in the name of the queen

Chapter 115 The Queen’s Tour

Chapter 115 The Queen’s Tour
  Although Sif had previously chosen [Princess in Military Armor] as her career promotion, this did not prevent her from changing immediately when a better choice emerged.

The elves are different from humans. The elves have almost no legends of low-level counterattacks. The quality of their bloodline determines the direction of their lives.

The royal family is the best bloodline of the elves.

The elf princess is beautiful and powerful.

This is the best option.

Although it was a passive choice made by Sif in her coma, she would do the same if given the chance.

It's not completely suitable for humans to choose Elf Princess as a promotion career, but it's not a big problem.

Sif enthusiastically invited Roland to the backyard for a discussion, euphemistically called it a test to improve the professional's combat level.

Under the premise of not using all their strength, both sides attack and defend each other, regardless of victory or defeat.

They say they want to give each other some strength, but in reality they are unwilling to be cruel.

This is probably why discussions are not as good as actual combat.

Seeing Sif's happy expression, Roland recited the tightening spell, instantly waking her up.

"Your opponent is not me, but Sophia."

Xif, who was full of pride just now and had invincibility written on her face, was as wilted as an eggplant beaten by frost.

Roland saw that the tightening spell was too powerful, so he quickly went back to make amends, and said with a smile: "Sofia may not be stronger than you when she was the same age, but your potential is not inferior to hers."

After the discussion ended, Roland bid farewell to Sif.

"You want to go to Duval Port to find Alina?" Sif asked softly.

Roland nodded, "That's the nearest port to Jin Yuan Country, and it's also the place she mentioned. After all, she is our friend and has helped us. I can't just sit idly by when we encounter difficulties."

"I plan to go there myself."

Roland very cleverly used us instead of me, implying that Sif Alina also helped her.

Although she had strong objections to Alina, Sif still followed Roland's advice.

"Let's go together." Sif made a quick decision.

"I plan to ask you to stay and take care of the Knights temporarily."

Sif shook her head and rejected Roland's refusal, "It's not necessary. Lisa and the others are enough for daily training. I will accompany you."

"The headquarters of the Fourth Fleet is in Dorwall, and General Plank is the commander of the Fourth Fleet."

Roland suddenly realized that Sif wanted to take the opportunity to meet the Fourth Fleet, which had lost its backbone.

Compared with the Army, which has a bone in the back of its head, the Royal Navy's loyalty is still worthy of trust.

The commander of the Fourth Fleet has been killed, and the appointment of a new commander is still being debated between the navy minister and the general. The middle and senior leaders of this fleet must have uneasy feelings, and now is a good time to find them.

Roland looked at Sif with a little more approval, and when he was about to praise him, Sif continued:

"When I lived in the Earl of Tyrone, my captain used my name to help his son join the navy. He was in the Fourth Fleet."

Roland smiled and nodded, "Very good, at least he is your confidant."

"No, I was very angry when I found out and fired the guard captain."

Roland: "."

He was speechless and didn't even know where to start.

I thought I would at least give others a small favor, but it turned out that you didn't give me any benefit at all. How dare you go find someone to ask for information?
  Sif also felt that this sounded unreliable and stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

She was still young at that time. Is it a problem to fire the captain of the guard for seeking personal gain in anger?

She just found a reason to go together without thinking too much.

Seeing Sif's embarrassed expression, Roland guessed what she was thinking and said with a smile:

"Since you are an old member of the Earl of Tyrone, I should know that you are the Queen."

"Don't worry, they don't dare to talk nonsense." Sif nodded and said in a deep voice.

"No, what I mean is that the old subordinates should be given a chance to be loyal to the Queen."

Sif suddenly realized.

The captain of the guard who was fired back then was angry because he could not follow the Earl of Tyrone, but now he will definitely be happy for the opportunity to follow the queen.

"They should know that I have no real power, right?" Sif was a little worried.

"You have imperial authority. You should have seen this power during the Glory Day celebration."

Sif recalled the scene at that time, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

She increasingly understood the source of Roland's confidence that helped her regain her power.

The Sussex Empire has indeed declined over the years, and some colonies have even seceded from rule, but people still remember the glory of the white rose flag flying around the world with the fleet.

Who wants to fall after tasting the glory at the top?

People do not believe in the cabinet, but they are willing to believe in the royal family that represents the white rose flag.

