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Chapter 273 Realm Heart Order

Chapter 273 Realm Heart Order

The vast starry sky.

A huge group of light blue clouds floats quietly. Looking through the clouds, one can see a vast supercontinent.

The continent is lined with extremely majestic cities.

On the surface, there is no trace of technology at all, but in fact, they are all products of technology.

As long as necessary, these cities can instantly transform into starry sky fortresses.

at this time.

These cities are decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, creating a festive scene.

The streets and squares were crowded with people.


These people were motionless.

If it weren't for the colorful flags blowing in the wind, I would have thought this was a place where time and space were imprisoned.

On the high platform of the square, eight mysterious patterns were suspended around the figure in the water. Then, these secret patterns came close to each other, and threads of law were formed between these patterns, connecting them together to form a huge picture. The secret pattern map.


A powerful wave spread from the giant secret pattern, and those who remained motionless had a hint of joy on their faces.


The giant secret pattern collapsed suddenly, forming a tide of energy that surged around.

at the same time.

The light blue water mist that enveloped the entire continent shrank instantly and turned into a river again, hanging high in the sky.

The stars and planets high in the sky are embedded in the river, shining like bright pearls.

At this time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!."

On the entire continent, powerful auras erupted in all cities.

Those who fell into a slumber in the illusion were awakened by this sudden burst of breath.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Why did I fall asleep?"

"No. I. I actually broke through, hahaha."

"Hahaha, World Lord, I have broken through the World Lord!"

"I also broke through!"

Countless people, when they first woke up, were still immersed in the world of illusions and refused to return to their senses. However, when they felt their own energy fluctuations, their faces were filled with surprise.


"The founding celebration of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom, yes, I remember it."

"Preaching, the Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom preached."

"Yes, the Lord of the Ancient Kingdom of God's sermon made me enter a state of enlightenment."

They finally remembered where they were now and what they had experienced before.


It all seems like a dream.

However, when they felt the surging energy on their bodies, it was so real, and for a moment, they were all extremely excited.

At this time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!."

Loud noises came from high in the sky, accompanied by waves of shocking pressure.

People in the celebration city looked up.

This is an incredible sight.

Just where they can see, there are more than a dozen realm masters exuding powerful auras, standing in the void.

The bodies of these realm owners are either lit with blazing fire, or bursting with dazzling light, or wrapped with vines and full of greenery.

The origin of the law of gold descends, the origin of the law of light descends, the origin of the law of thunder and lightning descends, and the origin of the law of fire descends.

Endless divine power pours in.

The entire Ancient God Continent is completely shrouded in the origins of the universe.


"What a strong aura of the original law."

"Immortal, they are going to break through to immortality!"


Some knowledgeable people, or those who are immortal themselves, were extremely shocked.

There is nothing shocking about being promoted to immortality.


If not one person is promoted, but a dozen, or even more further away, so many people are promoted to immortality at the same time, this is simply a miracle.


Promotion to immortality is a miracle in itself.

"Luo, you finally made a breakthrough." Looking at Luo in the sky, absorbing and transforming divine power to his heart's content, the eyes of Three Ax Mountain Moreiya were filled with tears. These were tears of excitement.

In the central mountain range of the Ancient God Continent, the main venue for the celebration.

On the high platform.

"This is the first time I have seen such a scene since I was born." God Lord Fengtian looked through multiple spaces and took in the entire Ancient God Continent.

With just one glance, he could clearly see that more than a hundred realm masters had successfully advanced to immortality this time.

More than a hundred immortals!

Although immortality is like an ant in his eyes and is nothing at all, immortality is not so easy to advance.

after all.

Even those geniuses who joined the five major forces of mankind, most of them fell before immortality and died young!

"My dear brother's methods are really amazing. I can't do it." God Lord Fengtian sighed, "However, the cost of doing so is a bit high, and the gain outweighs the loss."

Hearing the emotion of Lord Fengtian, Chen Zong showed a smile on his face: "It doesn't matter, who makes me happy today!"


