in the name of the queen

Chapter 218 Elf or human?

Chapter 218 Elf or human?

After easily solving the problem that shouldn't be a problem, Roland felt better.

After hearing Roland's solution, Sif was in a good mood.

But her good mood lasted only a few seconds before disappearing.

"Roland, I seem to have encountered a bottleneck. My current extraordinary profession is [Elven Princess], and my next promotion route can be Elf Queen or Empress. If it is the former, it needs to be recognized by the Elf Sage on behalf of the clan. If it’s the latter, you have to return to the imperial capital and ascend the throne.”

She sighed helplessly: "The war against the Kingdom of Oden has accumulated enough for me, but it's a pity that I can't meet these two conditions."

It is indeed troublesome to get the approval of the elven sages? How many years have passed since the elves were exterminated? Where can I find the elves’ sages?
Seeing Sif's sad expression, Roland's lips curled up with pride and said softly:

"I know a secret method recorded in the royal books of the elves that allows us to share some knowledge and practice experience, but it may have side effects. Are you willing to try it?"

After all, Elf Sif's words have not been finished. Although Roland believes that it is a good thing, and also believes that the link between two humans will not produce effects exclusive to the elves, things are fickle. If there are any side effects, it is better to explain it in advance. .

Sif didn't hesitate at all and nodded vigorously, "I accept."

The two of them rode horses through the farmland and watched a few farmers playing with their crops expressionlessly. Sif was silent for a moment and suddenly asked:

"Roland, the October tax season is coming soon, but these farmers don't look like they can afford the taxes. How should we collect this year's taxes?"

Roland looked back and asked calmly: "What do you think?"

Autumn in the Hanseatic Plain is the best time of the year without the scorching heat of summer and the coldness of winter.

The two of them put on brisk hunting clothes and rode horses on the wilderness in the early autumn wind.

Although Roland would often sweat profusely, in Sif's eyes, he was omnipotent.

Although the weather is good now, the weather has been terrible throughout the spring and summer, resulting in poor or even no harvests on many farmlands.

A good question indeed, and an excellent in-class test.

Seeing Sif's firm gaze, Roland stopped being pretentious and said softly:

The nameless valley is thirty-five kilometers north of Hanseatic City. Sif personally scouted the surrounding terrain to find suitable locations for ambushing artillery.

The Royal Gardens in Sussex contain rare plants brought back by naturalists from all over the world, including plants that only grow in the tropics.

Sif's eyes lit up and she said with a smile: "During my last expedition, I found a small valley with many flowers and plants I had never seen before. Let's go there."

"If it were up to me, I would rather not collect taxes from them. I heard that tax officials are very strict, and I'm afraid they will have a hard time this winter."

Although he did not agree with Sif's judgment in his heart, Roland still chose to accept it.

This valley is also the result of reconnaissance.

There are no side effects, it is just a disclaimer made by the doctor before letting the patient take the medicine. If there were really any side effects, Roland wouldn't be willing to let her try it.

Xif has never seen it before. They are probably small flowers and grass among the people.

Her confidence in Roland is much higher than Roland himself.

Flowers and plants you haven’t seen before?

"Okay, let's find a place that looks like a sea of ​​flowers."

Just strict? Roland thought to himself that Sif really didn't understand the cruelty of reality.

The three overseas provinces used to implement a tax farming system. As long as a fixed amount of tax could be collected, the tax farmers and tax officials were not only strict, but downright brutal.

They will mercilessly squeeze out every last drop of money from farmers. It's a mercy of these farmers that they survive until next year.

"Then there will be no tax collection, and people will be sent to every village to inform them so that no one takes advantage of the loophole."

"Ah, is it really possible?" Sif looked at Roland in surprise, her eyes full of doubts.

She hesitated for a moment and then said softly: "The teacher said that paying taxes can give the people a sense of belonging, and it is also a way for them to remember who is the lord."

From the perspective of a feudal lord, Walder's statement was correct, but Roland still frowned slightly.

He pondered for a moment and said slowly: "This is one moment, another moment. Although we purchased a lot of grain, this year's harvest failure is far more serious than I imagined. Only reasonable allocation can ensure that everyone survives the winter. The tax collection process will definitely produce a large amount of food. Attrition caused many people to starve to death in the winter.”

"People starved to death on a large scale in our jurisdiction, which has done a lot of damage to our image."

When Teacher Wald and Roland's opinions conflicted, Sif was indeed a little confused, but she made a decision quickly.

