in the name of the queen

Chapter 333 The sky is blue

Chapter 333 The sky is blue
After 0.1 seconds of confusion, Christine subconsciously thought it was time to run.

Is not it?
As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, she knew very well that the defense of Val City was over.

It is difficult for a supernatural being to change the situation of a battle on his own, with the exception of Sophia.

Sophia did not kill many people personally. She did not even take the initiative to kill anyone except for the unlucky guy who went up to die and was frozen into ice chips.

But she crushed the source of the coalition's morale.

The holy spring was frozen, and the holy water turned into holy ice. The miracle of saving the seriously injured was gone.

The belief of the 200,000-strong army in victory was also frozen.

All Christine can do now is to minimize the losses.

At the moment when the order to retreat was about to be issued, Christine's body suddenly stiffened.

From a general rational point of view, ordering a retreat after morale collapses is the best option.

The freezing of the holy spring = morale collapse, this is what most people think, but she is not an ordinary person.

If they retreated at this time, the tens of thousands of enemy cavalry cruising on the periphery would easily tear apart the infantry who were retreating in a panic and without cover.

Leaving Val City would mean certain defeat.

After a brief thought, Christine made a decision that went against military common sense.

Charge and fight for your life.

The city of Val is a plain city, and the holy spring is on the outskirts of the city. There are only a few thousand soldiers who can see the frozen holy spring. On the huge battlefield with a total of more than 500,000 people on both sides, a few thousand people will not affect the overall situation.

Christine, who had a bird's-eye view of the overall situation, quickly gave orders for the troops near the Holy Spring to retreat along the Rodinia River.

These demoralized troops would flee quickly even without an order to retreat, which gave them a good reason to retreat.

The retreat route Christine drew for them was not far from the Asak Steppe Cavalry and the Pruden Black Cavalry.

These elite cavalrymen could easily wipe out these fleeing soldiers by simply launching a charge.

And they don't know that this is what Christine wants.

Use the enemy to kill the soldiers who witnessed the truth about the freezing of the Holy Spring to prevent the morale collapse from spreading to the entire army.

Only she could make such a cold-blooded decision in an instant, so much so that the adjutant standing next to her was stunned when he received the order.

The lieutenant had to question Christine to confirm the authenticity of the order.

"Execute now!"

Christine said coldly, the stigmata on her fair face turning a little more red because of anger.

Now she doesn’t look like someone blessed by the light, but rather like a devil walking out of a bloody hell.

Beautiful, but exceptionally horrifying.

The adjutant's hands trembled slightly as she came to the end of the airship. After hesitating for a long time, she gritted her teeth and passed on Christine's order through flag signals.

After delivering the order, the adjutant's face looked extremely ugly, and he didn't even want to report to Christine.

It was difficult for him to accept this unequivocal act of sending soldiers to their deaths, but he also admitted that this was the optimal solution without considering emotional factors.

He was conflicted and entangled until he heard Christine's call.

The adjutant rushed over like lightning and continued to convey orders to Christine.

Christine's orders were bloodthirsty and crazy.

She ordered all her elite troops to launch a surprise attack and head straight for Sophia's main camp.

Judging from the fact that Sophia did not start a massacre just now, she seemed to have some reservations about slaughtering soldiers on a large scale.

Not only her, most extraordinary people would not slaughter ordinary people at will.

It is said that killing too many ordinary people will affect your advancement. Although there is no quantitative standard for this statement, the predecessors who founded the extraordinary system said so, and we can only believe it.

Christine's idea was simple. Since Sophia couldn't kill ordinary people, her extraordinary powers would be of little use against large numbers of soldiers.

If Sophia was forced to take action herself, that would be a good thing. At least it would consume her physical strength, making Roland's final battle easier.

If Sophia had been restrained, this Jedi counterattack would have had a good chance of breaking through the enemy's main camp and cutting off the flag representing the Queen's authority.

The troops at the forefront at this time were the Third Regiment of Temple Warriors trained by her personally. Although this force had only 1,500 people, its combat effectiveness was comparable to that of 5,000 or 6,000 people.

This is her direct line.

Without even a second's hesitation, Christine ordered the Third Regiment of the Temple Knights to launch a counterattack against the enemy in front.

Since they are direct descendants, they cannot fail at critical moments, otherwise there is no point in keeping them.

They were at the front line and had not yet noticed that the Holy Spring had been frozen. Their morale and combat effectiveness were at their peak.

