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Chapter 402 Virtual Screen: Impossible! How could the magical beast be so weak?

Chapter 402 Virtual Screen: Impossible! How could the magical beast be so weak?
  Ancient God Universe.


In the endless chaotic airflow, the true form of the ancient demon and the ancient demon appeared out of thin air.

Now, the weapon refining level has passed, and the sixth level is just a will impact. Naturally, there is no need for the ancient demon's true body and the ancient demon's true body to stay there anymore, so they directly returned to the ancient god universe.

The two true bodies entered the Hall of Fantasy at the same time.

However, the true form of the ancient demon enters the magical space, while the true form of the ancient demon enters the secret room space.

In a magical space.

The ancient demon's real body appeared in the void again, staring at the stone pillar in front of him.

The magical beasts that entered the gravel space came out one after another.

They found nothing.

"It seems that in these gravel worlds, there are no treasures left by the strong men of the past." The ancient demon's true form sighed secretly.


"Your Majesty! There is something here!" A voice of surprise came.

"Oh!" The ancient demon's real body immediately followed the sound and looked over, and then entered the gravel world with a swish.

On the towering Dead Silent Mountains, the ancient demon's true form came to an empty cave.

In the center of the cave, there is a stone platform with a silk drawing on it.

"Map?" The ancient demon's true form picked up the silk map.

Branch out a trace of divine power and enter the silk drawing.

  The consciousness also entered the 'Thread Drawing' and suddenly entered a virtual space.

In this virtual space, there is a majestic sacred mountain, which is the Qingfeng Realm. A red silk thread runs through some areas of the Qingfeng Realm. The dangers in each area are completely virtualized, and it describes how to avoid danger and pass through the danger. local method.

"Hahaha, it turns out to be the map of Qingfeng Realm." The ancient demon's true form was delighted.

In Qingfeng Realm, if you want to obtain the most powerful treasure, you may have the best chance among the three Jedi.

after all.

The strongest people in the universe who have long been annihilated in the past reincarnation era will basically come to Qingfeng Realm to break through the reincarnation passage after living for three reincarnation eras.

But there are many dangers on the way to the reincarnation passage.

There is no guarantee that some of the strongest people in the universe will fall on the road, and the most powerful treasures they carry will also be lost in Qingfeng Realm.

"In this map, 80% of the area has never been explored by humans, and among the 80% of the area, the core area of ​​​​Qingfeng Realm accounts for more than half." The ancient demon's real body compared the map, and the smile on his face became brighter. .

"nice one!"

He put the map away.

Then, he left this gravel space.

While waiting, the ancient demon's true form contributed the map of Qingfeng Realm to the human race. Of course, the Lords of the Holy Realm and the Universe also received this new map.

The cosmic sea, the distant inner region of Qingfeng Realm.

A curtain of water covers the sky and the earth, floating freely, and there are huge rocks flying at high speed in the water curtain.


A dazzling ax appeared out of thin air.

The figure of the giant ax appeared immediately after the axe, and he stopped on a huge rock.

"Huh? Map of Qingfeng Realm!" Giant Ax's eyes lit up.

Giant Axe, he did not go to the space ship, but still stayed in Qingfeng Realm to explore.

"Hahaha, there are so many routes in the core area." Giant Ax laughed, and then chose one of them.

  The ax in the giant ax's hand split the space in front of him again, and the whole person crashed into the space.

The Hall of Illusions, the secret room space.

After the ancient demon's true form entered the secret room space, it directly started the flow of time 50,000 times faster.

"Blood Furnace!"

  A huge chaotic-colored Bagua furnace appeared out of thin air.

"With my current level of weapon refining, it is enough to refine the components of a Sky-Talking Suit." The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

There are still two pieces left for the Sky-Treading set.

One is a weapon and the other is a cloak.

There are order requirements for these two pieces. You need to refine the weapon first, and then the cloak.

Weapons include bows, swords, swords, spears, etc.

The ancient demon's true form directly chose to refine the sword - the ancient sword!
  He had already taken the materials for refining the ancient sword from the fourth floor of the ancient temple, and could start refining them directly now.

The ancient demon's true skill is the Seal Seal Technique.

Pieces of materials were thrown into the Qi and Blood Furnace.

Inside the Qi and Blood Furnace.

Ding Ding Dang Dang~
  The sound of knocking is endless.

Gradually, the prototype of a war sword appeared, and the ancient demon's true form continued to add materials to the Qi and Blood Furnace.

On the surface of the war sword, golden secret patterns appeared, which were from the same school as the secret patterns on the ancient divine armor, the Heaven-Stepping Boots and other Heaven-Stepping suit components.

There are more and more golden secret patterns. Not only the surface, but also the inside of the sword is also full of secret patterns.

