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Chapter 439 The human race, the most powerful and precious freedom!

Chapter 439 The human race, the most powerful and precious freedom!
  In the Yanbing Domain, Demon Lord Zhongying glared at Palace Master Nanming, and a vast aura erupted from his body. With a thought in his mind, a black triangular cone appeared out of thin air. It was Lord Zhongying's most powerful telepathic weapon, the 'Shadow Cone'.

Whoosh whoosh~
  I saw that the shadow cone decomposed and turned into nine smaller shadow cones, shooting towards the master of Nanming Palace.

During the flight.

The nine small shadow cones disappeared out of thin air, as if they had never appeared.

But all the powerful people present knew that the shadow cone did not disappear, but merged into the surrounding airflow. To be more precise, it merged into the shadow of the airflow, and it seemed as if it had disappeared.


At this time, Palace Master Nanming smiled coldly.

This time, he came with several powerful treasures, integrating offense and defense.

Even against the Ancient Lord, he had the confidence to run away.

"Hmph!" Palace Master Nanming snorted coldly, and at the same time activated the golden fire field, directly covering his surroundings.

The golden fire field is also a most powerful and precious field.

It is not difficult to discover the Shadow Cone, which is also the most powerful treasure.

"Found it!" Palace Master Nanming's eyes lit up.

The Shadow Cone of Lord Zhongying is very threatening before it is found, but once it is discovered, the threat is greatly reduced.

Because, although the shadow cone is a telepathic weapon, it is a telepathic weapon similar to a hidden weapon.

It's not very powerful, it's more about raiding!
  Used in assassinations, the effect is very high.

But if it is used blatantly like the current Zhongying Demon Lord, the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

At this time.

The golden flames rolled up and turned into giant palms, and they were grasped hard.

"Huh?" Palace Master Nanming frowned. He could feel that he only caught eight small shadow cones, and the ninth one broke through the giant palm blockade!


He didn't panic either.

The binding power of the most powerful treasure in the golden flame field is extremely strong. Even if the shadow cone breaks through the blockade, the speed will be much slower.

At this time.

He turned his hand over, and a bronze two-handed sword with an extremely wide blade appeared in his hand.

"Broken!" The bronze two-handed sword slashed down.

  The ninth shadow cone was directly chopped away by the bronze two-handed sword.

Demon Lord Zhongying was not surprised at all by this result.

But just now he couldn't help but take action against Nanming Mansion.

Because this Nanming Palace Master is really a scam!
  What bullshit are the three most powerful treasures.

In the cosmic sea, apart from the two holy places and the Ancient Lord, how many of the strongest men in the universe can produce three of the most powerful treasures?
  If Palace Master Nanming is allowed to adjust the transaction price to three supreme treasures, wouldn't this cut off the path forward for them, the strongest people in the universe who have few supreme treasures?


  A huge air flow descended from the sky, and the falling magma seemed to be evaporated and disappeared. At this moment, only a golden giant palm exuding a vast aura was seen falling from the sky, breaking up the battle with one palm.

Palace Master Nanming and Demon Lord Zhongying retreated.

"The Ancient Lord!"

A group of strong men looked at the true form of the ancient demon.

Not bad.

It was the true form of the ancient demon that interrupted the duel between Palace Master Nanming and Demon Lord Zhongying.

"Since you are all here to trade with my human race, then everyone is a guest, so why do you need to be rude?" The ancient demon's real body smiled, "The exchange conditions are as I said before, a most powerful treasure, or A rare item, plus three pinnacle treasures.”


The ancient demon's real body looked at the Nanming Palace Master and Beizhen Star Master: "Nanming and Beizhen, as for your two holy places, your requirements are naturally different."

"Huh? What does this mean, Lord of the Ancients?"

"Could it be that the Ancient Lord would give a discount to the two holy places, or directly give them as gifts?"

"You're not going to have to increase the price, right?"

Many strong people have doubts in their hearts.

"The requirements are different?" Star Master Beizhen frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

"Three most powerful treasures! You two holy places need to pay for three most powerful treasures!" The ancient demon's real body smiled and looked at Beizhen Star Master and Nanming Palace Master.

Beizhen Star Master and Nanming Palace Master were stunned.

The other strong men were also stunned.

Unexpectedly, the price actually increased!

"Hahaha, great. This Palace Master Nanming shot himself in the foot. Ancient Lord, you are so suitable for me!" Hearing the words of the ancient demon's true form, Demon Lord Zhongying was ecstatic.

