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Chapter 450 Father God of the Mechanical Tribe: Zhenjiao, do you want to kill us all?

Chapter 450 Father God of the Mechanical Tribe: Zhenjiao, do you want to kill us all?
  Ancient mysterious book, vast void.

The battle between the human camp and the coalition camp broke out instantly.

In the Bluestone Hall and the Conferred God Platform, the Lord of Chaos City and the Founder of the Giant Axe respectively became the eyes of the ‘Ten Directions Martial Formation’.

The ‘Ten Directions Martial Formation’ is an formation formed by ten Lords of the Holy World and the Universe, and their power has reached the seventh level.

But now, there are seventy or eighty masters of the universe in the two most powerful and precious palaces. These masters of the universe each form a "Ten Directions Martial Formation", and then these several "Ten Directions Martial Formation" have become a larger one. The formation eye of the 'Ten Directions Martial Formation'.

The formations are superimposed, this is the advanced version of the ‘Ten Directions Martial Formation’!
  Theoretically, this can be superimposed infinitely. However, the energy transmission channel between the eyes of the 'Ten Directions Martial Formation' has a limited carrying capacity and cannot be superimposed infinitely.

The ability to be superimposed once was perfected by Chen Zong using the 'Tian Yan Technique'.

Now, in the original universe, the strength of the Chaos City Lord and the founder of the giant ax, who are the sixth-level top-notch strength, immediately soared to the eighth-level top level with the blessing of the 'Superimposed Ten Directions Martial Formation', and their combat power can Suppress any one of the six divisions of the coalition camp.

at this time.

"Attack!" The Lord of Chaos City and the Founder of the Giant Ax shouted in unison.

The Lord of the Universe under his command immediately gave all his support to the Lord of Chaos City and the Founder of the Great Axe.

The attacks of the two of them immediately intercepted the soul attacks of the two teams, the Holy Ancestor of the Crystal Clan and the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan.

at the same time.

Within the natal dragon ball, Chen Zong waved his hand, and the 'Eye of Annihilation' refined with 'sacred blood' appeared out of thin air.

  The Eye of Nirvana appeared outside the natal Dragon Ball and was suspended in the void. The Eye of Nirvana suddenly swelled and continued to grow in size, directly reaching a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers. At the same time, the rings on the Eye of Nirvana gathered at one point, forming a hundred thousand The golden vertical eye was about a kilometer in diameter. The direction the golden vertical eye was pointing at was the most precious palace of the Dream Demon Ancestor, which was closest to him.

"What is this?" The Dream Demon Ancestor in the Treasure Palace, the Dream Demon Ancestor saw the huge golden vertical eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt that something was not good.


Before he could react.

  The pupils of the golden vertical eyes shrank, and in an instant, the powerful will moved in a straight line across the sky, directly hitting the treasure palace of the Dream Demon Ancestor.

The entire will propagates along a straight line, just like a laser beam. Even if it is shot from Chen Zong's angle, it can only affect more than ten Lords of the Universe at the same time.

It's not that Chen Zong is unwilling to attack more than a hundred universe masters at once, but because the pupils of the 'Eye of Annihilation' can maintain the highest intensity within a diameter of 100,000 kilometers.

But if it continues to skyrocket, the scope of radiation from the Eye of Annihilation will become larger and larger, and the strength of the will will continue to weaken.

If the willpower is weak, it is basically useless!
  The Palace of Treasures cannot block attacks of will!

At this time.

"Ah!" A tall monster universe master felt a strong impact of will, and he couldn't help but roared and knelt down on the ground, his whole body trembling.


Some of the masters of the universe knelt down, some lay down, and some simply lost consciousness and fell down.

The impact of will contained in this Eye of Annihilation is too strong, and the distance between the two parties is not far, which makes the power of the Eye of Annihilation not weakened.


In the mind of Dream Demon Ancestor, it was also like thunder exploding!

"Will impact?" Dream Demon Ancestor was shocked!

"No! This strange golden vertical eye can launch a will attack." The Dream Demon Ancestor immediately sent a message to the Monster Demon Ancestor, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and other the strongest people in the universe.


Just when he was transmitting the message.


Chen Zong controlled the Eye of Annihilation to slowly rotate, causing the golden pupil's scanning direction to slowly change.

It can affect more than ten universe masters in one sweep.

After a slight shift, more than ten other universe masters were swept to the side.

This simple turn!
  Then the 'will impact storm' formed by the Eye of Annihilation swept across the treasure palace of the Dream Demon Ancestor, affecting all the Lords of the Universe within it!
  Screams sounded one after another.

Although this 'will impact storm' cannot directly kill the masters of the universe, only a few of these masters of the universe have a will that has reached the 'level of the strongest person in the universe', and the rest are all on their knees. , or simply lose consciousness and fall down.

