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Chapter 476 The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace breaks through!

Chapter 476 The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace breaks through!

  The natal dragon ball turned into a stream of light and crashed through the flame sea air cover and entered the sea of ​​flames. Wow, the sea of ​​flames instantly became violent, and the surrounding flames began to condense into soldiers and alien beasts.
  Just when they are just condensing and forming.

  The natal dragon ball disappeared out of thin air, and the condensed soldiers and beasts suddenly collapsed and turned into flames again and merged into the sea of ​​flames.

The inner domain of the cosmic boat is the Xuanze Sea.

The endless sea water of the Xuanze Sea is turbulent and full of vortices. It is a dangerous place in the inner area of ​​the space ship. Although it is safer than the core area, the core vortex of the Xuanze Sea, where peak treasures are often born, is Able to kill the strongest man in the universe who possesses the most powerful armor.

Only the strongest man in the universe who possesses the most powerful and precious palace can survive, but it is also difficult to escape.


at this time.

The core vortex of the Xuanze Sea stirred the surrounding water crazily, causing strong winds to blow in mid-air on the sea surface, setting off huge waves, and the huge waves carried a silver-white boat into the sky.

Inside the boat.

"The treasure was born?" Luo Feng was surprised.

He had seen this situation in the information, and it was the scene where the Xuan Zehai treasure was born.

Not long after he arrived here, he encountered the birth of a treasure.

"Hahaha, you are really lucky." Luo Feng said with a smile.

  He controlled the tomb boat, swooped down, and landed on a rock.

The eight Lords of the Universe on other huge rocks around are also ready to go.


  The violent current swept through time and space.

"I've been waiting here for hundreds of years, and finally the treasure is born!" A four-armed universe master with a hollow chest said in surprise. A faint light spread out from his body, obviously using the domain-type treasure, "Ultimate Treasure" It must be mine."

"Oh, just you?" Another black-skeletal alien beast skeleton clan's Master of the Universe sneered.

Three Gods of the God-Eye Clan have fallen one after another, and one of them is the strongest First God of the God-Eye Clan. This makes the Skeleton Clan surpass the God-Eye Clan in strength and become the strongest peak tribe in the first era of reincarnation.

In the cosmic sea, the skeleton clan's strength is second only to the two major holy lands and the original cosmic human race.

Over the past few years, the Skeleton Clan has been very proud.

Now among the eight Masters of the Universe here, three are the Masters of the Universe of the Skeleton Clan, so they have already regarded the treasure born this time as their own.

Hua Hua Hua~
  These three skeleton clan masters of the universe also released their domains.

The other four Masters of the Universe are not far behind.

However, even the domain can only cover part of the area. Some violent areas within the monstrous water cannot be covered at all, and it is impossible to know in advance when the treasure will be born.

But Luo Feng in the silver-white boat did not release his domain.

In the boat at this moment, two figures came out of the Gate of Chaos, it was Chen Zong and Duandonghe Zhenkan.

"Congratulations, teacher!" Seeing Chen Zong carrying a stone sword on his back, Luo Feng immediately understood that this stone sword should be the 'Yuan embryo' that the teacher obtained in the tomb land, and immediately congratulated him.

Chen Zong smiled and nodded.


"Huh?" Chen Zong noticed the situation outside.

  On the Xuanze Sea, the originally violent and overwhelming water suddenly began to move regularly. In this area of ​​​​the world, a large amount of water rotated and gathered, and connected the sky and the earth, and a huge waterspout actually appeared!
  "It's there!"

The eight masters of the universe suddenly burned with their divine power, and they all wanted to fight.


  A golden, sky-covering giant palm that was larger than the waterspout appeared out of thin air above the waterspout. The vast pressure immediately covered the time and space, and the time and space directly solidified.

The violent waterspout was stunned.

Even the eight realm-type treasures that the Lord of the Universe extended to the waterspout were imprisoned in the void.

  I saw that golden giant palm directly grabbing the golden treasure in the waterspout.

The golden palm retracted the silver-white boat.

Time and space no longer freeze in an instant.

  The waterspout collapsed suddenly and hit the sea.

The domain-type treasures of the eight Lords of the Universe suddenly collided together, scattering the collapsed waterspout, turning into heavy rain and falling on the surrounding sea.

"These" eight universe masters were stunned.

"It's the Ancient Lord!"

The four-armed Universe Master with a hollow chest roared. The Skeleton Race Universe Master next to him and the other four Universe Masters were all shocked.

Although none of them had seen this golden giant palm with their own eyes, they were all familiar with it.

Because it was this palm that crushed the No. 1 God of the God Eye Clan and became the No. 1 person in the Universe Sea, the Ancient Lord.

Since the Ancient Lord is in this silver-white boat, then this boat.
  The eight universe masters immediately understood that this small boat should be the 'Tomb Ship' of the Galaxy Lord.

