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Chapter 268 The Progress of Divine Beasts

Chapter 268 The Progress of Divine Beasts

Suddenly, a hole was opened in the silent starry sky, and roars of beasts emerged from it. Then, twenty phantom beasts filed out.

They flapped their wings and flew in all directions as if they were turning into lightning.

The speed quickly reached the speed of light and entered the dark universe.

As divine beasts, although they have the peak strength of the King, they do not have the Kingdom of God and cannot carry out teleportation from the Kingdom of God.

The reason why the demon dragon clone asked them to deliver the treasure instead of going there in person was that the place where Chen Gusi and others were located was not far from the ancient mysterious realm.


These phantom beasts at the peak level of the King can all teleport.

In the dark universe, they use teleportation to hurry up.

In this way, it won't take long for those treasures to be delivered accurately.

at this time.

In the territory of the Ancient God's Universe, in a galaxy shrouded in a lavender halo, a bird-like biological spaceship flew across the starry sky, leaving a golden ribbon in the starry sky.

This spaceship is the spaceship of the ‘Jimo Clan’.

Inside the spacecraft control room.

"Finally succeeded in getting rid of the pursuers!"

"Damnable humans, they actually dispatched the Lord of the Universe."

"Fortunately, we only watched from a distance and did not go to stop the attack, otherwise we would be the ones who died."

"This starry sky is no longer safe. We must leave immediately and go to a more remote area."


A group of strong men from the Jimo tribe spoke one after another.


"Warning! Warning!"

"An unknown spacecraft was found ahead, and there was no reply, no reply."

"The ship is locked."

"Activating defensive shield"

The spacecraft's intelligent system sounded a piercing alarm, automatically opened the protective cover, and made evasive actions at the same time.

"No, are humans catching up?"


"We escaped the human pursuers in the dark universe. Now that we have returned to the original universe, it is impossible for them to catch up with us."

"What's going on with the spaceship in front?"

"Is it the new human cosmic army joining the battlefield?"

"It is possible. It is said that the Ancient God Universe Kingdom officially issued a mobilization order, causing countless strong men from all major human universe nations to gather legions and rush towards us. Perhaps, one of the legions is in front of us."

"Well, if that's the case, maybe there's no need to worry."

"That's right! When the human legion encountered us, they only used the main guns of the spaceship instead of the immortal gods to attack us. This shows that there may not be immortal gods in this legion, and we have ten world masters, among whom These three are the pinnacle world masters, why be afraid of them?"


"In that case, deal with them as soon as possible and stay away from here."

"it is good!"

At this time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!."

In the distance, there was a pitch-black war sword spaceship, with three main naval guns exposed at the tip of the sword. A blue light emerged from the muzzle of the main naval gun, and then, blue beams of light shot out.

Meteorites along the way, no matter how big or small, were reduced to ashes in this blue beam.

This meteorite belt was cleared out of a road in an instant.

The Jimo tribe's biological spaceship, like an elf in the wind, nimbly dodged several blue beams. Occasionally, it was hit and the hull shook slightly.

"Lean over!" the leader of the Jimo tribe ordered.

"Yes, Master!" the biological spacecraft's intelligent system responded, and then controlled the spacecraft to quickly approach the human spacecraft.

In the starry sky, the bird-like biological spacecraft flapped its wings several times, and the spacecraft was like an arrow leaving the string, speeding along.

In addition, the human spacecraft has not stopped.

The two spaceships approached quickly.


A hidden door suddenly opened on the back of the Jimo tribe's biological spacecraft, which was the hatch of the spacecraft.

  Ten powerful realm masters from the Jimo tribe flew out of the spaceship.


Following the order from the leader of the Jimo tribe, ten projections of the world instantly pressed against the human war sword spacecraft.

At this time.

Inside the War Sword spaceship.

"Your Highness, we are requesting to fight." The bald Realm Master, who looked like he was made of light blue crystal and was wearing a fifth-level force suit, respectfully offered his hands to Chen Gusi, who was sitting at the console.

"Okay." Chen Gusi nodded slightly.


