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Chapter 489 I have ten thousand soldiers!

Chapter 489 I have millions of soldiers!
  Absolutely dark green peak area, outside the green light area.

A fusiform warship floated quietly in the dark void. In the control hall of the warship, a Gate of Chaos stood. At this time, the Gate of Chaos suddenly opened.

The figure wearing a bloody shirt stepped out of the space passage in one step.

"Master!" Charming Demon Saint and Blood Scourge immediately saluted respectfully towards the figure in the blood-colored shirt.

Chen Zong nodded slightly, then passed over the two people and came to sit in front of the throne, overlooking the two people below.

"Master, the Tianwei Gate is short of the last piece of rubble that has not yet arrived, but on the other side of the Tianwei Gate, the Haoyang Holy Land army has been fully prepared and is ready to descend at any time." The Charming Demon Lord understood and spoke.

She was promoted to true god in the Haoyang Universe Sea. The small universe was over there, and the divine clones in the small universe had been paying attention to the progress of this expedition.

"Is it the last piece?" Chen Zong sighed slightly. It took him a lot of time to understand the 'World Beast Life Structure Diagram'.

Fortunately, before the Haoyang Holy Land army arrived, he had already understood the 'World Beast Life Structure Diagram', and when he was promoted to True God, he understood the evolution of chaos, and his strength greatly increased. Even the twelfth-level secret method can be easily created. come out.

Now, even if he doesn't use the 'Broken Star' or the Yuan embryo's 'Ancient Xuan Sword', he still has level 12 combat power.

Even relying on the powerful twelve light-year divine body, he was confident to suppress the emperor's son of Haoyang Holy Land.

In a one-on-one decisive battle, Chen Zong is now worthy of anyone.

at this time.

Chen Zong stretched out his finger and touched the void.

"Catch the moon in the water!"

Hua Hua Hua~
  Where the fingertips pointed, a transparent stream of water appeared out of thin air. The water rippled and formed a water curtain, and the Tianwei Gate gradually emerged from the water curtain.

Chen Zong looked at the Tianwei Gate. Although there were cracks all over the Tianwei Gate, as the Charming Demon Lord said, there was only one gap at the top that looked like a hexagon.

"It can range from a hundred years to a few years." Chen Zong calculated the time.

Time is short.

Just time to take a nap.

However, even if it doesn't last long, you still have to make use of it.

  He waved his hand.

In the warship control hall, thousands of divine guards and a lava demon appeared out of thin air.

These thousands of divine pattern guards were originally stationed throughout the human territories of the original universe, but that was only because those territories were newly acquired. Now those territories have developed for thousands of years, and everything is basically stable. The divine pattern guards are also There is no need to continue guarding.

of course.

When the divine pattern guards left those territories, they also left quietly.

Except for Chen Zong himself, no one else knew.


  The Gate of Chaos standing in the center opened again, and the three true gods of the Holy Realm, Tianhu, Xiaolong, and Yinyue, arrived one after another, as did more than 400 other Lords of the Holy Realm and the Universe.

"Your Majesty!" The powerful men from the Holy Realm saluted Chen Zong respectfully.

Chen Zong nodded slightly.

Then he waved his hand, and a space passage appeared in front of him, which was the passage to the eternal ancient world.

"The eternal ancient world now has enough resources, enough for you to advance to the true gods." Chen Zong looked down at the masters of the holy world and the universe. "Those who are willing to advance will enter the eternal ancient world."

Although as long as he gives the order, the Lord of the Holy Universe who has the ability to break through to the True God will definitely advance, but Chen Zong does not want to do this.

after all!

Some masters of the holy universe are also ambitious and plan to take the path of divine power.

Although the Lord of the Holy Universe who planned to take the path of divine power did not even reach the perfect genetic level, Chen Zong respected their decision, because the Lord of the Holy Universe was not his soul slave, but his trusted minister.

Moreover, the Lord of the Holy Universe is stronger and better for him.

Therefore, he left the choice to the Lord of the Holy Universe.

"Promote to the True God!"

The Lord of the Universe in the Saint Realm was extremely surprised.

