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Chapter 413: 5 times the level of life genes!

Chapter 413 Fifty thousand times the level of life genes!
  "Oh, you want to watch the battle?" The ancient demon's true form looked at the Jinhuang Demon God.

The ancient demon's real body thought that in this battle, he originally wanted to gain fame and reputation, and become the real number one person recognized by the universe sea, instead of the current number one person in the will of the universe sea.

of course.

The person with the strongest will in the universe sea still has some water.

After all, a god king boss reincarnated as a mountain guest. Although his current level is that of the strongest person in the universe, the will and consciousness of the mountain guest are still at the level of a god king.

It's just that he was stared at by the will of the original universe. Even the strongest person in the universe only dared to follow the path of law and did not dare to take the path of divine power.

He didn't even dare to be too arrogant even when fighting against other strong men.

and so.

Sitting Mountain Guest, who has the status of God King, is relatively low-key in other aspects except for showing off his weapon refining ability in the Universe Sea.

Mountaineers want to keep a low profile because they are afraid of being suppressed by the will of the original universe.

But Chen Zong, he doesn't need to keep a low profile at all, he is a native human being in the original universe.

As long as they don't act like the original ancestors and attack the original universe in the cosmic sea, otherwise, even if they directly sweep across the cosmic sea and destroy other alien races in the cosmic sea, they will not be suppressed by the will of the original universe.

Moreover, he still has a systematic mission and wants to be famous in the universe.

just now.

Jinhuang Demon God proposed to watch the battle, and the ancient demon's true form was naturally happy.

After all, the first true master of the God Eye Tribe lost, and they would never spread the news about their defeat at his hands. Therefore, if a few more of the strongest people in the universe were to watch the battle, information about the battle situation could be spread from their mouths to the entire universe sea.

If they spread the word, it would be more convincing than if Chen Zong shouted it himself.

If you want to complete system tasks faster, Jinhuang Demon God can help.

"Yeah! Of course, if you don't agree, Ancient Lord, just pretend I didn't say anything." The Jinhuang Demon God made a clear voice.

"I agree, how can I disagree! This is the communication token. I will inform you before the decisive battle." The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly, and at the same time he waved his hand, and another black stream of light flew out of his hand and flew towards Jin Huang. Demon God.

Jinhuang Demon God's eyes lit up, showing joy, and he immediately took the communication token.

"Thank you, Ancient Lord! When the time comes, I will definitely go to cheer you up!" The Golden Demon God put the communication token into the world ring and said with a smile.

Previously, he was besieged by the Third God and the Sixth God of the God Eye Clan.

Fortunately, the Ancient Lord came to the rescue, otherwise, he would definitely be suppressed by the God Eye Clan.


He now harbors a rage against the God-Eye Clan.

Be grateful to the Ancient Lord.

Now that the Ancient Lord is in a decisive battle with the No. 1 God of the God Eye Clan, the Jinhuang Demon God will naturally side with the Ancient Lord.

"The Ancient Lord, I have some friends, can we go there together?" Jinhuang Demon God asked.

"Of course!" The ancient demon's true form nodded.

"Hahaha, okay, then I'll take my leave first!" Jinhuang Demon God nodded lightly towards the ancient demon's true form, then accelerated directly, quickly left through the air, left this area, and headed towards the abyss black hole, leaving this place. The Ninth Abyss.


Jinhuang Demon God began to contact his friends.

Those who can be called friends by him on this occasion are also the strongest people in the universe in the universe sea.

After the Jinhuang Demon God left.

The ancient demon's true form returned to Blue Stone Peak.

"Hahaha, Ancient Lord, I didn't expect your strength to be so strong, with ninth-level combat power!" The Mountain Guest laughed.

The more he got to know the Ancient Lord, the more he felt that his original decision to befriend the Ancient Lord was the right one.

Even if the cosmic sea natives have gained some inheritance.

But under the interference of the will of the original universe, not much can be known.

But in a place where this kind of information is restricted, the Ancient Lord can actually have such a strong fighting power during the period of the Lord of the Universe. If he goes to the Origin Continent in the future, he will definitely be like a dragon entering the sea, and his future achievements will be limitless.

"Not bad!" The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

"Sitting Mountain Guest, I have a decisive battle with the First God. Do you want to go and watch the battle?" the ancient demon's true form asked.

A mountain guest is one of our own.

Go to the location of the decisive battle. If the God-Eye Clan plans to use the combined attack method 'Eternal True God' to deal with him, then Sitting Mountain Guest can also be regarded as a foreign aid.

"Go, of course, it's such an interesting thing, it would be a pity not to go!" Mountain Guest smiled and nodded.

To practice, he doesn't need to practice at all.

Being in the Universe Sea for so many years has been very boring.

There is something good to watch now, how could he miss it?

"Yes." The ancient demon's true form nodded.


He did not give Sishanke the communication token because he had the communication token given to him by Sishanke.

The communication token previously given to the Third God and the Jinhuang Demon God was refined based on the communication token of the mountain guest, and it can carry out simple communication within the universe.