He only needs to pay for one most powerful treasure, while the two holy places require three most powerful treasures.

This is what he earned!

"Three powerful treasures? Ancient Lord, go and grab them!" Palace Master Nanming's face darkened, and he said furiously.

He mentioned the three most powerful treasures before, just to see if they could prevent the Ancient Lord from trading with other strongest people in the universe.

after all.

An ancient lord emerged from the universe sea, which has already upset the ancestor of Ziyue.

If the strongest people in the universe from the First Universe Era and the Second Universe Era obtain the Duandonghe inheritance, there is no guarantee that another powerful being will appear in the future. The ones who will suffer at that time will still be their Purple Moon Holy Land and the Purple Moon Ancestor!
  But the Ancient Lord was not fooled, and he still chose one of the most powerful treasures to redeem the inheritance.

  Their two holy places actually want three most powerful treasures.

The Ancient Lord has gone too far!

"Ancient Lord, what do you mean by this? Why do our two holy places need three most powerful treasures?" Palace Master Nanming looked displeased.

Star Lord Beizhen also had a look on his face.

In his opinion, the Ancient Lord was targeting their two holy places.

It feels like I don’t want to deal with them and end the Donghe inheritance!
  Could it be that the Ancient Lord knew about their previous plan to kill the Ancient Lord?

Do not!
  This is impossible!

Although the two holy places have cooperated for a while, haven't they yet taken action?

And the only people who knew about it were the people from their two holy places.

It is absolutely impossible for those tribesmen to expose information.

Since the news of assassinating the Ancient Lord was not exposed, why did the Ancient Lord target the two holy places?

"With our current strength, we cannot know the information behind the Memory Stone and other similar storage items. But your ancestors have long transcended reincarnation, so they can naturally watch it." The ancient demon's real body looked at the Lord of Nanming Palace and the Lord of Beizhen Star. He said slowly.

"in this way."

"You think, wouldn't the Memory Stone be more useful to you?"

"With only three pieces of the most powerful treasure, you can exchange for information about Duan Donghe's lineage that surpasses the level of the strongest person in the universe. This is already a great deal!"

  Information beyond the level of the strongest person in the universe?

There is actually this level of information in the Memory Stone!

The strongest people in the universe, including the Demon Lord Zhongying and the Thunder-clothed Demon God, were shocked.

At the same time, he looked extremely excited.

Surpassing the strongest person in the universe!

As long as he surpasses the strongest person in the universe, he will definitely be able to successfully survive reincarnation, and then he can create another holy land. Not only will he be eternal, but his group will be as eternal as the two holy places.


According to what the Ancient Lord said, it seems that only the ancestors of the two Holy Lands can see that information?

  Is it true or false?

They all looked at Beizhen Star Master and Nanming Palace Master.

Beizhen Star Master and Nanming Palace Master looked at each other.

They didn't expect that the Ancient Lord knew so clearly!

"Impossible, how could he know?" Star Lord Beizhen said.

"Beizhen, don't forget, Duan Donghe is a powerful person from the ancient civilization, and Galaxy Lord is the new Duan Donghe. It's not impossible to know more," Palace Master Nanming said.

"Well, that's true!" Beizhen Star Master sighed.


The two of them contacted the ancestors of Dongdi and Ziyue respectively.

"Ancient Lord, three pieces are just three pieces. However, Ancient Lord, we can pay for three most powerful treasures, but the information you give must also meet our requirements." Beizhen Star Master looked at Gu Yaozhen Shen said.

"Beizhen is right!" Palace Master Nanming nodded.

The two holy places agreed very simply.

"Okay!" The ancient demon's real body nodded, "However, you should also know that the principle of the transaction is that information cannot be disclosed to other ethnic groups, otherwise you will not be able to bear the consequences!!"

A hint of coldness flashed in the eyes of the ancient demon's true form.

If the two holy places dare to cheat, then there is no need for the two holy places to exist!
  Although he can't destroy the Holy Land universe now, it doesn't mean that he can't do it later.

Even if he really can't do it.

There are also realm beasts and Luo Feng
  "Of course!" Palace Master Nanming and Beizhen Star Master nodded.

Even if the Ancient Lord didn't tell them, they wouldn't be able to reveal the information to other ethnic groups.

after all,

They also don’t want to see a few more holy places in the universe ocean. "You give the most powerful treasure first, and then I will give you the Stone of Memory." The ancient demon's true form said.

