in the name of the queen

Chapter 133 Pretty boy? Little lucky star!

Chapter 133 Pretty boy? Little lucky star!
  Sussex Imperial Capital, emergency cabinet meeting.

William's face was solemn, and the hand holding the information trembled slightly.

He originally thought that Her Majesty the Queen would be able to calm down after leaving the Imperial City, but he still underestimated Sif's ability to survive.

In other words, he underestimated the Queen's ability to survive under Roland's instigation.

When the fleet was out at sea and was attacked, he broke into a cold sweat and felt a chill down his back.

Although the Queen often does not follow the routine, she still respects tradition and entrusts government affairs to the cabinet before officially ascending the throne.

If something happens to Sif and a new emperor is appointed, who knows what will happen.

What if the new king is the second generation of the "King of Trouble"?

Fortunately, God bless the Queen, the attackers were not strong and did not cause much damage.

I thought that Sif went to the three overseas provinces to confirm the death of the late emperor and take some time to relax, but she didn't expect that she would be in full swing as soon as she arrived in Hansa.

After the queen arrived in Hansa, she immediately issued a reward order to three overseas provinces.

"Anyone who provides clues about the whereabouts of His Majesty the Imperial Emperor Edward will be rewarded heavily.

——Sylve York Sussex, Crown Prince and Acting Emperor of the Sussex Empire. "

A simple bounty seems to have no problem, but in fact it is a big problem.

According to imperial law, a person without clear evidence of death is considered missing and will not be considered dead until three years later.

Therefore, the late Emperor Edward is not dead in theory and is still missing.

Since Edward is not dead, Sylve is acting as the emperor as crown prince.

As a result, her official accession to the throne will be three years later instead of one year.

At first glance, it may seem silly to postpone the time of taking the throne, but in fact it also postpones the showdown.

The state system of Sussex is not a constitutional monarchy, nor is it a complete absolute monarchy.

The emperor shared supreme power with his cabinet.

The division of imperial power and prime ministerial power depends on the balance of power.

If it is a strong emperor, the imperial power is solid and the cabinet ministers are just senior clerks.

If it is an incompetent king, the power of the prime minister will be blazing, and the emperor will be a human-shaped seal.

Most of the time, the monarch cannot reach the level of a great emperor, nor is he completely useless. The imperial power and the power of the prime minister will reach a tacit balance.

Ascension to the throne is a showdown moment for sharing power.

Sylph respects tradition and will allocate some power when she ascends the throne, but she doesn't want to share more, so she makes excuses to delay her ascension to the throne.

As long as she is not on the throne, the power theoretically belongs to her, but is temporarily lent to the cabinet.

This change caught William a little off guard.

If it was just this, he wouldn't be in such a bad mood. After all, not taking the throne would only delay rather than solve the problem. Whether it is borrowing or giving, the power during this period lies with the cabinet.

But Sylph soon gave him a new surprise.

The Queen announced that since there are currently no nobles in the three overseas provinces, they will be managed by the royal family. To facilitate the administration of the territory, she appointed a new governor.


William was really confused this time.

By default, imperial titles were granted in the homeland, and external titles were equivalent to derogation. The big nobles were not happy, and only some small nobles and high-level knights were willing to accept overseas colonies as fiefs.

The three overseas provinces have a special status. They are neither mainland nor colonies.

Because of the controversy, it was never sealed.

After all, the three overseas provinces are in the prosperous land of Rodinia mainland, and there are many nobles who covet this land.

However, there is no enfeoffment for the time being, which does not mean that it is a territory directly under the royal family!
  William looked at Alban with some annoyance, feeling relieved.

Alban and the Queen have always been at odds, and he will definitely give an explanation that is not conducive to the Queen.

He has the final say in the interpretation of the law.

William tapped the table with his fingertips to signal everyone to be quiet, and then asked Alban.

After listening to William's statement, Alban asked in a deep voice:
  "His Majesty declares that the three overseas provinces will permanently belong to the royal family or will they be temporarily managed?"

William was startled slightly, and his expression became even more ugly.

Albon hasn't explained yet, but he already knows the answer.

If the Queen directly declares that the territory that has not yet been allocated and enfeoffed belongs to the royal family, it is a serious violation and is tantamount to treason.

Although it sounds strange for an emperor to rebel, that's what the law says.

Alban explained to the cabinet ministers quoting scriptures.

William said dejectedly: "Your Majesty, she said she was in charge."

"That's perfectly legal."