Over the years, Luo Feng has controlled the "Tomb Tomb Boat" to explore the space ship, changing the appearance and color of the "Tomb Tomb Boat" from time to time, making it difficult for many powerful people in the Universe Sea to distinguish whether the boat is the "Tomb Tomb Boat".

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I have some use for this treasure, so it belongs to me." A voice came from the silver-white boat.

Hear this sound.

It is indeed the Ancient Lord!

The eight Lords of the Universe standing on the top of the towering mountain immediately expressed their daring and were all respectful and humble.

It's no use trying to grab treasures from the Ancient Lord, let alone them, even if their ancestors come over, how dare they be disrespectful.


They were also curious in their hearts, what kind of treasure was the treasure just born, and even the Ancient Lord was interested in it.

Is it the most powerful treasure?
  Not right either.

If it were the most powerful treasure, the noise it would make would definitely be greater than the one just now, and it would last longer, and it would not be born so soon.

They were speculating in their minds.

They dare not ask.

Immediately, with a whoosh, the silver-white boat on the reef quickly broke through the air.

"Xuan Zehai is boring, let's go!" The four-armed Lord of the Universe with an empty chest. Although he didn't get the treasure, he felt a little helpless, but when he saw that the faces of the three Lords of the Universe from the Skeleton Race were even worse, he felt a little better. , he smiled, said loudly, and then left through the air.

"This damn 'Qilan'." A strong man from the skeleton clan with a dark golden skeleton glared at the four-armed lord of the universe who was walking away.

The other two strong men from the Skeleton Tribe were also a little embarrassed.

They naturally heard the ridicule in Lord Qilan's words.


They didn't catch up.

The Lord of Qilan is the fifth-level Lord of the Universe. Although the three of them can suppress the Lord of Qilan, they cannot kill the Lord of Qilan. It is just a waste of time to catch up.

If you have this time, you might as well go to the next place, and maybe you can encounter a treasure that is born.

The Master of the Universe of the Skeleton Clan and the other four Masters of the Universe also left.

A treasure has just been born in the core vortex of Xuanzehai. No more treasure will be born in a short time. There is no need to stay here and wait in vain.

  On the Xuanze Sea, the tomb boat breaks through the waves.

Inside the tomb boat.

"I didn't expect to encounter a 'exploding arrow'!" Chen Zong said with a smile, looking at the golden arrow in his hand.

"Explosive arrow?" Luo Feng asked curiously.

"Explosive arrows, as the name suggests, are arrows that explode after being used. They are a one-time attack mechanical weapon with very low conditions for use. Even ordinary masters of the universe can use them, but their killing power is strong. This is the one in my hand. With just a bursting arrow, you can easily kill the seventh-level true god and seriously injure the eighth-level true god." Chen Zong explained with a smile that he knew this information from the 'Wu Heritage'.

"So strong!" Luo Feng said in surprise. If you don’t count the energy in the ‘source’ of Killing Wu’s Wings, even if he uses the divine burning secret method ‘Breaking’ and mobilizes the fifth secret pattern ‘Suppression’ of the Star Tower, he has just reached the ninth level of power.

At most, it can suppress the strongest person in the eighth-level universe.

It is simply impossible to seriously injure the strongest person in the eighth-level universe.

The requirements for using this 'exploding arrow' are really too low. An ordinary universe master using this 'exploding arrow' could seriously injure the strongest person in the eighth-level universe. This really shocked Luo Feng.

"What if there were thousands of 'exploding arrows'?" Luo Feng said with a smile.

"Thinking too much." Next to him, Duan Donghe shook his head and said, "The value of the materials required to refine a 'explosion arrow' is enough to cultivate a true god. The strength of the true god can still be improved, but the 'explosion arrow' Arrows will always be like that. Therefore, after the creation of the 'Explosive Arrow', only hundreds of billions were made, not more."

"Only hundreds of billions?" Luo Feng was speechless.

There are currently less than a hundred strongest people in the universe in the universe sea.

And hundreds of billions of explosive arrows can kill hundreds of billions of seventh-level strongest people in the universe.

Isn’t that much?

So what is too much?
  "It is indeed not much." Chen Zong sighed, "Disciple, the ancient civilization is far beyond your imagination. The existence of the two holy places in the universe is only a blink of an eye for the Wu State. In such a long time span, We have just produced hundreds of billions of 'explosion arrows', which is not a lot at all, it can even be said to be very few!"

"Uh." Luo Feng suddenly realized.


He actually understood some of the information the teacher said.

The reason why I thought it was too much before was because I was completely shocked by the hundreds of billions.

Now that I think about it, it doesn't seem like much.

"Teacher, if you accept this 'Exploding Arrow', do you plan to make some copies?" Luo Feng looked at Chen Zong and asked.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.

If not, he wouldn't have made a strong move to collect this 'exploding arrow'.


  Chen Zong collected the ‘exploding arrow’ as a world ring.

After chatting with Luo Feng for a while, Chen Zong left the tomb boat and headed to the black-patterned stone pillar space, while Duandonghe Zhenkan stayed in the tomb boat.