This is disastrous for the coalition camp!

At the same time, their pitiful howls echoed in this space and time, causing the strong men in the coalition camp who had not yet been affected by the 'will impact storm' to show panic on their faces.

"Damn, 'will attack treasure', how is this possible? How could the Ancient Lord have such a treasure!" Dream Demon Ancestor cursed angrily.


Something even more shocking happened to him.

At this time, in the void, twenty strong men appeared in the void wearing star battle armor, only revealing two golden flame eyes, exuding an aura that was not inferior to the strongest in the universe, and among these twenty Next to the powerful man is a towering figure tens of billions of kilometers high.

"Lava Demon?"

Whether it was the coalition camp or the human camp, they were all confused when they saw the lava demon.

They knew very well what the Lava Demon God was. It was an invincible existence in the God-Destroying Stream. Even the strongest man in the universe who possessed the most powerful treasure was no match for the Lava Demon God.

Once caught by the Lava Demon, death is the only way out.

Even the strongest man in the universe sea is the same!
  The lava demon is synonymous with invincibility!
  Fortunately, the Lava Demon God will not step out of the God-Destroying Stream, otherwise the cosmic sea will be respected by the Lava Demon God!

"Lava Demon!"

"Run~" the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe said in a panic.

"Oh my God, the Lava Demon God, why did the Lava Demon God appear here?" Even the Queen of the Zerg, who was hiding in the Palace of the Most Powerful Treasure, was completely panicked at this moment.

The Demon Shock Ancestor, who was closest to the Lava Demon God, immediately took control of the Treasure Palace and fled into the distance.

The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan and the Holy Master of the Crystal Clan were also shocked, with an incredible look on their faces. Even if the Ancient Master was immediately promoted to the strongest person in the universe, in their opinion, it would not be as shocking as seeing the Lava Demon God.

Not only the coalition camp, but also the strong men in the human camp were stunned at this moment!
  "The Lava Demon God turned out to be the Lava Demon God. The trump card mentioned by the Ancient Lord before turned out to be the Lava Demon God." The mouth of the Hongmeng Universe Lord was wide open, and his jaw even trembled a little.

"Lava Demon God, hahaha, this junior brother's trump card is really a big surprise!" The Lord of Chaos City said in surprise.

"Twenty divine pattern war puppets, one lava demon god, the teacher's trump card is actually stronger than I thought! And it's not just a little stronger, this is completely beyond my expectation!" In the Star Tower, Luo Feng His eyes sparkled and he looked particularly excited.

"Huh? Your Majesty, has he gained control of the 'space boat'?" In the tomb boat, Duandonghe Zhenkan was a little surprised.

As a super strong man on the space ship back then, Duandonghe Zhenkan naturally knew that if he wanted to command the Lava Demon God, he must first gain control of the 'space ship'.

"No, it's impossible." Duan Donghe Zhenkan shook his head, "The main control intelligence of the 'Space Boat' is buried with the general in the 'Tomb Mausoleum', and His Majesty has not reached the 'Tomb Mausoleum' yet. It's impossible. Obtain control of the 'Space Boat'."

"This Lava Demon God" - "Could it be that your Majesty obtained it from the inheritance when he obtained the 'Wu Kingdom inheritance'?"

Duandonghe Zhenkan's consciousness was moving rapidly.

At this time.

"Stop them, don't let the coalition camp escape!" Chen Zong immediately gave the order to the divine pattern war puppet and the lava demon, and at the same time sent a message to the founder of the giant axe, the Lord of Chaos City, Luo Feng, Duandonghe Zhenkan and the others.

"Virtual Realm!" Chen Zong, the ancient demon's true body, the ancient demon's true body, and the Immortal Emperor's clone all cast 'Virtual Realm' at the same time. Suddenly, the Dream Demon Ancestor who was about to escape in front of him was directly caught by the virtual world. Devour.

The combined virtual world is stronger than a single virtual world.

Chen Zong took the Lava Demon directly into the virtual world.

The ancient demon's true form and other clones left in the outside world are working with Luo Feng, Chaos City Lord and others to deal with the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and the others, not seeking to win, but only seeking to hold them back.

The Eye of Nirvana continues to sweep!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The giant axe, the Lord of Chaos City, Luo Feng, and twenty divine pattern war puppets also used their own methods at the same time.

The light of the ax that opened up the world, the giant starlight palm that grasped the sky and the earth, the light of the sword that swept away, and the shadow of a stick that destroyed the world. It was directed towards the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, the Queen of the Insect Tribe, the Holy Lord of the Crystal Tribe, and the Shocking Tribe. The Demon Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan swept over.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The strong men of the human camp immediately launched a large number of attacks!
  The most deadly thing is——


The most powerful treasures such as the Star Tower, Bluestone Palace, Conferred God Platform, Divine Phoenix Palace, etc., tried their best to swallow them while the 'Eye of Annihilation' was activated and a large number of attacks occurred.