These secret patterns form a passage, forming a three-dimensional golden secret pattern.

"It's the final stage!" On the bluestone platform, the ancient demon's true form focused its gaze. There was no room for failure in this last step, otherwise all the previous efforts would be wasted.

The seals of his hands changed rapidly.

"Gather!" The ancient demon's true form shouted.


The nine jade crystal balls of different colors rotating around the golden sword quickly approached the sword, and then merged into the guard of the sword one by one.

These nine jade crystal balls form a circle, with traces of special energy flowing between them.

"It's done!" The ancient demon's true form was delighted.

He directly lifted the Qi and Blood Furnace, waved his hand, and the ancient sword fell into his hands.

Acknowledge the Lord directly.

The ultimate pinnacle ancient sword!

  At this time, the Tatian Suit followed the coordinate point and directly entered the Ancient God's Universe. Then the Ancient Demon's real mind moved, and the Tatian Suit entered the secret room space.

  The Sky-Treading suit and the ancient sword vibrated.

Immediately afterwards, each component of the Tatian suit released a golden thread, and the ancient sword released a golden thread, connecting each other.

  Golden light bloomed, covering the previous parts and the ancient sword.

After a while.

The golden light converged.

The Ancient Demon's true form waved, and the Sky-Treading Suit with one more component was automatically put on the Ancient Demon's true form. He held the golden ancient sword in his hand.

In his perception, the Sky-Treading Suit has been upgraded again and has definitely reached the level of a Void True God level treasure.

Moreover, every component has become the most powerful and precious level.

"Awesome!" The ancient demon's true form exclaimed.

There is no doubt that the ancient sword was refined by his own hands and was only at the peak treasure level.

But now, it has been directly promoted to the most powerful and precious level.

He was promoted right under his nose.

He hasn't seen anything interesting yet.

I have to sigh that the weapon refiner who created the Sky-Treading Set is simply a master of weapon refinement!

  The ancient sword integrated into the body.

"There is still one last cloak left," the ancient demon's real body said softly, "Unfortunately, this cloak cannot be refined with the 'Tiangong Ghost Ax', nor can it be refined with the mechanical treasure refining method. It can only be refined with the 'Ancient Refining' method." The art of 'refining."

If he uses the mechanical method, he can now refine a cloak of the most powerful and treasure level.

But alas, no. This Sky-Stepping Suit is very pure and must be refined according to ancient refining techniques.

Only in this way can the Tatian suit be perfectly formed and the quality improved.

"Since we can't refine the cloak for the time being, let's refine some 'Sky Wings' first." The ancient demon's true form said softly.

He has successfully refined Tianyi before, so he is naturally confident.

The ancient demon's true form left the secret chamber space and entered the fourth floor of the ancient temple. Then, after collecting many materials from billions of material planets, he returned to the secret chamber space again.

  The Qi and Blood Furnace appears again in the secret room space.

The ancient demon's true form began to refine the 'Six-Winged Sky Wings'.

Titled mission, will impact level.

The sky above the palace hall.

The golden secret pattern is getting brighter and brighter, and the impact of will is getting stronger and stronger.


"True God of the Void!" Chen Zong felt that the impact of will had reached the level of the True God of the Void.


That voice did not sound.

One year later (the world time flow rate of the account-banned mission).

The impact of will suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a belated voice sounded: "Checker, this level has been passed. Do you want to enter the next level, or continue to resist the impact of your will!"

Hearing this voice, Chen Zong frowned.

this time.

The virtual screen did not appear, but the level explanation voice appeared. In other words, he did not receive a special evaluation.

According to what Virtual Screen said before, it is difficult to obtain a special evaluation, but after obtaining a special evaluation, the subsequent rewards will seem to be better.

Think about it!

"Continue to resist the impact of will!" Chen Zong said.

With the 'Golden Magical Mountain', he is worthy of the impact of his will!

"Okay, let's continue with the level! When you want to end it, just say go to the next level." As soon as the voice fell, the impact of will started again, and it was the Void True God level, the same level as when it stopped before.

Time continues to pass.

The impact of will is getting stronger and stronger.

If the impact of will is also divided into levels, first-level, ordinary, peak, and extreme, then at the beginning, it was the first-level level that had just reached the level of the Void True God, and now it has reached ordinary.

However, Chen Zong's will had already reached the limit of the Void True God level when he opened the black stone gate.

I can still bear it now.

In the hall, the will impact reached the peak of the Void True God.

Time flies.

The impact of will has reached the limit of Void True Body!
  "Is it really necessary to reach the Eternal True God level to receive a special rating? Isn't this too exaggerated?" Chen Zong frowned.

His Majesty Wu is really ruthless.