The main reason for going to the black-grained stone pillar space is the extremely fast flow of time there.

Because now that he has obtained the ‘World Beast Life Structure Diagram’, he needs more time to analyze and understand.

As for Luo Feng, although he also possesses the 'World Beast Life Structure Diagram', his life gene level is less than 30,000 times, and he has not reached the first level of the divine power route. Even if he goes to the black veined stone pillar space to understand the 'World Beast Life Structure Diagram' 'It doesn't have much effect. After all, it is his Youhai clone that is 'created' by the gifted secret method, not other clones.

In this case, he might as well continue to wander in the cosmic sea.

Cosmic boat, space of black-grained stone pillars.

The black-patterned stone pillars towering deep into the clouds and mist are as usual, as if time has never left traces on them.

at this time.

The twelfth black-grained stone pillar.

After many years of absence, Chen Zong set foot here again.

"Huh? It's the Ancient Lord!"

A strong man discovered Chen Zong and immediately exclaimed.

"The Ancient Lord is here?"


"Hey, it's really the Ancient Lord. This is the first time I've seen the Ancient Lord. He's so powerful. Just seeing him makes my heart tremble."

"His will is already extremely strong. Do he still need to hone his will?"

"It's not that easy to break through the will. I think he is looking for someone, or... he is here to use the time acceleration of the black-patterned stone pillar."

"Let's see!"

Many powerful people with good relationships communicated with each other.

Chen Zong also saw the surprised expressions on the faces of these strong men, but he didn't pay attention, but stepped closer to the black-patterned stone pillars.

Time flows 1 times, 3 times, 10 times.
  Soon, he crossed the limit of the will of the strongest person in the universe.

Now his will is the limit of the Void True God.

Therefore, he continued to move forward and quickly approached the black-grained stone pillar.

The surrounding space is slightly distorted.

Time is flowing extremely fast, and powerful will attacks are sweeping away, trying to destroy everything, but Chen Zong is like a spring breeze and does not feel any discomfort at all.

22 times, 26 times, 29 times.
  Finally, Chen Zong arrived at the limit area of ​​the True God of Void's will, where the flow rate of time reached 30 times.

The powerful impact of will made Chen Zong frown.

"That's it!" Chen Zong nodded slightly.

His current will is already breaking through to the edge of the eternal True God's will level.

Coming to the extreme area of ​​the True God's Will of the Void is to temper the will and strive for the will to break through to the level of the Eternal True God's Will.

The improvement of will can increase the speed of consciousness, and can also increase the analysis speed of 'Heavenly Evolution Technique'.

Analyzing the ‘World Beast Life Structure Diagram’ is not something that happens overnight and requires a lot of time.

Improving one's will is like sharpening a knife. When the knife is sharpened, it will become easier to chop the wood of the 'World Beast Life Structure Diagram'.

This is the skill of sharpening one's sword and chopping firewood without missing a beat.

Chen Zong chose a huge rock, sat cross-legged on it, and devoted himself to tempering his will.

Time flies.

Thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye (original cosmic time).

In the original universe, in the Secret Realm of Taichu, outside the Xueluo Continent, mist filled the air, and all kinds of void dust fragments made it even more dreamy. An extremely tall Celestial Eclipse Palace was suspended in the void.

at this time.

In the main hall on the ninth floor of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace.

This ninth floor hall is the largest hall among the nine floors of the Celestial Eclipse Palace. Even the planets can be easily placed, but the vastness inside is unobstructed!
  It can be seen that in the distance, a figure wearing a silver robe is sitting in the void.

If you look closely, you will feel that the robe seems to have produced countless phantoms. You can faintly see some golden threads on the robe, but in the blink of an eye, you find that the robe is still silver.

It seems illusory but not illusory, making it difficult to see through.


The silver-robed figure suddenly opened his eyes, and two dazzling rays of light shot out from his eyes. The void in front of him was instantly pierced, forming two huge holes.

At the same time, countless phantoms disappeared in an instant, and the figure in the silver robe became extremely clear.

"Finally, I understand!" The figure in silver robe smiled.

He, the Lord of the Celestial Eclipse Palace, the top overlord of the universe, has finally achieved a breakthrough after comprehending it for hundreds of millions of epochs!

  The figure of the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace flashed and disappeared.

The original virtual universe, the top of Thunder Island, inside the Temple of Chaos.

"Hahaha, junior brother, congratulations!" The Lord of Darkness looked at the Master of Heavenly Eclipse Palace and laughed, extremely happy.

"Congratulations, junior brother (senior brother, uncle, uncle, Tian Eclipse)." The strongest men and masters of the universe from the Virtual Universe Company all congratulated the Master of Tian Eclipse Palace.

"Thank you!" The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace smiled and nodded.

The Virtual Universe Company now has a total of one strongest person in the universe and eight masters of the universe.

Extremely powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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