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Chapter 480 The heavenly dimension changes, and the strong man comes again

Chapter 480 The heavenly dimension changes, and the strong man comes again

Ancient mysterious realm, inside the ancient palace.

The ancient demon's true form looked at the panel.

【Task 2】Conquest (unfinished)
  [Reward] Tianwei Gate

"Isn't it completed?" The ancient demon's real body shook his head, "It seems that the opportunity to complete this task should be the 'Haoyang Holy Land'."

"In that case."

"Then you need to prepare more methods!"

The ancient demon's real body looked at the 'explosion arrow' in the world ring, and wow, he disappeared directly, entered the Daogu universe, and entered the secret room space of the Divine Illusion Palace.

The original virtual universe.

In a special space, with clouds and mist lingering and mountain peaks looming, this is the place where the Supreme Meeting is held, the Gods Mountain and the Temple.

Under normal circumstances, even if the Giant Ax Conference is opened, it will not be opened here, but will always be closed.

However, the Supreme Meeting is about to be held today, so when the virtual universe system sends out an email notification, the Mountain of Gods will automatically open.

at this time.

Swish swish swish~
  One after another figures appeared out of thin air in the Mountain of Gods.


Hearing the familiar voice, Hong turned his head and saw that the person coming was a three-meter-tall young man in white clothes. He smiled and said, "Junior Brother Jiuhuang."

Those who can come to the Mountain of Gods to participate in the highest meeting are those who are ranked in the highest meeting seats, and those who can be ranked in the highest meeting seats must at least have the strength of the Universe Venerable.

To conquer the bulk alliance, no cosmic master of the human race is needed.

And Jiuhuang, the 'Chess Ancestor' who was reincarnated from the Origin Continent, broke through directly to the level of the Universe Venerable in less than an era after his memory awakened, and became one of the dozens of disciples of Chen Zong, following Luo Feng and Hong Hou. The third person to be promoted to the Master of the Universe.

Because of this, Jiuhuang was called the ‘Chen Zong-level genius’ and had a bright future.

of course.

This is still the result of Jiuhuang's suppression level.

Otherwise, becoming the strongest person in the universe would not be a problem.

The reason why he suppresses and does not directly break through is naturally because he has ambitions and dreams, and is unwilling to become the strongest in the universe in the weakest way.

The situation in Jiuhuang surprised Chen Zong.

Because, as he was also reincarnated in the original universe, the mountain guest was paid special attention to by the original will of the original universe, and was even ready to suppress the mountain guest at any time, while for Jiuhuang, the original will of the original universe seemed to be invisible.

Maybe it’s not invisible.

Maybe there is something in Jiuhuang that can be reincarnated into the original universe in a reasonable, legal and compliant way.

Chen Zong did not ask what the specific reason was.

He was waiting, waiting for Jiuhuang to take the initiative to recognize Yuan Ling, and waiting for Jiuhuang to take the initiative to confess his identity.

To be honest, it is not feasible in the area shrouded by the will of the original universe. However, in the Daogu universe, the will of the original universe is beyond the reach of this place and cannot be stopped or affected at all.

at this time.

More and more powerful people gathered on the Mountain of the Gods.


The sky and the earth roared.

Hong, Jiuhuang and other thousands of cosmic sages looked up at the sky at the same time. They saw the palace suspended in the clouds and mist in the sky. Two doors that emitted dazzling golden light slowly opened. There was a bright starry sky above these two doors.

"Strong human beings, gather together!"

A magnificent voice resounded throughout the world.

  All the Universe Venerables on the Mountain of Gods disappeared instantly and were all transported into the Temple of Gods.


The two doors that illuminated the entire space with golden light suddenly closed.

In the temple, there is a huge round table with exquisite carvings, and densely packed thrones surrounding the round table.

The throne with no end in sight.

The peak beings of the human race are all seated.

And the highest point
  On the majestic and dazzling golden throne, the Lords of the Universe are at the top, overlooking all other powerful humans.

