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Chapter 441 It is better to seek refuge with humans!

Chapter 441 It is better to seek refuge with humans!
  The original virtual universe, the Temple of the Ax.

"They must not want it, so we have to give it to them." The Lord of Virtual Gold said, "If the aliens from the Universe Sea want to obtain inheritance, they have to exchange it for the most powerful treasure. Even the alien Universe Lords in the Hong Alliance, they You can’t get the most powerful treasure, but you have to make sacrifices to get the inheritance.”

"Not bad!"

"There is a price."

The aliens in Hongmeng are aliens after all, so the masters of the human universe are naturally unwilling to give away inheritance for free.

"Actually." Chen Zong's voice sounded, and everyone immediately looked at Chen Zong.

"The strongest foreign race in Hongmeng is only a fifth-level universe master, and he can't afford a high price." Chen Zong said, "So, as long as they can come up with a peak treasure, they can give them the ability to The ethnic group that has reached the inheritance information of the Lord of the Universe and produced two pinnacle treasures can obtain the inheritance information that can reach the strongest person in the universe. As for the inheritance information on how to reach the ultimate level of the strongest person in the universe, when they become the strongest person in the universe, After you get more treasures, you can redeem them again!"

"As for the message from the Immortal to the Lord of the Universe, give it to them for free."

In Chen Zong's opinion, this information is not too important.

after all.

Even with inheritance guidance, it still depends on personal talent and strength.

It also depends on whether there is a good teacher to teach you.

Even if all the ethnic groups in the original universe and the universe sea have obtained the inheritance guidance that can reach the ultimate level of the strongest person in the universe, Chen Zong is not worried. After all, other alien races, even if the ancestors of the two holy places are included, none of them can compare. There is the guidance of 'Duandonghe Zhenkan', the 'Wu Kingdom inheritance', and the human race with more than 800 basic inheritances of Duandonghe.

not to mention.

Sishanke, the reincarnated God King, is also on the side of the human race.

He will not teach those alien races, quickly increase their strength, and fight against the human race.

"Junior brother, I think your suggestions are okay!" The Lord of Chaos City thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Well, I think it's good too. This not only gives them inheritance, but also allows them to obtain the pinnacle treasure, enhance the strength of our human race, and suppress the development of alien races in Hongmeng. It's very good, I agree!" Master Peng Gong! Also nodded.




The masters of the human universe, the strongest people in the universe, decided how to respond to the requests of the Hongmeng aliens.

At this time.

"Huh? Lord Jingyu?" The Lord of Chaos City received ten consecutive emails, all from Lord Jingyu, the ancestor of the Wulanna tribe of Hongmeng.

"Chaos, what's wrong?" Giant Ax asked.

"The Lord of Jingyu said that there is something urgent to report, I will go and come back!" the Lord of Chaos City responded.


  The Lord of Chaos City disappeared out of thin air.

Hongmeng City.

The figure of the Lord of Chaos City appeared out of thin air in a majestic temple. The hall was filled with chaotic air. Then, a figure walked in from the outside. It was a four-legged, two-winged alien with two pairs of purple-gold horns on his head, one large and one small. beast.

"Lord Jingyu." The Lord of Chaos City looked at the visitor.

"I have met the Lord of Chaos City." The Lord of Chaos City is now the strongest person in the universe. Lord Jingyu is naturally more respectful than before when he sees the Lord of Chaos City.

"Sending ten emails in a row, why is it so urgent?" asked the Lord of Chaos City.

"One of my friends from the idle tribe, the Lord of Nanyin, told me that he recently received an invitation from the Lord of the Monster Tribe, Guilty Wind, and invited him to join the coalition camp. This coalition camp currently has monster tribes and Zerg tribes. The six major forces, Crystal Clan, Prison Clan, Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and Zerg Clan, they also want to continue to invite idle groups and other forces, the purpose is to cut off the Donghe inheritance." Lord Jingyu said with a somewhat solemn expression.

"Coalition camp?" Chaos City Lord frowned.

He had thought that the alien races in the original universe would take action, but he did not expect that the action would be so fast. They would already form a coalition camp and begin to win over the Lord of the Universe, the idle tribe.

"Yes!" Lord Jingyu nodded, "Lord Nanyin, under my influence, had originally intended to join the Hongmeng. Now as soon as he receives the invitation from the Monster Clan, he will immediately tell me the situation."

The Lord of Chaos City nodded.


He sent a message to the Shadow Lord, the powerful human race leader in charge of the Hongmeng intelligence system.

After a while.

The Shadow Lord also came to the temple of the Lord of Chaos City.

"How is it? Have you found any relevant information?" The Lord of Chaos City looked at the Shadow Lord shrouded in shadow.

