in the name of the queen

Chapter 283 Are you still called a young man if you don’t bother?

Chapter 283 Are you still called a young man if you don’t bother?
For the first time in so many years, Walder felt so refreshed.

His smile never broke.

Sif did not accompany her young lover on the first night after returning to the imperial capital, but came to the old man's house, which shows her respect for the teacher.

After not seeing her for two years, Sif became even more beautiful, and her childishness had faded away, becoming a little more calm.

She has really grown up.

He was no longer the little fool who panicked and asked the teacher for help, and even fantasized about retreating to the Earl of Tyrone and not paying attention to foreign affairs.

Walder even felt that Sophia was not that scary and that Sif could win.

It took Sif more than two hours to finish telling what happened overseas.

There were many things that Wald had heard about, but after all, they were just hearsays, far inferior to the oral accounts of those involved.

Conquer the sea monster, raid Helen, fight against the warlords, expand the territory, compete for Vaal, and finally go deep into the seabed to bring back the news of the old emperor.

"Actually, apart from being younger, I think Roland is the most suitable."

It's a pity that Roland doesn't want to be too busy.

Is it really that serious?
Seeing Teacher Wald's extremely nervous look, Sif guessed that he might be overthinking.

After telling the story, Sif picked up the teacup, took a few sips, moistened her throat, and said softly:

She understood Roland's refusal.

But that's not the case now.

It's a pity that time is so cruel, taking away his health and energy, and he is really unable to cope with the heavy government affairs.

She did not explain. She thought for a moment and slowly said, "Teacher, are you willing to serve as Prime Minister?"

Sif said nothing. Of course she had thought about what the teacher said, so she wanted Roland to be the prime minister.

When the government is on the right track, she will delegate the power to handle daily affairs to the cabinet. In addition to steering the giant ship of the empire, she will also work hard to improve her strength.

"Teacher, your experience and experience are still valuable assets." Xif said softly, but her attitude was firm.

The smile lasted only a few seconds before disappearing.

Sif wants him to be Prime Minister sincerely.

If it was a matter of life and death for the country, he would not retreat even if he risked his life.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Sif is an emperor who can perform miracles, completely different from the old emperor who hides secretly and never returns home.

Walder sighed.

When she walked out of the teacher's house, she was the queen of a super empire that ruled thirty-five provinces.

You're not being polite, are you really doing something?
Roland is now the person Sif trusts the most. If you have something to discuss, you can talk to him. Unless Roland can't solve it, you will talk to someone else.

Walder laughed and touched his beard, but his tone was extremely humble.

It's back, it's all back.

"Sif, you are now able to stand on your own, I have nothing left to teach you."

The return of more than 3,000 survivors of the Fourth Fleet made the whole country excited.

"I also think he is the most suitable."

Sophia is a more terrifying existence than the entire Vladimir Empire.

That innocent little girl is here, talking quietly to the teacher.

Walder looked at Sif's long eyelashes and felt a little complicated.

But only here.

The candlelight was slightly warm and the light was soft. Sif sat there quietly and yawned, much like she had dozed off when she was studying with her teacher.

"Do you have a better candidate in your mind? William is actually good, but his governing philosophy is a bit too conservative and cannot accept new things. Alban is also good in ability, but he is too deep and has been in the legal system before. It is difficult to Convince the public.”

"If I were ten years younger, or if there wasn't a rising star like Roland, of course I would."

She had already guessed that the teacher was unwilling to be the prime minister. After all, the old man was old, and she was reluctant to keep the teacher busy.

The young people have grown up, and the future of the empire belongs to them. Let them fly freely.

Even facing Vladimir's million-strong army, Sif had a way to deal with it. However, anyone facing Sophia's sword would have a headache.

"Teacher, there are some things I still need your wise guidance on."

Roland needs quiet time and space, and so does she.

Although she was mentally prepared, Wald's clear rejection still made Sif feel a little disappointed.

Walder smiled broadly, shook his head and sighed: "Sif, a new emperor needs a new attitude when he takes the throne. Changing a new prime minister is also an attitude, which means that your era has officially begun."

Walder's smile gradually faded, and his expression became a little solemn.

Perhaps because he felt that this topic was a bit sentimental, Wald calmly changed the subject.

Sif's eyebrows suddenly raised, and the teacher's approval made her feel good. The corners of her lips also raised a nice curve, with a bit of a smile.