In the abyss.

The blue stone peak is advancing at high speed, also flying towards the black hole of the abyss.

"Teacher." Luo Feng still felt excited, but at the same time he was also worried in his heart, "The first master of the Divine Eye Clan, and the strongest man in the universe sea, do you really want to fight him in a decisive battle?"

"The First God is indeed very strong." The ancient demon's true form was sitting at the stone table, holding a wine glass, taking a sip of wine and smiling, "However, I am not weak either. Of course, more importantly, now I can There are not many in the universe who can fight in the first battle.”

"I want to grow and make progress."

"Finding a fight with the most powerful person in the universe like the First Allah will also give me a certain boost."

"Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded.

"Lord of the Ancients, are you confident in defeating the First God?" Sitting Mountain Guest looked at the ancient demon's true form.

"I'm 80% sure." The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

Eighty percent?

Actually it’s 100%!
  Of course, if he were to confront the First Allah now, it would probably be less than 80%. After all, his Ancient Demon Star had already shattered when he killed Haolei Star Master and the three of them last time.


Wait for the Ancient Demon Star to condense and take shape again.

Then if you fuse with the ancient demon's true body, you will have tenth level of top combat power.

Level 10 and level 9.

How could this be possible?

Therefore, just now, the real body of the Ancient Demon gave the Third Allah the communication token in order to have more time to restore the Ancient Demon Star and the Ancient Demon Star.

"Eighty percent?" The mountain guest was slightly surprised.

So confident!

It seems that the Ancient Lord still has hidden methods.


"Hahaha, back then, the original ancestor roamed the cosmic sea. In the three major reincarnation eras and the two holy land universes, no one dared to provoke him. Even the strongest people in other universes immediately ran away when they saw him from a distance! That was the era of the original ancestor! "The mountain guest smiled and said, "Now, I'm afraid it won't be long before the universe sea will enter your era!"

Luo Feng also looked excited.

After possessing the power of the Lord of the Universe, he also went to visit the original ancestor and heard many stories about the original ancestor.

Of course we know how powerful the original ancestor is!
  Now, my teacher will also become such a super strong person!
  Very good!
  "My era?" The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly, "It feels pretty good."

Immediately, he thought about the system - the reward of 'Jiafen Wu', which was the Lava Demon. With the Lava Demon, he could really sweep across the cosmic sea.

"Soon!" The ancient demon's true form secretly said.

at this time.

The blue stone peak entered the crazy swallowing area. Luo Feng was sucked in at the beginning. The power of the swallowing was stronger than the attack of the strongest person in the universe.

Now if you want to fly out from inside, you have to go against this swallowing power.

"Wow~~" The green stone peaks rotated, drew arcs, and gradually moved outward in circles in the abyss.

"To get out of the abyss, you must first resist part of the swallowing power, and secondly, borrow part of the swallowing power." Mountain Guest said, "You must borrow power, otherwise even the strongest person in the universe will not be able to get out! Now, we are borrowing part of it. However, even so, the process of getting out is still very slow, I am afraid it will take several months."

The ancient demon's true form also looked curiously at the swallowing power outside.

"How did this come about?" The ancient demon's true form asked in confusion.

If all the dangerous places in the spaceship can be understood, then even if the level is not improved, the combat power will definitely increase a lot, and the methods will also increase a lot.

Just like this time in the ice and soil deep in the abyss.

He obtained a special secret teleportation pattern.

This teleportation secret pattern can carry out short-distance space teleportation even in areas where the universe is frozen, which is extremely powerful.

"How it was formed? No one in the universe knows about it. Even the ancestors of the two holy places probably don't know either." The mountain guest shook his head and said.

No one knows?

The ancient demon's true form looked at the mountain guest.

He knows very well that if the mountain guest wants to know, even if it takes more time, he will definitely be able to find out.

After all, how could a powerful God King who was also good at refining weapons not even be able to understand the space ark?


The mountain guest doesn't want to say it, but the ancient demon's true identity will naturally not be exposed.

"Yes. That's right!" The ancient demon's true form looked calm and nodded.

on the road.

The ancient demon's true form and the mountain guest pointed at Luo Feng, but they spent more time discussing weapon refining.

"Some simple and intelligent creatures will also learn to use stones and sticks as weapons." The mountain guest said, "The difference lies in whether they know how to use the same weapons to exert greater power."

"The Lord of the Universe, the strongest man in the universe, uses the most precious treasure!"

"Learn to use the treasure, and even create secret techniques based on the secret patterns on the treasure. This is also a use of weapons."

"That's right!" The ancient demon's real body nodded, "However, when we refiners refine treasures, in addition to being powerful, they must also be easy to use."

"Like some treasures, they are indeed very powerful, but very difficult to use."

Hearing this, Luo Feng was slightly startled and couldn't help but think of the Star Tower. This thing is indeed a bit difficult to use.

