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Chapter 443 Plan for the Rise of the Human Space Sea

Chapter 443 Plan for the Rise of the Human Space Sea

Hua Hua Hua~
  The waters of the Cosmic Sea are turbulent and turbulent. You can clearly see strange water spirits playing in the rapids.

At this time.

  A bloody pagoda rushed out of the water, and then stopped in front of the Immortal Emperor's clone.

The Immortal Emperor's clone waved his hand and immediately released the tomb boat.

Inside the Bloody Pagoda.

"Master, I feel a call, a strong call, it's that human being, the human being with the parts." The white winged spirit felt the extremely strong call, and immediately began to remind him, "I am a piece of equipment with endless power. The powerful treasure was decomposed after that battle, and the human got other parts. The feeling of calling was very strong, and he was around."

"Oh?" Jinjiao Luo Feng smiled slightly.

  He immediately left the Bloody Pagoda.

At the same time, the hatch of the tomb boat opened, and a figure with silver armor and silver wings walking out, carrying a stone knife on his back.

"White Winged Spirit." Luo Feng smiled and looked at the white wings on the back of the golden-horned beast.

"You" White Wings suddenly understood. It could sense the absolute obedience. As long as this human had a thought, it had to do it.


The white winged spirit looked at the ancient demon's true form standing aside, and it naturally remembered the ancient demon's true form.

"No wonder you don't want to recognize your master! It turns out that you are in the same group!" The white winged spirit roared, and it also understood that it had to be annihilated. "Ahhhh, damn it! If I had known it, I would have released the energy of the source. I won’t even leave you the light, you damn human being.”

"White Winged Spirit, if you really wanted to recognize your master when my disciple entered the Winged Space from the beginning, then 'Kill Wu' would not have been born. It was you who destroyed yourself." The ancient demon's true form He said calmly.

Luo Feng nodded.

"Did you kill me?" The white winged spirit was stunned.

It thought back for a moment.

That seems to be the case.

At this moment, the white winged spirit felt extremely regretful, regretting it for the first time!

"White Winged Spirit, you were happy before you died." Luo Feng said indifferently, "Now, you can be annihilated."

In fact, Luo Feng could annihilate the spirit of the white wings with just one thought, but in order to know more, it was better to let Wu Wu's wings swallow him.


Let Shi Wu's wings swallow the white winged spirit, and it will also allow Shi Wu to grow!


Controlled by Luo Feng's divine power.

  A pair of white wings and four silver wings were suspended in mid-air at the same time, and then began to fit together. The parts were inlaid and connected to each other. Even the 'source' containing the monstrous power was transferred from the previously damaged white wings to the bottom pair. Among the silver wings, after all, the silver wings are complete, at least there is no need to worry about the source's energy leaking.

When combined, bursts of coercion spread out uncontrollably.

The combination of countless parts and the reorganization of the secret pattern are very complicated. It seems to be very long, but in fact it is very short.

The pressure restrained.

Huge silver-white six wings were suspended.

The four lower wings are very intact, and the edges of the uppermost wings are extremely sharp!

The edges of the wings also contain many secret lines, which seem to enhance the sharpness.

After devouring the spirit of the white wings, there was a wave of noise from Killing Wu: "Master! The wings are damaged. When the master's divine power is instilled and activated, the divine power passing through these damaged locations will have a great impact. It will also have a great impact on the performance of the strength."

"So, the damage must be repaired!"

"This requires swallowing some precious materials. Generally, it must be the main material for refining the peak treasure to be able to level it up. It is also possible to directly swallow the peak treasure, but the cost is too high."

"Don't worry! I will handle this." Luo Feng said.


Luo Feng looked at the ancient demon's true form, smiled and said, "Teacher, my wings are damaged, please see."

"Leave it to me!" The ancient demon's real body nodded, "I will help you repair it, but the quality of this 'Chaos Golden Wing' is extremely high. If you want to repair it, you need to spend a lot of treasures. I have to charge some interest for this wing." The divine blood will be treated as interest and belong to me!"

"Chaos Golden Wings?" Luo Feng was confused.