And in the center, there are four majestic black thrones that exude a solemn aura.

Sitting on three of the black thrones were Giant Axe, the Lord of Chaos City, and Chen Zong.

"The Ancient Lord, your disciple 'Jiuhuang' is not inferior to Luo Feng back then!" Juaxe glanced at Jiuhuang sitting in the universe overlord area, turned to look at Chen Zong, and said with a smile.

"Famous teachers give birth to great disciples!" Next to him, the Lord of Chaos City also praised.

However, he was a little speechless.

As the great disciple of the original ancestor, the strongest among his disciples is the overlord of the universe. There is not even a top overlord of the universe, let alone the master of the universe.

And his junior brothers, the Lord of Darkness and the Ancient Lord, both have disciples of the Lord of the Universe.

"Is my teaching method wrong?" The Lord of Chaos City secretly shook his head, "No, becoming the Lord of the Universe cannot be achieved by relying on the teacher's guidance. Everything depends on the individual. When the opportunity comes, you will achieve the breakthrough!"

Chen Zong smiled slightly.

Everyone chatted for a while.


The Supreme Meeting officially begins.

"Everyone!" On the black throne, the gentle and majestic voice of the Lord of Chaos City passed on, and the entire temple fell into silence.

"Every time the supreme meeting is held, it is because of major events that can affect the entire ethnic group." The Lord of Chaos City's voice was loud, and it spread throughout the entire temple. No one dared to interrupt, "This supreme meeting is held because the ethnic group's territory is now expanding. Six or seven times more.”

Hearing the expansion of the territory, all the Universe Venerables showed excitement on their faces.

The territory is expanding. Except for the ancient lord who founded the Daogu Universe Kingdom before, that is, in the early stages of the original universe a long time ago, when the original ancestors were not suppressed.

But now, not only has the territory been expanded, but it has also been expanded six to seven times.

The territories of the other five peak ethnic groups are all included in human territory.

The human race can now be called the first race in the original universe, and can even be said to be the first race in the cosmic sea.

The status is completely superior to other ethnic groups.

"As the territory expands, it needs management." The Lord of Chaos City continued, "So, you need to open up a new universe country."

"Open up the universe?"

The Lords of the Universe were not surprised.

However, nearly six times more territory for the human race requires at least nearly 6,000 cosmic sages. Currently, there are only more than 5,000 cosmic sages in the human race, among which there are more than 1,000 cosmic sages themselves. He is the lord of the universe country, which will deduct another thousand.

There are only more than 4,000 Universe Venerables who can go to the new territory to establish the Universe Kingdom.

not enough!

The number of Universe Venerables is far from enough!
  "This is the detailed information about opening up the universe kingdom. You can browse it first." The Lord of Chaos City said.


A screen was suspended in front of the many powerful men sitting on the dense throne.

A large amount of detailed information appeared on the screen.

Jiuhuang and Hong also stared at the screen in front of them.
  "Every king of the Universe Kingdom will have one era (the time of acceleration of the Taogu Virtual Universe) in each era to stay in the 'Basic Inheritance Space' to understand the basic inheritance secrets." Hong glanced at the information about the Universe Kingdom in the information. Information about the main treatment, this treatment is actually nothing to him, because he has the qualifications to stay in the 'basic inheritance space'.

However, many other cosmic lords were not so lucky.

after all.

Apart from the Lord of the Universe and the strongest person in the universe, the only ones who can obtain permanent and free access to the 'Basic Heritage Space' are those such as Venerable Ancestral Tree, Venerable Heavenly Sword, Venerable Nine Desolations, Venerable Illusion World (Hong), etc. The sages of the universe who are extremely talented and powerful.

Other cosmic sages such as Lord Qianwu and Lord Bloodwing have a time limit for understanding the basic inheritance.

Now, as long as you serve as the leader of the universe, you can get an additional opportunity to gain enlightenment.

"One more chance to gain enlightenment!"

The eyes of the leader of Ganwu Kingdom lit up.

