Follow Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the country

Chapter 238 The strength of Datong Society is too terrifying, Liu Bowen regrets joining Datong Socie

Chapter 238 The strength of Datong Society is too terrifying, Liu Bowen regrets joining Datong Society too late!

Yuan Zhizheng seventeenth year, October.

It was raining and snowing all over the south of the Yangtze River.

Xie Zaixing was also taken to Jiqing City on such a day and met Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhang Cheng and others.

He never thought he would reach this point.

"Zhang Shicheng, you cowardless person, we wanted to fight to the death, but you surrendered first. If you act like this, who will be willing to surrender to you and fight to the death for you in the future!"

Xie Zaixing couldn't help but raise his head and sigh, secretly cursing Zhang Shicheng in his heart.

Then, Xie Zaixing knelt down in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhang Cheng and others, kowtowed and said:
"The sinner Xie Zaixing, I'm sorry for the Datong Society, I'm sorry for the superiors, but for the sake of having made a small contribution to the Datong Society, please spare me the death penalty."

"A traitor cannot be forgiven for his death penalty, but his family can only be spared based on his merits."

Zhu Yuanzhang only said this.

As a result, Xie Zaixing was brought to the city.

Xie Zaixing's ending was even more shocking to all officers and generals of the Chinese Army in Datong Society than Hu Weiyong.

Because they discovered that Datong Society could actually exert such a great deterrent to surrounding forces, and could even force a tycoon like Zhang Shicheng to escort back those who defected to him.

This forced some officers and generals among them to further suppress their thoughts of turning to other companies if the Datong Society dissatisfied them.

at the same time.

This also allowed many officers and generals of the Chinese Army of Datong Society to further see the true and false nature of Zhang Shicheng's opponents. Therefore, while becoming more loyal to Datong Society, they also began to look forward to and even advocated the complete destruction of Zhang Shicheng and the completion of unification as soon as possible, and established the More great work.

In addition, Zhang Shicheng and people from other forces had to get to know the Datong Society better and began to want to join the Datong Society.

Zhu Liangzu, who was originally a general of the Yuan Ting rebels, took the initiative to lead his troops to join the Datong Society.

And it is worth mentioning that because of this incident.

Zhu Wenzheng and Xu Da became members of the senior officials of the Tingyi Bureau.

One is that their influence in the military has reached this point.

Second, because Li Shanchang and Guo Tianjue were involved in the Hu Weiyong case, Li Shanchang, Guo Tianxu, and Zhang Tianyou were forced to give up their profits, allowing these two people who were closer to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Cheng to join the court.

But Li Shanchang is still very happy about this, and happy that he can continue to stay in the Tingyi Bureau.

He knew that the person he should be most grateful to was Zhang Cheng.

Because it was Zhang Cheng who changed the political model, he was not too implicated in Hu Weiyong's case.

Therefore, Li Shanchang's inner balance is now beginning to tilt more in the direction of wanting to see the success of the Datong concept, and he will continue to work for Datong Society.


Li Shanchang did not dare to accept bribes anymore.

He was afraid that another self-righteous person like Hu Weiyong would appear and trap him.

What's more, he now has a better understanding of Zhu Yuanzhang and knows that Zhu Yuanzhang is indeed not a person who can be understood according to common sense.

Therefore, Li Shanchang had to control his hands.

But not everyone can sit back and watch as Li Shanchang was not too deeply implicated in Hu Weiyong's case, and his reputation and status were actually preserved.

After all, everyone knows that Li Shanchang has always been close to Hu Weiyong, and Hu Weiyong often considers himself his protégé, using his name to show off his power in front of other bureaucrats.

Many people who were jealous of Li Shanchang were not convinced because of this.

Liu Bowen was quite jealous of this.

Because Wang Guangyang and Song Lian were also added to the auditorium, Liu Bowen came to congratulate Song Lian, and at the same time expressed his jealousy, saying: "Although Datong Society is a society of gentlemen who can truly save the world, but in Datong Society Not all of them are gentlemen. If it weren't for the fact that Mr. Zhang surrendered to the superior and had the qualifications to participate in court discussions, he would have been notorious long ago! "

Song Lian knew who Liu Bowen was talking about, so he sighed and agreed, "Yes, if I had joined earlier, I would have had a seat in the Tingyi Bureau, and I wouldn't be just a doctor now."

"Official position comes second. I just deeply regret that I didn't get to know Mr. Zhang earlier, get to know the superiors earlier, and understand the concept of great harmony earlier."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be so confused that only now do we know what the real way to save people is!"

Liu Bowen waved his hand and said with a helpless smile.

As he spoke, Liu Bowen glanced at Song Lian with a complicated expression.

Although Liu Bowen only said that he regretted not getting to know Zhang Cheng and Zhu Yuanzhang earlier and not being exposed to the Datong concept earlier, he actually regretted not joining the Datong Society earlier. Especially now that we see that Song Lian is also qualified to attend court meetings, not to mention Li Shanchang, who is treated as a noble and gets a lot of profits every year.

This all made Liu Bowen couldn't help but curse himself in his heart, how could he have been so stupid before, so stupid that he really cared about traditional human ethics, but Yang Xian had clearly told him that Zhang Cheng's rebels were extraordinary, and he himself felt that Zhang Cheng's rebel army was very unusual and he joined decisively. Even in the end, the Datong Society captured Jiqing City. He actually still imagined that the Datong Society would take the initiative to invite him to go.