"As the Lord of the universe, I created the nation of the universe. Naturally, the founding celebration cannot be shabby."

"Haha, that's true." Lord Fengtian smiled and nodded, "Indeed, this is the only way to be worthy of your status."

Lord Fengtian, Chen Zong, and Lord Bingfeng were communicating with each other.


Since Chen Zong lifted the 'illusion world', those cosmic sages and immortals have also woken up from the illusion, with a trace of joy on their faces. They have each gained something.

"As expected of the Lord of the Universe, it's a pity that it only happens once. It would be great if it could come more often."


"What a powerful pressure."

"Promoted to immortality? What a blessing!"

The Lord of the Universe and the Immortals were surprised when they felt the origin law coming in the distance, and there were so many of them.

time flies.

The original law of the universe has retreated, and promotion has ended.

In the void.

"Thank you, Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom, for your grace!" Hundreds of newly promoted immortals all saluted respectfully in the direction of Chen Zong.

"Thank you, Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom, for your grace!" Below, in the major celebration cities, both those who had made breakthroughs and those who had not, also followed suit and saluted respectfully.

The sound of gratitude echoed over the entire Ancient God Continent and could not stop for a long time.

"I hope you will continue to forge ahead." A vague voice actually drowned out the voices of countless people.

"We'll keep this in mind!" Everyone saluted respectfully again.


Those who were promoted to immortality fell from the sky one after another and returned to their respective celebration cities.

"Luo, among the three of us, you are the most talented. Now that you have finally been promoted to immortality, our Three Ax Mountains will be even more prosperous!" Molea stepped forward and said happily.

"Yeah!" Luo's face was full of smile.

He hadn't smiled like this for a long, long time.

"This is all thanks to the Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom. If it weren't for him, I might not be able to advance to immortality at all." Luo said, "So, Moreya, I have decided that I will stay in the Ancient God Universe Kingdom and start a career here." A branch of my Three Ax Mountains.”

"Stay here?" Morea frowned, but she wasn't surprised.

She knew very well that Luo was a very kind person.

Now, with the help of the Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom, Luo has been promoted to immortality, and Luo naturally wants to repay him.

As Luo's life-and-death friend, she would naturally not stop him.

"Yeah, that's fine, but let's go back to Three Axes Mountain to mobilize manpower first," Morea said.

"Yeah!" Luo smiled and nodded.

In addition to Luo, many people who were favored by Chen Zong also decided to stay in the Ancient God Universe Kingdom and planned to start a business here.

If a cosmic country wants to be strong, the more strong people it has, the better.

Naturally, Chen Zong was happy to see the choices made by these people. Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
  The founding celebration has come to a perfect end. One spaceship after another carries the guests away from the Ancient God Continent and returns them to the transit station.

In a transport ship.

"Brother, do you have any images? I was stunned before and forgot to record them. Can you send me a copy?" An ape-man realm master wearing a blue robe looked at the realm master with a golden horn on his head. .

"." The corner of the golden horned world leader's mouth twitched, "No, I was stunned too!"

"If you want it, I'll give you some, but you have to pay." At this time, the Tauren Realm Lord passing by stopped and looked at the Apeman Realm Master and the One-Horned Realm Master, with a smile on his face.

The images they were talking about were the images of those realm masters on the Ancient God Continent who had advanced to immortality.

Some people who responded quickly immediately recorded the promotion scene.

However, more people were shocked by the promotion scene. They didn't react until long after the promotion ended, but it was already too late.

"Brother, make a friend." The ape-man realm leader looked at the tauren realm master.

"Okay, give me the money first." The Tauren Realm Master smiled.

"." The ape-man realm master and the unicorn realm master were speechless.

The two of them also asked many people, but none of them had any images. Now they met someone who did, and they didn't want to miss it.

"Okay." The ape-man realm master nodded.

"One copy is 1 Hunyuan unit. I have six copies here, a total of 6 Hunyuan units." The Tauren Realm Master said.

