily.

Before the Dream Demon Ancestor said anything, the sound of the giant ax came to the ears of the Dream Demon Ancestor again: "According to the usual practice, new undiscovered secret realms are first come, first served."

"This place has been occupied by our humans' 'Ancient Lord', so it naturally belongs to me."

"You broke into the 'ancient mysterious realm' without permission, but you want to start a clan war?"

"If so!"

"We are not vegetarians either."

"I will definitely accompany you to the end!"

When they heard that the clan war was about to begin, both the strong men from the Monster Clan and the strong Hongmeng had a look of shock on their faces.

Ethnic war is no small matter, but will affect the rise and fall of the entire ethnic group.

Without certain certainty, killing the opponent while protecting oneself will generally not lead to a group war.

"Giant Axe, don't provoke me with your words." Dream Demon Ancestor said coldly, "You said that this 'ancient mysterious realm' was occupied by you humans, but in my opinion, you only occupied the area around that continent. Area."

"More areas."

"You haven't gotten involved yet!"

"Moreover, we didn't even have time to arrange the defense means for the secret realm."

"Is this also called occupation?"

"At most, this is half for you and me!"

"in this way."

"If you want to occupy this place, you can't get around our Monster Alliance no matter what!"

The words of the Dream Demon Ancestor echoed in the void.

"Strong words!" Juaxe sneered.

“Isn’t it true that more than half of the areas in your ‘Mengzu Secret Realm’ have never been touched before?”

"So, your 'Mengzu Secret Realm' no longer belongs to your demon clan? We can enter at will?"

The Secret Realm of the Universe, just like the starry sky outside, the void occupies the vast majority of the area.

As long as there are a few places with sufficient energy, all kinds of dangerous places can be formed and all kinds of life can be born.

Generally, the ethnic groups that occupy secret realms basically stay in those few places.

after all.

Apart from danger, there is nothing else in the void.

Just like the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm', in some places of nothingness, 'dark flame torrents' that can cause harm to the Lord of the Universe will suddenly appear, and there are no treasures in these places of nothingness!


The so-called defensive measures are even more nonsense.

Secret realms such as the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' are completely guarded by the Lord of the Universe, and the defense methods can at best block the little guys below the Lord of the Universe.

For the Lord of the Universe, except for the small universe of the strongest person in the universe, and extreme areas like the Primeval Star, where else can he go?

Even now, it is not a problem for Chen Zong to enter the ‘Mengzu Secret Realm’.

"Hmph, since you and I each have our own opinions, let's see who has better means." Dream Demon Ancestor didn't want to argue anymore, because his reinforcements had already arrived.

Ancient mysterious territory.

One after another, the figures of the Monster Alliance Universe Master appeared out of thin air.

The Lord of the Birds of Prey, the Lord of Eternal Darkness, and the Lord of Wind.
  There are 6 Lords of the Universe in total.

Together with the previous 6 Lords of the Universe, there are a total of 12 Lords of the Universe of the Monster Alliance.


On the side of the Immortal Emperor's clones, the number of Universe Lords is only 10, which is 2 less.

At this time.

And in the ancient temple.

A beam of light lit up, and two figures walked out of the beam, it was Chen Zong and Lord Fengtian!

 PS: Hey! Despite all the precautions, I still got hit, Yang!

  I felt dizzy and my body gradually became weaker from morning to night.

  Dear book friends, don’t go out if you can, and try to protect yourself when you go out.

  Take care of yourself.

  (End of this chapter)

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