Of course, the common people didn't know that the reason why the old emperor couldn't return home was because of Sif. They just thought that the queen was a hundred times stronger than the old emperor.

The most appropriate and the least appropriate.

Without Sophia's death threat, Roland might not have had to persist in becoming stronger and would not have refused.

Sif breathed a long sigh of relief, dispelled her low mood, and said calmly:
"I plan to make William and Albon the left and right chancellors respectively."

"Prime Minister, do you plan to let them supervise and balance each other?" Wald's hazy eyes suddenly lit up.

"It is a way. But there are many problems with the coexistence of left and right. Serious opposition between them can easily cause internal strife. If they are too united, it will threaten the monarchy."

Walder was right.

Although the emperor was afraid that the ministers would not be united, he was even more afraid that the ministers would be united.

Although he was a little worried, Wald only reminded him and did not object.

Sif has already made a name for herself overseas and can control the situation. Moreover, she is young and can control the situation for a long time without losing control.

Although it is hard work, it is not a big problem.

However, Sif's next words made him nervous again, "Teacher, I don't have much time to take care of specific matters. I want to focus on studying the power of the stars."

Perhaps Sif is now too much like a weak girl, making Walder forget that she still has a battle that she cannot avoid.

Sif has prestige, but if she is absent for a long time, the ministers will inevitably have their own ideas.

Neither William nor Albon is simple and will never let go of a power vacuum.

Walder had a slight headache and asked tentatively: "Where are the others?"

He just asked casually, but to his surprise, Sif took out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"Teacher, these are my cabinet candidates. Do you want to take a look first?"

Walder looked up at Sif.

Her clear eyes seemed to have never changed. But the innocence in his eyes was replaced by calmness.

He took the list and his smile froze. His name is at the top of the list.

Walder, proposed Prime Minister (retired), was created Earl of Nottingham.

Sif explained softly: "Teacher, I know you want to retire, so I want you to retire as prime minister and earl. The Earldom of Nottingham is about a hundred kilometers south of Hanseatic City. It is not big, but its trade is developed. , the climate is pleasant and it’s a good place.”

Looking at Sif's firm gaze, Walder knew that this was the final decision and could not be questioned.

He had worked hard for many years, following the old emperor and not getting a title, but he never expected to make a leap in life with Xif.

All the territories that can be sealed in the local area have been sealed. The royal territory cannot be transferred out, the land directly under the government cannot be reduced, and the new nobles can only be sealed outside.

In the past, the cabinet jumped out to object, but now Sif has the power alone. She can just say it is okay, and even if there is opposition, it will not become a problem.

Except for Walder, the titles of other ministers are basically barons and royal knights.

No need for Sif to explain, Walder also knew that this was the difference between closeness and distance. Of course he wouldn't refuse.

A hereditary title is the ultimate destination that a courtier dreams of.

There are three main types of knighthood.

The earldom of Walder is a bounty.

Athos and others overseas were rewarded for military merit.

And Roland is a reward for opening up the territory.

Walder asked with some confusion: "Where's Roland? It's impossible that he didn't give him a reward."

"I was going to make him the Duke of York, but he said it would be too much to make him a duke."

Sif's cheeks were slightly red.

The imperial royal family is the York family. The Duke of York has always been the emperor and occasionally the husband of the queen. In short, he is the emperor or a family member.

Walder's eyes lit up.

The child Sif finally has some enlightenment, but not much.

If Roland is directly granted the title of Duke of York, the government and the public will definitely be upset.

Except for the special existence of the Grand Duke Plantagenet, the dukes in the empire are the top nobles. The Duke of York is the most noble among them.

Roland rose to the top in one step, and others must be jealous.

Sif's tone was full of regret, "Even if you are the emperor, you can't do whatever you want. You can only make him feel aggrieved and make him Earl of Suig."

Walder was choked and speechless.

Do you hear that this is human speech?

Roland is indeed a count, but his count's gold content is almost as high as that of a duke.

It is hereditary, and the descendants will always be earls as long as they do not treason or rebel.

An ordinary duke will be reduced to an earl after three generations.

Walder doesn't get this treatment.

His old man's title was reduced to baron after three generations, and he could only maintain his rank unless he performed meritorious services or donated a large amount of money to the royal family.

Fortunately, if the hereditary title is reduced once, it will not be reduced again, and no matter how miserable it is, he will not be reduced to a commoner.

They are both counts, the gap is too big.

