in the name of the queen

Chapter 271 Are you a trustee? Coincidentally, so am I

Chapter 271 Are you a trustee? Coincidentally, so am I
June 1793, 6 on the magical new calendar.

The coming-of-age ceremony for Sylph, the new emperor of the Sussex Empire, is also her enthronement ceremony.

Given the strength and status of the Sussex Empire, the enthronement ceremony should have been a grand event in the imperial capital, squandering the treasury.

But Sif didn't do that.

Her ceremony was simple and the location was not in the imperial capital.

The biggest expense is not even the enthronement ceremony itself, but the reception of domestic and foreign guests.

This is a throne ceremony destined to be full of controversy.

Because the cabinet voted with two votes in favor, one abstained, and the rest were all opposed, the House of Heralds did not come to Hansa to complete her coronation and award her with a golden scepter.

Because the Holy Court of Light was allowed to preach in the four overseas provinces, the Holy Court of Abundance also had objections to her. They did not send the pope to preside over her coronation, but only sent a few priests to observe the ceremony.

Not only that, several major countries did not send their heads of state to attend the ceremony in person, but only sent diplomatic envoys to support the ceremony politely but distantly.

Among the major powers, only Alina is willing to support her.

Everyone seems to have made an appointment to see her jokes.

If it were her two years ago, she would definitely be panicked and at a loss, but not now.

She has Roland.

Sif felt relieved and left the enthronement ceremony to Roland.

She always felt at ease when Roland was doing things.

She believed that Roland would definitely use the lowest cost to produce the best program results.

She has money but doesn't want to waste it on a coronation ceremony.

The Sixth Return Day was getting closer and closer, and she had to use all her resources on the right path. She was not even willing to spend money to dress herself up and buy a few new clothes.

The reason is simple. Even without makeup, is there any girl more beautiful than her?

Magic Mirror said: This really doesn’t exist.

There was not much money, and things had to be done well. An ordinary person would definitely have a splitting headache, but this would not trouble Roland at all.

The enthronement ceremony requires a special dress, a crown, and a scepter symbolizing power. These three items are all valuable and are invalid after being used once. They are standard extravagance and waste.

Sif's budget for Roland was 110,000 pounds, and the total cost when Edward ascended the throne was 1.15 million pounds.

It cost a lot to entertain guests, so Roland could only save money on these three major items.

He rented the ceremonial dress for his enthronement from the Jinyuan Museum.

This is the coronation dress worn by a certain empress of Jin Yuan's Second Empire more than five hundred years ago.

Because this dress was sealed after being used only once, it remains as new as ever even after hundreds of years.

This dress is extremely gorgeous, full of elegant artistic atmosphere, and because it has been sealed for a long time, no one knows it, and no one else knows its origin.

Just looking at the dazzling gems, this dress is worth a hundred thousand pounds.

After all, you have to put it back to sleep after using it once, so renting it is no problem.

Cost of dress: 300 livres, approximately equal to 293 pounds.

The price of a crown is many times more expensive than a dress. For someone as high as the Sussex Emperor, a crown would cost at least 300,000 pounds.

If it’s less than this price, it’s a discount.

This was even more difficult for Roland. Instead of commissioning top jewelers and artists to make the crown, he found Norton.

Forge gems with alchemy.

Alchemy fakes are more dazzling and gorgeous than the real ones.

No one dares to question that this is fake.

After all, no one would have thought that a majestic queen would use a fake crown when she ascended the throne.

Even if someone thought of it, would he dare to jump out and accuse?
Crown cost: £15.

The gold scepter cannot be faked. Fortunately, gold is much cheaper than gems. One pound of gold coins can be cast into 7.75 grams of gold. This is the basic cost.

The biggest cost of the Golden Scepter comes from the artistic design.

In order to show their achievements and ambitions, most monarchs ask famous art masters to design unique looks when they ascend the throne.

The most important thing is to add the signatures of these masters.

The artist's worth is raised by them, and their reputation is further raised by the artist's praise.

The left foot steps on the right foot, and everyone is happy.

Top carving artists are highly valued and never serve the common people in order to maintain this sense of luxury.

If they don't open for three years, they will have to wait for nine years if they open.

Sylph was about to ascend the throne, and many artists' travel routes happened to lead to Hanseatic City.

They won't take the initiative to ask for work, but they will definitely give the royal steward a chance to see it.

Unfortunately this time they miscalculated.

This time the royal steward is Roland.

A born stingy person.

Roland didn't even plan to use gold as a scepter.

He was ingenious and prepared a long sword for Sylph as a symbol of power.

