in the name of the queen

Chapter 243 Night, girl wearing makeup

Chapter 243 Night, girl wearing makeup
"The Saint of Vengeance will return to the world from the underworld on the flames, and she will lead the people of Jinyuan to resist and defend freedom to the end."

Adam opened his arms and added the sublimation ending that he likes to use most in perfect compositions for the perfect performance.

People like this ending.

Applause continued, and flowers and coins were thrown to the stage to express appreciation for the minstrel.

Seeing the blazing fire in these people's eyes, Adam breathed a sigh of relief and silently packed up the performance props and prepared to go to the next town.

Since defecting to Roland, he has indeed gained respect, but Roland's main tasks this year have been to build territory and fight wars.

Unfortunately, he's not very good at either.

Governor Roland not only hires people based on ability, but also on performance.

Adam did make some contributions over the past year, but not much.

Among the major ministers whose names are on the performance list, performance appraisal ranks at the bottom.

Perfectly closed.

The dignitaries of this era basically lived in the city, and the top leaders of the Jinyuan Kingdom were mainly concentrated in Xidai City.

Everywhere he went, he first recalled the prosperity when Mr. Carlo took control of the situation and the heyday of the Empire, and then reminded people of the current dire straits through performances.

His greatest advantage is that he is a transcendent, and his personal fighting ability is not bad, but he is only a transcendent who has just started.

In this era, there was no Internet and most people were illiterate. The ability of newspapers to convey information was limited to the upper class.

At the end of each year, there is still some leftover wine, which can be served with pickles and pork chops, and you can always enjoy a moment of joy.

He knows the sea. Well, he's a landlubber.

After all, the lights of Xidai City cannot illuminate the countryside of Jin Yuan Kingdom.

Traveling all the way north, paving the way for the return of "Vengeance Saint" with wonderful performances.

They have traveled to countless countries and are well-informed. In addition to their wonderful performances, they can also bring the latest stories, which is very popular.

Of course he was not willing to give in, so he took the initiative to participate in the battle against the Kingdom of Oden, but his performance was mediocre.

Although Adam feels that this art form is too low-profile, he also admits that it is the best publicity.

The script of "The Return of the Saint of Vengeance" he performed this time was written by Roland himself. The language is so vivid and down-to-earth that even illiterate farmers can understand it.

Drifting at sea made him almost vomit all his bile and gastric juices. Fortunately, he was in excellent physical condition and was able to barely resist.

He knew cavalry, but not as well as Jace.

Through his passionate performance, the audience resonates with him and spreads the news faster that the Saint of Vengeance is conquering the Demon King in the capital.

Because we have to suppress bandits, we have to collect money; because we have to collect money, there are more bandits.

He made meritorious deeds, but not many.

There have indeed been many bandits in Jin Yuan Kingdom in recent years, but these bandits were forced by lords and officials.

Don't be afraid of poor life, be afraid of comparison.

During the period when Mr. Carlo was in power behind the scenes, although the national power of the Golden Kite Kingdom was on the rise, the living standards of ordinary people were not much different from those during the empire.

He has some dabbling in gunnery, but not as much as Dailon.

In this special operation, Roland personally ordered him to follow him on the expedition.

But since Marco came to power, everything has changed.

He asked the feudal lords to reduce taxes, and the lords agreed on the surface, but secretly continued to collect money under the pretext of preventing banditry.

After all, he is not usually busy. There is plenty of time to hone your acting skills.

There is only one devil, the incarnation of violence in Xidai City who likes to behead people.

Who is the devil?

People's memories always have their own beauty filters.

Seeing his colleagues getting royal knight and even baron titles one after another, Adam was envious but also a little reluctant.

Regardless of whether it was the last emperor or the Carlo period, although the nobles and officials exploited them hard enough, the land of the Jinyuan Kingdom was fertile and the people's lives were pretty good.

Although Marco thinks he is doing good for everyone, there is a big gap between reality and ideals.

The information channel that is more accessible to the people at the bottom is the bard.

The bard didn't say, he didn't even name any real places, but the audience knew the answer.

Adam, the landlubber, followed Roland aboard the Sovereign.

But now there is.

Although Adam joined the army, he did not delay his old trade as a bard, and even became more proficient in it.

In this suffocating atmosphere, Adam walks through the countryside with the story of the vengeful saint.

After landing in Port-If for a few days, he received a special mission.

He lamented that there was no stage to display his talents.

The attitude of the upper class towards the lower class farmers is basically the same. As long as the taxes can be paid, these unscrupulous people should not rebel.

Marco didn't even know anyone was spreading the story in the countryside.

Allen's death was too damaging to the intelligence system.

There are many secret persons with one-way connections that only Allen can mobilize. There is no list of these personnel, and they are all engraved in Allen's super-powerful memory.

Allen died so suddenly that there was no time to leave any last words.

These intelligence agents will always hide their identities and remain at all levels of society.

Allen's death made Marco a little mentally sensitive. Considering that there might be a traitor in the intelligence system, Marco did not hesitate to launch a purge.

The intelligence system is dirty and must be cleaned.

Marco's idea cannot be said to be problematic, but it is inappropriate.

When the efficient operation of the intelligence system was most needed, he raised the butcher's knife against his own people. In order to eliminate a very small number of moles, he sent countless capable intelligence personnel to the guillotine.