The hatch of the Zhanjian spaceship opened, and the bald Realm Master took ten Realm Masters and flew out of the hatch while casting world projection.

Each of these powerful realm lords from the Nine Star Continent is a peak realm lord.

Extremely powerful.

The world projection of the Jimo clan master was crushed by the world projection of the Nine Star Continent master in the blink of an eye.

"No, it turns out to be ten peak world masters!" The leader of the Jimo tribe suddenly changed his face and shouted loudly, "Quickly retreat!"


Millions of kilometers away, too close!

Moreover, how could the bald Realm Lord and other powerful men who had already gone into battle allow the Jimo Clan Realm Lord to escape unscathed?

Just a meeting.

As many as half of the Jimo tribe's world leaders died.

As for the ancestor of the Jimo clan, who is the pinnacle world lord, he is very powerful. With the advantage of the secret method, he can actually suppress the two peak nine-star continent lords.

At the same time, it can also help the clan members nearby who are in crisis.


The Realm Lord of Nine Star Continent is not a vegetarian either.

Under their strong attack, only three realm masters of the Jimo clan were left at the peak level, and the rest were dead.

"Damn it!" the leader of the Jimo clan shouted angrily, and then followed suit and died on the spot.

The other two peak realm masters were quickly captured.

And inside the battleship spaceship.

Chen Gusi looked at the battle scene displayed on the screen in front of him with a smile on his face.

Not a moment.

The Bald Realm Master took the other Realm Masters and returned to the War Sword Spaceship.

"Your Highness, this is their world ring." The bald world leader handed the captured world ring to Chen Gusi.

"Thank you for your hard work." Chen Gusi took the world ring, imbued it with the power of the world, and became the master of the world ring.

And that biological spaceship has already been received into one of the world rings.


Chen Gusi was stunned when he saw the situation inside the ring.

In his perception, more than half of the 10 world rings are actually home to hundreds of millions of Jimo tribesmen.

Among them, the planet level accounts for more than 90%, and the strongest one is only the ninth level of Domain Lord.


There are quite a few Domain Lords, thousands of them.

"How to deal with these alien races?" Chen Gusi thought.

Kill them all?
  Forget it!

Killing these aliens will not bring much benefit.

Instead, keep them, maybe they will be useful in the future.


Those who were enslaved by the souls of the Longjing Clan should be the ten World Lord-level Jimo Clan, and he didn't have to worry about the surviving Jimo Clan becoming spies for the Longjing Clan.

Think of this.
  Chen Gusi collected these world rings.

"Unexpectedly, just as we were on our way, we encountered a group of aliens who were preparing to lurk." Chen Gusi looked at the Bald Realm Master and the others and said with a smile, "If we can come here a few more times, the difficulty of collecting the galaxy will be reduced a lot. "

"Yes!" The Bald Realm Master nodded, "Fortunately, we robbed them halfway. Otherwise, when they lurked, we would have spent a lot of time looking for them."

"Huh?" At this time, Chen Gusi frowned.

"Why are there so many alien races all of a sudden? No, there are even humans."

After the cosmic army he led occupied the galaxy, they left a team of men and several mythical beasts to guard the core areas of the galaxy.


Just now, he received calls for help from these areas.

"Quick, return quickly for support!" Chen Gusi ordered.

If the occupied area is captured by foreigners, then their previous efforts will be in vain!
  "Yes!" A group of strong men responded respectfully.


Just now.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to be bumped into by me." A voice of joy came from the void.

The owner of the voice is none other than King Yanyu.

King Yanyu led his men to the area mentioned by the King of Double Swords, but they did not find Chen Gusi there.


He asked his men to spread out and search for Chen Gusi, and he himself was not idle, he was also searching.


The direction he was searching was exactly the direction Chen Gusi and the others were traveling.

In addition, the battle just now attracted the attention of King Yanyu, who came directly here.

at this time.

The unstoppable smile on King Yanyu's face was extremely bright.

"Become my slave!" King Yanyu said softly.


A vast and incomparable ethereal divine power was generated from King Yanyu, passed through the vast starry sky, broke through the protection of the war sword spacecraft, and went straight towards Chen Gusi beside the console.

