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Chapter 445 Allied Forces Camp: There is a mole! Can't stop trading?

Chapter 445 Allied Forces Camp: There is a mole! Can't stop trading?
  The original universe, the vast starry sky!
  The ‘Blood Fang Star’, a living planet in the Monster Clan’s territory, has now become a venue for discussions among the coalition forces.

"Machine, you're back, how are you? What's going on with Demon God Xu Zhen?" Demon Zhenzu asked.

"Hmph!" The Father God of the Mechanical Clan snorted coldly, "He betrayed us and chose to join the ranks of humans!"

"Are you only paying for three pinnacle treasures?" The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan had anger in his eyes.

The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan invited the ancestor of the demonic beasts.

Originally, the ancestor of the monster beasts did not have the most powerful treasure and could not redeem the inheritance from the human race. Therefore, as soon as the demon ancestor of the prison clan invited him, the ancestor of the monster beasts agreed to join the coalition camp!

But not so long ago.

When the Demon Ancestor of the Hell Clan asked the Demonic Beast Ancestor to come to the Blood Fang Star to discuss important matters, the Demonic Beast Ancestor refused.

After communication.

Only then did the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan figure out that the ancestor of the monster beasts only used three pinnacle treasures in exchange for inherited guidance from the human race.

"Yeah!" The Father God of the Mechanical Clan nodded.

"Fortunately, Sihua, Heizhou and the others are still with us," Meng Yaozu said.

At this time.

"The master of Shihua Island refused!"

"The founder of Black Universe is not coming!"

"The mountain guest declined my invitation."


Several voices sounded one after another.

For a while.

On the Blood Fang Star, the wind and clouds changed color, the earth shook, the winds raged, countless huge cracks opened on the surface, countless magma erupted, and the entire planet seemed to explode at any time.

But then.

Everything is back to normal.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

"Damn it! The Demon God of Xu Zhen, the Master of Shi Hua Island, the Ancestor of Demonic Beasts, and the Founder of Black Universe. These are the strongest lone men in the universe, and they all actually sided with the human camp!" The Queen of the Zerg's cold voice filled with murderous intent rang out.

"The number of the strongest people in the universe, our coalition forces are now far inferior to the human camp!" Demon Zhen Zu looked worried.

"If the number of the strongest people in the universe is insufficient, we will make up for it with the number of masters of the universe." Dream Demon Ancestor said.

"Yes! According to intelligence, there are many idle ethnic groups, and the human group has not tried to win over them." The Holy Ancestor of the Crystal Clan nodded, "Many idle ethnic groups, let alone the three pinnacle treasures, can't get even one pinnacle treasure. They simply can't get their hands on it. Not being on the human race’s list, this just gives us a chance to make a comeback.”

"Is there any news from the Thorn Ring Alliance?" God Father of the Mechanical Clan asked.

Second-level forces such as the Thorn Ring Alliance are also their main targets.

"The human race did not win over the Thorny Ring Alliance like they did with the strongest men in the lone universe such as the Demon God of Xu Zhen and the Island Master of Shihua. If the Thorny Ring Alliance wants to inherit, they can only pay for one of the most powerful treasures." The Lord of the Galaxy said, "So, the Lords of Shengyan from the Thorn Ring Alliance agree to join our coalition camp!"

The frowning brows of the strongest men in the universe, including the Father God of the Mechanical Clan and the Holy Ancestor of the Crystal Clan, finally relaxed a little.

"Idle groups and sub-level forces are our main targets!" Father God of the Mechanical Clan said.



They make the decision.


One after another the figures left.

In the dark universe, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan flew quickly, then stood still, and returned to the starry sky of the universe. This was already the territory of the Mechanical Clan.

The Father God of the Machine Tribe looked deep into the territory of the Machine Tribe, and then turned to look at the territory of the human race.

  The figure of the Father God of the Mechanical Clan disappeared, and he broke through the space again and returned to the supercontinent deep in the territory of the Mechanical Clan.


  His thoughts span the void.

The human race, the territory of the ancient god’s universe, and the ancient mysterious realm.

Inside the ancient palace.

"Huh?" On the throne, the clone of the Immortal Emperor looked up into the void in the ancient mysterious territory, and saw a black sphere appearing out of thin air. It was the arrival of the father god of the mechanical clan.

With the strength of the Immortal Emperor's clone, it can completely prevent the arrival of the mechanical clan's father's will.

But he didn't do that.

Because he also wanted to know why the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe came here.

There's no way he's here to assassinate you, right?

Talk about assassination.

That was also when the powerful alien races such as the Machine Tribe, Zerg Tribe, and Monster Tribe were on guard against being assassinated by the Immortal Emperor's clone.

Instead of the Immortal Emperor's clone guarding them.

"The Ancient Lord!" Father God of the Mechanical Tribe said.

"Father God of the Mechanical Clan, what do you mean when you come to my ancient mysterious realm?" the Immortal Emperor's clone asked.

