Chapter 296 Kill
  The vast starry sky, the territory of the ancient god's cosmic kingdom, and the purple smoke galaxy.

In the silent void, a ripple of space spread, and a black sword-shaped spaceship with red lines appeared out of thin air, and then flew towards the planet not far away shrouded in lavender light.

This lavender planet is the ‘Purple Fortune Star’, the administrative center of the Purple Smoke Galaxy.


The War Sword spacecraft passed through the atmosphere of Zifu Star and fell towards a majestic mountain range below without being blocked at all.


A mythical beast flew out of the spaceship, and behind it, a black-haired Realm Lord wearing a black uniform with red stripes flew out.

"This valley is good, I will settle here first." The magical beast looked at the surrounding environment, nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the black-haired realm master and said, "You keep an eye on it, and if there is any situation, report to me immediately report."

"Yes, sir!" The black-haired realm master saluted respectfully to the magical beast.

The mythical beast walked into the valley, and the black-haired Realm Lord separated his consciousness and landed in the virtual universe, delivering a message to the top: "We have arrived at the designated place."

"Okay." The black-haired world leader immediately received a reply.

Virtual Universe, Ancient God Continent.

Compared with other continents that have existed for a long time, the Ancient God Continent is not desolate at all, and there are also countless humans living there.

Even the islands around the Ancient God Continent are also home to many humans.

Most of these people are humans from the Kingdom of God, which has the largest human population.

They were moved from the Kingdom of God to the territory of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom by the five major forces. Therefore, the Ancient God Universe Kingdom had such a large population even though it was not long after its founding.

High in the sky on the Ancient God Continent, there is a huge suspended island.

On the central mountain range of Hanging Island, there are many gorgeous palaces. In one of the simple palaces, four figures are sitting around a stone table.

There are still more than a dozen figures standing in the palace.

"How many of them have not arrived at the designated location now?" Beside the stone table, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom asked as he looked at the dozen or so figures standing.

"Reporting to you, Your Majesty, we have all arrived." A strong man from the ape-man tribe wearing golden battle armor bowed and saluted.

"That's good." Lord Ganwu nodded.

"Well, also, this mission was personally assigned by the Ancient Lord, and there must be no room for error." Lord Jiuyan said, "Go and supervise it again to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Yes!" The golden-armored ape-man and others responded respectfully and then exited the palace.

At the stone table.

"Previously, I was wondering why the Ancient Lord wanted to know from me the number of galaxies with larger populations in the Ancient God Universe Kingdom and its surrounding affiliated countries. Now." The eyes of Lord Jiuyan showed worry, "Seeing the Ancient God's Cosmos Kingdom, The Lord has sent tens of millions of magical beasts to guard those galaxies, and I feel that something big will happen.”

"I also have this premonition." Venerable Beijiang said with the same concern.

"Even if something big happens, with the four of us venerables guarding us, can we still suppress it?" Venerable Jufeng is very confident in himself. After all, he is now a venerable person who possesses the 'Ultimate Treasure Weapon' and the 'Ultimate Treasure Armor' or.

"Yes, that makes sense." The leader of Ganwu Kingdom nodded in agreement.

At this time.

Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air in this ancient palace.

"I've met the Ancient Lord!" Lord Ganwu and the others immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded slightly, "Is everything done?"

After killing the Lord of Heavenly Wolf, Chen Zong felt that the demon clan would definitely not give up.

He wasn't worried about his own safety.

after all.

In this primitive universe, he is invincible. The only thing he has to worry about is that the demon clan will attack the ancient god universe country.

and so.

He then sent out magical beasts to guard the galaxy.

Of course, in addition to the magical beasts, the cosmic army is naturally not idle either.

"Everything has been arranged," said the leader of Ganwu Kingdom.

"Okay, it's time to tell you about this." Chen Zong said, "Recently, the demon clan may attack our Ancient God Universe Kingdom, or even the surrounding affiliated countries. Therefore, in order to provide timely support, the four of you will also We need to leave the Ancient God Continent and guard the four directions."

"What? Will the demon clan attack?" The leader of Ganwu Kingdom and the four of them were stunned.