"Yes, the Wu-killing Wing of yours was originally called the 'Chaos Golden Wing'. It was a treasure used by a super strong man from the Wu Kingdom." The ancient demon's real body explained, "Now this treasure can fall to you. In the hands of you, it can be regarded as the fate between you, my master and my disciple, and the Kingdom of Wu."

Luo Feng was a little surprised.

He immediately asked about killing Wu.

"Master, there is no information about the 'Chaos Golden Wings' in my memory!" Wu Yuyi replied.

"Okay, give me your wings now!" the ancient demon's true form said.

"Yeah!" With a thought in Luo Feng's mind, Wu Yuyi immediately broke away from his back, and then flew in front of the ancient demon's true form.

With the order of the master Luo Feng, Killing Wu Yuyi would naturally not resist and was directly absorbed into the Ancient God Universe by the ancient demon's true form.

"Go back." The ancient demon's true form took Luo Feng and rushed towards the original universe.

In the primitive universe, there are now strong undercurrents, and a war may break out.

If Luo Feng is taken back, the human race will be able to gain more combat power.

primordial universe.


The ancient demon's true form took Luo Feng back to the original universe. When he returned to the original universe, the highest level of the human race naturally knew about it.

Virtual universe, Temple of the Great Ax.

"Luo Feng is back, our human race is about to usher in a period of rapid development." Lord Peng Gong laughed.

The inheritance of the Wu Kingdom given by Chen Zong is not an entity, but a simulation of 'Tianxu'. It only has inheritance guidance information, and there is no 'iceberg' in the inheritance space of the tomb boat, that is, various 'patterns of law' .

And currently.

It is these ‘patterns of law’ that can quickly enhance the strength of the strongest person in the human universe, the Lord of the Universe, and the Lord of the Universe.


Chen Zong and Luo Feng told the information about the ‘Pattern of Law’ to a group of top human beings.

"I have been looking forward to the Pattern of Law for a long time!" the Lord of Darkness said with anticipation.

"Yes, those patterns of law have the epitome of the 'Law of Chaos'!" The Lord of Virtual Gold also had his eyes flashing.

The Law of Chaos is formed by the complete fusion of the ten basic original laws.

It can also be said that the laws of chaos are broken down into ten basic original laws.

On the pattern of law, there happen to be a variety of fusion laws, three kinds of law fusion, metal, time fusion, thunder and lightning, and space fusion. These happen to be difficulties that must be overcome to follow the law of chaos.


It is too early or even impossible for most human beings to understand the laws of chaos now.

But they are currently taking the legal route.

The law route ultimately requires understanding the ‘Law of Chaos’.

Without fully understanding the laws of chaos, the strongest person is the pinnacle of the eternal true god realm and will never be able to become the 'Lord of Chaos'.

"Law of Chaos!" The Lord of Chaos City was also full of expectations.

The top beings of the human race are all very happy.

"Now, it's time to discuss our human race's plan to 'rise the cosmic sea'!" The founder of the giant ax glanced around, his voice strong.


It’s time to rise!

This rise does not mean that one or two people become stronger, but that the entire human race becomes stronger as a whole.

Just like the Universe Sea, the Divine Eye Clan in the first era of reincarnation had seven of the strongest people in the universe.

At present, there are only two of the strongest people in the universe in the human race who can move outside. Even if Chen Zong is added, there are only three, and their number is far less than that of the God Eye clan.


The Ancient Lord is the most powerful person in the universe sea.

Naturally, the goal of the human race is to become the number one peak race in the Universe Sea, and the number of the strongest people in the Universe must also be the number one in the Universe Ocean.

"The Rise of Humanity Cosmic Sea Project." The founder of Giant Ax is full of excitement and expectation. "It is led by the Ancient Lord and the Galaxy Lord, and all parties cooperate! We must allow our human race to give birth to more immortals, and more There will be more lords of the universe, more lords of the universe, and even more powerful beings in the universe!"



Each response was very crisp and loud. The human race, a group of masters of the universe, were full of energy with full expectations for the future.

Moreover, they have also been to the Heritage Palace, and they know very well how good the systematic cultivation method of the 'ancient civilization' is, which can definitely make the strength of the human race continue to change.

