in the name of the queen

Chapter 212 The price of decency

Chapter 212 The price of decency

The bloody pursuit of the Hanseatic New Army basically ended after three days. Sporadic fighting continued, but the overall battle situation had been determined.

As Roen was killed by a sniper, the command system of the Oden Kingdom Army collapsed. The remaining generals had no idea what to do, and finally made the most rational choice driven by the desire to survive.

run away!

This choice was fine originally, but without unified command, the escape naturally evolved into a rout.

Christine showed her true face as a cold-blooded witch. She continued to board the hot air balloon and commanded calmly. Driven by her, various armies pursued her wildly, leaving no way for the Oden people to survive.

The pursuit began in Helenzburg, passed through the town of Oro, and finally arrived at Hosenberg, the staging point for the Oden Kingdom to launch the war.

The unlucky King Sven VII planned to fight a defensive counterattack here, draining the morale and fighting will of the new Hanseatic Army and waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

He issued a recruitment order to all vassals, asking them to lead private troops in the territory to rescue.

However, his defeat not only harmed the troops directly under the royal family, but also the lords from various places were frightened by the combat effectiveness of the new Hanseatic army.

This secret letter was sent by his confidants who stayed in the royal capital at great risk, and briefed him on the recent domestic and international situations.

His blood surged, and he wanted to go back to the capital immediately to deal with those who betrayed him.

General Good, who returned to the capital, saw that he was no match for the naval battle, so he simply removed the battleship's artillery and added it to the port fort, and then scuttled the ship.

That's war, there's always a price to pay.

Finally, in the heat of midsummer, the messenger he longed for arrived.

Even if the new Hanseatic army evacuates, the navy of the Kingdom of Oden will be completely destroyed.

Although the situation was worrying, Swain VII who returned to Hosenberg calmed down. He knew that Roland was unable to storm the strong fortress, so he had no choice but to grit his teeth and wait for the situation to change.

The next thing to do is to deal with the aftermath.

In order to boost morale, the queen played by Magic Mirror also went to the front line and was stationed in the Suyige area.

The comprehensive strength of the Kingdom of Oden is almost the same as that of the three overseas provinces. With the support of foreign forces, its hard power is even higher than that of the three overseas provinces.

Although the war lasted for more than a month and achieved a brilliant victory, the total casualties of the New Army exceeded 5,000, which made him feel heartbroken.

Calculating that each veteran brings five to ten people, this loss is indeed huge.

Although Roland and Sif took the lead and fought hard to kill the enemy; Christine brought the art of command to the extreme; and the navy and army cooperated tacitly, the Oden Kingdom's army was also elite, and the battle losses were already outstanding.

King Sven VII looked at the messenger's face and felt a little thump in his heart. Before he could ask any questions, the messenger handed Swain a secret letter.

Roland did not take the initiative to send anyone to contact the Oden people for negotiation.

On the surface, they responded to the king's call, but in fact they only sent troops verbally.

Whoever brings up the negotiation first is also a psychological game, and whoever gives in first will lose in terms of momentum.

He spurted out a mouthful of old blood and almost fainted on the spot.

This navy has to go around even the most powerful pirates when it encounters them. It is no match for the Fourth Fleet.

The new Hanseatic army is now in full swing and winning consecutive battles. Who dares to take the lead?

The siege of Hosenberg lasted for more than half a month, and Swain VII also spent more than half a month uneasily with no information.

"This bunch of rebellious officials and traitors!"

Unlike pure army generals such as Gude and Luen who only focused on land, he was full of desire to build a powerful navy.

These are not five thousand soldiers, but non-commissioned officers and junior officers when the army is expanded in the future.

"My boat, my tree! Ah!"

Fort Hossen is a strong fortress, and a storm will cause huge casualties. Of course, Roland is reluctant to use these precious soldiers who have been on the battlefield and seen blood as cannon fodder.

Just after he opened the secret letter and took a few glances at it, Sven almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Mr. Messenger is neatly dressed, but his face is not very good-looking.

Roland did not storm Hosenberg, but sent a large fleet to surround the royal capital from the sea and landed in the oak forest to cut down the oak forest.

In order to fight this war, Roland's new army was almost mobilized. There were only a few defenders in the three provincial capital cities. If something unexpected happened, Roland would face even greater pressure.

When King Swain VII was young, he studied abroad in the military academy of the Republic of Golden Kite and served in the Navy of the Golden Kite for one and a half years. He was well aware of the importance of the navy.

As long as Hosenberg can be held until winter comes, Roland's side will have logistical supply difficulties, and the war situation will turn around.