"This is just my guess, but no matter whether it is accurate or not, it is always right to be more prepared." Chen Zong nodded, "As for the Ancient God Continent, I will be in charge personally."

"Yes!" The four of them bowed and responded.

Ancient mysterious realm, Nine Star Continent.

Luo Feng's Beast God inheritance order has been delivered, so after bidding farewell to Chen Zong with King Zhenyan, he headed towards Bauhinia Island, the mysterious ancestral realm.

The ancient god space, the chessboard space.

In the starry sky on the dome, Chen Zong has visited thousands of stars marked by Yuan Ling.

Except for seeing a few traces on the stone tablet planet, I only got a chess record on a yellow stone planet, and there was nothing on the other planets.

at this time.

Chen Zong is holding a book made of special material in his hand. The cover is blue and has the words 'Tribulation of All Gods' written on it.

"Hahaha, congratulations, master. Congratulations, master." Next to him, Yuan Lingdao congratulated, "I didn't expect that the chess ancestor would leave it here."

"This 'Thousand Gods Tribulation' chess book was written by the chess ancestor who devoted his whole life. The secrets in it are enough to make the master's chess skills improve rapidly."

"When the master's chess skills reach seven levels, it will be a completely different world."

Yuan Ling looked excited.

"I am only at the fourth level now, and my seventh level chess skills are still far away from me." Chen Zong smiled and shook his head, "However, I have finally gained something. I have been working hard for so long."

Chen Zong turned to the first page of ‘The Tribulation of All Gods’.

A voice came into his mind: "There are nine volumes of the Tribulation of the Ten Thousand Gods. The first volume requires a will to reach the true god level before it can be understood. After thorough understanding, one can reach the fifth level of chess power. The second volume requires..."

After a while.

"Well, I can read the content of the first volume now." Chen Zong sighed, "Forget it, at least I can still read it, so it's not a loss."


Chen Zong did not watch immediately, but put away the 'Thousand God Tribulation'.

Then, they left the dome starry sky.

Yuan Ling still stayed in the chessboard space, but Chen Zong returned directly to the ancient god space.

call out!
  The chessboard of heaven and earth turned into flowing light again and entered Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong, on the other hand, looked at the crystal ball not far away that was emitting golden light.

This crystal ball is the core component of the Sky-Treading Set, the ‘Ancient God Source Crystal’, obtained after completing the system mission.

Chen Zong waved his hand.

The bronze ball in the body flew out, and the ancient god source crystal turned into a golden stream of light and plunged directly into the bronze ball.


The bronze ball bloomed with dazzling golden light, dyeing the surrounding colorful interstellar dust completely golden.



Thunderous roars came from the bronze ball and resounded throughout the world.

Even though the Taotian suit was being upgraded, Chen Zong did not lose his perception of the Tatian suit. At this moment, Chen Zong felt that a golden space was born inside the bronze ball.

In the center of the golden space.

Countless golden lights gathered together to form a golden dome.


"Master." A confused voice came from the golden dome and entered Chen Zong's mind.

"Huh? Are you in the Sky-Treading Suit?" Chen Zong responded.

"Yes, Master." The consciousness in the Sky-Treading Suit said, "Now, I have just been born and cannot continue to communicate with the Master. After some time, after coming out of the eggshell, I can continue to serve the Master. "

"Okay, then you should rest first." Chen Zong nodded.

"Yeah." The consciousness of Tatian Suit fell asleep directly.

Although the consciousness of the Tatian suit is asleep, the upgrade of the Tatian suit has been completed.


"The most powerful treasure! It has indeed reached the level of the most powerful treasure!" Chen Zong's face showed a look of joy.

"Huh? What is this?"

Suddenly, a piece of information appeared in Chen Zong's mind.

"Hahaha, it turns out that the Sky-Treading suit is not complete. It is missing a weapon and a cloak." After reading the information, Chen Zong said in surprise, "Well, this is the refining method of the Sky-Treading weapon and the Sky-Treading cloak."

"The ancient refining technique, the refining of the Sky-Treading weapon and the Sky-Treading cloak, needs to be refined with the ancient refining technique, so that it can fit with the entire Sky-Treading set."