If they were allowed to look back and see the holy spring frozen into an ice sculpture, the army would collapse.

At the same time, she also ordered other elite troops of the coalition to attack the enemy's main camp.

This order may not seem reasonable, but these selected troops are elite with outstanding loyalty and combat effectiveness.

An idea flashed through their minds.

Marshal Christine discovered the enemy's loophole.

If the Marshal thinks it’s okay, then go for it!
The Royal Guards led by Jace launched a charge.

The Iron Wall Legion, including Tom and Jerry, launched a charge.

The Jin Yuan Kingdom's guards launched a charge.

The 1st Division of the Governor-General's District launched the charge.

The only ace force of the Talia Kingdom launched a charge.

The elite troops that could be found on the battlefield, under the command of Christine, were like countless sharp swords, fiercely stabbing into the main camp of the Holy Alliance Army.

That's where Sophia is stationed.

There was a camp with white chamomile flowers and a double-headed eagle flag flying high.

There was the camp of the most elite troops of the entire coalition, the Asak Steppe Cavalry.

These grassland berserkers are elites selected from the grassland cavalry, which is mainly composed of Asak people. They are blessed by shamans, wear two layers of chain mail, and are smeared with cold whale oil. They are not affected by the outside world during the berserk period and can exert extraordinary combat effectiveness.

During the berserk period, their average combat effectiveness is even higher than that of the temple warriors, but after the berserk period ends, their combat effectiveness is even lower than that of ordinary cavalry.

Berserkers are difficult to train and have high maintenance costs. Even with the vast territory and resources of the Vladimir Empire, it can only afford to support more than 30,000 Berserkers.

These wild cavalrymen are the nemesis of the infantry, the nightmare of the cavalry, and the shadow that the artillery must face in despair without having time to reload their ammunition.

They are nearly invincible on the battlefield.

Two months ago, the Berserkers caused Christine to suffer a great loss in their first appearance. This was also the first time that the Holy Alliance defeated Christine in a head-on battle with equal forces.

The only drawback of the Berserker is that it takes a long time to train, cannot be mass-produced, and cannot be replenished after loss.

Since the war began, more than 4,000 Berserkers have suffered casualties and lost their combat effectiveness. The remaining 20,000 Berserkers have been divided into two divisions and will not be easily used unless it is a critical moment.

The Berserkers are also the only type of troops that must ask Sophia for permission before being deployed, which shows their importance and combat effectiveness.

The attack and defense of Val City was a meat-grinder-like war of attrition, and no one was willing to throw their precious Berserkers into such a meat-grinder.

They would rather let the northern Tatars and Tuvans from the more distant steppes die.

The elite Berserkers cannot stay away from the battlefield, but they also do not participate in wars of attrition.

When Christine launched her desperate attack, Sofia was returning to the main camp accompanied by Angelina.

Back in the room, Sophia's face, as calm as a glacier, finally couldn't hold on any longer and was filled with fatigue.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?" Angelina was startled and her voice was trembling.

As a core member of the Allied Forces, Angelina is very clear about the current situation of the two major camps.

Although the Vladimir Empire was vast and rich in resources, the transportation of food and supplies within the country was very difficult due to the poor road conditions in the newly conquered Wendish Empire.

The Allied forces' military supplies basically relied on the Kingdom of Tyrol.

The rich Kingdom of Tyrol was able to provide military supplies to the Allied forces, but they seemed to have less and less interest in this protracted war.

Angelina certainly knew about the conflict between Queen Sissi and Sophia, but she couldn't say it.

Since we are allies, we cannot say anything that is not conducive to unity.

Because the Vladimir Empire became increasingly dependent on its two allies, and with the death of Marshal Suvorokin, the attitudes of the two allies also changed.

They have more interests and power demands.

They wanted to have equal status with the Vladimir Empire, they wanted to obtain a crown symbolizing the throne after the war, and they even wanted to gain dominance over the Allied Forces.

It's normal for them to have such thoughts.

Unlike the Vladimir Empire, which is short of talent and relies entirely on Sophia, these two allies have abundant talent reserves.

They have an endless stream of top talents in many fields including politics, science and technology, industry, education and even literature and art.

Because of these things, the two major allies looked down on the Vladimir Empire to some extent.

The descendants of Odin are superior to the barbaric and crude Rurikians.