Of course, Walder would not compete with Roland for favor, but he was still envious in his heart.

In addition to these earls, Sif also granted titles to several ministers from overseas.

Athos and others are still barons, and they have changed their title from the native Tyrone Province to overseas, but the territory has changed from a single barony to a double barony, and the gold content is much higher than that of ordinary barons.

William and Alban were also awarded baronetcy, with small letters after their names.

William (mature and steady).

Alban (turning from darkness to light).

Walder couldn't help but want to laugh. Although Sif has grown up, she is still a young person after all, and it is inevitable that she is still a bit childish.

After reading the list, he knew enough not to ask where Smith, Winston and others had gone.

Politics is like this, and the end of political life often means the end of life.

Some people disappear as they walk.

The only choice that puzzled him was Rupert.

"Sif, do you really plan to make Rupert the chief of intelligence? I'm not questioning your decision, nor the loyalty of the Plantagenet family. It's just that he is too unmeasured and even dares to talk nonsense about his father. Let’s think about it again.”

"Teacher, are you talking about the special issue in which my father did not love the country but loved the beauty, lived in seclusion in the underwater city, and married the sea witch?"

Walder nodded and couldn't help but remind: "There is an earlier special issue. He is simply. I admit that his ability to control intelligence is far better than that idiot Rice, but he is too frivolous."

He didn't know what words to use to describe Rupert.

Call this guy disloyal, the Plantagenet family are die-hard royalists; call him loyal, this guy often uses the royal family to attract attention, and even makes color jokes.

And he even made fun of Sif and Roland more than once.

Just when Walder was thinking about how to persuade, Sif had already ended the topic.

"Teacher, he is very suitable."

Now that the Queen has expressed her stance, it would be rude to continue to pester.

Walder shrugged and said nothing.

This is not a default, but a reservation. Like an abstention, it is an objection without objection.

After solving the problem of cabinet selection, Sif couldn't help but sigh when she thought of Roland.

"Teacher, I still hope that Roland can join the cabinet, even if he is a sinecure."

"The cabinet does not support idlers. As long as one person is lazy, others will follow suit."

Walder smiled and teased: "Since you can't live without him, I have an idea."

"Speak quickly, tell me quickly. Teacher, you are really great. There is a way to do this."

Sif was not flattering, she really admired Walder. The fox is still as cunning as ever, and this kind of problem can be solved.

Walder enjoyed Sif's admiration very much, but unfortunately Sif was the queen now, so he had to clear his throat and did not continue to whet her appetite.

"During the Magic Empire, although the emperor was the head of state, he often hid in the magic tower to study various forbidden spells and rarely handled government affairs personally. In order to facilitate the management of the country, a supreme consul was set up, whose status was higher than other consuls. Lower than the Emperor.”

"The supreme consul has a detached status. He does not enter the cabinet and does not have to manage specific affairs, but he can intervene in politics, military personnel, and finance. During the emperor's absence, he has to act as the emperor's responsibilities."

Walder thought for a while and gave the most accurate explanation.

"Probably the executive deputy emperor."

"Okay, let's do it!" Sif agreed without any hesitation.

She stood up happily, clapped her hands lightly, thought for a moment, and said with a smile:

"However, the title of Supreme Consul is not grand enough. During the Magic Empire, the deputy emperor had another title, which was also an honorary title."

Walder's face changed slightly.

Of course he knew the title of the deputy emperor.


He wanted to persuade him, but quickly gave up.

Compared to giving the Duke of York to Roland, Caesar was nothing.

Seeing that Sif had no intention of sitting back, Walder stood up and said with a smile:

"It's late at night, and I'm a little sleepy. Alas, I can't stand it anymore when I'm older. I can't compare with you young people."

"Then teacher, please go to bed early and don't need to send me off."

Sif said she didn't need to give it away because she felt sorry for the teacher. If Wald really didn't give it away, it would be a sign of shame.

He walked towards the door with a smile, "I'm not that old yet."

After sending Sif to the door, Walder remembered Sif's insistence on Rupert being the intelligence chief, and couldn't help but remind him:

"Sif, you can use Rupert, but you must beat him and don't talk nonsense."

Xif, who had already reached the door, stopped, looked back at the teacher, and said softly:
"Teacher, the special issue about Father and the Sea Witch was submitted by me."

Watching Sif's back disappear into the night, Walder stayed where he was until a cool sea breeze woke him up.

Sure enough, it is still

(End of this chapter)

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