"Lord City Lord, we have indeed discovered some clues during this period, but because we have not determined their intentions, we have not reported them to you." The Shadow Lord said, "Now, judging from the information provided by Lord Jingyu, it should be like this. wrong."

Hongmeng's intelligence system is very powerful.

However, the coalition camp mobilized to win over idle groups, other forces, and the messengers of the strongest lone warriors in the universe. The weakest ones are all the masters of the universe. Only the master of the universe of Hongmeng can investigate this level of information more clearly. .

The Shadow Lord cannot command the Lord of the Universe. After all, he himself is not the Lord of the Universe!

and so.

The information Lord Jingyu brought this time naturally knew more than the Shadow Lord.

The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but frown.

In the cosmic sea, with Junior Brother Ancient Lord present, their human race has no fear of any opponent.

But in the original universe, no matter how strong you are, you can only reach the sixth level of combat power. At this time, what matters is the number of masters of the universe, the number of the strongest people in the universe.

In the entire original universe, there are thousands of universe masters, but most of them belong to the idle group.

If the idle group could be considered a force, then this force would be the strongest force in the original universe!
  "Okay, Lord Jingyu, the information you provided is very useful." The Lord of Chaos City looked at Lord Jingyu and nodded in confirmation, "I won't let you suffer, nor will your friend 'Lord of Nanyin' suffer. .”

"Also, you said before that the Lord of Nanyin intends to join our Hongmeng. We will send an envoy to invite him later."

"This messenger."

"Let me be the messenger!" Seeing the look in Chaos City Lord's eyes, Lord Jingyu immediately smiled.

"Yeah! That's it!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded.


The Lord of Chaos City left here, returned to the Great Ax Temple, and told the coalition camp what was going on.

"What? The coalition camp?"

"Damn it, our human race is willing to trade with them to cut off the East River inheritance, but they still think it's too demanding?"

"These damn six major forces!"

"They win over the idle groups, the Ancestral God Sect, the Alliance of Starry Sky Beasts, and the strongest in the lone universe. We can also win over them."

"Yes, at the expense of some inheritance content, many idle ethnic groups can definitely be attracted to Hongmeng."

"As for these six major forces, in my opinion, even if they exchange the most powerful treasure in the future, they will never hand over the inheritance guidance to them!"

"Not bad!"

  In the Giant Ax Temple, the faces of the strong human beings showed anger.

"Since the so-called alliance camp is already taking action, then we can't fall behind!" From the main position, Juaxe's eyes were focused, and the murderous intent in his eyes was getting stronger.

In the past, the human race only had him as the strongest person in the universe, and there was no supreme treasure. The giant ax is naturally low-key.

But now, the human race not only has the two strongest men in the universe, but also the strongest man in the universe sea, the ‘Ancient Lord’, plus the most powerful treasure that can arm the master of the human universe to the teeth.
  Giant Ax finally no longer has to keep a low profile.

"Coalition camp?" Beside the giant axe, Chen Zong snorted in his heart.

This time, he gave in and was willing to trade the Donghe Duan inheritance.

But I didn't expect that the six major forces in the original universe would form a coalition camp in order to pay less.

Really looking for death!
  "The Ancestral God Sect has a good relationship with me, and I am also the guardian god of the Ancestral God Sect, so it is up to me to win over the Ancestral God Sect." Chen Zong said, and he looked at Luo Feng, "Luo Feng, you and the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance have something to do with each other. Friendship, you will be in charge of the Starry Sky Beast Alliance."

"Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded.

As for everyone else, they all have their own tasks.

Naturally, the alien universe masters in Hongmeng also took action.

The universe of the ancient gods, the secret room space of the Hall of Illusions.

Hua Hua Hua~
  In the Chaos Color Bagua Furnace, the Chaos Divine Fire is burning. There is a stone platform. On the stone platform stands a square Chaos Stone Gate with a bracketed eaves. This Chaos Stone Gate stands in the Chaos Divine Fire. There are different Chaos Beasts on the stone gate. Reliefs, such as ape-shaped, dragon-shaped, bird-shaped, spherical-shaped, etc.

At this time.

  The Chaos Stone Gate trembled slightly.

When the stone door opens, you can see a chaotic passage. The passage is so deep that you don't know its end!

At this time.

Mine clang!
  The stone door was closed again.

outside world.

"It's done! The Gate of Chaos!" The ancient demon's true form was overjoyed, and he made a hand seal. Suddenly, the Chaos Color Bagua Furnace collapsed, and the Chaos Stone Gate turned into flowing light and appeared in his hands.


  Following the coordinate point, the Gate of Chaos left the Ancient God Universe and arrived in the hands of the clone of the Immortal Emperor of the Ancient Emperor's Palace in the ancient mysterious realm.