"The refining method has been given to me, so I wonder if there will be any more missions in the future that reward components of the Sky-Treading Suit?"

"Right, mission."

I was busy looking for the treasures left by the ‘Chess Ancestor’, but I didn’t think about it. Chen Zong immediately looked at the system panel.

【Name】Chen Zong

【Ethnic Group】Human Ethnic Group (Ancient God)

[Level] Universe Venerable (Fantasy Warrior Style)

[Secret Method] Xuanzong Sword Code (the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe), Phantom Xiaoyao (the pinnacle secret method of the Master of the Universe), Spirit Phantom (the most powerful secret method of the Master of the Universe), Demonic Eye of Annihilation (the secret method of the strongest person in the universe), Baji Tao (the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe)
  [Special Secret Techniques] Ancient God Technique (fourth level, body amplitude 100 times), Divine Illusion Technique (first form ‘Nirvana of the Void God’)
  [Secret Talents] Universe in Palm, Ancient God Broken Star, Ancient God Roar, Ancient God Finger
  [Talent Clone] World Tree Clone, Demonic Dragon Clone, Immortal Emperor Clone
  [Gene level] 10081 times.

[Original Law] The ten basic original laws are recognized (the six basic original laws of metal, fire, earth, water, thunder, and space are fully understood).

[Task 1] During the time of the Lord of the Universe, kill a Lord of the Universe alone. (completed)
  [Reward] Ancient God Source Crystal (core component of the Sky-Treading Set)

【Task 2】Famous in the universe (unfinished)

[Reward] Realm Heart Order
  【Mission 3】Kill ten Lords of the Universe (unfinished)

[Reward] Daogu Shenjue (Special Secret Technique)
  "Huh? It's the special secret technique 'Daogu Shen Jue', not a component of the Sky-Treading Suit." Chen Zong was a little surprised when he saw the new mission reward.

According to the previous system's habit of giving rewards, after Chen Zong collects a Sky-Talking Part, the reward will be another Sky-Talking Part.

just now.

The Tatian suit is not complete yet, but the rewards do not include the Tatian suit parts.

This is not to say that Chen Zong doesn't like this special secret method, but because if there are no components of the Tatian suit in the rewards in the future, then he must refine it himself if he wants to make the Tatian suit complete.

And refining the components of the Sky-Treading Set.
  To be honest, it's hard.

after all.

Now the Sky-Treading Suit has reached the level of the most powerful treasure, and each component is also the best among the best among the top treasures. It is not inferior to the 'Mad Demon Destroyer Armor' which is second only to the most powerful treasure.

and so.

If he wants to make the Tatatian suit complete, then Chen Zong must also refine the components of the Tantian suit at the top level of the ultimate treasure.

But now, with his level of weapon refining, he is able to refine top-notch top-notch heavy treasures.

Ordinary treasures cannot be refined, let alone the most powerful treasures.


In Chen Zong's opinion, it is easier to obtain the components of the Sky-Talking suit by completing tasks.

But, maybe, maybe, probably it won’t work now!

"Forget it, just refine it yourself. With my super talent in weapon refining, as long as I am willing to take the time, I should have no problem refining the best pinnacle treasure." Chen Zong said softly.

"That's the mission."

"Kill ten Lords of the Universe!"

"It seems that it's almost time for me to go to the Universe Sea."

In this original universe, there were only about a thousand Lords of the Universe. It was difficult to kill one Lord of the Universe, let alone ten?

of course.

The difficulty mentioned here is not that Chen Zong cannot kill those weak Lords of the Universe, but that it is somewhat difficult to find these Lords of the Universe.

The reason why Chen Zong was able to easily kill the Lord of Heavenly Wolf was because he knew the whereabouts of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf, and had already laid an ambush at the side, so that he could kill him by taking him by surprise.


If the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf stayed in the Heavenly Wolf Palace, it would still be difficult for Chen Zong to kill him.

If the Dream Demon Ancestor and other powerful demon tribes arrive to support him, it will be basically impossible for him to kill the Lord of Heavenly Wolf.

In the Cosmic Sea, since there is no dark universe, it is impossible to teleport to the Kingdom of God. It would take dozens or hundreds of years to just travel.

Support is slow!
  and so.