"I am willing to exchange the most powerful treasure for the inherited guidance of Duandonghe's lineage!" As soon as the Father God of the Mechanical Clan spoke, the Immortal Emperor's clone was surprised.

The Father God of the Mechanical Clan is already risking his life at this moment.

After knowing that all the strongest people in the lone universe have been poached by the human race, and that the Starry Sky Beast Alliance and the Ancestral God Sect have also chosen to join the human camp, the Father God of the Machine Race feels a little gloomy about the future of the coalition camp.

There is no future!
  and so.

He decided to give up one of the most powerful treasures in exchange for inherited guidance from the human race.

"Oh?" Immortal Emperor's clone smiled, "Of course!"


"The premise is that you, the mechanical race, must give up all your territory!"

The reason why the human race only lowers the exchange conditions for the strongest lone warriors in the universe, but does not lower the exchange conditions for the six major forces, some sub-level forces, and idle groups, is because they take a fancy to their territory.

Without the support of a huge territory, it would be too difficult for the human race to have dozens of the strongest people in the universe and thousands of masters of the universe!
  "Okay?" When the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe heard the words in front of the Immortal Emperor's clone, he was immediately overjoyed. He did not expect that the Ancient Lord would agree. However, when he heard the next words of the Immortal Emperor's clone, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe's face changed. The joy suddenly solidified.

Give up all territory?

I am willing to use the most powerful treasure to exchange it, but I still want to give up the entire territory?

"Old Lord, I cannot give up the territory." The Father God of the Mechanical Clan suppressed his anger and said, "The pinnacle treasure, I am willing to add five more pinnacle treasures."

The human race wants territory, but their machine race doesn’t want territory?
  The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe doesn’t want to talk about the territory at all.

"If we don't give up the entire territory, there's nothing to talk about!" the Immortal Emperor's clone said coldly.

The Machine Tribe has formed a coalition with the other five major forces to oppose the human race. How could the Immortal Emperor's clone easily let go of the Father God of the Machine Tribe?
  "Hmph!" The Father God of the Mechanical Clan snorted coldly and left here.

The territory of the mechanical race.

The tallest, largest and most luxurious temple on the supercontinent.

"Damn the Ancient Lord!" Father God of the Mechanical Tribe yelled angrily.


He now understands that the human race is interested in their territory, and even the territories of the idle ethnic groups should be valued by the human race.

"One battle will determine the outcome! The coalition camp must win!" Father God of the Mechanical Clan secretly said, "Becoming a demon is hope!"

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe has long chosen to ‘become a demon’.


Over the years, he has not completely succeeded in 'turning into a demon'.

"Damn it, if I were a flesh and blood life, I would have succeeded in 'transforming into a demon' long ago! Transform into a demon, transform into a demon for me!!" Father God of the Mechanical Clan howled in his heart.

咻咻 咻 ~
  Thick black mist naturally erupted within the body, revealing black spheres and covering the entire temple hall.


A series of shrill screams echoed in the hall. The territory of the demon clan, the secret realm of Zhenzu.

Zhenzu Secret Realm, like Mengzu Secret Realm, also has a virtual world.

A special plane in Zhenzu’s virtual world.

In this plane, there is a vast starry sky with countless shining planets, but more than 70% of the planets are emitting this scarlet blood light.

at this time.

  The scarlet blood light suddenly expanded and swallowed up the surrounding stars.


The silvery white, purple, gold and other light emitted by these stars also turned into scarlet in the blink of an eye.

"Hahaha." A magnificent sound of surprise resounded through this special plane, causing time and space to tremble and the stars to tremble.

"Zhenjiao, congratulations!" Another voice sounded.

"Eighty percent, only the last 20% is left! I can completely master the 'Sacrifice Formation'." Demon Zhenzu said happily, then turned to look at Dream Demon Ancestor next to him, "Meng Tu, in the next time, I will You must concentrate on studying the 'Sacrifice Formation', and you will handle the affairs of the demon clan and the coalition camp."

"The coalition camp must win over more masters of the universe!"

"Yeah!" Dream Demon Ancestor nodded.

"The human race has done a good thing!" Zhenyao Ancestor looked at the scarlet stars around him with a smile on his face. "If the strongest people who travel alone in the universe also join the coalition camp, our plan will be even more difficult. Unfold, and now.”

"Zhenjiao, the machine has also obtained the 'Holy Religion Core Inheritance Secret Technique'. Will he affect our plan?" Dream Demon Ancestor said with some worry.

"He" Demon Zhenzu frowned.

"I don't know what secret technique he obtained. I can't tell for the time being."

"However, we can't help but be on guard."

"During this period, you should work harder and keep an eye on the machinery!"

"Okay!" Dream Demon Ancestor nodded.

Hua Hua Hua~
  The fire of Chaos is burning brightly.

