Follow Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the country

Chapter 235 The different choices of Zhang Shicheng and Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 235 The different choices of Zhang Shicheng and Zhu Yuanzhang
Xie Zaixing was right. Once he made such a principled mistake, he would indeed lose the qualification to enter the Tingyi Bureau.

Because there are many competitors who have obtained auditor qualifications with him.

Zhu Wenzheng, Chang Yuchun, Deng Yu, Liao Yong'an, Yu Tonghai, Tang He and Xu Da have all obtained the qualification to audit.

Therefore, once he has a stain, he will naturally not be considered again.

Otherwise, even if Zhu Yuanzhang forced him to choose him, he would not be able to convince the public.

Because important military leaders of the Chinese army, such as Zhu Wenzheng, Xu Da, and Chang Yuchun, who were also qualified to observe, would not agree. They would only take the opportunity to expose Xie Zaixing's dirty deeds even more, or cause a greater rebellion.

What's more, among those who were qualified to attend, Xie Zaixing was indeed not the one Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to support the most.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang wants to support Zhu Wenzheng and Xu Da most.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Zhu Wenzheng and Xu Da to marry Xie Zaixing. He originally intended to strengthen the power of Zhu Wenzheng and Xu Da. At the same time, he was in alliance with Xie Zaixing. He was willing to see Xie Zaixing enter the Tingyi Bureau. Then Xie Zaixing could enter the Tingyi Bureau because he was with his nephew. Having a close relative as a child has helped him in the court affairs.

But this premise must be that Xie Zaixing has not committed any crime, is indeed doing meritorious service seriously, and can indeed enter the Tingyi Bureau.

But after all, Xie Zaixing was not as stable as Zhu Wenzheng and Xu Da, and even not as stable as Chang Yuchun, and failed to maintain his integrity at critical moments.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Xie Zaixing is more greedy than people like Zhu Wenzheng, Xu Da, and Chang Yuchun. Although he is already qualified to be an observer and knows a lot of key information, he still takes a chance, accepts bribes from Hu Weiyong, and colludes with Hu Weiyong Get up and go smuggling to make money.

However, Xie Zaixing's greed was indeed related to his misunderstanding of Zhu Yuanzhang.

He thought that Zhu Yuanzhang would, as he imagined, still want to be a traditional family emperor, and would allow his in-laws to do something to make a fortune, protect him, and then rely on him to deal with forces such as Zhang Cheng and Guo Tianxu.

Just like in history, Xie Zaixing went to Zhang Shicheng's territory for smuggling unscrupulously not long after he got married to Zhu Yuanzhang.

The more Zhu Yuanzhang befriended Xie Zaixing, a man with a strong landlord mentality, the more he felt that Zhu Yuanzhang would protect him.

As a result, in history, Zhu Yuanzhang refused to promote him because of this, and even wrote a letter to reprimand him. As a result, he was so angry that he chose to betray Zhu Yuanzhang.

Because he was also disappointed with Zhu Yuanzhang after being treated like this in history.

It's the same this time.

Xie Zaixing was very disappointed with Zhu Yuanzhang.

But Zhu Yuanzhang is such a person, a person who cannot be inferred according to common sense.

He's not strictly an egoist, but he's not that kind either.

He will do whatever it takes to ensure the eternal wealth and stability of his family and descendants, but his unscrupulous intention is not to become a master who can enslave everyone in the world.

Therefore, Xie Zaixing and Hu Weiyong will historically misjudge his choices.

Especially after Zhang Cheng influenced Zhu Yuanzhang's ideal to rise from being for his family to being for the common prosperity of the entire Chinese people, he would even misjudge.

of course.

Zhu Yuanzhang would also choose to strengthen his own power and thus increase his voice for his own personal desire for power and the interests of the Zhu family.

That's why he initially asked Zhang Cheng to be Zhu Wenzheng's teacher.

At that time, Zhu Biao was not yet born, and Zhu Wen was the most suitable link for him to use to establish an alliance.

Then, he also asked Xie Zaixing to be the father-in-law of Zhu Wenzheng and Xu Da, so that Xie Zaixing, an old friend who had worked under Guo Zixing in the past, could further help him.

As long as his voice in Datong Society is increased, he will be able to control the distribution of resources in the world, allowing his Zhu family to get more good resources, and in turn, he can maintain the wealth of his Zhu family forever.

At the same time, he could also distribute as many resources as possible to the people besides the resources obtained by his Zhu family, and achieve the ambition that he and Zhang Cheng and others promised in front of the Yellow Emperor to try to stop people from starving to death in China.

Centralization of power is what those with the highest status must do.

Zhu Yuanzhang is naturally no exception.

Only Zhang Cheng, who had a way out and did not dare to take the risks of having the greatest power, would not think about centralizing power for himself.

For people like Zhu Yuanzhang who have no retreat in this world, if it were not because the situation required compromise and power concession, they would maximize their power as much as possible.

It's a pity that because Xie Zaixing was too greedy and had too little respect for the rules, and was just as eager as Hu Weiyong to be a master outside the law, he failed to cooperate with Zhu Yuanzhang, and now he chose to betray Zhu Yuanzhang. , trying to use the key information he obtained from Zhang Cheng to help Zhang Shicheng build a powerful Jiatianxia empire. Xie Zaixing did not even consider whether the key information he knew from Zhang Cheng was not enough, or whether Zhang Cheng had more key information that he had not known.

