Follow Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the country

Chapter 172 The emperor was furious and began to cheer up

Chapter 172 The emperor was furious and began to cheer up

After Emperor Yuan Shun cursed such a sentence, he couldn't help but think of Tuotuo, and asked Wang Jianu, the right prime minister: "Do you think that if Tuotuo were here, would the situation not be so bad?"

Wang Jianu and Hama, who was also in front of the imperial court and had been promoted to Zhongshu Pingzhang, were both shocked.

Wang's slave immediately said: "Your Majesty, for taking off the power of stealing the country and intending to commit rebellion, he has long been hated by heaven. Even if your Majesty does not deal with him, heaven will accept him!"

"Your Majesty's handling of him was a sage and sage act. As for the current situation, it was all caused by the incompetence of the rest of the party, and it is not your Majesty's fault!"

"That's right. Your Majesty did not impose capital punishment for his treason. He only supervised the place and let God take it away. He is already as benevolent and virtuous as God and is praised by all people. There is nothing unclear about it."

"Only a remnant of Tuo Tuo's party deliberately pretends to be a traitor and slanders His Majesty. His words are not credible, but his heart should be punished! Your Majesty is a holy king, how can he be slandered by a traitor?"

"What's more, although we went to Tuotuo, we did not get rid of its party. Therefore, the current situation is not that we are too hasty to remove Tuotuo, but that we are too slow to remove Tuotuo's party!"

Hama followed the words.

Wang Jianu also continued: "As for the thieves in the south of the Yangtze River, your Majesty does not need to worry too much. Although the Taiping Road has been lost, after all, important places such as Jiqing and Zhenjiang have not been lost, and the demon thieves have just successfully crossed the river and established a foothold. It is not yet stable, so the problem of thieves has not reached the point of being out of control.”

"There is also Zhu Wenzheng, Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew."

"At the same time, we should deploy more Miao, Tu and other troops to march eastward to block the retreat of the demons and thieves in the south of the Yangtze River, and select a large number of soldiers to coordinate all the troops."

Hama continued.

"In addition, there are Zhang Shicheng, Fang Guozhen, etc. in the Jianghuai area. It is not yet determined whether they are willing to accept recruitment."

"Tens of thousands of demon thieves from Zhu Yuanzhang's tribe have crossed the river and cannot be underestimated."

"In my humble opinion, Fu Shou and the barbarians Ha Ya, Qing Tu and others should take advantage of their unstable foothold to immediately pacify the demon bandits entrenched on Taiping Road, and then return to the army to pacify the demon bandits in Changzhou and Pingjiang."

Hama also followed up and said: "As for food and wages, if there is a situation where thieves cross the river on a large scale and become powerful in the south of the Yangtze River, I have also made plans. I ask your majesty to allow the officials to be sent to the south of the Yangtze River to do the following two things cheaply: First, create atonement In the money system, all serious crimes other than treason can be paid by paying grain and silver; secondly, there is a system of donating money to officials, so that all the people in the south of the Yangtze River, regardless of their high or low status, can pay grain and money to obtain official positions. "

At this time, Hama glanced at Wang Jianu, the right minister.

The right minister Wang Jianu immediately said: "Your Majesty, I recommend Xuexue, the Privy Councilor, to command the military and political affairs in the south and north of the Yangtze River to suppress demons and thieves!"

Wang Jianu said.

"This way I won't worry about being able to destroy the thieves in Jiangnan."

Emperor Yuan Shun knew that the internal troubles were intensifying, but he did not act carelessly. Therefore, he did not follow the wishes of Wang Jianu and Hama, but made an exception and promoted Dingzhu, who was sympathetic to Tuotuo and also had military capabilities.

"Your Majesty, there are many wealthy households in the south of the Yangtze River, and at present, Zhu Yuanzhang and other demon thieves are not friendly to the officials and gentry, and they are oblivious to great gifts. As long as we implement such a two-system system, we can only raise enough money and food to make our Yuan soldiers well-fed, and then we can calmly suppress them. thief."

After hearing this, Emperor Yuan Shun felt relieved and no longer regretted deposing Tuatuo, and nodded.

"Let Dingzhu go south as Prime Minister Zuo of Zhongshu and take charge of the military and political affairs in the south and north of the Yangtze River. Xuexue will still be under his control in the north of the Yangtze River and be responsible for suppressing Liu Futong and guarding against Zhang Shicheng and other thieves."

