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Chapter 282: Averting Disaster

Chapter 282: Averting Disaster (Additional Updates for Book Friend ‘Tokyo Fan Shao’)
  Virtual universe, top of Thunder Island.

In the quaint palace, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and then walked out of the palace.

In front of the temple, there were two rows of 18 guards standing, each of them an immortal god.

In other side halls and covered bridges, there are realm lord-level guards.

"Ancient Emperor!" Seeing Chen Zong appear, the eyes of the Immortal Spirit Guards flashed with reverence, and they lowered their heads and saluted respectfully.

These guards include both humans and special beings. They are all from the Nine Star Continent and are members of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom. They naturally call Chen Zong the Ancient Emperor.

On the Nine Star Continent, there are as many powerful people as there are, and the number of immortal gods exceeds 10,000.

In other words, although the Ancient God Universe Kingdom was founded, the number of immortal gods is no less than that of other Universe Kingdoms, and this does not include the 'divine beasts'.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded slightly and then disappeared.

At the highest point of Thunder Island, in front of the Chaos Temple, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and then strode into the Chaos Temple.

"Junior brother." The figure of the Lord of Chaos City walked out from the depths of the endless chaotic airflow and looked at Chen Zong curiously, "You asked me to inform Juaxe that we have something important to discuss. I don't know what it is?"

At this time.

"Is it also a major event that can affect the human race?" A deep voice came from far and near, falling on the ears of Chen Zong and the Lord of Chaos City. The two of them followed the sound and saw an extremely tall and savage figure. Appears in the Temple of Chaos.

"Giant Ax, you came just in time." Chen Zong smiled and said, "These are the details."


Chen Zong explained the situation clearly.


"Heaven and Earth Chessboard?"

"Selection trial?"

"4000 calamities in one era?"

Giant Ax and Chaos City Lord were completely shocked by the news told by Chen Zong.


"Hahaha, okay, although I am in the cosmic sea now, I haven't gone deep into it yet. It's not far from the original universe. I'll be back soon." Giant Ax said in surprise.

This was a major event related to the future of mankind, so he couldn't help but ignore it.

"Also, your dragon clone will go to my small universe immediately, and I will open up a ten thousand times time acceleration area for you." The giant ax said.

"Okay." Chen Zong nodded, "By the way, these are the rules of 'Heaven and Earth Chess'. With them, 'The Beginning of Tianyuan' will not be able to trouble you at all."

Chen Zong passed on the rules of heaven and earth chess to Juaxe and the Lord of Chaos City.

"It's a very mysterious 'Heaven and Earth Chess'." Juaxe glanced at the rules, gained a preliminary understanding of Heaven and Earth Chess, and praised it.

And this moment.

The demon dragon clone left the ancient god's space and appeared in the ancient emperor's palace of the 'Nine Star Continent'. Then it was teleported through the Kingdom of God and came to the 'Ancient God Continent' in the starry sky.

A majestic temple sits on a towering mountain range in the Ancient God Continent.

In front of this temple, there is a fixed space transmission channel, through which you can go to the temple guarding outside the earth.

At this time.

The demon dragon's clone appeared in front of the temple, and the immortal gods and world masters guarding the temple bowed and saluted.

With the temple outside the earth serving as a transit point, the demon dragon clone quickly arrived at the base camp of the Giant Ax Arena, and then entered the small universe of the Giant Ax through the cosmic passage in the base camp.

In the cosmic sea, the giant ax also rushed back to the original universe at the fastest speed.

As for the other human universe masters, they have not taken any action.

Because ‘Heaven and Earth Chess’ is very dangerous.

Previously, just at the beginning of Tianyuan, Chen Zong made a mistake and the embodiment was destroyed, and 10% of his divine body was annihilated by the golden light falling from the "chessboard space".

Every time you make a mistake, you lose 10% of your divine body.

This is because Chen Zong's divine body has reached more than 90 kilometers. If other divine bodies were smaller than the Lord of the Universe, a 'golden light' might annihilate % of their divine bodies.

of course.

Due to the rules of the chessboard space, it will only annihilate 90% of the divine bodies at most, and it will not exceed this number.


Once the divine body drops to less than 70%, you can no longer make moves. You can only wait. When the divine body returns to 70%, you can get another chance to make moves.

When the Lord of the Universe restores his divine body, it consumes extremely huge resources.

If it happens a few more times, not only will the Lord of the Universe be unable to bear it, but it will also be a great loss to the tribe.

and so.