Alban said helplessly: "Any judge can find the relevant legal provisions. They are very clear and cannot be misinterpreted unless they are talking nonsense regardless of the facts. And this kind of behavior."

He didn't finish what he said, but everyone understood.

Isn't it treason to distort legal provisions to discredit the head of state?

The atmosphere in the venue was tense and the ministers were speechless.

Several people turned their attention to the seat of Interior Minister Walder.


Since the Queen went to sea, the old guy has excused himself from feeling unwell and never attended cabinet meetings.

At first, the ministers thought this was a good thing, as the old guy was no longer around and could speak freely.

Now they felt a little regretful. If the old guy was here, they could at least question him.

William thought for a long time and asked slowly: "Alban, Grisius, is it legal and legal for His Majesty to appoint Roland as Governor?"

Alben looked ugly and just nodded, not wanting to say anything more.

It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it.

Grisius thought for a moment and said slowly: "There are two situations for setting up a governor. One is an important colony, such as the Governor of Balat, the Governor of Far East, the Governor of the Corner of the World, etc. The other is to manage the direct jurisdiction on behalf of the emperor. Governor of the territory.”

"The former is a high-ranking government official who needs to be appointed by the cabinet and approved by the parliament. The latter is a private position of the emperor and is appointed by the emperor himself."

In fact, everyone knows it even if he doesn’t say it.

The royal territory is private property, sacred and inviolable, and it is not the turn of ministers to make irresponsible remarks.

As long as the Queen is willing, let alone making Roland the governor, even if she makes him the prince, everyone can only congratulate her.

Everyone looked at each other, a little confused.

How did Her Majesty the Queen find these unpopular legal provisions in the nooks and crannies?
  The Temporary Escrow Act, in particular, was a temporary law over 300 years ago and has long been forgotten.

However, when considering the law, the Parliament at that time forgot to specify how long the temporary bill would last.

No one mentioned the bill again afterwards.

Such an unpopular law is actually being used. Who would believe it without the guidance of an expert?
  A few suspicious eyes were cast on Alban.

This man who claims to be proficient in all laws must understand.

Looking at the suspicious looks of others, Alban laughed angrily.

He raised his right hand, hanging it between his chin and chest, and said coldly: "I swear, if I was the one behind this matter, I am willing to bear the most severe legal sanctions."

Albon said this, and if anyone else said it again, they would be looking for trouble.

This matter can only be given up.

William grabbed the skirt of his shirt and pulled it open in a less elegant manner.

He was suffocating.

Just when his mind went blank, the director of military intelligence who had just left the conference hall returned.

He came to William with a secret letter in his hand.

Seeing the actions of the Director of Military Intelligence, William became even more uneasy.

"what's up?"

He frowned.

"It doesn't matter. Your Majesty declares Hanse, Brook and Selin to be the territories directly under the jurisdiction of the empire, and local residents can obtain citizenship rights."

The teacup in William's hand fell to the ground and shattered. This time he didn't have to ask Alban.

This is also legal.

The three overseas provinces are not colonies.

Since it is not a colony, it is the empire itself.

Although people who hold the Rose Flag definitely don’t recognize this, people in the three overseas provinces do.

The three provinces had never been granted citizenship before because they did not want them to enter the center of imperial power.

Although it is imperial territory but it does not grant citizenship rights, it is against the rules.

This is a balance to suppress overseas forces and is an unspoken rule.

Who would have thought that Sylph didn't care about the unspoken rules and just acted in accordance with the law.

William didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

As the most privileged class, the emperor, the first thing he does when he goes overseas is to act in accordance with the law?
  He probably didn't wake up.

He stood up abruptly and announced the end of the meeting in an almost self-defeating tone.

This emergency cabinet meeting was destined to be a failure.

The only consensus from this meeting was that there was no consensus.

Cabinet ministers left the meeting at a loss.

They got the power they dreamed of.

The Queen's approach allows these powers to be renewed for at least three years.

No matter how you look at it, they should be celebrating with champagne, but they are not happy.

Everything Her Majesty did was reasonable and legal, but she never returned on the road to rebellion.

Yes, Her Majesty is gathering strength to prepare for rebellion.

She stopped pretending, this was a conspiracy.

However, they could not react in any way because the Queen was gathering strength.

Is it necessary to mobilize the army to attack the young queen who is defending the interests of the empire overseas and investigating the cause of the disappearance of the late emperor?

Regardless of whether the generals are willing or not, the soldiers will never point their guns at the Queen without any reason.

After the meeting ended, William suddenly felt very tired.