This also caused his intelligence channels to be basically destroyed.

In Xidai City, he has another intelligence system and can control the situation. After leaving Xidai City, his intelligence was not even as accurate as that of the mercenary guild.

Adam carefully shot around and changed places. After telling the story and inciting people's hearts, he ran away, but he didn't expect that Marco had no idea what he was doing.

The sun was about to set, and he planned to leave the town of "There Once Was Seven Old Ginkgo Trees" and rush to the next town overnight, but several children stopped him.

"Uncle Adam, are you making up the story you're telling?"

"Of course not." Faced with the clear eyes of the children, it was difficult for Adam to lie, so he quickly patched up this sentence.

"Of course, art must evolve and beautify. Just like a beautiful girl must wear exquisite makeup when attending a dinner party."

A little boy nodded frequently, "I understand, Miss Lilith puts on makeup every night and dates different people. She is much prettier than my mother but still wears makeup."

"Oh?" Adam's eyes lit up, putting on makeup and dating different people every night? Girls in serious professions don't do this.

Obviously, this Miss Lilith's profession is not serious.

I heard she is very beautiful? The corners of Adam's lips raised slightly.

It seems there is no need to rush tonight.

This time he went on an expedition. In order to maintain his image, he did not even go ashore with the sailors in Port-If to find happiness. This period of time was very frustrating for him.

He couldn't bear to eat all the meat and vegetables he vomited on the boat.

It's time to have some fun.

After telling the children two more fairy tales, Adam finally asked in a roundabout way where Miss Lilith lived, and then left with satisfaction.

Night falls.

The quiet night in the small town is scary for ghosts.

People who can light candles often don't live in such a small place, so the town will be particularly quiet every night.

Miss Lilith is a rare person who can light a candle.

She is not engaged in a serious profession, so she needs lights at night.

Looking at the dark night sky outside the door, she was in a daze for a while and yawned. It seemed that this was another boring and empty night.

It seemed that no one would come tonight, so Lilith reached for the half-open door, preparing to close it and rest.

She had vaguely heard news from Cité, which made her wait in fear every night for someone who would never come.

She didn't even know if she was expecting someone to come or if someone would never come.

In a daze, her hand was not pressed on the door handle, but on the big generous hand.


Lilith, who was a little distracted, let out a soft cry, took half a step back, and subconsciously wanted to reach out her hands to her waist, but stopped suddenly.

An unfamiliar face appeared at the door.

There is a bit of unruliness in his handsomeness, as if the sun is shining into the room.

Lilith's heart beat inexplicably hard.

She lowered her head slightly and asked softly: "Sir, it's very late. If you need something, please come tomorrow."

Adam looked at Lilith in astonishment, a little confused.

Isn't she in that kind of business? What are you putting here?

Lilith's makeup is very strange. It's really beautiful, but she always feels like she's hiding something.

Adam hesitated for a second, took out three gold livres from his pocket, and said directly:
"Is it enough to be your temporary husband tonight?"

Lilith's expression froze.

She finally understood what Adam wanted.

What did this bastard think she was? !
She stretched her hand fiercely to her waist, where there was a soft dagger hidden in her belt, which could easily pierce the heart of a lustful person.

The handle of the dagger is buckled with the belt.

To take out the dagger, you have to unbuckle your belt.

There was a soft "click" sound, and the handle of the dagger was held in Lilith's hand, but she suddenly stopped.

"Beautiful girl, are you afraid of the night?"

"What do you mean?" Lilith bit her lip, her hands trembling slightly.

"I'm afraid of the night, so I need the company of soft girls."

Adam spread his hands and said frankly: "But I am definitely not a prostitute, I am just a temporary husband for those girls who have lost their way, even if it is only for one night."

"Will you really treat me like your wife?"

After saying this, Lilith wanted to stab herself.

Her face was flushed. Fortunately, the makeup was thick and the candle was dim, so he must not be able to see clearly.

Just over half a month ago, her upline did not send a secret code as usual.

For intelligence personnel, losing contact is the biggest fear, whether online or offline.

She couldn't sleep every night because the circles under her eyes were so dark that she had to cover them up with heavy makeup.

Some people must have thought that she was doing that kind of business wearing heavy makeup, which was why she attracted this handsome but lustful man in front of her.

If it were normal times, she would definitely stab Adam while he was distracted.

But tonight she was touched by Adam's words.

She was indeed afraid, afraid of the night.

Adam's voice was so sweet that she couldn't resist.

She needed the warm arms so much, even if it was only for a moment, even if the other person was wild and unrestrained.

"of course."

Adam was just talking about running a train, how could he think of a prostitute as his wife.

But the panic and helplessness in Lilith's eyes made him unable to bear to refuse.

Anyway, we have to go our separate ways tomorrow, so what if we make her happy.

"May I know the name of my temporary husband?"

Adam wanted to use a pseudonym, but he couldn't hurt Lilith's clear gaze.

Although it was strange to associate clear eyes with prostitutes, that's what he thought.

"I'll tell you before we leave tomorrow."

Lilith released her grip on the handle of the knife, clasped the dagger to death, and untied her belt.

Like a wounded animal, she threw herself into Adam's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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