Seeing this, Sven VII was so angry that he was speechless.

In the battle off the royal capital, twenty-seven warships went into battle, and only thirteen were defeated and returned to port, which gave the Fourth Fleet a severe performance boost.

In this era, coastal countries without a strong navy are like beautiful girls walking on the street without clothes, allowing others to ravage them.

King Swain VII was stunned for a long time before he realized that these oak trees were used to rebuild the navy.

All the remaining warships were scuttled, and the timber used to build the ships was plundered by Roland. There was no hope of rebuilding the navy within a hundred years.

Rebuilding the Navy is never that easy.

Sinking ships and sealing ports, dismantling cannons for defense, at first glance seems to be an effort to reduce losses, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, it is standard army thinking.

More than 30,000 new troops surrounded the less than 10,000 people around Swain VII in Hosenberg. They did not launch an attack. They only used artillery shells to call names from time to time every day to increase the strength of the defenders.

The Kingdom of Oden's navy was severely damaged by the Sussex Empire more than a hundred years ago. Now there are no thirty warships in the country, and there is an even greater shortage of experienced naval generals and sailors.

Sven VII closed his eyes in pain, and it took him a long time to recover.

He then looked down, his expression even uglier. He finally understood why Goode did this.

Now it is not a matter of retaining the navy, but whether the royal power can be preserved.

The local nobles and family branches worked together to prepare to take advantage of his absence from the royal capital to support a new king.

He was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and he wished he could immediately lead the imperial guards back to the capital to kill all the rebels.

But he couldn't leave, Roland was outside the city.

The terrain of Hosenberg is special and it is built on a mountain. It is impossible to completely surround it. It is entirely possible for Sven VII to escape with only a few personal guards, but it is useless for him to leave on his own.

The king is the one supported by the army. Without the protection of the army, he is just a wanderer named Sven.

King Sven VII took a few deep breaths and waved his hand to signal the messenger to retreat.

He shook the bell on the table and issued an order through gritted teeth to the adjutant who rushed over.

"Send someone to contact Roland. I want to negotiate with him!"

The adjutant was shocked, and just as he was about to persuade him, Swain had already thrown the secret letter in front of him.

After a few quick glances, the adjutant turned pale and murmured speechlessly.

Although Swain had behaved like a coward at Helenzburg, he made the right choice this time.

Small countries like Oden only have a chance to rise when they take advantage of the checks and balances of big powers.

If they can conquer three overseas provinces in one go and use the internal conflicts in Sussex to gradually digest the newly occupied territories, they will have a chance to join the ranks of great powers. Although it cannot be compared with big countries like Jin Yuan and Vladimir in a short period of time, it at least has a place.

The intelligence of the Ruriks was very accurate. The Sussex Empire did have internal problems, and it was true that not a single soldier in the empire went to war.

They have gained a valuable period of historical opportunity.

However, they never dreamed that the Hanseatic New Army, which they looked down upon, would achieve a great victory despite being inferior in numbers and equipment.

It’s not that the Kingdom of Oden didn’t work hard, it’s that they were unlucky and met Roland and Sif.

If it weren't for Roland and Sif, and they only relied on the old military and bureaucracy of the three overseas provinces, the land of the three provinces would most likely be lost.

Although he felt aggrieved, Swain decided to bow to reality.

Maybe the Oden Kingdom just wasn't destined to become an empire.

At least the family's dominance must be preserved, and the future will be left to future generations.

The outskirts of Hosenberg, small hills.

Roland was taking a walk, accompanied by the Golden Knight Raikkonen and Tom, who had just been promoted to major.

Raikkonen is Roland's direct descendant, so it's quite easy. When Tom saw the Governor for the first time, he was nervous and at a loss.

Seeing Tom's embarrassed expression, Roland smiled and said, "Is the young hero of Helenzburg so nervous?"

Tom smiled sheepishly, wiped the sweat with his sleeve, and said softly:
"I never dreamed of meeting the Governor. This is my first time meeting such an important official."

Raikkonen, who was standing next to him, suppressed his laughter and secretly complained, "You were received by the real Queen just now. Wouldn't you faint if you knew the truth?"

In Tom's eyes, Count Sif was the deputy governor and his status was not as high as Roland's. Little did he know that the queen had a hobby of cosplaying with the countess.

Roland smiled and teased: "You and Raikkonen should learn from each other. He is only one year older than you, but he has no stage fright at all."

Tom chuckled and didn't dare to answer.

Raikkonen is an old man who has been with Roland since he was a confidant in the imperial capital; he is a soldier recruited by Roland overseas and is a newcomer.