Feeling the hostility of this virtual divine power, Chen Gusi's immortal Moyun Vine also transformed his magical power to protect Chen Gusi.

This Moyun Vine has evolved through the most perfect evolutionary route, with 360 main vines.

The Immortal-level Moyun Vine with 360 main vines is not weaker than the Peak King.

Its virtual power is also extremely powerful.


Compared with King Yanyu's, it is still a little worse, but the gap is not very big.

The two virtual powers faced each other, and for a while no one could do anything to the other.

"Huh? He actually blocked it?" In the starry sky, King Yanyu showed a look of shock on his face.


King Yanyu snorted angrily.

Since the enslavement failed, the only option is to kill the target!
  I saw.

King Yanyu took out a sword, and the flames burned on the sword, burning a hole in the surrounding space.

"Go to hell!" King Yanyu shouted angrily, slashing at the War Sword spaceship with his sword.

A blazing sword light instantly cut through the void, approaching the war sword spaceship.

And in the spacecraft control room.

"Master, there is a strong man at the peak of the title of king to assassinate him!" Mo Yunteng's voice sounded in Chen Gusi's consciousness, "Well, he did it again."

Without Moyunteng's reminder, Chen Gusi could feel a fatal threat coming from the void.

The scorching breath had already made the alloy on the surface of the War Sword spacecraft turn red.

"Devil Cloud, protect the spaceship." Chen Gusi said quickly, and then he called out the 'divine beast' in the world ring.

The extremely tough rattan of Moyun Vine instantly enveloped the War Sword spacecraft, forming a purple-black sphere with a diameter of one million kilometers.

The flaming sword struck the Moyun Vine with its sharp edge, easily cutting through the vine.

There was a sizzling sound at the break of the rattan.

"No wonder it can block my soul attack. It turns out that there is an immortal-level Moyun Vine." In the void, King Yanyu saw the Moyun Vine with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"This is inconsistent with the information in the intelligence!"

"Did Chen Gusi obtain it recently? Or was the intelligence collection incomplete?"

King Yanyu was very confused.

"But." "Even if there is an immortal -level Mo Yun vine, at best, the peak strength of the ordinary king is at best."

"And I am indeed at the top of the peak of Kingship!"

"Chen Gusi, I will kill you!"

King Yanyu drew his sword again, and followed the passage opened by the flaming sword light to kill the war sword spaceship.

At this time.

Suddenly, more than sixty beast shadows appeared around the Zhanjian spaceship, and the aura emitted by each beast shadow was no weaker than that of the Immortal King.

The aura of one of the beast shadows was no weaker than that of King Yanyu, and it was also at the peak level of King Feng.


More than sixty magical beasts roared in unison.

The roar of the beast shook the sky!

Before the blazing sword light could reach the war sword spaceship, it was shattered into pieces by the roar of the beast and turned into nothingness.

"What!" King Yanyu was shocked when he saw the magical beast.

He is!

There are more than sixty kings, and one of them is at the peak of kingship.

When did humans become so wealthy that they could send so many powerful kings to serve as bodyguards for a junior world lord?
  King Yanyu is an immortal human king. Although he is not a member of the five major forces, he has also joined the "Hongmeng". Naturally, he knows that human kings only have more than 10.

It is precisely because he knows that he is even more shocked now!

Before King Yanyu could react, the magical beast had already killed King Yanyu.

King Yanyu is worthy of being the pinnacle of the old kingship. He has strong strength, weapons, and armor. Although these are not heavy treasures, with them, the mythical beast cannot defeat King Yanyu for a while.

"Nine Heavenly Layers of Fireworks!" King Yanyu directly used his strongest skill,

This starry sky seemed to be plunged into an endless sea of ​​fire.

There are layers of fire seas, one layer more powerful than the other. There are nine layers in total.

But the five magical beasts in the ninth level of the sea of ​​fire exploded with a bang, turned into countless fragments, and were swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire.

"Huh? So weak?" King Yanyu was very surprised.

When he first saw more than sixty king-titled beasts, King Yanyu's heart tightened.

I thought this assassination was going to fail again!


