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Chapter 279 The inheritance is definitely mine

Chapter 279 The inheritance is definitely mine

The vast starry sky.

A supercontinent with a diameter of 10 light-years stretches across the void. The three galaxies in the surrounding area are affected by it. Like birds approaching the phoenix, they actually deviate from their original routes and slowly move towards the supercontinent.

Although it is said to be slow, it is actually extremely fast.

Under normal circumstances, if galaxies were moving at such a fast speed, they would definitely disintegrate.

but now.
  There seems to be a mysterious force that wraps these three galaxies, making the countless stars in the galaxies seem like a whole, extremely stable and unchanged.

Looking from a distance, one can clearly see three galaxies revolving around the supercontinent, like 'satellites'.

And just as designed, the galaxies each have their own orbits, no collisions, and everything is fine.

at this time.

Puti, Emperor Yan and other universe masters broke through the transparent dome barrier and entered the supercontinent.

At a glance.

The sky is high, the clouds are deep, the mountains and rivers are rolling, and the super continent is so vast that it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The Lords of the Universe were momentarily attracted by this sight.


Next, they were shocked.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"I was imprisoned and couldn't move."

"me too."

Before they could react, golden light pillars covered with golden secret patterns descended from the sky, shrouding them.

"Is this the golden beam of light that Karma said?" The Lord of Banff said with surprise in his eyes.

The appearance of the golden light beam meant that he also had the opportunity to participate in the 'selection trial'.

The other universe masters naturally also know what the golden light pillar is. After all, they either have the guidance of the "mountain guest" or they know it from other universe masters who are undergoing the "selection trial".

at this time.

On the supercontinent, three 'White Sacred Mountains' and four 'Black Sacred Mountains' each emit light, and the golden light pillars on the seven Lords of the Universe high in the sky also emit light.

The lights echo each other.


The masters of the universe felt that their bodies were out of control and falling rapidly downwards.

call out!call out!call out!
  Seven meteors streaked across the sky and landed steadily on the circular stone platform on the top of the sacred mountain.

  The stone platform blooms with light.


The figures of Puti and the others, like Chen Zong and the others before, disappeared and entered the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard Space'. The sacred mountain where they were was suddenly surrounded by golden streams of light, which were different from the surrounding solid-colored lights without 'Trialists'. There is a clear difference in the sacred mountain.

at this time.

Puti looked around and saw pitch black.

And his divine clone left in the outside world immediately informed the mountain guest in detail about the situation here.

In the starry sky of the universe.

In a satellite galaxy outside the supercontinent, on the peak of a wild planet.

"Is it a chessboard of heaven and earth?" Sitting Mountain Guest thought in his mind, "I have heard of a similar secret treasure. It seems to be a treasure of the 'Illusion Path' lineage. It can cast powerful illusions and at the same time assist in cultivation.' The Way of Illusion'."

"Could it be that this secret treasure is also like this?"

Thinking of this, Sitting Mountain Guest looked at the divine clones of Puti and Emperor Yan below, and said, "Next, you do as I say."

"Yes!" Puti and Emperor Yan bowed in response.

Inside the Black God World chessboard.

"Congratulations, you took the first step and successfully summoned the Heaven and Earth Chessboard. You are qualified to start the 'Heaven and Earth Chess Game'."

"Then we will officially enter the first stage of the 'Heaven and Earth Chess Game' - the beginning of Tianyuan."

Hearing this voice, Puti's eyes showed joy.

"As expected of a teacher, he can even spot such a rare treasure at a glance." Puti admired.

"Huh? That is."

In front of him, a figure wearing a black robe appeared.

I saw.

The black-robed figure stretched out his finger and tapped the void. Suddenly, the intersection of the golden lines where he touched turned into a supercontinent. On the supercontinent, mountains undulated and rivers spread like a net, but there was no sign of life.


A coercion at the level of an ordinary cosmic venerable enveloped Puti.

"Pressure?" Puti was surprised.

"It seems that my opponent is that black-robed figure."

Puti also followed suit.

Another world of chessboard space.

"Hahaha, this rare treasure is destined to be mine. No one of you can try to take it away." Emperor Yan reached out and pointed at the intersection of the golden lines in front of him, and a fiery red star appeared out of thin air. Then, he felt the magic that enveloped him. The pressure dissipated and he burst into laughter.

The chessboard space of heaven and earth where Venerable Jueguang is located.

In the dark space, golden threads glowed with golden light.

"The owner of the secret key has three immunity rights from damage. When the immunity from damage is used up, the secret key will be withdrawn." A voice appeared in the mind of the Reverend Awakening.

"Secret key? Could it be it?" Venerable Jueguang looked at the crystal ball in his hand.


The crystal ball emits soft white light, dispersing the surrounding darkness. However, the range is limited, which is the area occupied by the intersection of the golden lines.

"Also, damage immunity?"

"Could it be that there are still life-threatening dangers here?"

Thinking of this, Venerable Jueguang looked a little serious.