The founding emperor, Sussex the Great, ascended to the throne holding a long sword.

Golden scepter? It was something used by ordinary emperors who inherited the legacy of their ancestors.

As a queen opening up a vast new world, the scepter is not suitable.

A sword is more suitable.

The swords are ready-made.

The hundred-forged Austrian steel sword [Morning Star] worn by Marco was taken away by Roland as a trophy.

Use this long sword as the weapon you hold when you ascend the throne.

As a rule, the left hand often has to hold something. You don't need to think about it to know that the things that can appear at the enthronement ceremony, even if they are just decorations, are extremely expensive.

Fortunately, it was Roland who made a temporary guest appearance as the royal steward, and he came up with a great idea.

Magic mirror.

The right hand is [Morning Star], and the left hand is the magic mirror.

The long sword breaks the darkness, and the magic mirror clears the heart. The meaning is excellent.

More importantly, the magic mirror is an artifact. What decoration can be more classy than an artifact?

At least Roland couldn't think of it.

After arranging all the props, there was still a lot of money left in the budget given by Sif. Roland could even buy himself a few barrels of Redbeard stout and drink it hard.

In the spotlight of everyone, the coronation ceremony began.

Many people did not come to cheer, but sent people to observe carefully in order to grasp the information as soon as possible.

The coronation ceremony is an excellent opportunity for the new monarch to show himself to the people of the country and even the world, and it is impossible not to take it seriously.

Even if it is just a demonstration of the empire's financial resources, the enthronement ceremony should be very grand.

However, Sif's coronation ceremony left the whole world confused.

The ceremony was simple, but the whole body was dressed in luxury.

Sif's carriage and cavalry escort did not stop in front of the temple, did not stop for a moment at the Governor's Palace and the palace, but walked straight out of the city.

People were surprised.

There is no reason to ascend the throne outside the city.

Sif didn't care. Since Roland arranged it this way, he must have a reason.

The onlookers followed Sif's motorcade out of the city and finally saw their destination.

Outside the city, there is a brand-new Warriors Cemetery, where warriors who died in previous wars are buried.

In front of the cemetery is a newly built high platform.

Tens of thousands of soldiers lined up in neat queues, standing there quietly.

Tens of thousands of people stood there for at least dozens of minutes, still queued up neatly and without any noise.

The envoys from various countries who followed finally understood what Sif was going to do.

She is indeed showing ambition to everyone.

Advocating force and the ambition to conquer everything with force.

Envoys from various countries finally remembered what she had done in the past year or so.

He annexed part of the territory of the Vaal city-state, cut off half of the province from the Kingdom of Oden, intervened with armed forces to change the political situation of the Jinyuan Kingdom, and used his flagship as bait to kill General Haiao.

Although Roland has achieved many achievements, in the eyes of outsiders, Roland and Sif share a relationship, so there is no need to divide them into too many details.

When Sif walked towards the high platform, even the slowest person could react.

Holding white flowers in her hands, she first presented flowers to the newly erected Warrior Monument, bowed three times, and then turned around.

People with good memories finally recall the dusty past hundreds of years ago.

The first Sussex Emperor put on a crown stained with the blood of his enemies in front of the cemetery, holding a murderous sword in his hand, and announced the founding of the empire.

Sif is following the path of the first ancestors.

The Sussex blood boiled as she raised her sword.

The onlookers were in tears.

They are overseas subjects and theoretically enjoy the rights of citizens of the empire, but in fact they are looked down upon by the old imperial people in the empire who regard themselves as noble.

The Queen arrived and they finally saw their chance.

Opportunities for promotion and fortune.

A chance to fight bravely.

Even if you die in battle, you can still leave your mark in history.

"I am willing to work with you to restore the glory of the empire."

Sif's voice was very soft, but it had undeniable power.

"Long live!"

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

The soldiers shouted in unison.

The sound echoed over the jungle and between the mountains and fields, and the echoes reflected back and forth, making the sound stronger again and deafening.

Roland did not arrange for anyone in the army to take the lead in the heckles.

No need.

The new overseas troops are all die-hard loyalists of the Queen and there is no need to arrange them at all.

They are all trustees.

me too.

Roland thought silently.

The corners of his lips raised slightly as he watched Sif raise her sword and listened to her melodious voice singing the song God Save the Queen.

In a pool not far away, Miss Siren also sang along.

The old Mr. Walder, his face glowing, sang along.

When the uneasy Mr. William lost his mind, he couldn't help but sing along.

Everyone is singing.

The singing spread from outside the city to the city, drifting farther and farther, resounding throughout the entire continent.

(End of this chapter)

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