Once they fought, he discovered that although these strange monsters had powerful auras, their combat power was not high.


With one unique move, he killed 5 of them, which greatly increased the confidence of King Yanyu.

Maybe it can happen!

"Kill!" King Yanyu burned his divine power, and his momentum suddenly surged.

"Stop him!" The leader of the phantom beast immediately shouted.

The magical beasts swarmed forward.

The sword in King Yanyu's hand was so powerful that some weak magical beasts could not withstand the sword and their bodies exploded.

As the number of magical beasts decreased, the smile on King Yanyu's face became even brighter.

"No, we have to speed up!" Although he was happy with his results, King Yanyu's target was 'Chen Gusi' in the War Sword spaceship, and he couldn't waste time here.

after all.

The longer it takes, the more detrimental it will be to his assassination plan.

If he is discovered by the Lord of the Universe who is also in the starry sky, then not only will he not be able to kill ‘Chen Gusi’, but he will be killed by the Lord of the Universe!
  It seems normal to be discovered.

It was impossible for Chen Gusi not to send a signal for help.


Need to speed up even more!
  King Yanyu directly exchanged injuries for injuries, hoping to break out of the siege.


"How is that possible?" King Yanyu suddenly discovered that the strange monster that he had killed unexpectedly appeared again and joined the ranks of besieging and killing him.


Even the sword was a little slower, and the power of the red sword light was also much weaker.

King Yanyu was surprised, but the magical beast was not.


After the battle with King Yanyu, the strength of the magical beast was actually stronger than before.

They are learning!
  Learn while fighting!

Although Chen Zong created many suitable secret techniques for the magical beasts, the magical beasts who had never been exposed to secret techniques found it somewhat difficult to practice the secret techniques.


Their talents are pretty good, and they can at least use secret techniques.

However, their understanding of the secret method is not deep, so the power of the secret method is weaker.

Now, it is gradually making up for this shortcoming.

The magical beast gradually relaxed.

As for King Yanyu, as the battle continued, he felt more and more strenuous.

"No, I can't beat him!" King Yanyu was extremely anxious.


Although he was unable to complete the mission, he obtained such deeply hidden information. Passing the information to his master should offset the penalty for failing the mission.

King Yanyu fought and retreated.

It is much easier to escape from the battle circle than to attack the battle sword spaceship.


King Yanyu is close to getting rid of the magical beast.

"Hmph, I will spare your life this time. Next time, I will definitely kill you." King Yanyu looked at the War Sword spaceship coldly, as if he saw Chen Gusi inside.

In the control room, Chen Gusi suddenly felt a chill on his back.


The coolness disappeared all of a sudden, making Chen Gusi doubt whether the coolness had really come.

And in the void.

King Yanyu looked much better and was about to get out of the war circle completely.


In the void, another divine beast appeared, and its aura reached the peak level of kingship. It was one of the divine beasts responsible for delivering the treasure.

Although Chen Gusi is on the move, he will send new coordinate information from time to time.

But this time, he stayed here for a long time.


Only the magical beast responsible for delivering treasures can find this place accurately.

"Not good!" King Yanyu's face sank and his heart sank when he saw the newly appeared magical beast.

"Roar!" The magical beast that had just arrived, without even thinking, went straight to kill King Yanyu.

A claw shadow covered the sky and the sun, pressing towards King Yanyu.

"Huh?" King Yanyu was shocked. He felt threatened by this claw shadow.

This new King-level peak beast is different from the King-level peak beast that he is fighting against.

Although the new beasts used the same kind of secret combat method, the power of the secret method was several times stronger.

Claw shadows, wings turned into swords, beast roars that shake the soul.
  For a while.

King Yanyu suddenly fell into defeat!
  Bang bang bang~~~
  King Yanyu's divine body has been lost by more than 30% in just a few battles, and his strength has dropped by about %.

Its strength declined and it was besieged again.


King Yanyu roared angrily.

Knowing that he would definitely die, he rushed towards the War Sword spaceship.

"Explode! Explode for me!" King Yanyu roared with a ferocious face, and exploded himself!


