in the name of the queen

Chapter 258 I don’t want blood to flow into a river

Chapter 258 I don’t want blood to flow into a river

If Jin Yuan News Agency were to write a report about the dinner, they would definitely say that the dinner was held in a harmonious and harmonious atmosphere, and would even publish a special issue to introduce the delicious food at the dinner.

However, what is to be eaten at a dinner of this level is not the focus, who is attending is.

The essence of this dinner is indeed a feast, but the most important food is not the seafood feast, but the future division of power in the Jin Yuan Kingdom.

Every invitation to dance may not lead to any communication, what matters is the attitude.

Whether to accept the invitation, how to refuse if you refuse, how to respond if you accept, each sentence has a different charm.

With Marco's death and Alina's return to Xidai, the political landscape of the Golden Kwan Kingdom is bound to be reshuffled.

There are also many old wealthy families who returned to Cité with Alina.

The five dukes and more than forty hereditary earls in the old empire longed for Alina to put the country on the right track they wanted.

They were more than happy to support Alina as the new emperor, as long as they shared in the benefits.

This requires Alina to express her position as soon as possible.

Of course, big shots drinking coffee at this kind of dinner are not chatting. He doesn't dare to hear things he shouldn't hear.

Of course he won't force it.

The actual situations of these nobles are also different.

The palace waiter brought coffee and left knowingly.

Is it strange that the Republic has an emperor? Then just return to the empire.

Looking at the Duke of Champagne, who was as kind as an old man, Alina, who had originally not planned to go to the dance floor, really couldn't find a reason to refuse, but the battle of wits and courage with Sif just now made her a little tired.

The two found a table in the corner and sat down.

They are eager to get close to Alina, but they are also wary of each other.

Some nobles acted tactfully during Marco's rule and escaped Marco's liquidation. There were also people who couldn't distinguish the situation, and Marco found the reason and sent them to the guillotine.

The old Duke of Champagne invites Alina to dance with her.

He was full of worldly feelings and could see the worry in Alina's eyes at a glance.

"Alina, I'm old and my legs and feet are inconvenient, so I'd better drink a cup of coffee."

Dozens of big nobles are still a bit too much.

Just when she stood up and was about to hand her hand to the old Duke, Alfonso, the Duke of Champagne, smiled and shook his head, sighing softly:

Alina pinched the hem of her skirt and breathed a sigh of relief.

The cake is so big, and if there are too many people sharing it, everyone will get less.

"Thank you."

Should the title be retained? If so, who will inherit it?

Although the child Alina is very beautiful, at his age, when he sees a beautiful girl, he can only admire it and have no other thoughts.

What's even more terrible is that one duke and seven earls have no legitimate heirs. Their titles are vacant, and the ownership of the titles needs to be clarified as soon as possible.

The Duke of Champagne sipped his coffee and mentioned Alina's father as if chatting casually.

"Your father is twenty-one years younger than me, but we are good friends. I persuaded him when he gave up his fiefdom, but his idea was too romantic."

"He always thinks that others can be as indifferent as him."

Alina wanted to retort that her father was not that naive and that he had considered everything, but when she thought about her father's ending, some words simply couldn't be said.

There are no ifs in political struggles, only results.

Failure is failure, no matter how many reasons you find, they are just excuses.

Seeing that Alina's face was slightly unhappy, Alphonse's expression also became a little more sad.

"It would be great if Carlo is still alive. He would be very happy if he could see you grow."

This sentence seemed like small talk, but it was actually a secret compliment to Alina, but it sounded a bit harsh to her.

If her father doesn't die, won't she grow up?
Thinking of her behavior during the mission in Sussex, Alina fell silent.

She was growing, of course, but not nearly enough.

Although she didn't want to admit it, her father's death objectively accelerated her growth. Although she believes that growth comes from Roland's help and her efforts.

Seeing that the topic was a little stiff, Alphonse reminded him softly: "Alina, nice words are like honey. If you eat too much, you will get tooth decay, so..."

"Uncle Alphonse, if you have anything to say, just say it. You are my father's best friend during his lifetime and also my elder. Of course I will listen to your opinions."

Alina's reaction surprised Alphonse somewhat.

According to his observation, Alina looked a little strange tonight, as if she had something on her mind.

He boldly guessed that Alina was missing her father, so he started the conversation with Carlo.

When he mentioned Carlo's past, even if Alina didn't burst into tears, she would definitely feel emotional.

It's better to mention some things while she's emotional.

However, Alina's reaction made him slightly startled.

She was not grieving for her dead father at all, but was worried about other things. Alfonso, who couldn't guess Alina's thoughts at all, felt as if he was trying to hit cotton with his punch.