Could it be that the Queen's clear and innocent eyes were just an act?
  Could it be that the Queen was acting from beginning to end in order to recruit righteous troops overseas to hunt down all the "treacherous officials" in the imperial capital?
  No, absolutely not!

William murmured, and the smiling face of the Queen on various occasions kept appearing in front of his eyes.

She would never do this, it must have been instigated by rebellious ministers and traitors!

William found the source of the problem.

It must have been Roland!
  He returned to the mansion with a dark face and began to redeploy.

He wanted to collect dirt on Roland and bring down this white-faced traitor.

After sitting in the small study and thinking for a long time, his brain was still in chaos.

He was a little curious, what was the Queen doing at the moment, and what was Roland doing?
  You don't need to think about it to know that the Queen was probably coaxed around by Roland and was willing to hand over her power, and Roland must be very busy running her own power. This must be the case!

Roland, who was drinking tea at Government House Hamburg, suddenly sneezed.

He muttered softly, complaining that the temperature difference between day and night was large recently, which easily caused colds.

Completely different from what William thought, Roland is very free now.

On the contrary, William thought that Sif, who was idle and idle, was busy.

In order to let her receive training, Roland returned the government affairs to Sif and acted as a hands-off manager.

Despite Sif's doubts, Roland's reasons were very good.

"Sif, if you can't manage three provinces well, how can you manage a super empire with thirty-four provinces?"

Although Sif wanted to ask me what you did after all the work, she still held back.

Because she could think of Roland's answer.

"Of course I'm checking in for you."

Roland really didn't treat her as an outsider.

Forget it, since she is now a count and deputy governor, it makes sense for her to work for the governor.

Tired and exhausted, but Xif knew that this was for her own good. Busy work does train people.

It has been a week since I arrived in Hanseatic Province.

Time is like an alarm clock that has been set forward, passing quickly.

She didn't need to be so busy, but she could clearly feel that at least two of the three senior officials had obviously slowed down their work recently.

Of course she knew why.

Someone got promoted, but it wasn't me.

Who else can be more motivated?

She also knew that Roland had a very bad image in the eyes of these people.

She felt aggrieved and felt unworthy of Roland.

"Roland, do you really not care about this?"


"Don't pretend to be stupid, you know what I'm talking about." Sif stared at Roland, not giving him a chance to pretend to be stupid.

Roland spread his hands and said with a smile: "I care. But what can I do, please don't tell them? Even if she is as powerful as Sophia, Huang Yao is still flying all over the world, and people say that she changes lovers every night."

"Even if she is really promiscuous, she is a woman after all, and she doesn't need a lover for a few days every month. Many people still believe such outrageous rumors."

He smiled and said: "Only losers will not be jealous. Don't think about this, you should think about how to solve real problems."

"I can't think of any."

Sif murmured in distress: "I know what they want, but it's impossible for me to appoint them as governor. They can't understand our true intentions."

"Loyalty and diligence cannot make up for this."

She was right, only they knew what she and Roland were conspiring to do.

If Roland is not the governor, no one can do it.

But senior officials from the three provinces would not think so, they would only feel hurt.

Sif thought for a long time, but still couldn't think of a good way.

"What they want is to be promoted to a higher rank, but I can't give it to them now. They can only give it to them after they officially ascend the throne."

"If you want to draw a pie, you must pay attention to two things."

Roland stretched out two fingers and said softly: "First of all, let the people who eat the cake think that they can eat it. Secondly, let the people who eat the cake think that they can eat it in a short time."

"You have to get them to enjoy it as quickly as possible."

"Then let them make more money?" Sif asked tentatively.

"Of course not. They've already gotten a lot. It's good that they didn't spit it out. Giving more will only make them think you're stupid."

"Then what should I do? I really couldn't think of it this time." Sif felt a little embarrassed.

Roland leaned close to her ear and whispered:
  "The biggest pursuit of an official is power and status. Let's start from here. We can spread rumors that you came to three overseas provinces just to seek a title for me."

"You plan to entrust the Hanseatic province to me. In order to prevent others from making irresponsible remarks, you will also entrust the provinces of Selin and Brooke to other provinces."

Sif's eyes lit up.

It is not easy to be granted a title, especially a hereditary title with a high gold content.

The benefits of official promotion are far inferior to those of formal knighthood.

One is the immediate interests, and the other is the long-term interests of the descendants of the Huize family.

Even just a rumor is enough to get officials excited.

"What if they really made achievements worthy of being knighted?"

"Then seal it!"

(End of this chapter)

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