But Xie Zaixing obviously no longer cares about this.

He believed that the information he knew about Liaoyang, Japan, Luzon, and the Ganges River Basin, as well as the flintlock guns installed here, and the information he learned about railways and steam engines, would be enough for him to help Zhang Shicheng. Build a powerful family and world empire.

However, the premise is that Zhang Shicheng must be willing to carry out internal reforms.

Because whether you are expanding externally to seize these resources, or opening up these new productive forces internally, you need to use your own resources to motivate the army and people, and improve people's literacy rate and production skills.

First of all, it must be to use land or money to motivate the army and craftsmen.

Secondly, we must reduce rents, interest rates and even taxes to reduce the pressure on people to survive and have the energy to study and consume.

And use the land to encourage the natural distribution of the fields of the powerful and wealthy gentry.

Reducing rents and interest rates will force the rich and powerful to give up profits.

Tax reduction means giving away profits to one's own government. At the same time, if we want not to affect fiscal revenue, we must tax the powerful and wealthy gentry more, strengthen government administration, and strengthen tax collection capabilities.

Therefore, in order to achieve all this, Zhang Shicheng must be like Zhu Yuanzhang. He must dare to adopt Zhang Cheng's plan to clear the land of his father-in-law. He must dare to adopt Zhang Shicheng's plan to force the powerful gentry to reduce rent and interest or even divide their unused land. He must even confiscate the private land of the Yuan Dynasty's powerful officials and distribute it directly to the people. strategy.

At least Zhang Shicheng must be as brave as Zhu Yuanzhang to sacrifice his own interests and be willing to give away a large number of private lands confiscated from the powerful officials of the Yuan Dynasty instead of keeping them for himself.

To achieve this is undoubtedly a big decision for Zhang Shicheng.

You must know that Zhu Yuanzhang agreed, not only because he was an idealist, but also because Zhang Cheng first developed official business and bought weapons to Zhang Shicheng and other forces and distributed the profits to Zhu Yuanzhang, allowing Zhu Yuanzhang and other military leaders to occupy acres of land in the south of the Yangtze River. Most of the nobles and bureaucrats in the Yuan Dynasty had private lands for themselves and didn't care much about it.

What's more, Zhang Shicheng is not Zhu Yuanzhang.

Although Zhang Shicheng is different from Zhu Yuanzhang in that he prefers to be the emperor of his family, but for this reason, Zhang Shicheng cares more about the loyalty, filial piety and integrity emphasized by traditional ethics.

In Zhang Shicheng's view, regardless of whether Xie Zaixing really brought him huge benefits, Xie Zaixing's betrayal of Zhu Yuanzhang was something Zhang Shicheng despised.

Since Zhu Yuanzhang does not aspire to be the largest landowner in the world, he may be more tolerant of behavior that is not loyal to himself or even betrays himself. However, as a person who wants to be the emperor of the world, Zhang Shicheng is a person who is not loyal to the original emperor. He couldn't really tolerate it.

Therefore, Zhang Shicheng did not take Xie Zaixing's words seriously.

If it weren't for the fact that he still needed to fight against Zhu Yuanzhang and other forces, and also needed to show his accommodating talents of all kinds in the world, he would have wanted to get rid of Xie Zaixing and warn his generals not to imitate Xie Zaixing.

However, after Zhang Shicheng said this, he still asked Xie Zaixing: "What top secrets does Zhang Cheng want you to know?"

"The top secret is that there is a large silver mountain in the Japanese country in the east, and there is a large iron mine in Liaoyang."

"There are many big copper mines in Luzon in the south."

"What's more important is that over the mountains of Uzang, there will be more fertile farmland than here."

When Xie Zaixing was talking about this, Zhang Shicheng didn't want to listen anymore and interrupted him: "In such a far away place, no matter how much wealth there is, what does it have to do with Gu? Gu now has to rely on buying goods to even feed his own people. The potatoes from Datong Society came to help.”

After hearing what Zhang Shicheng said, Xie Zaixing was quite disappointed, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty King Kecheng, you can also follow the example of Mr. Zhang and Zhu Yuanzhang in reforming the system. You can also set up Datong Society and the system of court consultation and court promotion to allocate land to the army and the people. , increase taxes, improve the wages of craftsmen, make guns and cannons, first conquer Shandong in the northern expedition, and use this as a basis to build large ships. "

"Don't mention it again!"

"If the Datong Society is useful, why are you disloyal to the Datong Society and join here?"

"There is also a system of court meetings and court promotions! You can't think of it!"

As Zhang Shicheng said this, he rolled up his sleeves and left Xie Zaixing's place, directly showing his face to Xie Zaixing.

It stands to reason.

Zhang Shicheng has not conquered the world yet, so he needs to behave like a corporal to the newly attached talents like Xie Zaixing. However, he is really angry at Xie Zaixing's suggestion. In addition, he really despises Xie Zaixing's ethics in his heart. I didn't do too well in terms of attitude.

Seeing this, Xie Zaixing gritted his teeth, clenched his fists with both hands, and drew his arms to his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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