in the name of the queen

Chapter 294 The Saint’s Rejection

Chapter 294 The Saint’s Rejection

Erin was filled with anger, but she didn't know how to vent it.

It is true that she did not obtain a papal bull, and her only reliance was the sincere letter written by Cardinal Yiga.

Yiga also had no right to order Roland, he could only persuade.

Yiga and Irene are both from the Wende Empire, and so is Christine.

In fact, many of the top leaders of the Bright Palace came from the Wende Empire.

It was already very difficult for the Wende Empire to resist the Kingdom of Pruden and the Empire of Vladimir alone, and fighting on two fronts was even more exhausting.

Coupled with the one-vote veto system of backward high-ranking members, it is very difficult for them to organize resistance.

The situation was urgent, and the Wende Empire had no choice but to ask for help from the Holy Court of Light.

To be fair, as long as there is another way, they are not willing to ask for help from the Holy Palace of Light.

But they had no choice.

Of course Irene understands this simple truth. She just hopes that Christine's feelings for the motherland will surpass everything else.

The Pope is not a fool and will never issue a decree that is destined to not be carried out.

Fortunately, the Vladimir Empire is currently only launching a tentative attack.

The high-level temple and elite warriors were the troops assigned to Roland when he was wooed over, but were managed by Christine.

With the help of the divine power, even if the invaders are defeated, the royal family will suffer huge losses.

The Wende Empire is facing danger, and every Wende people have the obligation to take up arms to resist aggression.

The large-scale expansion of the temple warriors was also built with Roland's money and Christine's efforts, without using the resources of the temple.

At this critical moment of national crisis, parliament is still quarreling, and senior members are still using their veto power crazily because of personal interests and even conflicts of temper.

In her mind, she was a servant of the goddess on earth, and she did not belong to any secular state.

When they get serious, the situation of the Wende Empire will be even more difficult.

But Christine didn't approve.

Unless she has a formal decree from the Pope, there is legal basis, but it is only legal basis.

However, Irene seems to have forgotten one thing. Although there are tens of thousands of temple warriors here, many elite warriors, and high-level temples, they have nothing to do with her.

This is just Erin's wishful thinking.

Even Yiga's handwritten letter revealed a hint of helplessness.

This is Erin's logic.

Regardless of reason or law, Irene had no right to mobilize troops.

These greedy gangsters will ask for high prices without hesitation.

This is the scene where Erin asks Christine for support.

In desperation, the emperor could only skip the parliament and directly ask the divine court for help.

Being devout in faith and loyal to the divine court is what a saint should do.

If the Wende Empire cannot hold on, it means that the New World does not have her old ticket and should withdraw from the stage of history.

Going against the trend of history is tantamount to mantis trying to control the chariot.

Iga's handwritten letter was written very sincerely, starting from the long history and splendid culture of the Wende Empire, to the naked aggression of the Vladimir Empire, and finally gently reminding Roland that his lips were cut off and his teeth were also damaged. Keep it intact.

To be fair, this was a very touching letter. Roland was very moved, but he still hard-heartedly refused.

It's not that I don't agree, it's just that my stance is different.

In Roland's view, the demise of the Wende Empire is not good news, but it is even worse if they directly block the Vladimir Empire.

After all, the Vladimir Empire is far away, with long supply lines and limited troops that can be mobilized. The straight-line distance between the Wende Empire and the Viceroyalty is less than 500 kilometers, which is too close.

His attitude was similar to Christine's.

If you have the ability to build an empire, you must have the ability to defend it.

If you can fight, fight; if you can't fight, defend; if you can defend, defend; if you can't defend, flee; if you can flee, flee; if you can't flee, surrender; if you can surrender, surrender; if you can't surrender, die.

This world has always been so cruel.

Only at home in the sea of ​​​​flowers, he and Xif had a chance to win. Going to the away game to face Sophia head-on would be courting death.

Roland's reply was also very sincere.

He used data and tables to compare the strength gap and war potential of all parties, and also listed the supply risks of the Vladimir Empire.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that the Wende Empire should persist in resisting, and if it could not resist, run away and go into exile abroad with its effective forces to establish a government in exile.

