Follow Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the country

Chapter 183 Because Zhang Cheng is so scheming, the rebels began to regard Zhang Cheng as their main

Chapter 183 Because Zhang Cheng is so scheming, the rebels began to regard Zhang Cheng as their main backbone
"Mr. Zhang!"

"The villain is wrong!"

"A villain shouldn't look down upon you, and shouldn't think that you are not so clever."

"Please give me another chance to change my ways. I am willing to treat you the same from now on!"

"Because the villain now truly believes that you are really the reincarnation of Zhang Liang and Zhuge. Only by following you can we win the battle!"

At this moment, Chen Yexian took the initiative to beg Zhang Cheng.

He was really convinced.

After all, he really didn't expect that Zhang Cheng would see through his conspiracy and know that he was coming to Gexian Township.

Zhang Cheng just laughed, turned around with his hands behind his back and looked forward:

"It's too late!"

As he spoke, Shao Rong resolutely clasped his fists at Zhang Cheng and said, "Mr. Zhang, I would like to express to you seriously that I want to apply to join the Datong Society!"

Later, Chen Yexian also said to Guo Tianxu, Zhang Tianyou, Shao Rong and others:
"You should cut him to pieces!"

Zhang Cheng then said to Mr. Chen Ye: "In addition, you may have thought you were very loyal before, but in my eyes, you are just a stubborn and reactionary Tatar running dog. I will also try my best to make the world and future generations They can only scold you but not praise you. Don’t think that I can’t do it. I can definitely change this ritual and change the right and wrong in this world!”

Guo Tianxu and Zhang Tianyou nodded, mounted their horses, and left with their personal guards.

Chen Yexian was furious because Zhang Cheng refused to forgive him, so he changed his attitude and shouted at Zhang Cheng through gritted teeth.

Shao Rong nodded solemnly: "Mr. Zhang is saying that after this incident, we really understand how reactionary these reactionaries can be."

"From now on, the Second Army and ourselves are willing to listen to the Datong Society and work hard for the wealth of the people in the world, not just for ourselves!"

Zhang Cheng said something to Guo Tianxu and Zhang Tianyou at this time.

Brother Shao Rong had already entrusted the fourth army of his rear army to Zhang Cheng's command in advance, and was now brought here by Zhang Cheng, so he didn't have to leave and could only stay with Zhang Cheng.

"You really deserve to be cut to pieces!"

"It won't be easy!"

"How can the rebels give you a second chance for a guy like you who surrendered and rebelled again!"

Guo Tianxu even slapped Chen Yexian again: "Shut the hell up! If it weren't for Mr. Zhang, we would have been killed by you by now. How could you possibly think that Mr. Zhang should be cut to pieces! Now we just I wish I could cut you into pieces with a thousand knives!"

Most of the rebel generals such as Guo Tianxu, Zhang Tianyou, and Shao Rong did not have a deep understanding of etiquette, law, and Taoism, and they had not fully experienced the feeling of being a superior person, especially the kind of tax farming system in the Yuan Dynasty that they enjoyed when they were big bureaucrats and big landowners. He felt like a local emperor, so he didn't quite understand why Chen Yexian was so excited at the moment.

"If he really wants to achieve this goal, your life will not be easy in the future!"

"Leave him to me, you go and bring the second army first!"

Chen Yexian then shouted loudly, baring his teeth and getting very excited.

"If you only seek wealth and honor for yourself, motherfucker, I'm afraid that as Mr. Ruozhang said in class, if we become rich and honorable in the future, we will be as reactionary as these people, and we will end up like this!"

"That's right, it's you, the despicable and shameless person, who should be cut to pieces now!"

Zhang Cheng pointed at Chen Yexian and said to Shao Rong:
"I didn't remind you in advance that Chen Yexian is actually a complete reactionary. I just want you to realize more clearly that the reactionary nature of these stubborn landowners who are willing to be slaves of the Tatars is by no means worse than you think. And the content preached by "Datong Society" in the past was not a threat. "

Zhang Tianyou also pointed at Chen Yexian here, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Okay! After we defeat Jiqing, I will introduce you to the Datong Society."

Zhang Cheng patted him on the shoulder. He was very pleased that Shao Rong and other members of the Guo family were also willing to join the Datong Society.

This proves that his efforts were not in vain.

This shows that many generals of the rebel army, even those who were born landlords, will realize what is the right path through practice and military victory again and again, and are willing to make progress, completely letting go of their selfish ambitions to become reactionary big landowners.

Chen Yexian couldn't help but close his eyes, sighed slightly, and clenched his fists at the same time.

He now hates Zhang Cheng to the core! But there was nothing he could do about Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng quite liked it, seeing Chen Yexian feeling like he hated himself so much but couldn't do anything about him.

Chen Yexian and other big bureaucrats and landowners who were loyal to the Yuan Dynasty really had no way to deal with Zhang Cheng.

It is impossible for them to take the initiative to mobilize the people, influence the people, and educate the people like Zhang Cheng, and it is even less possible for them to teach the rebels like Zhang Cheng, and painstakingly try to enlighten people like Zhu Yuanzhang and Shao Rong, so that they can deeply understand what For truth, what is the right path.

Because, from the starting point of the theory they believed in and needed to promote, the rebellious people such as Zhu Yuanzhang and Shao Rong were regarded as bandits and heinous people who violated the ethics of loyalty and filial piety.

