in the name of the queen

Chapter 280 The Sun’s steady performance

Chapter 280 The Sun’s steady performance

"That woman is coming back, what should I do?"

In the small parlor of Finance Minister Smith's house, several cabinet members gathered here to discuss how to deal with the Queen's return to the imperial capital.

Their faces were full of sorrow, and no one wanted to speak first.

After a suffocating silence, Smith couldn't help but look at Albon and complained softly:

"Alban, didn't you say that it was illegal for her to ascend the throne overseas? Now that she is coming back, she will even bring back the missing Fourth Fleet. What should we do?"

The remnants of the Fourth Fleet returned to overseas provinces, and there was clear information about the whereabouts of the old emperor.

Sif did not hide these things, but announced them openly.

She is an emperor, not a thief, so there is no need to be secretive.

With the old emperor's personal letter, abdication edict and personal seal, plus the death of Prince Fino, there was no dispute about her succession to the throne.

She just wanted to disclose the information and build momentum for her return.

She doesn't want a civil war, so she wants the military to know who is legitimate.

It becomes increasingly difficult for the cabinet to mobilize the military to stop her.

They have no reason.

Sif is a legitimate queen. Even if ascending the throne overseas is indeed contrary to the laws of her ancestors, this is what the founding emperor did, and she can still find reasons to defend her.

Even if they insist that the enthronement overseas does not count, the worst they can do is hold a replacement enthronement ceremony in the imperial capital.

It would be wrong to break up with the Queen over such a trivial matter.

Seeing that Alban didn't speak, Winston couldn't help but rush to answer.

"Everyone, everyone who often goes on a long voyage knows that sailing must rely on the wind, and the same is true for politics. Her Majesty the Queen is justified in her words, and we cannot stop it."

"Since we can't stop it, let's put aside our prejudices and welcome the Queen home."

Alban sneered and sneered: "Mr. Winston, do you think we can all continue to stay in office and continue to share power? As far as I know, Roland's overseas governor's offices basically set up officials in accordance with cabinet standards. Guess what? Who are the officials for?"

Alban's words made Winston's face instantly drop.

They were the old ministers of Emperor Edward, and the officials of the Governor-General were the ministers of the new emperor.

An emperor and a courtier, this principle is the same everywhere.

Military Intelligence Director Rice nodded and said softly: "Alban is right, Roland's Governor's Palace will be the new cabinet of the future."

Needless to say, the ministers here are all human beings, and there is no one who can't understand.

Sif brought these people back just to tell them to get lost.

Since no one supports her taking the throne overseas, then just leave.

The Minister of Culture and Education was calm. He smiled and teased: "I am sixty-one years old this year, and I am approaching the age of retirement. Since Your Majesty has someone to choose, it is not impossible to go home early and enjoy your old age."

"Enjoy your retirement?"

Alban seemed to have heard the most ridiculous thing in the world and couldn't help laughing.

He was the first to point at Smith and sneered: "Mr. Smith, you should know that Shanina's father Norton is now Roland's most respected alchemy master. Do you think Roland will help him avenge his daughter's murder?" hatred?"

Smith's face looked as ugly as cooked pork liver.

He mumbled and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Alban said it very bluntly, but it was the truth.

Anyone could land safely, but he had no chance.

Now that he had started, Alban was too lazy to talk nonsense. He named the ministers present one by one, listed the things they had done one by one, and ridiculed them.

As the person in charge of the legal field, he is well aware of the dark history of these colleagues, but he never talks about it out of concern for his face.

Now he has no scruples.

Some people are ashamed, while others are happy. Although some people seek personal gain, they do not cross the bottom line and even begin to fantasize about actively courting the Queen.

Seeing these people shaken, Alban took out a piece of paper from the lining of his underwear and slapped it on the table.

Here is a list.

The list of new cabinet members drafted by Sif.

Only Walder retained the old cabinet, and the rest were abandoned.

Not only that, except for a few people such as Walder and William, the names of everyone else are highlighted in red.