But fortunately it's not too late.

Liu Bowen believes that as long as he works seriously, he will still have the opportunity to "come from behind".

After all, the world is not unified yet.

And Hu Weiyong's incident also convinced him once again that Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Cheng were not simple people.

He knew that he could not act rashly, especially now. He could only work seriously and could not form a party to gain power. He could only honestly choose to be loyal to Datong Society.

Although he actually does not accept the concept of Datong in his heart.

In fact, not only Liu Bowen, but also many bureaucrats who joined the Datong Society, especially those who belonged to the landlord class in the past, did not really accept the Datong concept.

And they are now joining the Datong Society and accepting the Datong philosophy purely because of utilitarianism and because they are shrewd enough.

After all, any sensible person can see clearly now that the Datong Society is the strongest, whether it is military, economic, or even official administration, and is undoubtedly the most likely to win the world.

Zhang Cheng knows that most of the people in Datong Society are realists, not idealists, and many are even pro-lifers. They are not interested in any ideas and ideas, and just want to live a relatively relaxed, comfortable and wealthy life.

But Zhang Cheng didn't care about this. He only tried his best to increase productivity and make the cake bigger, so that these realists, who accounted for the majority of the world, would also follow his Datong Society and live according to the rules set by his Datong Society.

Zhu Yuanzhang is mainly responsible for maintaining the rules of the Datong Society and adjusting the distribution rules. He has to deal with people who are too selfish and realistic and even trample on the rules of the Datong Society. For people like Hu Weiyong, who need to change the rules and redistribute, he has to take the initiative to carry out reforms, such as restrictions. Luxury taxes are levied on people who buy land.

What Zhang Cheng did was not very offensive.

What Zhu Yuanzhang did was easy to offend people.

Therefore, many people hate Zhu Yuanzhang deeply.

Fortunately, those who hated Zhu Yuanzhang deeply within the Datong Society had learned Hu Weiyong's lesson, and the cake was getting bigger all the time, so they would not let go of the opportunity to make a fortune together and take the risk of provoking internal strife.

But outside the Datong Society, many forces now want to kill Zhu Yuanzhang and also want to eliminate the Datong Society.

After all, Datong Society has now made productivity too advanced, so advanced that more and more people are no longer willing to be slaves. Even the institutional model has changed, and it no longer plays with the power of kings granted by heaven and governs the country with Confucian ethics.

For example, people like Zhang Shicheng and Chen Youliang, as well as Emperor Yuan Ting and his ministers.

However, although Zhang Shicheng currently wants to kill Zhu Yuanzhang and destroy the Datong Society, he has more than enough ambition but not enough power.

Therefore, although he hated Zhu Yuanzhang and Datong Society to the core, on the surface, he could not do anything to Zhu Yuanzhang and Datong Society.

The external forces that now dare to stand up and curse Zhu Yuanzhang and the Datong Society include Yuan Ting and Chen Youliang.

Because Chen Youliang is very powerful now, after purchasing a large amount of firearms and food from Datong Society, he has grown much faster than in history.

Therefore, Chen Youliang had denounced the Datong Society in front of Xu Shouhui more than once as a cult and a force even more hateful than Yuan Ting.

Xu Shouhui himself could not accept Datong Society's theory of "the power of the monarch is delegated to the people".

Many Confucian scholars around them were also very intolerant of Datong Society's views, and criticized Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Cheng.

But they couldn't tolerate it, so Xu Shouhui and Chen Youliang still bought firearms and weapons from the Datong Society, and the bureaucrats and Confucian scholars under them still secretly exchanged gold and silver for Datong Society's cloth coins.

However, neither Zhu Yuanzhang nor Zhang Cheng tolerated others' ideological denial of their Datong Society.

Therefore, after Zhang Shicheng sent Xie Zaixing back, Zhu Yuanzhang did not immediately agree to Zhang Shicheng's request for trade and the return of the city. Instead, he asked Zhang Shicheng to express his attitude towards the concept of Datong and agree to allow the people in the occupied city to vote for self-determination and open the market to the Datong Society. Business people under the rule.

After Zhang Shicheng learned about Zhu Yuanzhang's request, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Is Zhu Yuanzhang going to go so far?"

"Since he asked Gu to express his attitude, Gu will directly say that his idea of ​​​​Datong is a cult, and everyone who advocates the idea of ​​​​Datong should be killed!"

Zhang Shicheng grinned and said in front of Zhang Shixin and others.

Zhang Shixin hurriedly advised: "Brother, calm down, we can't do this, it will easily anger Zhu Yuanzhang! We can't fight against Datong Society at all now, and irritating Zhu Yuanzhang will not do us any good!"

Zhang Shicheng naturally knew this truth, and only said: "But Zhu Yuanzhang forced me to accept the concept of Datong, which made me feel more uncomfortable than killing me."

"Brother, he just asked us to express our stance. Of course we can only express our stance and accept it, but we can only express our stance without doing so. It means that our own people are not enlightened and the reality is different from that of Jiangnan, so we cannot yet govern the country with the concept of great harmony."

Zhang Shixin put forward his own suggestions.

(End of this chapter)

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