So, how can they preach, comfort and guide them properly?

Of course, due to their stance, although they could not teach the rebellious people well, they could teach the non-rebellious people to be loyal, filial, benevolent and righteous.

However, to teach the people who have not rebelled, we must provide food or other resources to subsidize the people, but we cannot exploit the people even more, and even treat the people as non-human beings, slaughter and plunder them at will, falsely accuse them of being thieves, and then kill them and take credit.

Otherwise, no matter how good the truth is, the people will not be willing to listen and will not be able to listen. After all, the only way to cook white rice is to set up the pot, and there is no reason to set up the pot directly.

Therefore, these people can only watch as more and more people are affected by Zhang Cheng, and even people in the landlord class begin to be affected by him.

In terms of propaganda and mobilization of soldiers and civilians, they are actually weaker than in the military.

The Yuan soldiers led by Haya and Chen Ben did not mobilize the people at this time. They only forced civilians to transport the baggage for them to help them rush to Banqiao quickly. Together with Chen Yexian's troops, they annihilated the Chinese army of Guo Tianxu and Zhang Tianyou.

"hurry up!"

At this time, the Yiyuan soldiers were roughly whipping the civilian husband who was walking much slower than him because he was carrying the heavy baggage.

On the other side, there were many tied ordinary women who were roughly driven away by Yiyuan soldiers because their feet were bound and they walked slowly.

"Mom, don't cry. If anyone cries again, I'll beat him to death. I'll kill the bandits later and let the officials enjoy themselves. I'll reward you!"

And because these common people women were forcibly captured and used as military prostitutes, they all cried non-stop, which made the Yuan soldiers who drove them away particularly angry and scolded them.

Haya, Chen Ben and other Yuan soldiers did not find this scene so dazzling. They just wanted to fly to Banqiao immediately to achieve great success as soon as possible.

But when Haya and Chen Ben were about to arrive in Banqiao, Haya used the clairvoyance obtained from the rebel prisoners and discovered that the Banqiao area was already full of rebels, and Chen Yexian and his children of the Chen family were all tied up. There was no scene of the two armies fighting.

"How is this going?"

Haya couldn't help but ask, and gave Chen Ben the clairvoyance:
"Look, is that Brother Ling?"

Chen Ben took the clairvoyance and looked at it carefully. While looking at it, he said, "This demon thief's clairvoyance is really powerful. He can actually see so far."

As he said that, Chen Ben's expression changed: "How could it be possible? How could my brother and Quanzi be tied up by the bandits?"

Haya's face also turned gloomy at this time, and he immediately ordered the political slave Da Jianu: "Order to stop advancing!"

"You Cheng has an order, stop advancing!"

"You Cheng has an order, stop advancing!"


Suddenly, the entire Yuan soldiers gradually stopped advancing and stood still.

Chen Ben was still mumbling to himself at this time, with a look of disbelief on his face:

"how so!"

"Of course the other party saw through our plan. Maybe there is a traitor among us who is in cahoots with the bandits."

"But it's too late to say that now."

"Since the fighter plane has been lost, we should prepare to withdraw to Jiqing City. It is important to defend Jiqing City!"

As Haya spoke, he gave another order: "Transmit the order, the front army becomes the rear army, the rear army becomes the front army, and return to Jiqing City!"


"We can't let Yuan Bing return to Jiqing City!"

On the rebel side.

After Guo Tianxu and Zhang Tianyou led the Second Army, Zhang Cheng expressed his opinions to Guo Tianxu, Zhang Tianyou, Shao Rong and others.

"I did not expose Chen Yexian's conspiracy in advance. I had the intention of using the plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

"Now that these Yuan soldiers have left the city, this is our chance to gather them outside the city and annihilate them."

Zhang Cheng said.

Guo Tianxu echoed: "What Mr. Zhang said is true, but now that they see that they were not fooled, they are afraid that they will take the initiative to evacuate instead of fighting."

After Zhang Cheng pondered for a moment, he said: "Then we will take the initiative to cross the bridge and bite them! In addition, we will cut Chen Yexian and other traitors alive in front of them to provoke them to fight us! At the same time, show them that they can defeat us The illusion!”

"Then please ask Mr. Zhang to give the order."

Zhang Tianyou said something at this time.

Guo Tianxu also nodded: "Yes, please give the order, Mr. Zhang!"

Because Zhang Cheng has shown so much dexterity recently, these rebel generals all trust Zhang Cheng, thinking that Zhang Cheng should be more capable in commanding operations, and they gradually start to regard Zhang Cheng as their backbone.

Zhang Cheng couldn't refuse, so he thought about it seriously, and then said:
"In that case, then gather all the cavalry troops and hand them over to Brother Shao Rong, who will lead them to cross the river in advance and go straight to Jiqing to cut off their retreat and prevent them from retreating!"

"At the same time, the infantry, except for the Hu Ben Fire Gun Battalion led by Hua Yun, was divided into two groups, each led by Guo Pingzhang and Zhang Zuocheng. They crossed the bridge and took the initiative to attack the Yuan soldiers and drove them towards Banqiao. When the time came, Hua Yun Hold the bridge and defend it to destroy its power, and use the water of the river to swallow up the Yuan soldiers!"

(End of this chapter)

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