The ancient demon's true form did not notice anything strange about Luo Feng, and continued: "It seems that some weapons are indeed very powerful, but they are too difficult to use. For example, some mechanical weapons can easily require thousands of universe masters, or even Only the strongest people in the universe can operate together to meet the minimum usage requirements.”

"But if it is, the power will not be reduced, but after optimizing the weapon structure, only dozens or hundreds of universe masters will be needed to operate it together."

"Then this weapon will be more useful."

"." Sitting Mountain Guest was silent for a moment.

He didn't know why, but he felt that the Ancient Lord was talking about him.

after all.

His Star Tower, as well as those mechanical fortresses in the world of Jin, are somewhat similar to what the Ancient Lord just said.

Then, he shook his head secretly.

The Ancient Lord must be talking about the mechanical treasures of the 'Wu Kingdom', not the mechanical treasures of his 'Jin Kingdom'.

"Yeah, not bad." Mountain Guest nodded slightly.

Time flies.

Three months passed.

In the space of Yanshui Lake, in the black hole of the abyss, a blue stone peak emerged from it.

A vortex appeared on the blue stone peak.

The ancient demon's true form walked out, nodded slightly to Mountain Guest and Luo Feng, then broke through the space and disappeared.

Inside the blue stone peak.

Luo Feng looked at the place where the ancient demon's true form disappeared.

"Disciple, don't think so much. The level of the Ancient Lord is too far away for you." Mountain Guest smiled at Luo Feng, "Just think more about yourself! When you become the Lord of the Universe, plus With the Star Tower in hand, the gap with the strongest people in the universe can be completely ignored. By then, although it will not be as good as the Ancient Lord, it will be comparable to some of the strongest people in the universe."

Luo Feng shook his head: "But even if he becomes the Lord of the Universe, there is still a big gap between him and the strongest person in the universe in terms of secret techniques."

Last time, on the original star, he saw the tentacles of the Immortal Emperor's clone, which were very strong.

But because it is in the original universe, it cannot exert its full combat power.

Therefore, Luo Feng still didn't know much about Chen Zong's strength.

But this time when he saw the ancient demon's true form crushing the Third God and the Sixth God, the powerful sense of oppression suddenly made Luo Feng feel that the gap between himself and his teacher was huge.

It seemed that it was an insurmountable ravine.

"You are wrong." Mountain Master shook his head.

"Huh?" Luo Feng looked at the mountain guest.

"The Ancient Lord had his chance to create a ninth-level secret method and possess ninth-level combat power. But you also have your own chance. For example, the secret pattern on the Star Tower represents an extremely high level of secret method. "The mountain guest laughed.

"For example, on the first floor of the Star Tower, when you only activated the first floor, the power of the Star Tower was very small."

"But when the second level is activated, the second level of secret patterns is already as mysterious as the Lord of the Universe's most powerful secret method."

"The third level of secret patterns is comparable to the methods of the strongest person in the universe."

"On the fourth level of secret patterns, only one of the strongest beings in the universe can create such secret techniques. This has reached the ninth level of secret techniques."

"You can't create it, but just by driving it, the difficulty is reduced."

Luo Feng nodded repeatedly after hearing this.


Merely activating the secret patterns is indeed much less demanding than creating a secret method with the same power, but the power is just as powerful. It can even be more powerful because of the powerful treasure as a medium.

Treasure opportunities and special opportunities are all opportunities.

Anyway, they are all based on their own strength, there is no need to distinguish them.

Moreover, when it comes to treasure opportunities, Teacher Chen Zong has several treasures, the most powerful treasures, and they are also in sets. A large part of the combat power depends on these most powerful treasures.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng no longer hesitated.

"Star Tower!" Luo Feng's eyes shone slightly, "Relying on the Star Tower, I will definitely have a place in the universe sea in the future."


Luo Feng and Sishanke also separated.

Luo Feng went directly to the black-patterned stone pillar space. He also had to see if there were any good things in the secret room space corresponding to the black token obtained from the Lord of the Five Huns.

The cosmic sea.

"What? The Ancient Lord has ninth-level combat power, and he also made an appointment to fight the No. 1 God of the God Eye Clan? Is it true or false?"

"Really, I was there at that time. I have the communication token given by the Ancient Lord. I will go over to watch the battle when the time comes. Ziyang, do you want to come with me?"

"Go! Of course you have to go. The battle for the number one spot in the Universe Sea is something you absolutely cannot miss."

As the Jinhuang Demon God invited his friends, the news that Chen Zong was about to fight the First Lord was spread to ten and hundreds of people in a short period of time, and all the major forces in the Universe Sea also knew about it.

Titled mission, the path to true god.

The true form of the ancient demon and the true form of the ancient demon have also returned here.

According to the flow rate of hundreds of thousands of times of time here, it is the best place to restore the ancient demon star and the ancient demon star.

at this time.

"Disperse!" Chen Zong shouted.


His major divine bodies began to regroup.

"More than 50,000 times the genetic level of life!" Chen Zong smiled slightly as he felt the divine body's genetic level increase.

(End of this chapter)

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