They had been waiting for this moment for a long, long time.

If they were to follow the previous rate of increase in the origins of the Eternal Ancient World, they would still have to queue up if they wanted to advance.

But now, not only do you not have to queue, but more than 400 Masters of the Universe who have the ability to advance can advance. This is simply crazy!
  "Thank you, Your Majesty!" Excited voices resounded throughout the hall.

For a while.

Eighty-six figures turned into streams of light and escaped into the space passage.

"Do you want to advance?" Among the remaining Lords of the Holy Universe, a dozen of them looked at the space passage and were a little moved. However, after struggling for a while, they still made the decision to enter and chose to stay here.

Hundreds of Lords of the Holy Universe have the ability to advance to the level of True God, which seems like a lot.

But in fact, since there has never been a great destruction in the holy world, these masters of the universe have lived for countless years. In addition, they have inherited the ancient civilization, and it is normal for their strength to meet the minimum requirements for promotion.

It is only because of the insufficient origin of the Holy World and the Daogu Universe that they are forced to stay as the Lord of the Universe.

After the Lords of the Holy World and the Universe entered, Chen Zong also entered the Eternal Ancient World.

Within the eternal ancient world.

  The origin of the eternal ancient world will be present in eighty-six areas in the space mezzanine at the same time.

Chen Zong had an idea.

The flow of time in these eighty-six areas suddenly began to accelerate.

The vast divine kingdoms are filled with the majestic pressure of heaven and earth, breaking through space and heading towards the special area where small universes are stored in the eternal ancient world. At the same time, the divine kingdoms are also evolving towards small universes.

After entering the small universe.

The eighty-six divine kingdoms have become eighty-six small universes with a diameter of 100 million light years.


They began to build a small universe structure.

In addition to teaching the small universe structure method he understood to the human race in the original universe, Chen Zong naturally also did not leave behind the masters of the holy universe.

Therefore, these true gods of the holy world now choose the one that suits them based on their personal circumstances, from the small universe structure created by Chen Zong and the method of inheriting the small universe structure from ancient civilizations.

Under the rapid acceleration of time.

Their small universe structure has been successfully constructed.

Swish swish swish~
  One after another figures stepped out from the small universe and appeared in the vast starry sky.

"Your Majesty!" The true gods of the Holy Realm saluted respectfully, with bright smiles on their faces, and their excitement was beyond words.

"Go back!" Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

In front of the true gods of the holy world, a space passage appeared.

"Yes!" The true gods of the Holy Realm entered the space channel and returned to the fusiform warship of the Charming Lord.

However, Chen Zong did not pass.

His thoughts descended into the Taoist Holy Realm on the third floor of the ancient temple.

The central mountain range of the Holy World, the Holy Mountain.

There is an earthy yellow rhombus crystal between his eyebrows. He walks in the holy world in white robes, lying on his side on the clouds and mist, drifting in the wind. He holds the wine bottle in his right hand and takes a sip from time to time, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Good wine! Good wine!" White-robed Saint World Walker laughed and drank a few more sips of himself.


A space vortex channel appeared in front of him.

"You are allowed to go to the Eternal Ancient Realm and be promoted to the Lord of the Universe!" At the same time, a voice resounded in the mind of the white-robed Holy Realm walking, like the first divine thunder that created the world, shaking the heaven and the earth.

Promoted to Master of the Universe?

When the white-robed saint walked in the holy world, he was excited, and a powerful aura erupted from his body, and the time and space around him was distorted.

The white clouds under him were directly shattered by the distorted time and space and turned into nothingness.

The wine bottle in his hand also exploded.


The wine flask was made of good material and did not turn into nothingness. Instead, it fell towards the virgin forest below, and the fine wine that spread out turned into rain and fell.

The trees in the primeval forest grew wildly, and some of the plants even gave birth to intelligence. The auras of other beings who were soaked by the wine quickly improved, and one by one broke through the existing level and entered a higher level.

  The sounds of joy came and went. And in the void above.