"I will give you one piece first. Once the ancestor confirms that the information content meets the needs, I will deliver the other two pieces!" said the Lord Beizhen.

"Two pieces! Give me two pieces first, otherwise the deal is over!" The ancient demon's true form did not give him any chance to refuse.

Palace Master Beizhen and Palace Master Nanming thought for a while.

  Four streams of light flew towards the ancient demon's true form.

Gu Yaozhen took over.

At the same time, he threw two stones of memory towards Palace Master Nanming and Beizhen Star Master.

Origin continent.

Dark night!

The stars twinkle!

On the vast plain, there is a huge city without city walls. Countless flying boats and speeding cars shuttle over the city. While the tall buildings are rising, the lights are flashing and the colorful mist is floating.

There are also majestic sacred mountains suspended between some tall buildings and higher in the sky.

The whole city is very sci-fi and has a fairy-tale style.

On one of the majestic sacred mountains that is nearly a thousand light years high, there are green plants all over. On the top of the sacred mountain, there is a huge ancient tree. The diameter of the ancient tree's crown is nearly a hundred light years. The vine leaves hang down, covering the majestic sacred mountain.

There is a green light between the vine leaves.

Through this glittering green light, one can vaguely see a temple wrapped with vines behind the vine leaves.

Temple, closed training room.


The extremely silent training room.

"Hahaha, it's the cultivation experience of a super strong person in the Eternal True God Realm. Although it's not much, it's enough for me to understand now!" An excited voice broke the silence, and the sound of joy echoed in the temple.

I saw.

There is an extremely dazzling figure sitting cross-legged in the center of the training room. The robe he is wearing has countless green branches and leaves, exuding endless misty green light. The green light contains rich vitality, which is the essence of the universe of the Holy Land of the East Emperor. Ancestor——East Emperor!
  At this moment, he looked excited and excited.

"With these insights, I will definitely be able to reach the peak of the Void True God in a few more reincarnation eras or in a dozen reincarnation eras in the long term. Even" Dong Di's eyes flashed, "it is not impossible to break through to the Eternal True God! "

Origin continent, Cangyun Sect.

Cangyun Sect, located in the Cangyang Realm, is one of the three strongest sects in the Cangyang Realm.

The Cangyun Sect is extremely vast.

One of the towering sacred mountains is surrounded by white clouds, and a magnificent temple is looming in the white clouds.

Inside the temple.

"Hahaha, Eternal True God, I didn't expect that there is a set of Eternal True God-level secrets in this Memory Stone!" On the throne, Zi Yue's ancestor was ecstatic.

Even the Cangyun Sect where he belongs is not a popular product of the Eternal True God-level secret method.

If you want to redeem the eternal true god-level secret method, you need a lot of sect contribution points.

And when he, Zi Yue, came to the Origin Continent, he had not yet reached the age of tens of thousands of reincarnations, and the sect contribution points he had were simply not enough to exchange for the Eternal True God-level secret method.

But now, he only used three powerful treasures to obtain a set of eternal true god-level secrets.

  It’s a huge profit!

"Hmm~~~" Ziyue Ancestor smiled slightly, "Exchange it for a few more memory inheritance stones."

The cosmic sea, the flaming ice domain!
  "Ancient Master, the First Ancestor has seen the Stone of Memory, but there is not much useful information." Palace Master Nanming frowned and said with an unhappy look on his face, "So, this is the third most powerful treasure."

"What, you want to default on your debt?" The ancient demon's true form snorted coldly.

The Memory Stone he gave had been screened by Duandonghe Zhenkan. Although the value of the information inside was not very high, it definitely related to the level of the Eternal True God.

Under the ocean, although there are many memory stones, they are densely packed.

But Zhen Kan has seen it all.

Duandonghe Zhenkan clearly remembers the information recorded in each memory stone.

Including cultivation experience, secret cultivation methods, etc.


What the ancient demon's true form took out was just a very ordinary part.

After all, he didn't really want the ancestors of Ziyue and Dongdi to rise strongly, and it was impossible for Duandonghe Zhenkan to select valuable information.

"No, it's the information you gave me. It's not very useful!" Palace Master Nanming shook his head.

"Beizhen, do you mean this too?" The ancient demon's true form ignored Palace Master Nanming and turned to look at Star Master Beizhen.

"Hahaha, Ancient Lord, Nan Ming and I are not on the same page. He broke the contract, but I won't!" Beizhen Star Master laughed and sent the third most powerful treasure to the ancient demon's true form.