"Everyone, is anyone good at identifying handwriting to see if this is written by the Queen herself?"

Sylph has a lot of signature and review records, and her handwriting is easy to read.

The list was handed over to Rice. After careful observation, the professional intelligence officer looked ugly and just nodded silently.

Alban lowered his head slightly, fearing that he might not be able to hold back his laughter.

This is of course true, because this list was written by Sif herself and sent to him. This is a trap.

There is a difference between this list and the real list.

This is also the last chance Sif gives to the cabinet ministers.

If you take a risk after seeing the list, don't blame her for being rude.

If you see the list of people repenting and surrendering, you can give them a chance to land safely, just like you gave Athos and others the chance in the three overseas provinces.

This is politics.

Of course, there are two people who cannot be forgiven.

Smith and Winston.

These two men committed heinous crimes and must pay the price.

Smith held financial power, amassed money crazily, acted tyrannically, and protected crimes. Winston's personal ethics were not that bad, but he appointed the incompetent Planck as general and ruined half of the fleet.

For personal reasons, to avenge Prince Fino, Winston must die.

Yu Gong, in order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the imperial navy, he had to die.

Except for these two people, everyone else has the opportunity to go ashore.

Seeing this list, the cabinet ministers' hearts finally died.

Instigated intentionally or unintentionally by Albon, they decided to give it a try.

Since the Queen does not give them a way to survive, they can only seek death.

If something happens to the Queen, the empire cannot live without an Emperor, and everyone can only invite the old Emperor back.


Failure is rebellion, success is bringing order to chaos!
It was night, and the party at Smith's home lasted until very late. The dim candlelight reflected on the windows, bright and dark, just like the mood of the secret gathering.

The Fourth Fleet is coming back!
Her Majesty the Queen is coming back!
In the past two months, this topic has been discussed most among the people in the imperial capital.

Major newspapers are rushing to report relevant hot news.

Old emperor?
No one cares about the old guy, except the Sun.

Just a few days ago, The Sun acted as usual and published a special issue, telling the story of the old emperor Edward who did not love the country but the beauty, and fell into the gentle land of the Sea Witch.

This special issue is very exciting, and even presents in detail the whole process of the old emperor and Edina getting to know each other and falling in love.

Not only that, even the wedding scene was painted.

The old emperor is energetic and energetic, while the sea witch is extremely shy. After watching the movie, everyone didn’t know who to envy.

The story is exciting and the sales are very hot, but everyone just reads the story and doesn’t believe it.

The author didn't even dare to sign his name, but it was published in the Sun. Do you believe it?

No serious person would believe it.

Believe it or not, everyone still loves to watch it.

Even though the price of the special edition was six times that of the regular edition, it was still sold out.

At the strong request of readers, the machines in the Sun's printing factory worked non-stop for 24 hours until they started to smoke, and they printed more copies like crazy.

Rupert, who was so happy after counting money, was smiling from ear to ear in the Sun's top-floor office.

"These unscrupulous people would never have guessed that the author was Her Majesty the Queen."

It has to be said that Sif is very good at describing love, and she insists on describing an old cow chewing young grass as a year-long obsession.

Not only did readers love it, but so did Rupert.

He stood up, walked to the window, and looked toward the mouth of the Tamas River.

Countless ships come and go here every day, making it the busiest port in the world.

His eyes suddenly widened, and the cigar in his mouth fell to the ground.

Goddess above, what did he see?
Surrounded by countless battleships, a huge battleship covered in iron armor slowly but firmly sailed towards the dock.

How is this going?

Rupert is not an uneducated playboy. He often discusses cutting-edge science with academicians of the Academy of Sciences. He is knowledgeable and knows a little bit about physics.

Steel is denser than water, so it sinks to the bottom.

Wood is less dense than water, so it floats on water.

This is common sense, and it is also physical knowledge.

How could a warship built of steel float on water?

Even if it can float, what about the sail? How does this ship move?
Is physics dead?

(End of this chapter)

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