in the name of the queen

Chapter 273 What does it mean if the stepmother is 5 years older than her daughter?

Chapter 273 What does it mean if a stepmother is five years older than her daughter?
Going to the sea witch's underwater city, life and death depend entirely on whether the sea witch has any malicious intentions. Once she turns her back, Roland and Sif will have no hope of dying happily.

Just like General Haiao jumping on the deck, fighting in an away game and going deep alone is a doomed situation no matter how you think about it.

It was late at night, and Xif was still tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

The urge she felt during the day disappeared, and she began to seriously consider the pros and cons of going to the underwater world.

There are definitely benefits, but the risks are also great.

If the sea witch and her father really have feelings for each other, sending her blessings can win the favor of the sea witch and allow her father to retire in peace, which has many benefits.

If it was a trap, her life would come to an abrupt end just after she reached adulthood.

There was only one reason for her insistence on going, and it was illogical to use this reason as a trap.

Her relationship with her father wasn't bad, but it wasn't particularly close either.

So what if the relationship is harmonious, she is the new emperor now and there is no need to take risks.

After all, the Sea Witch is also the overlord of a party, so she can't even understand this.

She always felt that the sea witch asked her father to write a letter a little bit out of spite.

"Look, your only daughter doesn't want to attend your wedding. You are already alone and living your life under the sea with me."

Sif imagined the appearance of the sea witch as a girl nourished by love, and shuddered suddenly, her delicate skin covered with goosebumps.

Hey, the love brain is really scary.

Fortunately she is not such an idiot.

She vaguely felt that this might be the truth.

Just when she was tossing and turning and feeling irritable, a soft voice sounded from the bedside.

"My child, have you fallen in love again?"

Magic Mirror really knows how to anger Sif in the fastest way.

Sif was furious, sitting up angrily, staring hard at the magic mirror hidden in the darkness, and snorted in annoyance.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't think you can talk nonsense just because I can't smash it! I can bury you thousands of meters underground and make you fall into darkness forever!"

"So what are you worried about?" Of course the magic mirror knew that Sif was not in love, she was just looking for a way to open up the topic.

If you directly ask Sif what is bothering you, you will definitely be prevaricated. If he had guessed that she was broken in love first, she would be willing to talk about her feelings.

The Magic Mirror's understanding of Sif is even better than Roland's.

Of course, Xif knew about the Magic Mirror's Xiao Jiujiu, but now she really needed a channel to talk, so she briefly told her about her father's marriage to the Sea Witch.

After saying that, she couldn't help but mutter: "He is already in his forties, but he actually married a girl in her twenties. It's outrageous."

"According to what I know about human men, no matter how old they are, they all like young girls in their teens or twenties. Your father is normal."

Sif was scolded by the magic mirror, but couldn't find any words to refute.

After all, the magic mirror tells the truth.

She sighed softly and said helplessly: "Okay, do you think they have a true relationship?"

The cold voice of the magic mirror came from the darkness, "I don't know, but I know that Adina is twenty-three years old. She is tall, has delicate features, and her skin is as smooth as sea water. No man should be able to refuse her." charm."

"How do you know? Well, where does she rank now?"

The magic mirror was silent for a moment and gave a comprehensive score, "Seventeenth."

"Are you kidding? Her previous ranking was hovering between sixth and seventh. With the nourishment of love, even if her ranking doesn't improve, it won't drop, right?"

"Sif, you don't know that the ranking of women's charm will drop after marriage. Although some people have special hobbies and covet other people's wives, most people will exclude married women from the scope of mate selection. Charm score after marriage 5 points will be automatically deducted.”

After a second's pause, the magic mirror gave accurate data, "About a month ago, the charm score of Sea Witch Adina dropped by 3 points."

In other words, Adina's true charm score has increased by 2 points.

In the high segment above 95 points, the 2-point change is very obvious.

There is no doubt that the sea witch is radiant and bubbling with beauty under the nourishment of love during this period.

Sif lay back on the bed, resting her head on the soft pillow and closed her eyes.

"Thank you, Magic Mirror."

The existence of the magic mirror always made her feel at ease, and this time was no exception.

After her mother died, the only thing that accompanied her every night was the magic mirror.

Chat with her and make her happy.

The next morning, Roland saw Sif with bloodshot eyes and knew that she had not slept all night.

It was obvious that Sif was very confused.

Before Sif could speak, Roland said with a smile: "Sif, if I guess correctly, your father's letter is true. I went to the Ranger Guild yesterday to inquire about news, and I heard that there is trade between the Witch Palace and the Kingdom of Nubia. She has recently ordered a complete set of luxurious jewelry from the best jewelers in Nubia, as well as Sussex men's aristocratic gowns."

"If her disguise can be as detailed as this, then we might as well admit defeat."

The Ranger Guild is a magical organization. It has all kinds of information, but it doesn't keep it true.

But good intelligence workers can find the truth from clues.

Roland is not an excellent intelligence officer, he only conducts simple analysis.