Only those who are Lords of the Universe must possess the Eternal True God-level will, or be able to withstand the impact of the Eternal True God-level will, can receive special evaluations.

Sigh is a sigh.

But Chen Zong did not choose to quit.

After all, he has not activated the 'Golden Divine Fantasy Mountain' yet. Once he activates the 'Golden Divine Magic Mountain', he is sure to withstand the impact of the eternal true god level will.

"It's better to activate now!" Chen Zong said secretly.

He was worried that once the will impact reached the eternal true god level, he would be too late to activate the 'Golden Magic Mountain', so he had to prepare for a rainy day.


His whole body glowed with golden light.

These golden lights gathered together to form a golden illusory sacred mountain, shrouding Chen Zong.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

  The golden illusory sacred mountain that enveloped Chen Zong trembled suddenly.

In the sacred mountain, Chen Zong also felt a strong will impact, but fortunately, this will impact was weakened by the golden illusory sacred mountain, so he was able to withstand it.

"Eternal True God Level! You really want the Eternal True God Level!!" Chen Zong sighed in his heart.

One year after reaching the eternal true god level will impact.

The sky above the palace hall.

The golden secret pattern suddenly dimmed, and the impact of will disappeared out of thin air.

  A virtual screen appeared in front of Chen Zong out of thin air.

"Chen Zong, passed the sixth level assessment, evaluation: special grade." The virtual screen looked at Chen Zong with great excitement, "The Divine Illusion Jue turned out to be the Divine Illusion Jue. I remember that the Divine Illusion Jue had been broken a long time ago. inherited."

"Chen Zong, you actually know the magical secret method. How is this possible?"

"Could it be that you are also from my hometown?"

"Is he the top expert in the Divine Fantasy Mountain lineage back then?"

Virtual Screen asked.

"Huh? This Divine Magic Art was obtained by me in the original universe. It was obtained from a treasure called 'Shenhuan Mountain'." Chen Zong glanced at the virtual screen, "I am not your fellow countryman, let alone He’s not the top expert you mentioned!”

"If I were a top expert, would I still need to do this title-banning mission?"

Chen Zong was speechless.

"Well, I'm just too excited!" The virtual screen shook its head and said, "I can't help it, who taught you the Divine Illusion Art?"

"Wait, did you just say Shenhuan Mountain?"

"Did you get the Magic Mountain?"

"Is there another 'magic space' inside?"

The virtual screen, the widened eyes on the screen, took up the screen.

"Yes, what's wrong? Is there anything special about this?" Chen Zong said calmly, "There are many magical beasts living in the magical space, but the strongest ones are the universe overlords."

"This is the last time I unlocked the seal of Shenhuan Mountain."

"Otherwise, it will be an ordinary Universe Venerable level, and its strength will be very weak!"

"What kind of cosmic venerable or cosmic overlord?" the virtual screen asked in confusion.

"It is the realm under the Lord of Laws." Chen Zong explained.

"Impossible! Yours is the Divine Fantasy Mountain. How can the Divine Fantasy Beast be so weak?" The virtual screen suddenly said loudly, "Is yours an imitation?"

"I don't know about that!" Chen Zong shook his head.

"Wait a minute, you just said that you unlocked the seal of the Divine Fantasy Mountain?" Thinking of what Chen Zong said before, the virtual screen asked seriously.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

"Is it possible that your Divine Fantasy Mountain is still sealed?" the virtual screen guessed.

"Still in a sealed state?" Chen Zong was stunned. He had never thought about this.

He recalled that when Heishen Shenhuan Mountain was there before, he could not tell that Shenhuan Mountain was sealed. If it were not for the 'Tianluo World' group, he would not know at all.

Could it be that the current golden state is also a seal?
  "Since you ask that, do you know what the real Magic Mountain looks like? Is it golden?" Chen Zong looked at the virtual screen,
  "Yes, it's golden!" the virtual screen said, "I received an inheritance. From the inheritance, I learned about the Divine Fantasy Mountain, the Divine Fantasy Space, the Divine Magic Art, and also the Divine Fantasy Beast."

"Well, the mythical beast looks like this."

The virtual screen flashed, and a mythical beast appeared on the screen - it was a snow-white beast with two horns bent backwards on its head and six pairs of wings on its back.

Depend on!
  It’s really a magical beast!

They are exactly the same as the magical beasts in the magical space!
  Chen Zong was startled.

"So, does your magical beast look like this?" the virtual screen asked, "If so, then it means that your magical mountain is the real magical mountain, not one of those imitations!"

"Are you sure that as long as the magical beast looks like this, it must be the real magical mountain?" Chen Zong took a deep breath and asked solemnly.

This issue must be understood.

Otherwise, it’s just a joy in vain!
  (End of this chapter)

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