As long as Chen Zong can catch a master of the universe, the possibility of successfully killing the master of the universe is still very high.

"Well, if you want to go to the Universe Sea, you have to wait for Tu Tian to wake up first. It will only take a few years at most. You can afford to wait." Chen Zong looked at the bronze ball in the void in front of him and said softly.


Chen Zong entered the fourth floor of the ancient temple.

On the fourth floor of the ancient temple, hundreds of millions of material planets are still floating quietly as usual.

In the void.

"Weiss." Chen Zong communicated through consciousness, "I have prepared the 'Heart of Evolution' for you, and now all that is missing is a body."

The Heart of Evolution is made by the Machine Tribe and can allow intelligent life to become a life form like the Machine Tribe. It can enhance its strength by comprehending the laws.

Weiss has followed Chen Zong since he was assisting the optical brain, and he is considered a veteran of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom.

But even so, Chen Zong never thought of giving Weiss an 'evolutionary heart'.

after all.

Chen Zong still needs Weiss to handle some things in the virtual universe.

If Weiss gets the 'Heart of Evolution', then Chen Zong can only use Weiss's subroutine, and the subroutine's ability to handle things is naturally not as good as Weiss himself.


After obtaining the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', Chen Zong also discovered that the mechanical race has a special talent in studying the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard'.

If Weiss becomes a real life form, then he can study the 'Chess Game of Heaven and Earth'.

Coupled with the guidance of a master of the 'Secret Pattern School' like him, Weiss has a bright future.


Chen Zong also thought that if Weiss became the master of the universe in the future, he would be fully capable of assisting him in managing the small universe.

"As my intelligent assistant, your body cannot be just ordinary."


"I want to build a strong body for you."

Chen Zong smiled.

"Thank you, Master!" Weiss said expectantly.

Immediately, Chen Zong made a move with his hand, and on the thousands of material planets in the distance, mountain peaks rose from the ground, and then turned into streams of light, crossing the layers of void, and fell into the palm of Chen Zong's hand.


Chen Zong left the fourth floor of the ancient temple, entered the fantasy hall next to it, and entered the secret room space.


On the bluestone platform, Chen Zong activated 2 times the time acceleration.

"Blood Furnace!"

With a loud shout, a Bagua Qi and Blood furnace appeared in the void. With a bang, five-color flames burst out from the furnace and rose high.

The entire secret room suddenly became hot.


Chen Zong waved his hand, and the precious refining materials collected from the fourth floor of the ancient temple appeared out of thin air. In addition to these, there were also many metals from the original universe.

"Let's start!" Chen Zong said lightly and began to refine Weiss' body.

The vast starry sky, the territory of the ancient god’s cosmic kingdom.

The Bachmann Galaxy is a very prosperous galaxy within the Ancient God's Cosmos Kingdom and belongs only to the Cosmos Kingdom's royal family. It has a large population, so there are spaceships that continuously travel to and from various planets in the galaxy.

of course.

There are also many spaceships arriving from other galaxies, or heading to other galaxies.

At this time.

In the starry sky, a space ripple spread, and a silver-white sphere shrouded in dark green gas appeared out of thin air.

Inside the silver-white sphere.

The beautiful face of the Zerg Mother Queen was extremely crazy and murderous at the moment.

She waved her hand, and the starry sky around the silver-white sphere was suddenly flooded by an endless tide of insects.

"Kill me! Don't let a living creature go." The face of the Zerg Mother Queen suddenly became ferocious, "If you dare to offend my master, this is what you will get."

This is the third system where she has unleashed an insect swarm.

But this is not enough, far from it!

The Zerg Queen began to accelerate, and soon reached the speed of light, entered the dark universe, and headed towards the next target galaxy.

This territory was once the territory of the Longjing people, and they have a detailed star map of this territory.

But before letting the Zerg mother queen take action, the cosmic master-level cyan wolf went to the Lujian tribe's territory to ask for the star map.

If the Longjing tribe were still the masters here, they would naturally not hand over the star map to the Cyan Sirius.

  This place is already human territory, and the Lujiang tribe readily handed over the star map.

Just a short while after the Zerg Mother Queen left.

A claw shadow came from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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