"Okay, I'll ask the coachman to prepare the carriage. It will take at least two days to walk to the Port of Duval, and you have to prepare food and water."

Although it was faster to travel on horseback, Roland did not object to Sif's arrangement.

The carriage with the white rose logo is a status symbol and very useful.

After a long day on horseback, dusty and even a little embarrassed, who is willing to believe Sif's identity?

When it comes to how to be a noble, Sif knows better than him.

The coachman prepared the carriage and belongings, the maid packed a change of clothes, and the guard captain summoned Sif's personal guard. Everything was just in order.

Despite not wanting to make a big deal out of it, the team still numbered over fifty people.

This is already the maximum number of people compressed.

No matter how little
  "No one will believe my identity." Sif's reason was very good.

Roland chose the default.

No one is omniscient and omnipotent. How to show royal style, Sif knows better than him.

Don't talk nonsense in areas the other person knows better than you, as this will seriously weaken your authority.

The advantage of going out like this is that the journey is very comfortable.

The bad thing is that even a blind person can see Sif going out.

If a convoy of more than fifty people wearing royal emblems left the capital unnoticed, Sussex would be in big trouble.

You can't hide, so just leave openly.

Sif conveyed instructions to the magic mirror and immediately hosted a banquet for all cabinet ministers to express her gratitude for their outstanding work during the Glory Day celebration.

This is a very reasonable reason.

No one can say no.

Just as the banquet began, Sif's motorcade quickly left the imperial capital and headed for the southern seaport city.

This was the first time she left the imperial capital after taking the throne. Looking at the dim sky, Sif actually felt as happy as a bird breaking out of its cage.

She hummed happily and looked at the gray sky outside the window, but she didn't feel tired.

"What are you looking at?" Roland asked curiously.

"Freedom." Sif said softly.

When the word freedom comes from the mouth of a centralized monarch, there is an incredible sense of dislocation.

But if you think about it carefully, many emperors were trapped in the palace by cumbersome rules and gradually turned into waste. It is not a joke that emperors desire freedom more than ordinary people.

Roland's eyes gradually softened.

He remembered his sister's reminder.

Sif is often like a blank piece of paper. It is easy to chase a girl like this, but it is not easy to make her completely inseparable from you. Her ideals must be realized.

Roland was suddenly stunned. What is Sif's ideal?
  Defeating Sophia doesn't count.

This is not an ideal, it is a necessity to survive.

Since you don’t know, just ask directly.

"Sif, do you have a dream?"


Sif suddenly remembered her dream last night and asked thoughtfully: "Can dreams be a little unrealistic?"

"Of course, otherwise what would it be called a dream?" Roland encouraged Sif with his eyes.

"I want to be the perfect elf queen like in my dreams!" Sif's eyes were full of longing.

Roland: "."

He suddenly had a headache and reminded with a smile: "Sif, you should understand the difference between dreams and fantasies."

"Of course, if it is a fantasy, it would be to plant white rose flags all over the world and let the sun float over the empire's territory forever twenty-four hours a day."

Sif stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, "Look, fantasies are more unrealistic than dreams, right?"

"This is really not necessarily true. As long as we defeat Sophia, expand our overseas territories, and establish an empire on which the sun never sets, it may not be impossible. It's just that the glory of the sun never sets is completely supported by the monarch's prestige and strong military power, and the decline of the country's fortunes will be a burden."

"Really?" Sif's eyes glowed with a strange light.

"I can't guarantee it, but it's worth a try."

Roland picked up a small basin of cold water and poured it on Sif's head. "The premise of all this is that you pass Sophia's test first."

"I can definitely win."

Sif's tone was very calm, neither excited nor forced.

Her eyes burned with a fiery light.

This time it was Roland's turn to be surprised.

Could it be that the achievement of establishing an empire in another world on which the sun never sets is really going to be achieved in the hands of Sif?

This will surely be a cruel journey piled up with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Fortunately, there are no countries or forces similar to Siris in this world. Roland has no special sense of belonging to this world, so it doesn't hurt to help Sif realize her dream.

After thinking about it, Sif was right. The dream of becoming the Queen of the Elves was much easier than building an empire on which the sun never sets.

In Roland's inherited memory, there are at least seven ways to transform humans into elves, including bloodline awakening, bloodline activation, bloodline fusion, and ancient tree body tempering.

Sif is already the queen. As long as she becomes an elf, who can say that she is not the elf queen?
  It doesn't matter at all why the Elven Queen rules over the empire of man.