He knew that his potential was almost exhausted, and he had long since looked forward to the day when he would become the master of the universe. But with the ‘ancient inheritance’, he once again had a glimmer of hope, especially when the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace was promoted to the Lord of the Universe, which made the Lords of the Universe, including the Lord of the Ganwu Kingdom, even more like a chicken.

"The Lord of the Universe?" Jiuhuang looked indifferent.

For him, he doesn't value the opportunity to gain enlightenment, and creating a cosmic kingdom will not affect his cultivation.

Just open it!

"The area I am responsible for is the territory of the demon clan, is it close to the Daogu Universe Kingdom?" Jiuhuang looked at the star map.

According to the information given by the Lord of Chaos City, every cosmic venerable present who is not the leader of the cosmic country has been assigned a cosmic country, and even the territory of the cosmic country is clearly marked.

This was decided jointly by the universe masters of the five major forces.

Like Hong and Jiuhuang, the universe kingdoms they founded are all within the territory of the demon clan surrounding the Daogu universe kingdom.

When all the superpowers of the human race at the Supreme Meeting were surprised, the Lord of Chaos City finally spoke again.

"Matters related to the creation of a universe country can be handled according to the details of the email sent by the virtual universe system!" In the majestic voice of the Lord of Chaos City, who was as calm as the vast sea, the supreme meeting ended.

  The doors of the temples opened, followed by almost all the Universe Venerables standing up.

I saw other cosmic sages chatting and laughing with each other and walking directly to the gate of the temple full of golden light. As soon as they stepped into the gate, they all teleported and disappeared.

At the top, Chen Zong and others also left the temples.

The primitive universe, the vast starry sky in the realm of monsters.

One human immortal appeared in one star field after another. With a wave of his hand, batches of humans from the Kingdom of God and the Secret Realm were released from the Kingdom of God and the World Ring, and they chose their new homes again.

The number of humans living in the Kingdom of God and the Secret Realm is countless times greater than the number of humans living in the human realm. However, their potential is insufficient, and the difficulty of advancing to immortality is much more difficult than that of humans living in the outer starry sky.

However, as long as they live in the starry sky territory for a few generations, they can be like the humans who have always lived in the territory!
  It won't be any different.

So vast!

Countless humans from the Kingdom of God and humans from the Secret Realm have settled in the starry sky one after another.

Hundreds of years passed by in a hurry.

With the assistance of various scientific and technological means, each cosmic kingdom was successfully established in a short period of time, and more than a thousand divine pattern guards were stationed throughout the human territory to guard a region of time and space.

Daogu universe.

After the five major forces chose to hand over their territory, the ancient demon's true form returned to the Daogu Universe and began to try to refine the 'explosion arrow'.

In the secret room of the Hall of Illusions.

Hua Hua Hua~
  The Chaos Divine Fire is burning brightly. In the Chaos Color Bagua Qi and Blood Furnace, a golden sharp arrow is suspended in the Chaos Divine Fire. The clanging sound echoes rhythmically in the Qi and Blood Furnace for a long time.

On the bluestone platform, the ancient demon's true form was making secrets with both hands.

  A stream of black water escaped into the Qi and Blood Furnace and landed directly on the golden arrow.

  The black water immediately evaporated and turned into black mist, which instantly spread over the golden arrows. Then, the golden secret patterns on the golden arrows flashed, swallowing up the black mist.

There is a hint of black in the golden secret pattern.

The entire sharp arrow changed from gorgeous gold to simple dark gold in the blink of an eye.

The slender sharp blade of the arrow faintly exudes a cold light that tears apart the space.

  The chaotic colored Bagua energy and blood melting pot suddenly collapsed.

The ancient demon's true form waved, and the sharp arrow turned directly into a stream of light and fell into his hand.

"Finally successful!" The ancient demon's true form sighed.

The refining method of this 'explosion arrow' is included in the Wu inheritance given by Tianxu. In addition, with a genuine 'explosion arrow' in hand, the refining of the ancient demon's true body failed hundreds of times, and now it finally succeeded!
  He flipped his hands.