This is their consensus.

As for who can represent the Odin people, the Kingdom of Pruden and the Kingdom of Tyrol have different opinions.

The Holy Alliance camp has never been a monolithic entity.

Even though they had been cut off from international trade at sea by the Free Alliance and could only use internal resources to make a last-ditch effort, the struggle never stopped.

Faced with the increasingly direct power demands of the two major allies, if it weren't for Sophia's pressure, the conflicts within the alliance would have intensified long ago.

Even if Sophia was there, there was no way to suppress their demands all the time.

She is so short of people.

Suvorokin was the soul of the army, and his death changed a lot. The Vladimir Empire had no successor.

Sakhalin, the Blade of Destruction, exposed his own shortcomings in the war to conquer the Belikhanate.

He was an outstanding army commander and was indeed proficient in commanding battles of 50,000 men, but he had some difficulties serving as a corps-level commander.

His style is steady.

Building a strong camp and fighting a static battle was the fighting method he was best at.

Therefore, he is not suitable for this battlefield at all. According to his fighting style, he is still wandering around Hansa City, and the huge consumption of materials would have dragged down the alliance camp long ago.

Sophia can only activate Angelina.

Although she would rather train Angelina into a well-rounded talent to fill the vacancy left by Roland's reluctance to come, she had no choice as the battlefield was really short of people.

We can't let her take charge personally, can we?

Commanding a war is extremely exhausting. If she consumes too much energy, she will not be able to control the overall situation in the final battle.

Fortunately, Angelina's performance exceeded her expectations.

Sophia is the nominal commander of the allied forces, but the actual command is delegated to Angelina.

Back at the main command center, Sophia finally dropped her disguise, revealing her exhaustion, which startled Angelina.

Facing Angelina's concern, Sophia just smiled and said softly:

"I didn't expect the backlash from the Holy Spring to be so severe. It's not a big problem. I'll just take a short rest. But how do you plan to take over Val City?"

Since Sophia said so, Angelina felt relieved.

No one can hurt Her Majesty the Queen, she is invincible!

Angelina cleared her throat and said loudly: "If the holy spring is frozen, fanatical believers like Christine will definitely collapse completely, and the enemy's unified command will no longer exist."

"I plan to use two armies from the Kingdom of Pruden to attack from the left wing, and ten brigades from the Kingdom of Tyrol to attack from the right wing. I plan to use two feints to distract the enemy's attention. Finally, I will personally lead the elite troops to attack from the center, open the city wall, and let the wild cavalry attack to completely strangle the enemy."

Her face was full of anticipation for victory, and her tone was a little teasing, "These fanatical freedom people have been holding back for too long, and finally they can enjoy the battle." After listening to Angelina's deployment, Sophia smiled and nodded, but she still reminded:
"Your plan is very good, except for the fact that you have to lead the attack yourself. Remember, as a commander, you cannot take risks on the front line at will. If the commander is killed, the whole army is in danger of collapse."

"Your Majesty, you obey!"

Angelina wanted to say that you did it too, but when she thought of Sophia's strength, she couldn't say it.

Sophia is right. How strong do you have to charge in person?
The last time she was caught red-handed by Roland was just last time, and she dared not forget it.

Angelina saluted Sophia, turned and left. As she left the command center, she stopped and let out a slight sound.

"Your Majesty, take a good rest. I will bring you victory."

Angelina left quickly, so she naturally didn't notice that Sophia's face was pale as a trace of blood.

After watching Angelina leave, Sophia could no longer hold on. She covered her lips and swallowed the blood.

The Holy Spring is indeed a miracle left by the goddess, its backlash power is too strong.

In history, people have attacked the Holy Spring before, but because the attack power was too weak and the rebound damage was also low, they just died on the spot.

The backlash Sophia suffered was dozens of times greater than that of the previous fountain rusher. If it weren't for her strength that was beyond ordinary people's comprehension, she would have died.

If you dare to touch the goddess's things, isn't that courting death?
Sophia coughed lightly a few times, wiped the blood from the corner of her lips, closed her eyes and entered a deep state of meditation.

If she could remain in a meditative state for three days, she would be fully recovered, just in time for the Battle of White Mountain.

She wanted Roland to understand that what he rejected was not the appointment as Prime Minister, but the hope of life.

She could have chosen not to kill them, but she changed her mind now.

If these young people were allowed to survive, who knows what new tricks they would come up with on the next return day.