"Thank you. Thank you, Your Majesty!" The white-robed Saint World Walker immediately stood up. He was extremely excited, but he did not forget to salute the void with great respect.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the scene below. That fine wine was exchanged from the treasure house at a huge cost, so it was a pity to let it go like this.


This loss is nothing compared to being promoted to Master of the Universe.

Within the entire Taogu Holy World.

More than 6,000 areas were filled with excitement like walking in the white-robed holy world.

In the vast Daogu Holy World, for endless years, many quasi-universe masters have fallen due to the "Emperor War" for the opportunity to break through to the master of the universe. Otherwise, there will be more quasi-universe masters who have been promoted to the master of the universe. Chance.

Whoosh whoosh~
  One after another, figures escaped into the space vortex.

Passing through the space vortex, more than six thousand quasi-universe masters appeared in the newly born starry sky of the eternal ancient world.

This newly born starry sky is full of life.

Ordinary people can live hundreds of years longer by staying here and taking a breath of the air here.

"Huh? Lan Yue, you too!"

White-robed Holy World Walking saw Lan Yue Walking with a blue crescent mark between his eyebrows, and said in surprise. However, when he saw the figures appearing one after another around him, the number had reached more than 6,000, and he was completely confused.

"Drunkard." Lan Yue came to the white-robed holy world and said with a slight smile, "How are you? Are you shocked?"

"Isn't it the same for you?" Baipao Xingxing glanced at Lan Yue. When he saw Lan Yue just now, he saw Lan Yue's wide eyes. Now Lan Yue actually looked calm and pretended. , very weak.

"Drunkard, now all the quasi-universe masters in the holy world have appeared here, which means that all of us have the opportunity to advance to the master of the universe! I was still confused at first, but I saw..." Lan Yue said in shock, and at the same time Look at the surrounding starry sky with your eyes.

The man in white robe also looked around.

He had been here before, but at that time, it was still filled with endless chaotic air.

But now, the endless airflow has disappeared, and what is in front of you is the endless vast starry sky, and it is also a new starry sky with extremely rich life breath.

Seeing this new starry sky, he naturally understood what Lan Yue meant.

"No wonder His Majesty changed the name of the Dao Ancient Holy Realm to the Eternal Ancient Realm!" White Robe Walking said excitedly.

"Eternity, eternity" Lan Yue whispered softly, a light flashing in her eyes.

At this time.

An extremely majestic figure appeared in front of more than six thousand quasi-universe masters.

His blood-red hair was larger than a planet, and he naturally exuded brilliant heavenly power, which shocked the hearts of all the quasi-universe masters such as Blue Moon Walking and White Robe Walking.

"Go and advance to become the Lord of the Universe!" The majestic figure spoke, and the voice seemed to be close in front of you, but also seemed to be far away in the horizon.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All the quasi-masters of the universe immediately bowed and saluted.


Swish swish swish~
  They all opened the Divine Kingdom transmission channel and entered their own Divine Kingdom.

  In the space mezzanine, the ocean of original laws descends again.

Although there are thousands of Masters of the Universe who have been promoted to Masters of the Universe this time, which is more than the number of Masters of the Universe who have been promoted to True Gods before, their power is not as powerful as the dozens of Masters of the Universe who have been promoted to True Gods.

"Only more than six thousand, too little!" Chen Zong frowned.

In the Haoyang Holy Land, there are hundreds of thousands of powerful true gods, and the number of Lords of the Universe is tens of millions, and their combat power is extremely powerful.

If Chen Zongruo wants to counterattack the Haoyang Holy Land and occupy the Haoyang Cosmic Sea, thousands of universe masters are too few.

after all.

Even in terms of top combat power, there would be no problem with him here, but he does not have enough strength to destroy the Haoyang Holy Land universe.

Also, he will have to go through reincarnation in the future and go to the Origin Continent, so he will not be able to guard the Haoyang Cosmic Sea forever.

The Haoyang Holy Land can continuously give birth to new masters of the universe and true gods.

By the time.

The Haoyang Cosmic Sea will definitely be occupied by the Haoyang Holy Land again.

of course.