He is just the Lord of the Universe, and his strength cannot be compared with that of the 'Ancient Lord'. If there is a danger, the 'Ancient Lord''s chance of survival will definitely be greater than his own.


Why can’t I, who has the secret key, directly obtain the inheritance, and why do I need some bullshit ‘selection trial’.

Venerable Jueguang cursed in his heart.


In front of him, a figure in black robes also appeared. He stretched out his hand and a star system appeared out of thin air.

  Venerable Jueguang's body trembled slightly.

"What a strong pressure." Venerable Jueguang was shocked and angry.



Suddenly, Venerable Jueguang laughed heartily, and his original shock and anger disappeared in an instant.


He received a message, a message from the crystal ball in his hand.

Although he didn't recognize the text in the message, he knew its meaning. It was a guide for novices, guiding him on how to play this 'Heaven and Earth Chess'.

Although it was only the most basic guidance, this was what he needed most at the moment.

Lord Jueguang took the pressure and did not make a move immediately. Instead, he planned to study the information from the crystal ball first.

"Hahaha, let me tell you, the secret key to unlocking the inheritance cannot be that simple." Venerable Jueguang studied the information with a bright smile on his face.

"If there is no secret key to send the message."

"So if you want to study the rules of 'Heaven and Earth Chess', I don't know how long it will take."

"This puts me a big step ahead of the Ancient Lords."

"One step first, every step first!"

"This inheritance will eventually fall into my hands!"


The more Venerable Jueguang thought about it, the more excited he became, and his body couldn't help but tremble. This was not caused by pressure, but because he was too excited.

As the Lord of the Universe, he could crush the Lord of the Universe. How could this not excite him?
  After a long time.

Venerable Jueguang finally raised his head, looked into the distance, thought for a while, and then pointed forward.

Where he pointed, a strange four-legged ferocious beast appeared with a terrifying aura.


The strange and ferocious beast looked up to the sky and roared. It stepped on the void with its thick and powerful limbs, turning into a stream of light and rushing directly towards the star system in the area where the black-robed figure was.

Enter the star system.

The huge hooves and claws of the strange and ferocious beast smacked hard towards the star.

There was a bang.

The star exploded, the entire star system collapsed instantly, and strange and vicious beasts occupied the 'star position' where the star system was located.

According to the information from the secret key, Venerable Jueguang knew that except for the centermost one called ‘Tian Yuan’, the intersection points of the golden lines were all called ‘star positions’.

"As long as my move can be the first to form the 'Secret Pattern', I will be sure of victory." Venerable Jueguang shook his head and sighed, "But... I have never studied the 'Secret Pattern' at all, let alone created it. 'Secret pattern'."


"Even if you create a powerful 'secret pattern', it still needs to be able to be formed."

“If the ‘star positions’ at the important nodes of the ‘Secret Pattern Map’ are occupied, or even the originally occupied ‘star positions’ are taken away, the ‘Secret Pattern Map’ cannot be formed.”

“If you don’t want to fail, you have to start from scratch.”

"It's hard, it's hard!"

Venerable Jueguang's original joyful mood now became much heavier.


“What’s difficult for me is also difficult for the Ancient Lords.”

"Besides, I still have the secret key, and I have an innate advantage. This inheritance is still mine."

"No one can take it away!"

Venerable Awakening’s eyes are firm!
  White sky and earth chessboard space.

Chen Zong's figure flashed and appeared next to 'Tian Yuan', and then he fell towards 'Tian Yuan'.

at this time. In this space, Chen Zong and the white-robed figure both placed hundreds of chess pieces.

The chess piece falls.

"hold head high!"

In Tianyuan, a golden divine dragon rushed out in an instant. The dragon's roar shook the sky. The surrounding area had already turned into an endless starry sky. The stars could not help but tremble in this dragon's roar.

at this time.

In the distance.

A black-headed hydra monster revealed a long snake message, and its roar spread, blocking the spread of the dragon's roar.

The golden dragon and the hydra looked at each other.

call out!call out!
  In the endless galaxy.

Dragon and snake fight, murderous, soaring into the sky!

Seeing the earth-shaking in the distance, Chen Zong's eyes became brighter and brighter.

prior to.

He always followed the white-robed figure to place the pieces. When there were few chess pieces, he didn't notice anything special. But when the number of chess pieces increased, he discovered that the qi of the chess pieces dropped by the white-robed figure were connected with each other, forming a whole. .

And the same goes for the chess pieces he followed.

The two wholes are like two secret patterns.

The move, the layout, the secret pattern.

Chen Zong seemed to have some understanding.


In addition to the qi-machine connection between the chess pieces, Chen Zong also discovered that every golden line intersection is actually the same. The reason why different things appear is because of energy.

There is a special energy in the chessboard space of heaven and earth.

Unlike the 'Power of the Ancient God', this special energy cannot be absorbed.

Only when the chess pieces are dropped can this special energy be mobilized to form all things, such as stars, continents, exotic beasts, etc.


The intensity of this special energy is not fixed, but is constantly changing.

The chess pieces that fall in a place with rich energy will transform all things into stronger ones.

As for what exactly it will turn into.
  Is it random?