Among the human race, it is enough for Chen Zong, who is good at the 'Secret Pattern Style', and the strongest man in the universe, Giant Ax, to participate in the 'selection trial'.

after all.

The other masters of the human universe are not good at the 'Secret Pattern Style', and they don't have the strength of the giant axe. Even if they come, they can't compete with Chen Zong and the giant axe. There is no need to take risks.

Heaven and earth chessboard, chessboard space.

In the ancient bloody battlefield, the human legion has been cornered by the alien beast legion.

"It seems that we can't delay it any longer, we have to make a move quickly." Sensing the situation on the battlefield, Chen Zong frowned.


"I haven't found a breakthrough yet."

Chen Zong was a little helpless.

After studying for these days, he also knew that this so-called 'Xuanyuan Tribulation' was the 'endgame' of this world chess game.

In the 'endgame', the chess piece he held was in an absolutely weak state.

Even if you don't make a move, you can't maintain the current chess situation.

after all.

Embodiments will fight with each other.

Once Chen Zong's side of the body is destroyed, it will be considered that Chen Zong's "catastrophe" has failed.

and so.

If you want to pass this calamity, you have to make a move, and you have to win.

at this time.

If Chen Zong doesn't make a move, he will definitely lose, but if he makes a move, there is still a little room for change.

"That's it." Chen Zong pointed far away, and inside the three-dimensional secret pattern, a 'star position' glowed with blood-colored light, and a majestic blood-haired giant man holding a millstone weapon appeared out of thin air.


The blood-haired giant rushed directly into the ancient battlefield and threw the millstone.


The millstone is divided into two parts, with the upper part flying high into the sky and the lower part escaping into the earth.


Whether it was a millstone in the air or deep underground, it suddenly expanded to a size of hundreds of millions of kilometers.



The millstone in the sky rotates clockwise, while the millstone deep underground rotates counterclockwise, and the sky and the earth make a buzzing sound.

The area between two millstones.

Teams of alien beasts were hunting down human teams wantonly, and the roars of excited beasts resounded throughout the world.

And this time.

The expressions of the strange beasts above Zhengxing suddenly changed drastically.

The expression of excitement turned into one of horror.


The frightened alien beasts stopped chasing and gathered together, and then streams of colorful light emitted from their horns, hooves, and eyes, either hitting the sky or rushing into the earth.


Their attacks were wiped out by a majestic twisted force while they were still in the middle of the attack.

And this majestic twisted power, after destroying the attack of the alien beast, enveloped the alien beast.

"Ho ho ho~"

The bodies of these strange beasts were actually more fragile than tofu under this twisted force, and were annihilated in an instant.

In the ancient bloody battlefield, there are no strange beasts in this billion-mile area.

But those mountains, rivers, and human teams were intact.

"Kill!" The giant blood-haired man roared and charged towards the headquarters of the Alien Beast Legion. The remaining human squads that survived followed closely, their fighting spirit skyrocketing.

Along the way, the twisting power of the millstone swept across the battlefield.

At this time.


At the headquarters of the Alien Beast Legion, a sky-shaking beast roar resounded throughout the world. The sound wave swept towards the distortion force and actually blocked the distortion force.


A strange beast covered in snow-white hair walked through the air. Its limbs were thick and powerful, and its pointed claws glowed with black cold light, like a scimitar, and the chill was overwhelming.

Behind it, there is a pair of huge wings. The wings are spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

On top of its head, there are ten black sharp horns, and black mist emerges from the black sharp horns, forming a dark crown.

"King!" Countless strange beasts lowered their heads to greet their king.

The alien beast king's dark eyes were extremely cold as he looked at the giant blood-haired man, causing his body to tremble suddenly.

This strange beast king is the result of the opponent's chess piece after Chen Zong's move.

Shocking strength!

I saw.

The Alien Beast King flapped his wings, and a black tornado appeared out of thin air. The space in front instantly collapsed and turned into an endless flow of particles. The particle flow was drawn into the black tornado, which actually enhanced the power of the black tornado.

call out!
  The black tornado was so powerful that it headed directly towards the half millstone in the sky.


Shocking noise.

Half of the millstone was directly knocked away by the Black God's tornado, and rushed into the bloody sky at extremely fast speeds.

The bloody sky was like a bloody curtain, with a gap cut open by scissors. Endless chaotic air flow poured out from the gap, adding a touch of gray to the bloody sky.

And half of the millstone crashed straight into the gap, getting lost in the endless chaotic airflow.