The world is already in chaos and can’t stand any more turmoil. It’s better to calm down sooner rather than later.

Sophia closed her eyes slightly, entering a special ethereal state that was desirable but not sought after.

In this ethereal state, she can fully recover in just a day and a half.

That will be the death of all enemies.
If nothing unexpected happens, the outcome of the Battle of White Mountain will most likely be one-sided.

However, accidents always happen as expected.

The sounds of gunfire, shouting and screaming coming from outside the camp woke Sophia up from her ethereal meditation.

Sophia frowned, and her face, which was originally a little too pale, turned slightly red.

She was really angry.

Ordinary people get grumpy when they wake up, let alone the queen who stands at the pinnacle of power in the world.

She stood up suddenly and walked towards the door in a distracted manner.

What happened to Angelina? Weren't we attacking? Why did the battle break out at the camp gate?
The angry queen walked out of the command center and saw a wild cavalry officer jumping on his horse and walking out in a hurry without even having time to put on his armor.

She called out to the Wild Rider officer, "Captain, what happened?"

The Wild Cavalry were the elite of the Empire, and they were always arrogant. Even a Lieutenant Colonel of an ordinary unit would not pay much attention to him, let alone a mere
After seeing Sophia's appearance and clothes clearly, the captain of the wild cavalry rolled off his horse and knelt on one knee in front of Sophia.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is crazy!"

"I can judge whether the enemy is crazy or not. Tell me, what's going on!" Sophia frowned slightly and pointed out the mistake of the captain of the mad cavalry coldly.

The captain of the Wild Riders shuddered with fear, remembering the generals who often talked about the Queen's taboos, one of which was that she did not like to include subjective judgments when reporting intelligence.

The captain quickly reported the information he knew to Sophia.

Just after the Great Queen personally froze the Holy Spring, the enemy not only did not surrender, but instead launched a desperate attack on the well-fortified main camp of the Allied Forces.

Isn't this crazy?
The captain complained silently but didn't dare to say it out loud.

Sophia was stunned for a few seconds. The moment she heard the news, she had almost the same judgment as the captain: the enemy was crazy.

But after just a few seconds, she realized what was going on.


It will take some time for the news of the freezing of the holy spring to spread. During this period, the negative impact of the freezing of the holy spring has not yet affected the entire army.

If we can defeat the enemy through attack during this period of time, the frozen holy spring will recover sooner or later, and those charlatans will have a satisfactory explanation at that time.

What a cruel decision.

Sophia couldn't help but praise Christine, who was the enemy and at the top of the kill list, but she still couldn't understand it.

There were at least several thousand soldiers who witnessed the freezing process near the holy spring. The morale of these people must have collapsed, and their collapse would lead to the collapse of the entire army.

It can even create an artistic effect where a soldier shouting "Our army is defeated" can lead to the collapse of the entire army.

Did Christine really never think about it?

The troops that can stay near the Holy Spring are all elite and direct descendants. The negative impact of these people's mental explosion is much greater than that of other troops.

She was somewhat curious about how Christine would solve this problem.

After the questioning, Sophia waved her hand to signal the captain to return to his post. She rejected the escort of the guards who came to escort her with her eyes and walked to the front line alone.

The reason why she refused to escort him was simple, "Are your fighting skills better than mine?"

This reason was impeccable, and she successfully escaped and rushed to the front line.

When she arrived at the front line, she finally discovered that the situation was far worse than she had imagined.

Because they had been on the offensive since the beginning of the war, the Allied forces had become accustomed to being in the position of attackers.

Their defensive position was poor, even perfunctory.

The depth of a normal trench requires that a person can stand easily in it, and the width requires that more than two people can walk side by side to facilitate the soldiers' movement.

However, the Allied trenches could barely accommodate one person, which meant that their trenches were just props for dealing with inspections from their superiors.

We can deal with inspections from superiors, but we cannot deal with inspections from the enemy at all.

When the elite troops of the Free Alliance launched an attack, the arrogant Allied forces paid a heavy price, with the wild cavalry suffering the heaviest losses.

Since the Battle of Val City, they have not participated in any battles and have long lost their vigilance and combat readiness.

When the Free Alliance Army launched the attack, one-fifth of the Berserkers, who subconsciously believed that no one would dare to provoke them, even drank alcohol.