As for the Ancient Lord and Galaxy Lord, one has the inheritance of the Wu Kingdom, and the other has the Legend of East River!
  The two of them are naturally the most suitable to lead the cosmic sea plan for the rise of mankind!

"We, humans, will give birth to hundreds of thousands of universe masters in the future, and dozens of the strongest people in the universe will be born! The two holy universes are not as good as me, humans!" Chen Zong looked at the crowd, "I will wait for you to see how far we can go. We are all heroes of the ethnic group. Work hard, everyone, for the future of our human race." "For the sake of mankind!"

"For humanity!"

The masters of the universe let out excited roars, and their hearts were trembling.

After a while.

"Now that the plan has been decided, it's time to talk about the matters at hand!" Chaos City Lord said, "Nowadays, there are quite a few secondary forces and idle groups joining the coalition camp, but there are also some who have joined our human camp."

"Especially the joining of the two major forces, the Ancestral God Sect and the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance, has further strengthened our human camp."


"I discussed it with Giant Ax and the Ancient Lord."

"Now, we only need to invite the strongest people in the lone universe. Those idle groups do not need to recruit too many, as long as they can prevent our human group from being suppressed by the coalition camp."

The words of the Chaos City Lord echoed in the Great Ax Temple.

Not bad.

There is really no need for the human race to recruit too many races to join the human camp.

after all.

The more people are recruited, the territories in the original universe will be divided among these recruited ethnic groups. How can there be so many territory points?

Just like in the original work, after the human race dominated the original universe, they deliberately suppressed the alien races of the Hongmeng.

If not suppressed.

The number of powerful people from the Hongmeng alien race will soon surpass that of the human race.

and so.

Now Chen Zong wants to cut off some of this future 'big tail' at this moment. Otherwise, after joining, the human race will not be able to suppress the alien races in the Hong Alliance too hard, no matter how hard they suppress it.

Still want to save face!
  of course.

What's more important is that Chen Zong still has some trump cards that he hasn't revealed yet, such as the Divine Pattern War Puppet and the Lava Demon God.

Divine Pattern War Puppet and Lava Demon God are like treasures and can enter the original universe. Their weakest strength is at the top of the sixth level, and their defense capabilities are extremely powerful. Even if they stand there, they will be the strongest in the universe. Attackers can do nothing to them.

after all.

In the universe sea, there is no strongest person in the universe who can destroy the most powerful treasure, let alone the original universe.

And the divine pattern war puppets are all at the most powerful and treasure level!

The Lava Demon God is even stronger.


End of the meeting.

Chen Zong and the others left here.

Ancient God Virtual Universe.

At the origin of the Ancient Gods Virtual Universe, Tianxu and Weiss are still busy upgrading the Ancient Gods Virtual Universe.

At this time.

Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air.

"Your Majesty (Master)!" Tianxu and Weiss immediately saluted respectfully when they saw Chen Zong.

"Yes!" Chen Zong nodded slightly, then looked at Tianxu, "Tianxu, you can make ten more 'Inheritance Palaces', this should be no problem, right?"

The Palace of Inheritance cannot be copied by the Ancient God Virtual Universe, and the original Virtual Universe cannot be copied by Hongsheng City.

Only Tianxu can make it.

Of these ten 'Inheritance Palaces', five are left in the Ancient God Virtual Universe. Together with the original one, there are six 'Inheritance Palaces' in total. They are the Lord of the Holy Universe, the Master of the Universe, and the Genius of the Ancient Divine World. Immortal use.

after all.

The ancient sacred world belongs to Chen Zong personally.

There are many powerful people in the ancient sacred world. For Chen Zong, it is naturally beneficial and harmless.

The other five 'Inheritance Palaces' are to obtain the original virtual universe and cultivate strong people in the human race.

"Ten seats, no problem." Tianxu nodded.


Ten inheritance palaces appeared in front of Chen Zong.

"Well done!" Chen Zong smiled and nodded, then thought of something and continued, "Tianxu, upgrading the entire Ancient God Virtual Universe is progressing slowly, but is it feasible if we upgrade one or two special planes first?"