The 'explosion arrow' obtained from the vortex at the core of Xuanzehai also appeared in his hand. Compared with the one he had just successfully refined, except for the color, there was no difference.

The colors are different because the ancient demon's true form cannot find the same refining materials and can only replace them with other materials with similar properties.

"Continue refining!" The ancient demon's true form put away the two explosive arrows.


At this moment, he did not run the 'Ancient Refining Method' again, but left the secret room space.

The universe sea, universe boat, black patterned stone pillar space.

Deep in the black-patterned stone pillar No. 12, beside Chen Zong, the ancient demon's true form appeared out of thin air.

He did not stop here, but looked towards the distance, where there was also a floating boulder with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

  The ancient demon's true form flew directly towards the boulder.

The impact of time will here will not affect him, and the flow rate of time reaches half a million times.

  The chaotic color Bagua energy and blood furnace condenses and takes shape.

The ancient demon's true form poured the refining materials into the Qi-Blood Furnace and continued to refine the 'explosive arrow'.

He plans to refine more explosive arrows. After all, this is a treasure that can kill the strongest person in the universe. It is used to deal with the 'Haoyang Holy Land'.

By the time.

Even if the ‘Haoyang Holy Land’ sent a large army, he would not panic.

You have more powerful ones, but I have more ‘exploding arrows’.

Of course, in addition to exploding arrows, he also had to refine the 'Golden Rainbow Bow'!
  In some of Wu's large armies, the 'Golden Rainbow Bow' and 'Exploding Arrow' were initially used together.

The cosmic sea, the extremely dark Qingfeng domain.

The Fire Feather Tower floats quietly in the dark void.

Inside the Fire Feather Tower.

"Four-fifths!" The Immortal Emperor's clone looked down at the water at the bottom of the well. Four-fifths of the dimension gate had already descended on this cosmic sea that day.

at this time.

Just looking at the reflected scene, the Immortal Emperor's clone could see with the naked eye that time and space around the Tianwei Gate began to distort.

Even the Lord of Ulan did not dare to approach the Tianwei Gate as before, but retreated hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

Looking at the current situation of the Tianwei Gate, the Immortal Emperor's clone wanted to directly destroy the broken Tianwei Gate before the Tianwei Gate completely arrived.

  Haoyang Holy Land is related to system tasks.

It is also related to the future cosmic sea.

In addition, he is also looking forward to the reward of ‘Tianwei Gate’.

Therefore, he could only press his heart to directly destroy the Tianwei Gate, guard here, and always pay attention to the arrival of the Tianwei Gate.


I saw the transparent water flowing in the center of the bluestone ring, and suddenly the surrounding glow was reflected and sparkling.

Then, the water flows to separate sides.

A blurry shadow was faintly visible in the water flow.

"Huh?" Seeing the changes in Tianwei Gate, the Immortal Emperor's clone frowned.

He has seen this situation before.

Haoyang Holy Land has sent strong men over again!

  In the black-patterned stone pillar space of the distant universe ship, the 'Ancient Xuan Sword' behind Chen Zong disappeared instantly. He followed Chen Zong's 'coordinate point' and entered the Daogu Universe, and then followed the 'coordinate point' of the Immortal Emperor's clone to escape. out.

The ancient mysterious sword appeared directly in the hands of the Immortal Emperor's clone.


In the space boat, the Night King, the Demon King, and the Blood Bane also received messages from the Immortal Emperor's clone.

"What, did the Holy Land send someone again?" The Night King frowned. Although he still has the identity of a core disciple of the 'Haoyang Holy Land', he is already Chen Zong's soul slave, and Chen Zong is the leader in everything. host.

The Night King would not have a good look on the 'Haoyang Holy Land' which was the enemy of Chen Zong.

He immediately opened the Gate of Chaos and rushed towards the Dark Qingfeng Domain.

And the other two areas.

The monsters and blood disasters also rushed to the Jue Dark Qingfeng Territory.

(End of this chapter)

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