"1 Hunyuan unit? You are robbing!" The ape-man realm leader roared, and the one-horned realm leader also looked at the tauren realm leader coldly.

"I don't believe it. Apart from you, there is no one else." The ape-man realm master snorted coldly and was about to leave.

"Hey, I'm at a disadvantage. You only need 1 Hunyuan unit, and I'll give you these 6 copies." The tauren also knew that he was definitely not the only one who had the image of promotion, so he shouted quickly.


"You can't resell."

When the tauren said this, he turned his head and looked at the golden horned realm master, his meaning was obvious.

Hearing this, the ape-man realm master stopped, turned back, and directly transferred 1 Hunyuan unit to the tauren realm master, obtaining 6 images.

Naturally, buying an image does not mean that you can advance to immortality by watching the image. After all, he has seen it with his own eyes, and he has not said that he can advance to immortality.

and so.

I bought these images just for a thought in my mind, hoping to get some inspiration from them, or even just a little inspiration.

As long as you can get some inspiration, it's not a loss.


Even if there is no inspiration, it is only 1 Hunyuan unit, and he can still afford it.

"He bought it, don't you want it?" After the ape-man realm master left, the tauren realm master looked at the one-horned realm master.

"Yes!" The One-Horn Realm Master gritted his teeth.

Like the ape-man realm master, the unicorn realm master also transferred 1 Hunyuan unit, obtained the image, and then left the lounge.

"Hehe, it's so easy to make money!" The Tauren Realm Master showed a smile on his face and continued to look for customers.

As for whether he would offend other people, he wasn't worried at all. After all, no one knew who he was after leaving here.


He also only needs 1 Hunyuan unit, which is not expensive!

No Realm Lord would be a Hunyuan unit and be an enemy of a strong person of the same level.

The main venue of the celebration.

Those cosmic sages and immortals have long since left, leaving only the three people on the high platform.

"My dear brother, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll take my leave now." God Lord Fengtian stood up and said goodbye.

"Yes." Chen Zong smiled and nodded. Then he turned his hand and a transparent crystal ball appeared out of thin air. "By the way, brother, these are some of my experiences in refining weapons over the years. Maybe they will be helpful to you." .”

"Okay, I'll take it." Lord Fengtian looked happy, took the crystal ball, and put it away.

He knew that Chen Zong had a special talent in refining weapons and had amazing ideas. His experience that could be valued by Chen Zong was definitely not bad and might bring him a lot of inspiration.

The master of Fengtian God blurred and then disappeared.

"Junior brother, it's time for me to leave." Next to him, the Lord of Ice Peak raised his wine glass and took a sip of wine.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

Then, he took out a jar of 'Golden Plum Ancient Brew' and handed it to the Lord of Ice Peak.


During the celebration, the Lord of Bingfeng was full of praise for the ‘Golden Plum Ancient Brew’, which shows how much he loves the ‘Golden Plum Ancient Brew’.

As for the Lord of Bingfeng, it was nothing if he could take some time out of his busy schedule to attend the founding celebration and present a jar of 'Golden Plum Ancient Brew'.

"Well, this is a good thing, but, junior brother, you probably don't have much wine." The Lord of Ice Peak did not take the wine jar immediately.

"Fine wine goes with heroes, senior brother, just accept it." Chen Zong said with a smile.

"." The Lord of Ice Peak was stunned.

Unexpectedly, my junior brother still talks in the same way.

"Okay, then I'll accept it." Since the junior brother has said so, he can't continue to refuse.


The Lord of Ice Peak also left here, and Chen Zong was the only one left in the huge open-air square.

"Qianwu, Jiuyan, Beijiang, Jufeng." Chen Zong shouted.


From the palace complex above the open-air square, the Lords of Ganwu Kingdom, Lord Jiuyan Kingdom, Venerable Beijiang, and Venerable Jufeng flew out and quickly came to the high platform.

"The Ancient Lord!" Their eyes were full of reverence.