He took the opportunity to drink coffee to adjust his mood.

After much deliberation, I still couldn't figure it out, so I simply gave it up.

He made a bold bet on Alina and took a stand early, already winning the right to speak for himself.

Since you can't guess, just speak openly.

"Alina, what kind of kingdom do you want to build?"

"Liberty, justice, equality. Well, relative equality."

Under the half-smiling gaze of the old man, Alina couldn't make up any words about the scene, so she could only tell the truth with a self-deprecating smile.

"Mr. Alphonse, there has never been absolute freedom, justice and equality in this world. What I am talking about is that everyone has a free identity, is protected by the law, and everyone's personality is roughly equal."

After a pause, she sighed softly, her voice a little lower, "Of course, even in a free country, there are a few people who are more equal than others. This is a fact, and there is no need to avoid it."

Alphonse breathed a sigh of relief, his heart relieved.

Unless he wants to change dynasties and become emperor, his power and status have reached their peak and cannot be promoted.

He came to Alina not to ask for power, but because he was afraid that she would be too idealistic and even wanted to take back all of Carlo's policies.

Looking at Alphonse's expression, Alina certainly knew what he was thinking.

She said in a soft and unquestionable tone: "Mr. Alphonse, the mistakes my father made will not continue, but good policies will also be adopted. Everyone's legitimate rights and interests will be defended."

"Please tell others, don't always focus on immediate interests, but look at the long term. The territory they lost cannot be made up from home, but they can expand overseas."

This is Alina's bottom line.

She recognized the status and power of the old nobles, but it was impossible to return to the territory.

This is the result of the struggle to overthrow the old empire. To reverse history would be a betrayal of all those who have passed away.

More than 90% of the land in Jinyuan Country is in the hands of the state, which is a proportion far higher than that of other major countries.

As long as we have the right development ideas, the future of Jinyuan Country is limitless.

No one can drive this car in reverse.

But these nobles supported her, and she couldn't let them down too much.

Alina thoughtfully reminded: "Go to the Southern Continent, the New Continent, and the more distant overseas islands. There are vast territories there that have not yet been occupied. If you want territory, go there and get it."

Alphonse was stunned for a few seconds, pursed his lips, and didn't know what to say.

Alina's meaning is clear.

The confiscated local territories of the nobles will not be returned, but they can develop territories overseas according to their title level.

what is this?
Is their territory coming back? No. But as long as there is a strong private armed force, territory can still be developed.

But why do ordinary nobles maintain so many weapons?

Seeing through Alphonse's mind at a glance, Alina smiled and said: "Mr. Alphonse, during the war against national traitors, I found that the private soldiers of the lords in various places have very poor combat effectiveness. I am afraid they will not be able to seize the territory by relying on them alone."

Alphonse breathed a sigh of relief and nodded quickly.

It seems that Alina finally realized the problem and planned to mobilize the power of the state machinery to help them.

However, Alina's next words made him instantly confused.

"The army must have a unified organization and dispatch to have combat effectiveness. I plan to integrate all the private soldiers of the nobles into a unified organization and unified command. This army will be supported by the nobles according to the proportion of their capital contribution, the state will provide subsidies, and the spoils of war will also be distributed according to a certain proportion."

"The purpose of this army's existence is to help everyone regain their territory. After completing its mission, it will be unified into the National Defense Forces, and the nobles' territories will also be protected by the state."

Alina smiled and said: "The power of the state machine can always be trusted."

Alphonse was stunned.

According to Alina's plan, there is indeed a great chance of seizing enough territory from overseas to compensate the nobles, but the price is to hand over private soldiers.

Although the nobility can still retain a small number of private guards, they no longer have the strength to fight against the state apparatus.

Before Alphonse could argue, Alina spoke first to stop him.

"Mr. Alphonse, I don't want to see a bloody civil war."

"If you are truly loyal to your country, why reject this proposal?"

Alina's eyes flashed with a cold light, and she said in a deep voice: "Too much blood has been shed, and the country cannot bear to have another Marco."

Alphonse and Alina looked at each other for a long time, and finally couldn't match her clear and firm eyes. He just shook his head and sighed, "I'm old, and this world belongs to you young people. I support you, but I don't guarantee that others will do the same. think."

Watching the old Duke leave, Alina's eyes flashed with a hint of weakness that she had never seen in front of others.

Roland, Sif, I will definitely repay what I owe you.

Even if all Jin Yuan people are against it, I will still stand by your side.

She bit her lip and thought silently.

(End of this chapter)

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