On the ancient battlefield, the blood-haired giant felt that his connection with the millstone was getting weaker and weaker.

This is not because the mark of life he left on the millstone has been erased, but because the distance between him and the millstone is too far.

If half of the millstone is lost, the twisting power will disappear instantly.

At this time.

I saw the Alien Beast King stretching out his right front paw and slapping it hard at the blood-haired giant.

Even though they were far apart, this claw passed directly through the layers of space and appeared above the blood-haired giant.

The blood-haired giant waved his hand, and the half of the millstone in the ground turned into a stream of light and appeared above the blood-haired giant's head.


The claws, as black as a scimitar, hit the millstone directly, leaving three deep and long claw marks on the millstone.

Fortunately, the millstone is large enough, otherwise the three claw marks would have divided it into four pieces.


The impact brought by the sharp claws is extremely powerful.

The hard blood-colored earth rumbled, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the millstone and the giant blood-haired man sank deep into the ground, and continued to go deeper.


The body of the giant blood-haired man was like a piece of porcelain being struck, with cracks forming from which bright red blood flowed out.

The alien beast king's blow directly caused serious injuries to the blood-haired giant.

And at this time.

Taking advantage of the victory, the King of Alien Beasts pursued the attack and rushed into the depths of the earth along the cracks in the earth.

The jet-black crown on top of its head suddenly emitted streams of black air. The black air gathered and turned into a black spear.


The strange beast king roared, and the black spear shot out instantly. The speed was so fast that he caught up with the blood-haired giant.


The already severely damaged millstone was hit hard again and fell apart.

The fragments shot out in all directions, forming straight passages deep in the ground. A powerful aura remained in the passage, making the passage full of murderous intent.

And the black spear, although slightly hindered, is still powerful.

"Kill!" The blood-haired giant man's body, which was on the verge of collapse, healed quickly at this moment, and his aura suddenly surged.

He burned out his last life just for the final blow.

After punching out, dazzling blood bloomed on the edge of his fist and hit the black spear.

"Zizzi. Bang!"

The black spear blocked it slightly, but it was unable to withstand the final glory of the blood-haired giant.

I saw.

The black spear crashed and disintegrated, turning into a black airflow again. As soon as the black airflow was formed, it was washed away by the blood and turned into nothingness.

The blood-haired giant continued along the passage, killing the strange beast king above the passage.

Feeling the power of the blood-haired giant's final blow, the Alien Beast King's pupils trembled and he wanted to dodge.


It chased and killed extremely fast, and the blood-haired giant was not slow to kill either.

The alien beast king had no time to dodge.


The Alien Beast King waved his right paw again and swatted at the blood-haired giant.

"Boom!" Fist and claw collided deep in the ground, erupting a tide of energy.

This formation originally had only one huge channel, but at this moment, the energy tide surged out from the explosion. The surrounding rock walls were extremely fragile under this energy tide.


The ground collapsed, forming a huge underground cave with a diameter of one light-year.

At this moment, the energy tide has subsided.

At the center of the explosion.

The right front paw of the Alien Beast King was broken, and bright red blood was flowing continuously. The long, snow-white hair on its body was also stained with bright red blood at this moment.

Some of this blood belongs to him, and some of it belongs to the blood-haired giant.

The King of Alien Beasts no longer looked as majestic as before, looking a little haggard.

But the bloody giant disappeared completely.

Outside the ancient battlefield.

When Chen Zong saw this scene, he was also filled with emotion.

This decisive battle process actually happened in just a short moment.


The blood-haired giant fell, and there was a king of alien beasts on the side of the alien beasts. The human army collapsed in an instant.

If it were the previous 'Tian Yuan Beginning' where the concrete body collapsed and died, Chen Zong would still have a chance to turn things around.

  This is ‘tribulation’!
  I saw that the three-dimensional secret pattern diagram that Chen Zong belonged to was dim and dull at the moment, with cracks all over it, and it suddenly collapsed.


The first time 'resolving the calamity' failed!

at this time.

In the 'chessboard space', a dazzling golden light fell from the sky and hit Chen Zong.

This golden light completely ignored Chen Zong's 'Tiantian Suit' and acted directly on his divine body.

The divine body was annihilated bit by bit under the golden light.

Wait until the golden light disappears.

"20%!" Chen Zong was shocked.

This golden light directly annihilated 20% of his divine body, which was twice as powerful as the golden light of 'The Beginning of Tianyuan'.