As long as Sif feels that the dream has come true, then it is achieved.

Roland smiled and said: "Whether it's a dream or a fantasy, who says it can't come true? Do you have a more realistic wish that must be realized?"

"I want to find the real reason for my father's death. I have a hunch that his death is inseparable from Sophia. In addition to Stanley's confession, there is also the principle of profit. If I can grow up, Sophia will be the biggest beneficiary, and her The most suspect."

"If it's really her, I won't let her go!"

Looking at Sif's slightly watery eyes, Roland sighed softly.

He did know the cause of his father's death, but he didn't know who to seek revenge from.

My father was too obsessed with the traditional spirit of chivalry and chose to challenge his opponent in a knightly duel when he was defending the rear of the large army.

The old man was greeted by shells that hit his head and face.

Times have changed, and dying on the battlefield may be the best destination for the old knight.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the carriage was a bit solemn, Xif adjusted her mood and changed the topic.

"Do you think they will catch up?"

"Definitely." Roland answered without hesitation.

"Then we are still hosting a banquet in the palace to entertain them? Besides, if they catch up, they won't have a legitimate reason to kidnap me back, right?" Sif was puzzled.

"Think about it again?" Roland asked in a persuasive manner.

Sif fell into deep thought. After a long time, she muttered in distress: "If they think I am the Queen, there is no reason to stop me. The Queen has the power to travel around the country. If they think I am Earl Sif, there is even less reason to stop me. , I have no official position and am an idle noble."

"I really can't think of a reason why we can't send people to follow us."

Roland clapped his hands lightly, smiled and nodded, "You are right. If my guess is correct, the army escorting us will arrive soon."

"Ah?" Sif opened her eyes wide, a little confused.

Roland reminded softly: "Are we a country governed by law?"

"of course!"

Sif answered simply and neatly. Perhaps because she thought this answer was too arbitrary, she quickly added:
  "Procedurally, at least."

"Yes, at least in terms of procedures. So they have no reason to persuade us to return, but they will not let you leave the surveillance field, so they can only send someone to escort you."

Roland said with a smile: "The Queen goes on patrol and sends troops to protect her. It is reasonable and legal. You can't find any reason to object."

"Then what should we do?" Sif was a little troubled.

"Nothing much can be done, just let them follow. Being willing to abide by the rules of the game shows that they are not completely crazy yet and there is still a lot of room for maneuver."

Sif also understood.

This is politics.

Even if you want to strangle the opponent with your own hands and take away the loot, you still have to abide by the rules of the game.

After the Glory Day celebrations, Sif's prestige increased, and the pressure from the decentralization faction among the cabinet ministers increased.

How dare they let Sif completely disappear from sight.

Sif is their nightmare.

An unreadable nightmare.

Roland glanced at Sif and thought to himself, not to mention that they couldn't understand, even Sif herself didn't know what she would do next.

This is probably the master of Meng Xin Ke.

Roland's guess was correct.

As the convoy moved forward unhurriedly, preparing to find a camp for the night, a group of light cavalry of about 500 people chased them along the dusty road.

Sif held Roland's hand and whispered, "Let me do it."

Of course, Roland would not stop her. Sif took the initiative to accept the training, which was a good thing.

He did not remind Sif of her identity.

The Queen's right to tour the country and the nobles' free passage were absolute.

But the Queen is in the palace at the moment. If she calls herself the Queen, she will be suspected of impersonating the Queen.

The motorcade stopped, and Sif sat calmly in the carriage. Listening to the driver's panicked voice, she scolded slightly dissatisfiedly:

"Why are you panicking? Let's go and ask which army is so bold as to stop the Earl of Tyrone's carriage?"

Sif's calm voice calmed down the somewhat panicked coachman. He suddenly remembered the transcendent status of the high-ranking nobles and instantly became nervous.

Mr. Coachman stood in the middle of the road in a dignified manner, raised his whip and shouted at the cavalry captain:

"Who are you? Why are you chasing the Lord Tyrone's chariot?"

Hearing the word Earl of Tyrone, the cavalry captain leading the team thoughtfully replied loudly:

"Earl Tyrone, I am Jess, captain of the 9th Light Cavalry Brigade of the 3rd Guards Cavalry Brigade. I have received orders from my superiors and am at your disposal to assist you in completing your patrol mission."

(End of this chapter)

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