The military is a place where seniority is very important.

Raikkonen is both a Golden Knight and a cavalry lieutenant colonel. He is far above him in terms of status and closeness to the governor.

Roland knew what Tom was thinking, so he didn't force himself and changed the subject with a smile.

"Tom, I have read the battle report of the defense of Helenzburg, but the details are not clear. Please tell me about it."

Raikkonen winked at Tom and gave him an encouraging look, signaling him to speak boldly.

Tom was an important contributor to the Battle of Helenzburg. He performed well in the defense of the city, discovered mysterious ruins, and finally sniped the enemy commander.

Any one of these three achievements is remarkable, but it is even more surprising that they are concentrated on a boy under seventeen years old.

Raikkonen also knew why Tom had stage fright. This guy was not only afraid that Roland would think he was too sharp, but he was also probably worried that Raikkonen, who was also young, would be jealous.

This boy Tom really still doesn't understand the Governor, Raikkonen thought silently.

When working for Governor Roland, there is no need to quarrel with colleagues, just be yourself.

How much credit you have achieved will be clearly reflected in your performance points.

If you feel your credit has not been recognized, you can appeal. Governor Roland is certainly willing to accept suggestions as long as there are good reasons.

But it is normal for Tom to be so cautious. Leaders like Governor Roland are rare.

Tom carefully told the process of the defense of Helenzburg.

He did not exaggerate at all, and even quietly transferred his own achievements to his colleagues.

Captain Jay Bucks commanded well, Jerry and Joseph were invincible, he just followed behind and made a small contribution.

It was good luck to discover the ruins, and it was the Queen's blessing to snipe the enemy general.

After listening to Tom's story, Roland just smiled lightly but did not comment.

Raikkonen kept giving Tom winks, but they were just meeting for the first time, and Tom couldn't understand his look at all, and even spoke more conservatively.

After listening to Tom's story about the battle to defend the city, Roland smiled and teased: "Captain Jaybacks said it was you and Jerry who took the credit. Jerry said you and the commander were the first to take the credit, but you said it was them. What's going on?"

"I, I" Tom panicked and was at a loss, sweating profusely.

Seeing his embarrassed look, Roland smiled and patted his shoulder, and said solemnly:

"Tom, your contribution is yours, don't be humble. If you don't get rewarded for your great contribution, it's unfair to those who work hard. Of course Captain Jay Bucks and Jerry have merit, but your contribution cannot be buried. "

"I promoted you to major because you were a top soldier a few months ago. You were promoted too quickly and it was difficult for others to accept it. I will remember your merits and will gradually realize them later."

Tom's eyes were red with excitement, and tears fell down unsatisfactorily.

He had never seen a leader like Governor Roland.

Maybe he really had a chance to avenge his father and uncle's relatives.

Looking at Tom's red eyes, Roland smiled and said softly: "After this battle is over, I will ask Her Majesty the Queen for instructions to apply for knighthood for all the heroes. Your title is a royal knight, and your fief is near Helenzburg. ”

Military rank promotion must be rigorous and must take into account ability, merit and qualifications, but knighthood does not.

Giving Tom a knighthood can be regarded as a kind of compensation for the inability to be promoted continuously in the military rank.

Tom was so excited that he almost knelt down on one knee and declared his allegiance to Roland, but Roland grabbed him and said with a serious expression: "We are all subjects of Her Majesty the Queen, do you understand?"

Tom nodded quickly and quickly expressed his attitude, "I will do my best to be loyal to the Queen and obey your orders."

"Count Sif's orders are equal to mine!" Roland added solemnly.

Tom nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

He suddenly thought of the terrible rumor widely circulated in the governor's jurisdiction. Governor Roland was the queen's lover, and Earl Sif was the lover of Governor Roland.

He shuddered violently, quickly dispelling these thoughts.

Don’t worry about the affairs of big people!

No matter what the relationship is, they are together anyway, he just needs to be loyal!
Just as Roland encouraged Tom, a fast horse galloped from the direction of the camp.

The knight on the horse dismounted at the foot of the hill and hurriedly ran a few meters in front of Roland. He was about to report loudly when he saw two young men beside Roland and hesitated for a moment.


"Lord Governor, the count asks you to return to camp immediately. The negotiators from the Kingdom of Oden are here."


The corners of Roland's mouth raised slightly, showing a hint of disdain.

King Swain VII's mind seems to be not very clear yet. How can he be qualified to negotiate? All he can strive for is a slightly decent surrender.

For this dignity, he must pay a heavy price.

(End of this chapter)

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