Just by becoming the direct subordinates of the Ancient Lord, the four of them obtained 10 treasure points, and they were also able to receive guidance from the Ancient Lord, which made countless venerables in the universe jealous.

Their status in the human race has also been improved because of the Ancient Lord.


Their admiration for Chen Zong can be said to be the deepest among all the sages of the universe.

"Well, now that the major affairs of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom have been decided, the rest of the small matters will be left to you to handle." Chen Zong said, "Especially Ganwu and Jiuyan, you two have experience in governing the Universe Kingdom. I Don’t worry too.”

"Yes!" The leader of Ganwu Kingdom and others responded respectfully.


Chen Zong's figure flashed, disappeared, and appeared in the largest palace among the palaces above.

This palace is called ‘Guyu Palace’.


The gate of Guyudian suddenly closed.

On the throne in the hall, Chen Zong looked at the system panel with a look of surprise on his face.

System panel:

【Name】Chen Zong

【Ethnic Group】Human Ethnic Group (Ancient God)

[Level] Universe Venerable (Fantasy Warrior Style)

[Secret Method] Xuanzong Sword Code (the peak secret method of the Lord of the Universe), Phantom Xiaoyao (the peak secret method of the Lord of the Universe), Spirit Phantom (the peak secret method of the Lord of the Universe)

[Special Secret Techniques] Ancient God Technique (fourth level, body amplitude 100 times), Divine Illusion Technique (first form ‘Nirvana of the Void God’)
  [Secret Talents] Universe in Palm, Ancient God Broken Star, Ancient God Roar, Ancient God Finger
  [Talent Clone] World Tree Clone, Demonic Dragon Clone, Immortal Emperor Clone
  [Gene level] 10081 times.

[Original Law] The ten basic original laws are recognized (the four basic original laws of metal, fire, earth, and space are fully understood).

【Task 1】Open up the Ancient God Universe Kingdom. (completed)
  [Reward] Ancient Pattern Armguards (One of the Sky-Treading Sets)

[Task 2] During the time of the Lord of the Universe, kill a Lord of the Universe alone. (undone)
  [Reward] Ancient God Source Crystal (core component of the Sky-Treading Set)

【Task 3】Famous in the universe (unfinished)

[Reward] Realm Heart Order
  It turned out to be the World Heart Order!

As far as he knew, this world heart order was refined by 'Yuan', and it was one of the opportunities to help future generations of practitioners practice.

Stimulating the energy of the 'Jie Xin Ling', under the protection of the Jie Xin Ling energy, a true spirit can be reincarnated into another huge world that is no less than the 'Origin Continent' - Jie Xin Continent!
  The Jiexin Continent is a source world at the same level as the Origin Continent, but its foundation is deeper.

If you are trapped in the ‘Sacred Level’ for a long time, you can choose to activate the World Heart Order and reincarnate into the World Heart Continent!

Having experienced two different supreme rule source worlds, it was of great help to become the God King.


Once reincarnated, you must become the God King before you can activate the World Heart Order again and be reincarnated back to the continent of origin.

Chen Zong doesn't know whether he will be trapped in the 'saint level' in the future. Maybe he will, maybe he won't.

But now, with the ‘Jie Xin Ling’, he has one more choice.

That’s not bad!

This one is a bit far away, so I’ll press it for now because I don’t want to.


Chen Zong's figure flashed and disappeared.

Ancient God Space.

Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and in the void in front of him, a pair of bronze arm guards floated quietly.


The Ancient God Universe Kingdom has been established, the system tasks have been completed naturally, and the rewards have been distributed accordingly.

"With the arm guards, every piece of the Tiantian suit should be at the peak treasure level!" Looking at the arm guards, a trace of excitement flashed in Chen Zong's eyes.

 Thanks to the book friend "Tokyo Fan Shao" for the 10000 starting coins (an additional chapter will be added)
    2 chapters updated, 2 additional chapters added, 4 chapters missing

  (End of this chapter)

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