"Upgrade one or two planes first?" Tianxu was confused.

"Well, now there are several special inheritance places simulated in these two special planes." Chen Zong said.

"Your Majesty, this operation cannot be carried out until the master controller is upgraded." Tianxu understood and shook the virtual screen left and right.

"Is the main control upgrade almost completed?" Chen Zong asked.

Although he is the real controller of the Ancient God Virtual Universe and can feel the changes in the main control, he does not know what the upgraded main control looks like. He cannot infer the completion of the main control transformation and upgrade based on the current progress. .

"About six thousandths completed!" Tianxu said immediately.

"Well, Tianxu, Weiss, keep up your efforts!" Chen Zong nodded, then put away the ten 'Inheritance Palaces' and left the origin of the Ancient God's Virtual Universe.

Come to the ‘Inheritance Palace Plane’.

Chen Zong threw out five 'Inheritance Palaces' and lined them up with the previous 'Inheritance Palace'.

There are many more powerful people in the ancient sacred world than there are in the human race!

If we only count the powerful ones at the Universe Venerable level, the number of Universe Venerables in an ancient sacred world is comparable to that of the entire original universe.

In the past, the number of Lords of the Universe in the Holy World was only over two hundred, which was not as good as the thousands of Lords in the original universe. It was not that the Lords of the Universe in the Holy World were not strong enough, but that they were previously restricted by the origin of the Holy World and could not break through.

And now.

The origins of the holy world are constantly increasing.

In fact, many have moved to the Chaos Continent and Chaos Planet of the Ancient God Universe to thrive.

Now, the number of Lords of the Universe in the Holy Realm has reached 436, which is more than 100 more than before. This is still the result of Chen Zong's control.

Because he wants to give birth to the strongest person in the universe among the Lords of the Holy Universe, and this requires the support of many universe sources.

Holy City.

Inside Chen Zong’s temple
  Chen Zong was sitting on the throne, with more than 400 Lords of the Holy World and the Universe standing below him.

"Your Majesty!" More than four hundred Lords of the Holy World and the Universe saluted respectfully.

"From today onwards, the ancient sacred world is officially connected to the 'Ancient God Virtual Universe', and the 'Inheritance Palace' will also be open to the Universe Venerables and Immortals who meet the requirements!" Chen Zong said, "Yinyue, Tianhu, Xiao Long, this matter will be left to the three of you, and you will fully assist them."

"Your Majesty!" All the Lords of the Holy World and the Universe looked excited.

Before this time, in the holy world, the only ones who could log into the Ancient God's virtual universe were them, the masters of the universe.

Now all creatures in the holy world can enter!

The ancient sacred world will enter a new era!

An era of rise!

As they were born in the Holy World, the stronger the Holy World is, the happier they will naturally be.

"Well, go ahead!" Chen Zong waved his hand.

Chen Zong is no longer worried that the Ancient Gods Virtual Universe will not be able to afford the huge number of creatures from the Holy World entering the Ancient Gods Virtual Universe. Although the current Ancient Gods Virtual Universe has only been upgraded by a thousandth under the transformation of Tianxu and Weiss. Six', but this is enough to satisfy the crazy use of the creatures in the holy world!

"My subordinates, please retire!" The Lords of the Holy World and the Universe resigned, and then left one after another.

Chen Zong also left here and returned to the original virtual universe.

The original virtual universe.

A special space has just been opened up. This is an endless starry sky. In the starry sky, there are five majestic 'Inheritance Palaces' shining with golden light.

Chen Zong, Chaos City Lord, Juaxe, Luo Feng and other top human race experts all looked at the 'Heritage Palace' in front of them with smiles on their faces.

The original universe, the vast starry sky.

On a wild planet, there are green mountains and white clouds.

On the mountainside of a beautiful mountain, in a grass pavilion, a black alien being was sitting cross-legged. There was a black air current surrounding him. The black air current enveloped his body, and only a pair of dark eyes could be vaguely seen.

At this time.

A magnificent momentum descended in front of the grass pavilion.

"Machine!" The black alien life said calmly.

 Thanks to ‘Silent Young Salted Fish’ for the 100 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

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