Sif looked at Roland gratefully and said softly: "It's true."

She shared the information provided by the magic mirror with Roland, as well as her own analysis.

Roland breathed a sigh of relief. Since it was not an isolated case, it should be fine.

Relieving himself of the pressure, he asked curiously: "By the way, does the magic mirror have any basis for ranking women's charm? I mean, how does she know what the witches in the underwater world look like?"

"What, are you questioning the authenticity of the charm rankings?"

Sif didn't like hearing this.

To question the ranking of Magic Mirror is to question her status as the most beautiful woman in the world. That's okay.

Roland was stunned for several seconds before he realized the reason for Sif's excitement. He spread his hands and explained with a smile:
"You're right. The magic mirror is a magical weapon, and the ranking must be real and valid. It may be the power shared by the goddess to her. It doesn't matter. What's important is that you are ranked first."

Sif snorted and explained in a low voice: "Although the Magic Mirror does not have a male charm ranking, your ranking is definitely not low."

Roland laughed dumbly.

If there really was a male charm ranking, he didn't care about his own ranking. He wanted to know the old emperor's charm ranking.

He was so depressed that he jumped into the sea, but he was able to coax the young sea witch around, I admire him.

Roland caught a glimpse of Sif's reassuring smile from the corner of his eye, and any trace of envy towards his future father-in-law disappeared.

He's not bad either.

His future wife is the most beautiful girl in the world.

Although he had never met the old emperor, he had seen the portrait and knew how charming the old guy was.

A daughter follows her father. Sif is so beautiful, how can her father be inferior?

All in all, this wedding is a must attend.

According to the invitation letter provided by the Sea Witch, they can meet with the resident representative of the Witch Palace off the coast of Nubia and enter the Witch Palace through the teleportation array.

It is said that the Witch's Palace is deep in the underwater city, and very few humans can enter it.

Roland was also curious about this city.

Since he decided to leave, Roland did not waste time and arranged various affairs in the governor's jurisdiction. He and Sif prepared the horses for the long journey and set out on the road with curiosity and apprehension.

The journey from the Viceroyalty to Nubia had to go around the White Mountains, a distance of more than two thousand kilometers.

Fortunately, they were riding top-notch war horses. As long as they rested for one night, they would be full of energy and travel very quickly.

Ten days later, they finally entered Nubia.

Along the way, they encountered three waves of thieves.

Of course, these thieves are not their opponents, they are just here to pay their respects.

Roland did not kill him.

He is not kind, but this is a thief in the enemy's territory. He is too late to welcome him, so how can he help eradicate it?

Three waves of thieves knelt down and begged for mercy, thanked them profusely, and ran away with their heads in their hands.

Sif did not interfere with Roland's handling. She could see that although these thieves had malicious intentions, they had no intention of killing. They were just robbing and the crime was not punishable by death.

She didn't understand Roland's careful questioning, so she thought silently beside him.

Unfortunately, her smart mind never had the answer this time.

Seeing that Sif was hesitant to speak, Roland did not give in and explained with a smile: "Their composition is very complex, including farmers, workers, and even bankrupt citizens and factory owners."


Sif suddenly realized that Roland was gathering intelligence by torturing these thieves.

"It seems that the internal conflicts in the Kingdom of Tyrol are very acute."

"They are stepping up preparations for war." Roland hit the nail on the head.

There are conflicts at any time, but there is only one possibility for them to become so sharp. The Kingdom of Tyrol is militarizing.

As the day of return approaches, who is willing to wait for death?

The Rodinia continent in the future is destined to be a river of blood.

Everyone has to make choices and face tests.

Even the seemingly invincible Sophia has to face a big test. If she was sure of winning, why would she disappear all day long?

This is also the reason why Roland is willing to go to the Undersea City.

If things develop normally, the chance of him and Sif defeating Sophia is not zero, but it is also very low.

He needs to find opportunities for breakthrough.

He is the inheritor and needs more knowledge.

He has knowledge from the ancient era, he has knowledge from another world, and he also has knowledge from the Magic Empire.

This knowledge allowed him to touch different paths, but it was still not enough.

He still needs more knowledge.

Such as ancient memories from the ocean.

The Sea Witch is a young girl after all. Judging from her performance, if she is not in love, she is at least in love and unable to extricate herself.

She definitely hopes to receive blessings from her lover's family.

Building a good relationship with Edina will bring you all the benefits and no harm.

There was just one thing that Roland found hard to accept.

Roland is now almost twenty-one years old, only two years younger than Edina.

Just two years apart, is there a seniority difference?

Seeing Sif's calm expression, Roland was a little impressed.

She is indeed a royal girl who has seen a lot of things in the world. Her father wants to marry a girl who is five years older than her as a stepmother, but she doesn't care at all.

If Sif knew what Roland was thinking, she would definitely laugh out loud.

What is a big deal among the royal family and nobility for a stepmother to be five years older than her daughter?
Let alone five years older, there are stepmothers who are younger than my daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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