"Therefore, when governing the military and political affairs in the south and north of the Yangtze River, you must be cautious and use capable ministers."


Emperor Yuan Shun later did not issue an order to punish Tuo Tuo Ji Dang because Yan Guan took the opportunity to impeach Fu Shou and others. Instead, he pardoned Tuo Tuo Ji Dang. The most serious thing was to make them redeem themselves by meritorious service.

Wang Jianu and Hama were quite disappointed. But this is naturally not a good thing for Zhu Yuanzhang and other rebels.

After Fushou, Qingtu and other Yuan court officials in Jiangnan learned that they were moving south and that Emperor Yuan Shun had given Jiangnan many advantageous policies, they all became more confident in annihilating Zhu Yuanzhang and other rebels.

"Now, it is quite encouraging to be in charge of the government. Therefore, instead of blaming us for the crime of losing the defense of the river, we are allowed to perform meritorious service for our crimes, and we have also sent such a wise prime minister as Dingzhu. It can be said that the emperor is kind, wise, and mighty. This shows that we, Dayuan, still have hope for ZTE!”

"So, everyone, we should cheer up, fulfill our duties loyally, kill all the demons and thieves for the court, and achieve the merit of being granted a title to honor our parents and ancestors!"

For this reason, Fushou specially called Qingtu, Manzi Hague, Chen Yexian and other Jiangnan bureaucrats to come to him for lectures. He even called middle-level bureaucrats such as Yang Yuangao and Ren Zhigong.

Fushou also specifically asked Ren Zhigong for advice: "In the past, I was under the command of the bandit leader Guo Zixing, and I was quite familiar with Zhu Yuanzhang and others. He understands this group of demon thieves better. I don't know what suggestions he has for the current situation. If what I say is appropriate, he will establish a plan for the court." I will certainly not hesitate to ask for merit for the sake of public service.”

"According to Xingtai, not everyone within Zhu Yuanzhang's department actually surrenders to Zhu Yuanzhang. Now they are just forced to unite under the power of Zhang Cheng alone."

"In my humble opinion, first of all, Guo Tianxu, Zhang Tianyou, etc. are very similar to Zhu Yuanzhang in appearance. Secondly, Feng Guoyong, Li Shanchang, etc. are not really compatible with Zhang Cheng, and there are many officers and generals among them who have the same long-standing relationship as me. Abandon the darkness and embrace the light, and accept the peace of mind.”

"So, I think we should follow the example of Zhu Yuanzhang and others. We should also send agents to kill Zhu Yuanzhang, and also contact some officials and generals who bribed the demon thieves to secretly communicate with us."

"If Zhu Yuanzhang can be killed, the entire rebel army under Zhu Yuanzhang will be in chaos."

"If we can secretly communicate with Zhu Yuanzhang's people, we can detect their situation at any time and know how they will respond to our encirclement and how they will attack Jiqing."

Ren Zhigong replied.

After hearing this, Fushou nodded in agreement: "That's very well said."

"In addition, I believe that our officers and soldiers need to strengthen their precautions. Some people should not stay in the place where they were signed and detained, but they should know the opportunity."

"To prevent a situation like yours from happening again."

Ren Zhigong glanced at Yang Yuangao as he spoke.

Fushou didn't doubt Yang Yuangao much because Yang Yuangao had always given him a lot of filial piety. But when he saw Ren Zhigong looking at Yang Yuangao meaningfully, he asked, "What's wrong with what you said?"

"Xingtai is a beautiful place. People like Yang Canjun should not stay in the place where they were signed."

"Because he is from Chuzhou."

Yang Yuangao said.

At this time, Yang Yuangao stood up angrily and asked: "Do you suspect that I secretly communicated with the demon thief?! You know, the demon thief ruined my family business and caused me, a giant clan in Chuzhou, to end up with no land and no house like my relatives." A situation without a house? It can be said that the demon thief and I have a sworn enemy!"

As Yang Yuangao spoke, he expressed his blessings: "When I go to the stage, I would like to ask you to be demoted as a foot soldier to fight the monsters and thieves to the death and prove your innocence!"

"I'm not just suspicious because he is from Chuzhou."

"What's more important is that in the entire Jiangnan government office, I found that the official does not accept money but only gives it away, while the other officials collect money to make money."

"For an incorruptible official like me, even if he is not an undercover agent of the demon thief, he will only be someone who sympathizes with the demon thief!"

(End of this chapter)

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