Listen to Roland.

Of course Teacher Wald knows a lot, but what Roland has achieved is simply not what Teacher Wald can do.

The teacher is an excellent official, but Roland, who likes to hide and relax, is not.

But Roland opened the door to a new world for her.

"Okay, I listen to you!"

Looking at Sif's clear eyes, Roland nodded with satisfaction.

Sif has not been too eroded by this world. White paper also has the advantage of white paper, at least you don’t have to erase the wrong content first.

Skipping this topic, the two of them sped up on their way.

Soon, Roland came to the Nameless Valley under Sif's guidance.

Leaving the horse outside the valley, and simply setting up a few traps and early warning devices, Roland carefully pulled out his pistol, raised his shield, and walked into the valley. It's not that he's neurotic, it's that it's never smooth when he goes out, and the probability of nothing happening is low.

Sif didn't think there was anything wrong with Roland's caution.

Having experienced things like encountering a werewolf while admiring the moon, and encountering a tree demon in a valley, no matter how careful you are, you can never go wrong.

She quickly spliced ​​the three sections of the spear together and followed Roland.

Walking into the valley, Roland looked at the green grass and blooming flowers, and was a little stunned.

This place is somewhat similar to the dream sea of ​​flowers. There is a big tree in the center, surrounded by flowers and grass, and no other trees.

However, taking a closer look, Roland was a little disappointed.

The sea of ​​flowers of the elves is different from the normal sea of ​​flowers.

The flower sea of ​​the elves is actually a life of flesh and blood. The body of the flower sea is the big tree in the center, and the surrounding flowers and plants are companions.

Although the flowers in the Elf Flower Sea are gorgeous, they are all red. If you pinch off the stems, blood will flow instead of juice.

Apparently not here.

The flowers in the Nameless Valley Flower Sea are colorful, ranging from red, yellow, green, pink and purple.

Although it’s a bit weird to still have flowers all over the ground in early autumn, it’s not a big deal.

Roland decided to establish a link first, and then collect flower and plant specimens to study.

At Roland's prompt, the two came to the central tree.

Sif looked up and said in surprise: "This tree looks like a ginkgo, but it's not."

"Don't worry about it, let's complete the ceremony first."

Roland explained the process of the ceremony again. Sif calmed down, her breathing slowed down, and her heartbeat gradually slowed down.

She cleared her throat and began to sing.

The first part of the ceremony is to recite an ancient poem in the singing method of the elven poets.

Considering that he was dying from singing, Roland gave this task to Sif.

Her hair was casually draped on Sif's shoulders. She stood barefoot on the grass, opened her arms, her eyes moved, and her voice echoed in the sea of ​​flowers.

As Sif sang, the flowers in the sea of ​​flowers seemed to be blown by the wind and swayed gently.

Roland looked at the surrounding flowers and plants in surprise, feeling a little confused.

Can these flowers and plants also understand it?

There was no time for him to wonder, Sif had finished chanting and was waiting for him to continue the ritual.

Roland stepped forward and read a few lines of poetry.

Strange to say, when he recited poetry, his voice was mellow and sonorous. It was not at least not unpleasant compared to the bards, but singing was fatal.

After reading the poem, Sif opened her eyes and bit her fingers at the same time as Roland.

Their fingertips touched, exchanging blood.

It was originally just a simple ceremony, but the moment their blood touched, the two people seemed to be hit by electric current, their eyes were blank, and their bodies froze in place.

Countless memories flooded into the sea of ​​consciousness of the two of them.

The rise of the elves, the glorious past of the elves, the decline of the elves, and the fall of the elves.

History and knowledge not recorded in the ethnic books instantly filled their memories.

They both opened their eyes at the same time.

No words were spoken, but they knew it very well.

They were once part of the elves.

The reincarnation of the Styx can annihilate memories, but it cannot erase the imprint deep in the soul.

Because of this, they can activate the hidden extraordinary professions exclusive to the elves.

The day of return is approaching, the tribes that have left far away will return, and the strong ones in the past will also wake up.

It turns out that they are also part of the return.

The fingertips slowly spread apart and the current disappeared. Sif was silent for a long time and asked quietly: "Are we elves or humans?"

"Elves are humans."

Roland said calmly: "We are both elves and humans, it's that simple."

Sif was stunned for a second, a smile brighter than the sea of ​​flowers bloomed in her dimples, and the whole world lit up with her smile.

Want them all?
It was indeed a Roland-style answer.

(End of this chapter)

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