The wild cavalry had a habit of using wine to fuel their charge, so drinking was normal, but most of these soldiers were drunk.

If one-fifth of an army is drunk before a battle begins, it will be difficult for them to quickly form a complete combat force.

The Berserkers, with their amazing combat effectiveness, became the focus of the Free Alliance's attack.

Under the attacks of rifles, bayonets, explosive shells, javelins and indiscriminate artillery fire, the number of casualties among the Berserkers rose rapidly.

By the time they had gathered, more than four thousand people had already laid dead forever on this cold land.

Sophia's appearance stabilized the situation on the battlefield slightly.

No matter how miserable the soldiers were, they would pick themselves up after seeing her and continue fighting the enemy.

Angelina also saw Sophia. She was ashamed, but she still rode her horse over.

The past half hour was the most embarrassing half hour in her life, even more embarrassing than when she was captured by Roland.

Christine's crazy but methodical attack made her realize the real gap between herself and the historical champions.

While she was still considering the morale blow caused by the freezing of the holy spring, Christine cunningly skipped this stage and started fighting for her life directly.

Since it cannot be seen, the freezing of the holy spring does have an impact, but it is not that big.

Seeing Christine looking anxious, Sophia did not get angry, but asked softly:

"I told you not to charge in person, why are you in such a hurry again?"

Angelina said embarrassedly: "I, I want to turn the tide of the war, but I can't do anything. The enemy is too cunning and beyond my expectations. Your Majesty, I will apologize to you after the war. Now I have to clean up the mess."

"There's no way? Are you sure you've thought of all the options?"

"Your Majesty, I am incompetent." Angelina lowered her head in shame, her voice so low that it was almost inaudible.

"You haven't asked me for help yet." Sophia's eyes flashed with murderous intent as she looked up at the sky.

There was Christine's command center, a super airship.

The airship floats at a height of several hundred meters, beyond the range of all weapons, but its field of vision is excellent, making it easy to control the overall situation.

Commanding a battle on an airship is simply cheating.

Angelina saw the Queen looking up and couldn't help but mutter, "Your Majesty, the only way to turn the tables is to shoot down the airship and kill Christine."

"Okay." Sophia said softly.

"Wait, Your Majesty, what are you going to do?" Angelina followed Sophia with a confused look on her face, not understanding Sophia at all.

Did she want to use cold air to freeze the airship hundreds of meters in the air?
This is too outrageous.

Sophia ignored Angelina's chatter and went straight to the nearest artillery company.

"Lieutenant, what is the maximum elevation angle of your artillery?"

"Your Majesty, it's 33.5 degrees." The artillery company commander reported to Sophia excitedly.

"What's the range?"

"Four and a half miles!"

"Very good. Now raise the muzzles of the three guns, aim at the airship, and fire at the same time."

"Your Majesty, the artillery's firing height is simply not enough to reach the airship." The artillery company commander was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry about this, just make sure the three cannons fire at the same time!"

Since the Queen asked, the artillery lieutenant naturally did not dare to waste time. He quickly commanded the artillery to adjust the elevation angle to the maximum and then get ready.

After getting Sophia's permission, the artillery company commander gritted his teeth and ordered the firing.

Three shells were fired almost simultaneously and flew into the air.

When these three cannons were aimed at the airship, Christine, who was commanding on the airship, was stunned.

Is this artilleryman an idiot? What kind of artillery can hit a target 800 meters high?
Christine smiled.

She never dreamed that the army of the Vladimir Empire was so weak.

Maybe she had respected them too much before.

She could never have imagined that the Wild Riders had such poor discipline, let alone that their trenches were so perfunctory.

I thought it was a life-threatening fight, but I didn't expect there would be a chance for beheading.

As long as we cut down the Queen's flag, the battle will be won.

She could relieve Roland's pressure to the greatest extent possible.

Seeing Sophia standing between the three cannons, she couldn't help laughing.

Sophia was anxious. She was really anxious.

She just didn't believe that Sophia could fly up.

The sound of cannon fire rang out, and Christine even saw the fire from the cannonball leaving the gun.

Then she saw a scene that she would never forget in her life.

Sophia jumped onto the cannonball, stomped on it hard, used the recoil to rush to another cannonball, and then stomped on it again until she reached the third cannonball.

She stood on the last shell and flew high into the sky.

Christine barely had time to react before her eyes turned into a deep blue.

Blue snow swallowed the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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