If Chen Zong could come over and refine hundreds or tens of millions of divine pattern guards, he would be able to defend them. But not to mention the millions or tens of millions of divine pattern guards wasting rare and precious weapon refining materials, Chen Zong still had to work hard to refine it.

This is simply not realistic.

"It seems that it is still necessary to transfer the Ancient Dao Holy Realm to the Eternal Ancient Realm." Chen Zong said secretly.

At this moment, he set his sights on the quasi-universe master who had long since fallen in the holy world.

Endless years come.

The number of quasi-universe lords who have fallen in the Dao Ancient Holy World is too great. Even if the source of the current eternal ancient world is exhausted, they cannot all be resurrected.

The best can only be resurrected under the condition of ensuring the stability of the eternal ancient world.

Be prepared.

Chen Zong thought about it.

On the third floor of the ancient temple, there was a clicking sound. The ancient holy world seemed to be torn apart, making a clicking sound.

The huge sound spread throughout the entire Daogu Holy World.

Vast coercion was born out of thin air.

"not good!"

"How is this going?"

"The sky is falling?"

In the holy world, countless eyes fell on the space cracks that were either bright red, dazzling golden light, or pitch black all over the sky, showing signs of horror.

It was the most horrific sight they had ever seen.

Some immortal gods who had seen the 'Imperial War' back then were even more panicked now, because the current situation was even more terrifying than the 'Imperial War'.

"Master, it's not good, Master, something bad is going to happen." A stunning woman wearing a light purple gauze dress quickly teleported to her master's secluded place and exclaimed repeatedly.

However, she was greeted with silence.

"Master? Master?"

The woman in purple gauze was confused and tried to shout again.

Still no reply.

She immediately landed in the eternal virtual universe consciously and headed to the teacher's palace in Holy World City.

But she didn't see her master either.

"There has been a sudden change in the Holy World. Master has disappeared, and His Majesty has not shown up either! What happened?" The woman looked extremely solemn.

at this time.

In the Eternal Ancient World, Chen Zong also noticed the situation in the Dao Ancient Holy World.

He looked at the origin of the eternal ancient world, and suddenly many chaotic airflows flowing to the origin suddenly flowed into the void, crossed the void, and rushed towards the third floor of the ancient temple, the Daogu Holy World. The chaotic airflow was swept away by the origin of the Daogu Holy World. The land is transformed into the ten original powers, repairing the space cracks in the sky like spider webs.

"Huh? Repaired?!" The woman in lavender gauze breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the space cracks closing. She knew that the Holy World could be repaired because of His Majesty's intervention.

When all the spatial cracks in the ancient holy world were closed, everything returned to its original state.

I saw that in the vast starry sky of the eternal ancient world, a huge world surrounded by eighteen suns emerged out of thin air.

An ordinary mountain range in this world spans thousands of light years.

The world inside is vast.

It is the Taoist Holy World.

As soon as the Daogu Holy World appeared, under the control of Chen Zong, it was directly integrated into one of the "One Hundred Thousand Seas of Chaos" in the Eternal Ancient World (a special area formed after the disappearance of one hundred thousand chaotic springs), and became the Eternal Ancient World. However, all the characteristics of the Taoist Holy World have not changed at all, such as swallowing the surrounding chaotic airflow and converting the chaotic airflow into 'ancient power'.

And this is also due to the structure of the eternal holy world's "only true world".

The only true world is all-encompassing and can naturally accommodate the particularities of the Taoist Holy World!
  Although the Daogu Holy World has been transferred out, the creatures in the Holy World have no feeling at all. The sky they look at is still the sky before, and nothing has changed.

They didn't know that the current location of the Holy World had changed.

"Now that the Daogu Holy World has been successfully transferred out, it is time to resurrect those fallen quasi-universe masters. However, before that, we must ask Tianhu, Xiaolong and other true gods who have lived in the Holy World for endless years to let them Select the best from the countless fallen masters of the quasi-universe, and first select the millions suitable for resurrection." Looking at the Taoist Holy World, Chen Zong secretly said.

(End of this chapter)

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