Just when Chen Zong was shocked.

The chess game in the chessboard space is restored again.

Chen Zong is still on the human side.

On that ancient battlefield, the human legion and the alien beast legion were fighting fiercely as before.

"Try him first!" Chen Zong thought for a while and directly placed the chess piece on the 'star position' where the Alien Beast King appeared in the previous game.

I saw.

A legion composed of hundreds of millions of human soldiers emerged from the 'star position'. These soldiers were all wearing purple battle armor, and there was a golden dragon pattern on the battle armor.


A void passage appeared in front of the legion.

The general of the legion waved his hand, and the entire legion stepped onto the void passage.

In the ancient battlefield, the area where humans and alien beasts fought the most fiercely, a void passage appeared out of thin air, and then an army of dragon-patterned purple armor came out of the air.

"Kill!" The general of the legion bravely took the lead, rushed out of the void passage, and killed the alien beast legion.


Hundreds of millions of soldiers drew their standard swords, and some captains had their own unique weapons. They followed the legion generals and fought towards the battlefield.

For a moment, the sound of killing was loud.

The bloody clouds high in the sky shattered and disintegrated under the impact of this murderous aura, disappearing into nothingness.

Chen Zong was not surprised by the appearance of the legion, because he already knew about it before he made the move.

He settled here mainly because he wanted to prevent the appearance of the King of Alien Beasts.

after all.

The King of Alien Beasts is so powerful!
  of course.

If his position is still the same as last time, then. Since the chess game is exactly the same as last time, and there is no difference even in the division of special energy, there will definitely still be a bloody giant on the human side.

Needless to say.

The alien beast side will never abandon the near for the far away, so he is still the king of alien beasts.

Then Chen Zong can only lose once more.

Chen Zong naturally didn't want to do this.

And this moment.

The white-robed figure in the distance is not a Yuanling, but an emotionless virtual figure.

His figure flashed and appeared in the battlefield, and then he pointed to a 'star position' hidden at the bottom of the blood lake in the battlefield.

The star position is faintly distorted.

"hold head high!"

A long blood-colored dragon emerged from the twisted space, soared into the sky, went straight into the blood cloud, and danced in the blood cloud.

Immediately, the huge dragon head poked out of the blood cloud, looking down at the battlefield below.

I saw.

The long bloody dragon raised its head and then sprayed down.


a bolt from the blue.

A bloody lightning flashed across the vast blood sky.

In the most intense area of ​​the ancient battlefield, the sky was suddenly shrouded in thick blood clouds that appeared out of thin air.

The rays of the bloody setting sun were also intercepted by the blood cloud, causing the ancient battlefield to suddenly fall into darkness.


Whether they are soldiers or beasts, they are all strong. No matter how dim the battlefield is, it does not matter.


As darkness fell, the blood clouds in the sky rained blood.

Blood rain fell on the battlefield, and the purple-armored dragon-marked legionnaires suddenly felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable force around them, affecting their performance.

As for the alien beasts, they are as energetic as chicken blood.

Originally suppressed by the purple-armored dragon-patterned legion, they almost collapsed. At this moment, the alien beasts actually ushered in a fighting chance.

Their secret techniques and physical bodies are much stronger than before.

This is changing!

The situation turned around instantly.

The alien beasts seemed to be able to match one to a hundred, and they suppressed the human army in one fell swoop.

high in the sky.

The long bloody dragon turned into a sea of ​​blood with a bang.

The sea of ​​blood collapsed, like a river falling from the sky, hitting the battlefield below.


Under the impact of the sea of ​​​​blood, the earth collapsed and mountains were destroyed. Countless human soldiers were unable to avoid it. They were swept into the sea of ​​​​blood and turned into withered bones in an instant.

A short time.

The battlefield changed drastically, and the human army was directly defeated.

From the high altitude of the 'chessboard space', a 'golden light' fell again. Chen Zong's divine body once again lost 20% of his divine body. Now he only has 60% of his divine body left.

Less than 70%, the chess game is directly frozen, and there is no direct opening of a new game like last time.

"." The corners of Chen Zong's mouth twitched.

"You lost so miserably!"

"The difficulty of 'transforming calamity' is a bit high."

"Well, previously, Senior Yuan Ling said that this 'Xuan Yuan Tribulation' is just an advanced tutorial, which is just one level more difficult than the basic tutorial of 'The Beginning of Tian Yuan'."


"Is it really difficult for him to get to the next level?"