The self-destruction of the peak king king immediately caused the space to collapse, turning into countless particle flows, rushing in all directions.

The mythical beasts stood in front of the War Sword spacecraft, guarding the War Sword spacecraft.

The torrent generated by the explosion caused the War Sword spacecraft to flip upside down and fly very far away like a sailboat in the rough waves.


The power of the torrent was almost entirely blocked by the phantom beasts and could not endanger the life of ‘Chen Gusi’ in the War Sword spacecraft.

as time flows.

The space in this area begins to repair itself.

The meteorite belt that was originally visible to the naked eye has now disappeared.

This starry sky has become an extremely 'clean' area.

at this time.

Inside the War Sword spaceship.

The mythical beasts did not enter the world ring again, but shrank their bodies, either standing on the console or lying on the console.
  "Your Highness." At this time, the magical beast who came to deliver the treasure took out a world ring and handed it to Chen Gusi respectfully, "His Majesty the Ancient Emperor asked me to give this to you."

Chen Gusi took the world ring and after recognizing its owner, he found that there was only a cyan disk inside, and on the disk lay a strange beast that looked like a dragon.

"Ordinary soul treasure - green dragon!"

After recognizing his master, a message appeared in Chen Gusi's mind.

The most precious treasure, the 'green dragon', turned into a stream of light and entered Chen Gusi's body.

at this time.

The green dragon seemed to come to life, swam to Chen Gusi's soul, and then circled up, guarding the soul airtight!

"Hiss!" Chen Gusi looked shocked.

It turned out to be a soul treasure. My father really spent a lot of money on it!
  The most precious treasure, Chen Gusi had heard from Chen Zong, was a treasure that even the Lord of the Universe longed for.

And now, as a Realm Master, I have obtained an extremely precious soul-like treasure!

  Chen Gusi's face showed a look of joy.

Currently, he has no shortage of material defense treasures, because his teacher gave him a heavy armor-type treasure.

And now.

There is another soul defense treasure, and the life-saving ability is greatly improved.

As for the weapons, although they are immortal level treasures, they are enough for now.

Take back your excitement.

"Huh?" Chen Gusi's face showed a hint of surprise, "Did you die without warning?"

He received information from the attacked area. More than half of the attackers died silently, and several of them were immortal human beings.

And the time of their death happened to be when King Yanyu blew himself up.

No need to wonder.

Those dead attackers were definitely the soul slaves of King Yanyu.

"Very good!" Chen Gusi had a smile on his face.

Originally, those immortal-level attackers suppressed the phantom beasts left behind, but now that the immortal-level attackers died, the rest were only realm lords, and there was no need for him to return for support.

"Continue searching!" Chen Gusi ordered.

There are still some key areas in this galaxy that have not been searched. Once all searches are completed, this galaxy can be handed over to the cosmic army for guarding, and there is no need for his subordinates to guard it.

in this way.

He can then continue to collect the next galaxy!
  The mythical beast responsible for delivering the treasure did not leave, but joined the mythical beast guard team.


Under Chen Gusi's order, the War Sword spacecraft flew to the unexplored key areas of the galaxy according to the original plan.

In addition to his side, Hong, Lei Shen, Chen Guyan and others have also successfully collected the core areas of their respective galaxies and are cleaning other key areas.

Deep in the distant Zerg territory.

The boundless sea of ​​insects covered the starry sky, and even the light of the stars seemed to be swallowed up by the insect shadows, making this place a dark place in the universe.

"Trash!" In the center of the sea of ​​​​insects, in a huge Zerg mother nest with green poisonous gas, a trace of anger showed on the touching face of the Zerg queen.

And even when he gets angry, his charm doesn't diminish at all.

King Yanyu, before self-destructing, passed on the information.

"Immortal level 360 Vine Moyunteng? Dozens of king-level beasts?" The Zerg Queen frowned, "The Ancient Lord really values ​​his children!"


“The more you value it, the more important ‘Chen Gusi’ is.”

"Then I will enslave him even more!"

"This will make up for the loss!"

The Zerg mother queen took the Zerg mother nest and disappeared into the sea of ​​​​worms in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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