Or are there any rules?
  Chen Zong was also confused and had no idea at all.


Chen Zong knew better. If he pursues the golden line intersection with special energy too much, then it may bring some benefits in a short period of time, but it may be very uncomfortable later.


The intersection points of some special energy golden lines are far away from your own chess pieces.

If the piece falls there, although the piece will be very powerful, it will be difficult to resonate with other pieces.

If it falls close by, even if there is not much special energy, it can resonate with other chess pieces. The resonance can enhance the power of all chess pieces, which is not comparable to a single powerful chess piece.


If you can make the powerful chess pieces in the distance resonate with other chess pieces in the subsequent duel, then the power can be imagined.

and so.

To make a move or not to make a move is also a spiritual test.

Of course it also depends on chess ability!

In the vast galaxy.

The golden divine dragon twisted its slender body, swung its tail, turned into a golden rainbow, and hit one of the heads of the Hydra.

There was a bang.

The head of the Hydra monster exploded directly.


The remaining eight heads roared angrily.


The remaining eight heads of the Hydra opened its huge mouth, dark light gathered in the air, and then spit it out suddenly.

Eight black rays of light rushed out of the Shekou.

The surrounding starry sky was like wax meeting fire, showing signs of melting.

This black light is poisonous!

Extremely poisonous!

It is also extremely corrosive!
  Seeing this, the golden divine dragon also opened its huge mouth, and a dark blue ball flew out of its mouth, and then landed between the two dragon horns above his head, suspended.

Followed by.


Rays of thunder appeared on the two dragon horns, and the thunder poured into the dark blue ball in the middle.

The surface of the ball is thunderous like a dragon.

In the center of the sphere, thunder and lightning gathered, shining brightly.

Just as the black light corroded the galaxy and rushed in, the ball seemed to be full of energy. The gathered thunder and lightning rushed out of the ball and hit the black light.

As if ice and snow met the blazing sun, the black light was washed away by thunder and lightning and was directly purified.

And thunder and lightning still have residual power.


Thunder and lightning tear apart the starry sky, heading towards the hydra monster, bringing down justice from the sky!

The hydra roars!

The white-robed figure in the space moved at this time, and it was seen that he fell towards a 'star position' outside the galaxy that did not have much special energy at all.


The galaxy trembles!

All the chess pieces of the white-robed figure glowed with dazzling light at this moment, and their aura increased sharply.

at this time.

The head of the Hydra that was destroyed grew back, and the pitch-black scales became harder and tighter, as crystal clear as black jade.

The aura on his body was several times stronger.


The hydra monster's tail curled up, and then suddenly flicked, and its entire body soared into the sky like a missile.

  The hydra monster slammed into the thunder and lightning, and the lightning was directly annihilated.

The scales on the top of the basilisk's head were not even traced, and were as smooth as a mirror.

Dragon and snake are fighting together again.


The golden divine dragon completely crushed the hydra monster. At this moment, the two poles were reversed, and the golden divine dragon was actually at a disadvantage.

"What a trick!" Chen Zong admired when he saw where the white-robed figure landed.

It was an extremely inconspicuous place, something he had not expected.


Chen Zong looked around where the white-robed figure fell.

The reason why he was able to follow the white-robed figure down to more than a hundred steps, and was only at a disadvantage, was because he followed the white-robed figure down.

It is an imitation chess game.


This 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' is somewhat special. Every time the white-robed figure makes a move, there are six positions around the place where the move is imitated.

But Chen Zong can only take the next one.


Chen Zong needs to think about where he is.

after all.

In the past, he suffered a big loss because he chose the wrong position, and almost failed directly. Later, he learned from the painful experience and would study it carefully before making a move, and then make a move after consciously simulating it.


Even so, he kept making mistakes.

But fortunately, he is strong and can withstand the pressure of the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard Space', giving him the possibility to continue making moves.


There were also times when he made the right choice, and the chess piece fell into the best position, so he could win the game.

  This 'Heaven and Earth Chess Game' has long since ended with Chen Zong's defeat!

at this time.

In the ancient god space, the hall of fantasy, and the secret room space.

The demon dragon clone has stopped studying the 'Eight Extremes Way' and started to deduce how to make a move.

Chen Zong had tried it before, but it was impossible to simulate the 'Heaven and Earth Chess Game' into the virtual universe. Well, of course, it didn't mean that it couldn't simulate those golden threads.

But these golden threads are simulated and have no role in this "heaven and earth chess game space".

Perhaps only by completely simulating the outside supercontinent into the virtual universe can the simulated golden thread be able to function.

time flies.

"Well, just over there!" The demon dragon clone opened its eyes.

And in the ‘heaven and earth chessboard space’.

Chen Zong stretched out his hand and dropped a piece on the result of the deduction.


A star emitting golden light appeared suddenly, and then its light shone brightly in the sky.

  The star suddenly grew bigger!

Chen Zong's chess pieces were all aroused.

The golden divine dragon burst out with powerful momentum again, overwhelming the hydra monster.

(End of this chapter)

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