If you want to defeat the Vladimir Empire, you must go to the farthest place where the opponent's supply line is most difficult to connect.

For example, the city-state of Vaal, or even the Golden Kite Republic.

As long as we win, the Wende Empire will have a chance to recover.

At the end of the autographed letter, Roland thought again and again and reminded Iga to be careful of backstabbing from the Kingdom of Tyrol. It is impossible to send troops, they are all elites he spent money to raise!

It was impossible to send Christine back to support him. Christine was Roland's battle commander and Roland's designated commander-in-chief of the decisive battle.

In the final battle, Roland and Sif will leave the battlefield to fight Sophia, and the frontal battlefield will naturally be left to Christine.

Just when Roland handed the autographed letter to Irene and planned to tell her to get out, an unexpected guy stood up.

"I am willing to follow Miss Irene and live and die with Wende."

The person who stood up was another high-level saint, Joseph, who was only half a level lower than Christine.

He participated in the Battle of Helenbergh and made great contributions to the defeat of the Kingdom of Oden.

He was from the Wende Empire, and his grandfather was a famous imperial general.

Although he is a High Templar and should not take part in secular struggles, he cannot change his homeland.

“As long as our breath lasts, civilization will never perish.

Take up arms, kill the enemy, and bring glory to my land.

Onward, onward.”

He sang the national anthem impassionedly and with calm eyes.

His eyes fell softly on Christine's face, without blame or resentment, but only calmness and determination.

He didn't want to morally kidnap Christine, he just expressed his determination.

Christine avoided Joseph's gaze, her expression was as calm as water, but her delicate hands shrunk in her sleeves were trembling slightly.

Wende is her motherland after all.

Roland saw the struggle in her eyes, sighed softly in his heart, and reluctantly said:

"Christine, if you want to leave, you can take away one Pantheon warrior and all the Templar warriors. But you must swear not to do anything stupid. If you fail, you must come back to see me."

This is Roland's bottom line.

Christine looked up in shock, her lips pursed, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

She knew Roland, so she never thought that Roland would be so generous.

Looking at Roland's clear eyes, she knew that Roland was not being polite, he was serious.

Erin's eyebrows raised happily, and her voice was a little excited, "Thank you, Roland."

"Great, Christine, we can fight side by side again, under your command"

"No, I'm not leaving."

Christine cut off Irene's words and refused coldly.

"Why?!" Erin's eyes widened, and her beautiful face was obviously distorted.

Roland, a miser, agreed to bloodletting. What did Christine mean by this?
That's a Pantheon warrior! Although the expanded temple warriors are slightly less powerful, if used properly, they can also unleash the combat power of an ordinary army of 50,000 people.

Not to mention Christine.

She is a top commander and a magician on the battlefield.

Her existence is comparable to that of a hundred thousand troops.

With a wave of his hand, Roland sent away the equivalent combat strength of 150,000 troops.

Even Cardinal Yiga could not imagine such a generous gift, but Roland gave it to him.

But Christine didn't accept it.

Erin was a little messy.

Looking at her dull eyes, Christine explained calmly:

"Eileen, from a political point of view, the Wende Empire has long been decayed. Rather than sinking with the decaying ship, it is better to rebuild a new ship."

"From a military point of view, the front line of Vaal City is the best place for a decisive battle."

"I will bury the barbaric Vladimirians here, and I will support the reconstruction of New Wende, but I will not be buried with the corrupt royal family."

Christine's attitude was firm. She raised her hand to stop Irene who wanted to say something else, and directly kicked out the guest.

"Erin, you can go."

Erin's eyes were slightly red, and she bit her lip for fear of crying in front of the hateful guy.

Just as he was leaving, Joseph looked back at Christine.

There was one part confusion, two parts helplessness, three parts sadness and four parts indifference in his eyes.

He turned away and walked away firmly.

He knew very well that they would never meet again.

See you again someday, it will probably be a new reincarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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