Palace Master Nanming’s mouth twitched.

He didn't want to break the contract, but the ancestor said that the information in the Memory Stone was only worth two powerful treasures.

He naturally believed in the ancestors.

"Lord of the Ancients, I still want to exchange for one!" Beizhen Star Master said seriously, "However, I don't have enough powerful treasures here. How about we make an appointment at a time and place and then trade?"

"No problem!" The ancient demon's true form smiled and nodded.

Of course there is no problem if the most powerful treasure is deposited into the account, and he welcomes it very much.

As for the master of Nanming Palace
  The ancient demon's true form looked at Palace Master Nanming with a cold look. This Palace Master Nanming, or the ancestor of Ziyue, dared to open his eyes and tell lies. He was simply looking for death!
  "Nan Ming, you'd better hand over the third most powerful treasure, don't force me to do it!" the ancient demon's true form said coldly.

Palace Master Nanming panicked.

He is now missing two of the most powerful treasures, and only has three left on him. If he wants to deal with the Ancient Lord, he doesn't have the strength at all!

He immediately contacted Ziyue Ancestor.

"The ancestor said that if you give another Memory Stone, it will still be the three most powerful treasures. If it can meet the requirements, it will also be given to you together with the current one, but if it still fails to meet the requirements." Nanming Palace Master even said road.

"Do you want to seize another one?" the ancient demon's true form said.


A vast aura erupted from his body.

He looked like he was about to take action.

"No, no, if you don't meet the requirements, you will still be given three powerful treasures." Palace Master Nanming said in a panic.

In the Purple Moon Holy Land, he is the only one who came here this time, and now he has traded two more powerful treasures. He cannot defeat the Ancient Lord at all, and may actually be suppressed by the Ancient Lord.

The order of Ziyue Ancestor was to exchange for another memory stone.

It would be better if the trade could be successful with less Arcana.

after all.

In the Holy Land Universe, the number of the most powerful treasures is only about ten, which is not a lot. If you can save it, save it.

But in the current situation, I'm afraid it won't work.

We can only follow the Ancient Lord’s routine!

"Oh? In that case, first make up for what you owed me before, just your most powerful treasure field!" The ancient demon's real body glanced at the master of Nanming Palace, "If you want the memory inheritance stone, prepare three pieces The most powerful treasure, we will trade it when the time comes.”

The master of Nanming Palace does not have enough powerful treasures, so it is naturally impossible to trade here.

Palace Master Nanming did not hesitate, erased the mark of life left on the realm of the most powerful treasure, and sent it to the true form of the ancient demon.

"The Ancient Master, this is the summons token. Contact us when the time comes!" Palace Master Nanming threw out another token.

"Okay!" The ancient demon's true form nodded and put away the summons token.

When the other strongest people in the universe saw this, they all understood the importance attached to the Memory Stone by Palace Master Nanming, Palace Master Beizhen, or the ancestors of Ziyue and Dongdi, and they all understood the preciousness of the Memory Stone.


Six more of the strongest people in the universe made deals with the ancient demon's true form.

Through the transaction, the human race obtained 10 more powerful treasures, two rare objects, and six pinnacle treasures.

The original virtual universe, the Temple of the Great Ax!
  Here gathers the lord of the universe of the human race and the strongest person in the universe.

at this time.

"Hahaha! Ten most powerful treasures!"

"No, sixteen pieces!"

"Yes, the two holy places still want to exchange it!"

"Sixteen most powerful treasures!"

The super strong men of the human race all looked excited.

The number of powerful treasures currently possessed by the human race is enough even if every master of the universe has one!

We have truly achieved the ultimate treasure for one person!
  Achieved the most powerful and precious freedom!
  "Come, let's have a drink for Luo Feng to obtain the Dongdong River inheritance and become the most powerful treasure of the human race!" Juaxe smiled and raised his wine glass.

Everyone also had a smile on their face, picked up their wine glasses, and drank it all in one gulp!

Inside the Great Ax Temple.

The most luxurious banquet held by the human race begins!
  In the area of ​​​​flaming ice, around the tomb boat.

One after another the figures left.

It suddenly became deserted here again.

"Disciple, let's go to the Wing Space. Your current willpower is enough to collect the wings." The ancient demon's true form said. He took the path of divine power. The divine blood stained on the wings is just for research!
  "Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded.


The ancient demon's true form and Luo Feng rode on the tomb boat and headed towards the Qingfeng Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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