"It looks like we have to start refining the divine pattern war puppet again!" the ancient demon's true form said indifferently.

He immediately left the secret room space and went to the fourth floor of the ancient temple to collect the weapon refining materials.

Then he returned here.

Fifty thousand times the time acceleration starts!
  He started refining weapons again, refining the divine pattern war puppet!

If there is no coalition camp, Chen Zong is not willing to refine too much, because it is not very useful to him.

But now, the coalition camp has been established, so it’s better to refine it more!
  Ancient mysterious realm and ancient palace.

On the throne of the palace hall, the clone of the Immortal Emperor threw the Gate of Chaos.


The Gate of Chaos instantly surged, reaching a height of hundreds of millions of kilometers!

Fortunately, the hall of the ancient emperor's palace is already a world, which can fully accommodate the huge expansion of the Chaos Gate.

I saw.

The Immortal Emperor's clone waved his hand, and a beam of divine power flew out and fell into the Gate of Chaos, forming a coordinate point.

The coordinate points flashed with golden light.

  The door to the Chaos Gate burst open.

The Immortal Emperor's clone stepped into it.

On the core continent of an icy area in the Mysterious Ancestral Realm, a Chaos Gate hundreds of millions of kilometers high appeared out of thin air. Then the Chaos Stone Gate suddenly opened, and a golden-robed figure walked out of it. It was the clone of the Immortal Emperor.

The cosmic sea has no coordinates.

Therefore, two Gates of Chaos are needed to travel between the two places.

But in the original universe, there are coordinates in the original universe. You only need to input the coordinates into the Chaos Gate, and you can immediately travel to and from both sides of the Chaos Gate.

Very convenient!

It’s more convenient than Chen Zong’s ‘coordinate point’.

The Immortal Emperor turned around and waved his hand, and the Gate of Chaos, which was hundreds of millions of kilometers high, turned into a stream of light and fell into his hands.

"Ancestral God Palace!" The clone of the Immortal Emperor looked in the direction of the Ancestral God Palace, took out the Ancestral God Token, and immediately contacted the Ancestral God.

Original universe, Nine Realms Alliance.

"This is an opportunity!"

"In our Nine Domain Alliance, we don't even have one of the strongest people in the universe. And once we get the inheritance of Duan Donghe, I believe that we, the masters of the universe, will have a greater chance of becoming the strongest person in the universe. We can even transcend reincarnation!"

"However, everyone knows the strength of the human race. Not only do they have two of the strongest men in the universe, there is also an 'Ancient Lord' who is number one in the universe, and there are so many powerful treasures. The alliance camp may not necessarily win. !”

"Then you mean to join the human camp? No, I absolutely disagree with this!" Emperor Yan roared.

"Emperor Yan! Although you are my good friend, you can't do it this time. We don't have the strongest man in the universe sitting here. If the ancient master comes to kill us, we can't defeat it at all. I can't watch my tribe fall into extinction! You and mankind There is grudge, we all know it, but you can’t push the entire Nine Realms Alliance to extinction.”

"Juefeng, are you trying to break off our relationship with me?" Emperor Yan said angrily.

"Emperor Yan, Jue Feng, please calm down first!"

Within the Nine Domains Alliance, opinions are very divided.

The Pengfeng Alliance is also a second-tier alliance. There are 19 Masters of the Universe in the entire alliance, but their opinions are relatively unified at this moment.


"Oh, we're not in a hurry!"

"Wait, wait until the human race is in trouble, and if we take refuge there, the human race will be grateful, even if some core inheritance is not passed on to us. Moreover, the ancient master of the human race has the opportunity to transcend reincarnation and create the third holy land. The super being of the universe. In the future, even if some space is set aside in that holy land universe to give our various races a place to live, it is not impossible."


"If we, the Yingfeng Alliance, are like other major forces, we use our power to oppress the human race. With our strength, even if we finally force humans to reduce the cost of transaction inheritance, I am afraid that we will not be able to afford it. It will still be the demon clan and others. Big forces take advantage.”


"It's better to seek refuge with humans!"

Cosmic sea, cosmic boat!
  The ancient demon clone left the inheritance space.

Luo Feng also left the inheritance space.

"Disciple, open the hatch!" the ancient demon clone said, "To go to Qingfeng Realm, it's too slow to take the tomb boat. It's better for my master to take you there."

"Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded.

Now that things have happened with the coalition camp, he cannot be allowed to slowly fly to Qingfeng Realm!

After leaving the tomb boat, the ancient demon's true form took Luo Feng and the tomb boat into the world ring, then broke through the space and rushed towards the 'wing space' as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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