In the secret room of the Hall of Illusions, the temperature is so high that even the Venerable Universe will be melted by the high temperature. If he directly enters the Qi and Blood Furnace, he will be annihilated in an instant, and he will never die again.

Unless resurrected.

at this time.

On the bluestone platform, in addition to the ancient demon's true body, there are ten 'divine pattern war puppets'. These ten 'divine pattern war puppets' were newly refined by the ancient demon's true form during this period of time.

Including the original Ancient One to Ancient Ten, the number of members of the divine pattern war puppet team reached twenty.

Although Duan Donghe Zhenkan's body is also a divine pattern war puppet, he is not a member of the divine pattern war puppet team. After all, Duan Donghe Zhenkan is still the teacher of the previous generation Duan Donghe and Luo Feng.

It is such a waste to let Duandonghe Zhenkan serve as a guard!
  Being a teacher and guiding the strong people of the human race in their cultivation is where Duandonghe Zhenkan can show his talents.

"For the sake of the territory of idle ethnic groups and sub-level forces, I gave up on winning over them!" The ancient demon's real body said softly, "Now I can only work harder, be more tired, and refine some more divine pattern war puppets!"


He turned to look at Ancient Eleven to Ancient Twenty.

The divine pattern war puppets all look exactly the same. Just looking at them from the outside, it is difficult to tell who is who.

However, each divine pattern war puppet has a different 'spirit' that is born when it is 'spiritualized'. The difference in 'spirit' allows the ancient demon's true form to easily recognize the divine pattern war puppets with different names.

"Go!" Gu Mozhen waved his hand.


Ancient Eleven and the others were sent out of the 'Secret Chamber Space' and appeared in the endless chaotic airflow of the Ancient God Universe. Not far from them, ten divine war puppets were besieging the lava demon that was tens of billions of kilometers tall.

The battle was one-sided.

The lava demon powerfully crushed the divine pattern war puppet.

"Let's go too!" Gu Yi said.



The other divine pattern war puppets are gearing up.

Since they are war puppets, they naturally have a mysterious obsession with fighting. Fighting is their nature.

"Hahaha, a new companion has joined!" Seeing Gu Eleven and the others, Gu Yi laughed loudly, then turned to look at the Lava Demon God, "Big man, now you can no longer flick me with one finger. Flying!"

at this time.

Gu Shiyi and the others have arrived at the battle circle.

I saw that the stars on the star battle armor of the twenty divine pattern war puppets were all shining. These rays of light shot out, touched and merged with the light emitted by other divine pattern war puppets, forming a Formation.

When the situation is stable.

The light disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

But the formation between them did not collapse, but became more stable.

"Ha!" The Lava Demon laughed, "You little ones, no matter how many there are, you can spread the damage evenly, but it's useless to me. I'm far superior to you!"


Only one of the four huge arms of the Lava Demon God was raised, and only one finger was extended.

"Try?" The Lava Demon looked down at Ancient One.

"Come on!!!" Gu Yi shouted loudly. At the same time, other divine pattern war puppets passed the energy to Gu Yi through the formation, causing Gu Yi's aura to surge. A powerful coercion crushed the surrounding chaotic airflow. All were swept away.

His surroundings became nothingness.

at this time.

Ancient One's aura is no longer weaker than the strongest person in the eighth-level universe.

Seeing that Ancient One was ready.

The Lava Demon didn't hesitate and pressed down directly with one finger.

"Roar~" Gu Yi roared, and the golden flames in his eyes instantly stretched and burned in the void. His right hand clenched into a fist, and a dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed from the fist, and the golden light swayed like a burning flame.

Ancient Yi rushed towards the Lava Demon God and punched the index finger of the Lava Demon God that was pressing hard against him.

On the fist, the golden flame suddenly surged, directly wrapping the entire index finger of the Lava Demon.

Followed by.

  There was a loud bang.

I saw that the golden flame exploded instantly, and the majestic power acted on Gu Yi. Following the formation, this power was evenly distributed to the other nineteen divine pattern war puppets.


bang bang bang~
  Including Ancient One, twenty divine pattern war puppets all turned into a stream of light and flew upside down into the depths of the chaotic airflow.

"I used too much strength again! I have to hold back a little more!" The Lava Demon retracted his hand, looked at his fingers, and muttered, "My master asked me to train the puppet team and keep crushing them. The training effect may not be very good!"


"Take more!"

The Lava Demon God looked at the twenty streams of light, and Gu Yi and the others returned here again.

"Well, you didn't fly far this time, you made some progress!" the Lava Demon praised.

"." The ancient first-class divine pattern war puppet was speechless.

"Continue!" the Lava Demon said.

"Okay!" Gu nodded.

 Thanks to ‘Fat is not my fault’ for the 400 starting coins reward

  Thanks to ‘book friend 20221101212659146’ for the 100 starting coins

  Thanks to ‘book friend 20210301106590748824’ for the 100 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

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