"I think there is still a stage between the 'Beginning of Tianyuan' and the 'Tribulation of Xuanyuan', right?"

"Otherwise, how could I still win the 'Tian Yuan Beginning', but this 'Xuan Yuan Tribulation'? After just a few bets, I was completely defeated."

"And the power of the 'golden light' has also been doubled!"

"Hey, it's so difficult to 'transform the catastrophe'!"

"It seems that we can't rush to restore our divine body first."

"Take advantage of the time when you can't make a move to study the chess game carefully."

Restoring the divine body may be difficult for others, but for Chen Zong, it is very simple.

after all.

The huge divine body of the World Tree, and its divine power can be directly transmitted to Chen Zong through the 'coordinate point', which is like having a power bank that can be charged anytime and anywhere, which is extremely convenient.

Even if Luo Feng has a Nether Sea clone in the future, he will only be able to carry one Nether Sea clone at most. Even if he adds the Golden Horned Behemoth and the Demon Killer Clan clone, the divine body that can be used to fight outside the Nether Sea is not counted. There are many, but they cannot be compared with Chen Zong.


Chen Zong focused his attention on the frozen chess game and began to study it.

However, he also knows that such research can only provide a better understanding of the current chess game, but it is difficult to predict subsequent changes in the chess game.

and so.

If you want to get more information, you can only continue to make moves.

The more chess pieces are dropped, the more detailed and clear the information obtained!


At this moment, the demon dragon's clone is already in the small universe of the giant axe, and the time flow rate has reached ten thousand times, which is twice as long as the time in the secret room of the Hall of Illusions.

at this time.

Outside the chessboard of heaven and earth.

The huge body of the giant ax occupied the starry sky.

"Hmm?" Seeing the chessboard of heaven and earth, a light flashed in Juaxe's eyes.

"This is definitely a top-notch and powerful treasure, no less powerful than the 'Star Tower'." Giant Ax was shocked in his heart.

Immediately, the giant ax laughed and stepped into the chessboard of heaven and earth, and then also entered the 'chessboard space'.

With a wave of the giant axe, golden threads suddenly appeared in the white chessboard space.

"Hahaha! With the rules developed by the Ancient Lord, I feel relaxed." Juaxe was delighted.


When he looked up and saw a list of names high in the sky, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Human Puti?" Giant Ax looked confused.

Previously, Chen Zong forgot to mention this matter to Juaxe and the Lord of Chaos City, so Juaxe did not know about Puti.

of course.

Even if he hadn't forgotten, he might not have said it.

after all.

As the Lord of the Universe, Puti was only known to a few people such as Sishanke and Emperor Yan. If Chen Zong revealed it, it would be difficult to explain why he knew it.

Metaverse, Thunder Island, Temple of Chaos.

Giant Axe, the Lord of Chaos City, and Chen Zong, the three of them have been staying together since Chen Zong brought the news.

"Ancient Lord, what's going on with Puti?" Juaxe looked at Chen Zong.

"Puti? I don't know either." Chen Zong thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "When the great changes occurred in the 'Lingwu Secret Realm', there was no such person. He should have come in from behind."


"I have not met him."

This is true, Chen Zong has indeed never met Puti.

Well, I have never seen the Lord of the Universe named 'Puti', but I have seen the overlord of the human universe named 'Tipu'.

"In the 'Heaven and Earth Chess Game', the minimum strength of the entrant must be the Universe Venerable. In other words, this 'Puti' is at least a Universe Venerable." Juaxe said, "And he can become the next one after you. The strength of the 'second elite candidate' should reach the level of the Lord of the Universe."


"You also know that there is no such person in our human race."

"what on earth is it?"

Giant Ax looked confused.

"Puti, Puti, Puti." The Lord of Chaos City muttered several times, "Could it be him?"

"Who?" Giant Ax looked at the Chaos City Lord.

"Among us humans, there is a strong man whose name is somewhat similar to 'Puti', named 'Tipu'." Chaos City Lord said, "However, Tipu is just a cosmic overlord, not the master of the universe."

Tipu, the strong snake-human race of humans, naturally knows about Giant Axe.

"Why don't we call him and ask?" Chen Zong, who was silent next to him, said.

"This" the two of them hesitated.

"Okay." Chaos City Lord, Giant Ax nodded.

They also wanted to see if Puti was Tipu.

If true, then there is another Lord of the Universe among humans, which is a blessing for the entire human race.

 Thanks to book friend 20201221144754646 for the reward of 152 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

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