"Meng Tu!" Seeing the Dream Demon Ancestor disappearing, along with Chen Zong and the Lava Demon God, the Shock Demon Ancestor's eyes were filled with blood and he went completely crazy, "Ah~, humans, this is what you forced me to do, give it all I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

Zhenyao Zu is crazy!

I saw him spitting out a mouthful of blood and kept muttering something in his mouth.

The blood quickly gathered together to form a flat bloody ring, which spun in mid-air.

"Sacrifice!" Demon Zhenzu roared.


  The bloody ring suddenly collapsed and spread out to the outside of the Treasure Palace. In the endless void, a huge bloody secret pattern quickly formed, and the smell of blood suddenly filled this time and space.

A strange aura envelopes this time and space!

"How is this going?"




There were sounds of panic.

After being swept away by the 'will impact storm' of the Eye of Nirvana, the fallen Lords of the Universe suddenly woke up. The bodies of these weaker Lords of the Universe were directly disintegrated like buildings weathered by endless years. It disintegrated into streams of light, and fled towards the huge bloody secret pattern in the void.

Looking towards the streamer, one can see extremely distorted faces inside the streamer.

These faces are those of the Lord of the Universe.

It shocked the hearts of all the powerful men and made their hair stand on end.

This was the first time they had seen such a strange method!

at this time.

In the human camp and the monster camp, all the weak masters of the universe felt at this moment as if their divine bodies were being grabbed by a pair of big hands and being torn apart with force, as if they were about to be torn apart.

At the same time, you can feel the powerful tearing and sucking power coming from the bloody secret pattern above the void.

"Sacrifice formation!" The Immortal Emperor's clone was shocked!
  After the "Tianluo World" disappeared, he also thought that among the powerful people who entered the "Tianluo World" and obtained the "Holy Cult Core Inherited Secret Technique", maybe some of them had obtained the "Sacrifice Formation"!
  But for so long, there hasn't been any trouble.

This made the Immortal Emperor's clone couldn't help but feel that the situation might not be so bad, and no one had obtained the 'Sacrifice Formation'.

But now, even if he closed his eyes, he could clearly tell that the huge bloody secret pattern above was the 'Sacrifice Formation'.

"Quickly retreat outside the bloody secret pattern!" Immortal Emperor's clone immediately sent a message to Luo Feng, Chaos City Lord and others.

The Lord of Chaos City, the Founder of Giant Axe, Luo Feng and others immediately retreated.

Now, they no longer pursue the strong men of the coalition camp such as Father God of the Machine Tribe.

Because in the Bluestone Hall and the Conferred God Platform, the Lords of the Universe below the fourth level in the Hong Alliance are not in very good condition at the moment. If it were later, maybe these Lords of the Universe would also fight with those in the alliance camp who were bloodied. The Lord of the Universe swallowed by the Secret Pattern met the same fate.

"Zhenjiao, what are you doing?" the Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan shouted angrily.

The Lord of the Universe in his clan also looked in pain at this moment, which made the Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan very angry.

"Zhenjiao, are you crazy? You actually attacked us!!" The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan also looked sullen.

"Is this the 'Secret Technique of the Holy Religion's Core Inheritance' that you obtained? Damn it, Zhenjiao, are you trying to kill us all?" the Father God of the Mechanical Clan cursed angrily.

And this moment.

In the Zhen Yao Ancestor's palace, the Lords of the Universe all hid in the corners of the palace. Looking at the Zhen Yao Ancestor's body glowing with bloody light and terrifying aura in the center of the palace, their faces were full of panic.

"Demon Ancestor." The Lord of the Demon Clan, Muli, shouted.

Zhenyao Ancestor turned around, his scarlet eyes were extremely cold, which made the masters of Muli and other powerful people tremble.

"Die, die, let me die." Zhenyao Ancestor shouted wildly, killing intent filling the palace. Regarding the message transmission from the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan, the Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan, and the Queen of the Zerg Clan, It was as if he didn't hear anything, and he didn't even respond to the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and the others!


At this time.

Next to the Lord Muli, the divine body of the Lord Ying of the Mantuo Ying Clan began to tear apart, just like the Lord of the Universe who was swallowed by the bloody secret pattern before.

"Zhenyao Zu, please let me go and don't kill me." Lord Ying immediately begged to Zhenyao Zu.

However, Demon Zhenzu still didn't respond.

He just kept repeating: "Die, die, you all die to me."

"Ah, if you want me to die, you must die first!" Lord Ying shouted, holding back the pain of tearing, directly burning his divine power to cast a secret method to attack Demon Zhenzu, and then glanced at the Lord of the Universe around him. "If you don't want to die, then join me in attacking Demon Shock Ancestor!"

(End of this chapter)

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