in the name of the queen

Chapter 125 We are not a royal funeral procession!

Chapter 125 We are not a royal funeral procession!
  The next day, the Queen went to the City Hall and met with the mayor and harbormaster who had stayed up all night and had bloodshot eyes.

She affirmed their achievements, mercilessly rebuked their greedy behavior, and finally concluded with the classic words "although but".

Although Mr. Cole and Mr. Culler have shortcomings of one kind or another, they have indeed contributed to the prosperity of the Port of Dorwall. Their flaws cannot be concealed, and they are still useful talents.

The Queen forgave them for their mistakes, and also reminded them to stop in time and not make mistakes.

Mayor Cole and Director Cooler were moved to tears and knelt down on one knee to kiss the Queen's boots to express their loyalty.

They know very well that as long as they keep their official positions, there are many ways to make money. Even if they just guide family businesses to make correct investments, they can make a lot of money.

Your Majesty was right in reprimanding them. They are imperial officials and they cannot look too ugly.

Fortunately, His Majesty only prohibited them from openly violating the law to gain benefits, and did not let them live an ascetic life.

The duo who landed safely ashore were naturally grateful to the Queen.

The remnants of the Fourth Fleet were also extremely grateful to the Queen.

But when they heard that the Queen wanted to go to sea in person, they still firmly stopped her.

Bridges gritted his teeth and admonished: "Your Majesty, the depth and mystery of the ocean are far beyond your imagination. In the face of the violent and dangerous ocean, human beings are small and helpless. Even the Emperor's Imperial Guard and General Planck cannot compete. .”

He had just gained the Queen's appreciation, and saying such inappropriate words was likely to anger the Queen, but he said it anyway.

Unexpectedly, he was so upright, and Bridges suddenly wanted to laugh.

However, the queen only affirmed his loyalty but did not adopt his opinion.

The Queen insisted on going to sea.

"Only by going overseas can we find out the truth about the disappearance of our father and nearly six thousand warriors. General Bridges, I understand your feelings, but this is my duty."

When it comes to this, any objection would be a bit ignorant.

But Bridges also has his own persistence.

He said that it would take two days for the fleet to assemble and go to sea, and that he would truthfully report the situation to the imperial capital while making full preparations.

Looking at his straightforward gaze, the Queen agreed very calmly.

Plan A was originally to go to sea openly and had no intention of hiding it.

Cabinet ministers should be able to accept the deal.

Of course, in order to express their loyalty, they would definitely rush to dissuade her in a hurry, hoping that the Queen would not personally take risks.

Even if you have a hundred thousand wishes in your heart, you still have to do the superficial work.

Bridges saluted as ordered and left quickly.

There was no expression on his face, and his heart was in turmoil.

He couldn't understand what the Queen was thinking at all.

Saying that she was determined to have her own way, she agreed to the request to report the situation to the Imperial Capital.

Although she is said to be good-natured, she firmly refuses to cancel her plan to go overseas.

It can only be said that Her Majesty the Queen has her own ideas.

Although he was a little worried, Bridges had a vague desire in his heart. He hoped that the Queen would be a monarch with real talent and ability.

He does not want to serve a mediocre master, but he also does not want the monarch to be too radical.

Although he was very confident in the strength of the Imperial Navy, he did not lie about one thing. The ocean was indeed a dangerous abyss.

The three-thousand-ton giant ship is vulnerable to the violent waves, and hurricanes are a nightmare for navigators.

Windless is not necessarily a good thing. The windless zone above the ocean will make a large sailboat cry without tears.

And these are just child’s play, there are more terrifying existences under the deep sea. Some call it a troll, some call it a kraken, and some call it a sea devil.

In short, there are unimaginable weird monsters under the deep sea. These monsters are far more powerful than humans and are very ferocious. Once encountered, it will be a disaster.

Fortunately, these monsters only appear in the deep ocean. The Strait of Dorval is only about 300 nautical miles away, and the deepest point is only a few hundred meters. There are almost no records of deep sea trolls.

If not, he would have stopped her from going to sea even if she was scolded by the queen.

The Fourth Fleet has already sent away the former emperor. If the current emperor is sent away again, the fleet will no longer be established and we will commit collective suicide.

The Queen insisted on leaving, and Bridges did not dare to neglect it.

He returned to the office and quickly issued instructions to prepare the fleet according to the standards of the emperor's patrol.

The Emperor's sea cruise is a big deal, and the flagship must be a first-class battleship in good condition, preferably with a long naval history.

The last time the late emperor went to sea, he originally planned to use the Sovereign as his vehicle. Unfortunately, this warship with a glorious tradition was under repair, so he went to sea on the St. George instead.

This was the first time in history that the Sovereign had missed the grand occasion of the Emperor going to sea, and something happened as a result.

Fortunately, the Sovereign was in good condition this time and could go to sea.

Bridges personally boarded the Sovereign and carefully inspected the ship's condition.

If the Queen insists on going to sea, he will follow her all the way.

He is an old navigator and has far more experience than Planck, who came to the Navy to gild his connections.

He had already prepared for the worst. If the Queen encountered an accident, he would be buried at sea with her.

The Fourth Fleet is the glory of the Royal Navy, not the Royal Funeral Corps!
  He thought hard.

After the tension passed, he let out a sigh of relief.

What are you thinking about? Her Majesty, the Queen, is so lucky that there will definitely be no accidents.

Bridges's carrier pigeon flew very quickly, and two hours later his handwritten letter was placed on the desk of William, the chief minister of the cabinet.

After seeing his report, William did not become angry or angry, but just sighed with some regret.

If he couldn't even guess the Queen's thoughts, the chief minister would be a bit unworthy of his name.

Her Majesty the Queen doesn't trust him after all.

He was really investigating the death of the late emperor, but all the clues had been swallowed up by the sea, and there were not even any survivors, making it very difficult to find.

It's fine that Her Majesty the Queen doesn't trust the Military Intelligence Agency, but why doesn't she even trust him?

William felt a little aggrieved, but he was quickly relieved.

Your Majesty is still young and not sensible.

She will eventually return to the imperial capital when she reaches adulthood, so let her hit a wall outside and then come back.

Although I acquiesce to the Queen's tour, she still has to do the superficial work that needs to be done.

We can't let her leave so easily, at least let her understand that being an emperor is not only an honor, but also a heavy responsibility.

William stood up suddenly and shouted to the guards at the door: "Go and inform Walder, Alban and Winston that we will go to Dorwall to persuade the Queen to return to the palace."

Walder is the Queen's teacher, Alban is in charge of law, and Winston is the Lord of the Admiralty. This lineup is enough to express sincerity.

If Her Majesty the Queen insists on leaving, she will have nothing to do with the cabinet.

Just when he was about to set off, he seemed to have thought of something, and informed another attendant, "Inform Sir Andy immediately and ask him to go with him. Just say that this matter is related to the safety of the Queen, and there must be respected members of the royal family." Be present.”

Thinking carefully, there should be nothing missing. William sighed and went out, put on a solemn dress, and prepared to seriously "dissuade" the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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