Follow Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the country

Chapter 254 Blood flowed like a river, Zhang Mingjian vomited blood on the spot!

Chapter 254 Blood flowed like a river, Zhang Mingjian vomited blood on the spot!

Gong Boyue's words shocked both Zhang Shicheng and Zhang Shixin.

Even Zhu Wenzheng couldn't help but glance at Gong Boyue, and began to imitate his uncle Zhu Yuanzhang's hands on his waist armor, and said to Tang Shengzong who came with him: "This Shicheng Confucian scholar is quite strong."

Tang Shengzong, whose ancestor had been an official in the Song Dynasty and therefore had studied in his youth, said with a smile: "I guess it's because Zhang Shicheng has always cherished the image of being tolerant and benevolent, so he wants to continue to implement the idea that he will not be punished as a doctor. "

"If you don't keep it secret, you will lose your ministers. If Your Highness hadn't told us that the Datong Society had entered the royal city, why would we have gone to the palace to admonish His Highness? We would not have trapped our king and ministers in such a situation!"

"So, even if we are wrong, His Highness himself is also wrong for not informing the ministers first, and not doing his best to prevent the ministers from being against His Highness and gain a reputation for kindness!"

"Instead of blaming us now, Your Highness, it would be better for you to be benevolent and lenient so that the monarch and his ministers can still be of the same mind!"

Gong Boyue spoke in a deep voice at this time.

Zhu Wenzheng smiled at Tang Shengzong, then walked over with a stern face and interrupted: "It has nothing to do with us whether your Highness wants to be benevolent or not, but since you call our Datong Society a thief, it means that you are also stubborn. The reactionary Han thieves must be punished to prevent them from harming the people in the future and ruining our plan to restore China!"

Zhu Wenzheng waved his hand: "Kill!"

He also did not expect that Zhu Wenzheng would directly order the execution of these civil and military ministers, as if he did not wait for his order.


Mei Sizu was hit by a bullet on the spot and fell to the ground.

Gong Boyue instinctively wanted to get up and run away, but was hit by a row of lead bullets. Then he stood directly on the spot, and then there were many bloody holes on the ground and on his back.

At this time, Sha Jinquan and other pro-military generals who betrayed Zhang Shicheng had no time to force Zhang Shicheng and others, so they had to immediately lead their troops to confront the Chinese army.

Zhang Shixin shouted at this time and asked Lu Zihu to lead his troops to protect him, Zhang Shicheng and others from leaving.

Zhu Wenzheng's soldiers immediately raised their flintlock guns and pointed them at these people.

But not long after that, the flintlock guns had been triggered by the soldiers of the Chinese army.

The Chinese army led by Zhu Wenzheng had already killed the civil and military ministers who forced Zhang Shicheng to the ground row by row. Outside the whole hall, there were piles of corpses.

Sha Jinquan's scolding was just to vent his inner thoughts.

But in fact, this is also normal.

"Spare your life!"


Sha Jinquan also hurriedly begged Zhang Shicheng: "Your Highness, ask Datong Society to stop and spare our lives!"

Seeing this, Sha Jinquan himself had no choice but to draw his sword and kill himself. Before killing himself, he cursed: "You are the Datong thieves! You are the thieves who ruin the etiquette of the world! Damn your mother-in-law China, I just want to be a master!"

Sha Jinquan and other pro-army soldiers who betrayed Zhang Shicheng were also quite frightened when they saw the Chinese army, which was almost armed to the teeth. Especially after the Chinese army fired several rounds of lead bullets, these pro-army troops collapsed on the spot.

Because Zhu Wenzheng was not his minister at all, but just a foreign aid he invited.

Mei Sizu shouted loudly, turned around and knelt down towards Zhu Wenzheng.

After cursing, Sha Jinquan decisively wiped his neck and fell on the Danqi in front of the temple before the next wave of lead bullets arrived.

"Please understand that our Highness wants to do something virtuous!"

Zhang Shicheng himself was too frightened to speak at this time.

Zhu Wenzheng came over, stepped on Sha Jinquan's chest, and said, "If you want to be a master, will being a dog for the Tatars count as a master?"


"Why doesn't it count?"

"As long as you can continue to be the master of the southern people, even if you are a Tatar lackey, you are still a master!"

Zhang Mingjian here, after seeing the "China News" article that Liu Bowen also asked him if he really thought that being a dog for the Tatars could be considered a master, he also muttered a few words to himself with a gloomy face.

However, after Zhang Mingjian said this, he still breathed heavily and photographed "China News" on several cases.

Although he had to comfort himself with such careless words, he also knew that with the spread of "China News", he would inevitably be scolded to the point of being infamy for eternity.

Moreover, Zhang Mingjian was also very angry with the way Datong Society liked to use newspapers to widely spread the sins of landlords.

Because before the appearance of "China News", the three taboos of the Venerable were always advocated among meat eaters.

Even if Zhang Mingjian is too cruel to the Han people now, as long as he becomes a high-ranking official in the future, he will still be whitewashed, and historians will take the initiative to conceal many of his crimes. Even if some historians are unwilling to conceal his crimes, the people will because of it. The literacy rate is low, the information channels are few, and his sins are not known, so his sins will gradually be forgotten.

But now, Datong News has broken this ecology, allowing China News to expose the crimes of hostile landlords and bureaucrats without hesitation, and even organized many shameless literati to deliberately amplify and exaggerate the crimes of the other party.

Moreover, Zhang Mingjian also heard that the current "China News" is still being deliberately used by the disciples of the Datong Society to read to the children of the common people, and the Datong Society itself is also frantically increasing the literacy rate and newspaper reading rate of the people, for He did not hesitate to reward rice, oil and cloth to encourage people to actively read newspapers and learn literacy.

In addition, Zhang Mingjian also heard that Datong Society's printing technology was particularly powerful. It used a steam printing press that could print large quantities of "China News" around the clock.

This also lets Zhang Mingjian know that as long as the "China News" publishes his crimes and scolds him, then everyone in the world will really know that Zhang Mingjian is a wicked person. I am afraid that he will hate evil and be full of justice. The Jianghu knights have already wanted to assassinate him.

Therefore, Zhang Mingjian looked gloomy and rudely slapped "China News" on several cases. at the same time.

Zhang Mingjian still showed a hint of fear, and looked around and at the people around him warily.

"Brother, something serious has happened!"

It just happened to be at this time.

Zhang Mingjian's younger brother Zhang Mingli ran over in a panic.

Zhang Mingjian immediately stood up and asked in fear: "What happened?"

Zhang Mingjian had already learned through the China News that Datong Society had sent Chinese troops and inspection teams into the Huaiyang area, preparing to wipe out these landlords and bureaucrats who responded to Zhang Shide's revenge on Datong Society and the Han people.

Therefore, Zhang Mingjian was also quite worried that Datong Society's troops would really appear to exterminate people like him.

Zhang Mingli replied at this time: "The wealthy gentry in neighboring villages have gathered many volunteers, surrounded us, and occupied our village. They also advised us to take action for the sake of the righteousness of our compatriots and the friendship between our neighbors. Surrender yourself to Datong Society so as not to affect all your neighbors."

Zhang Mingjian breathed a sigh of relief when his brother said that a group of armed landlords with the same characteristics as him had gathered to force him to surrender to Datong Society.

At the same time, Zhang Mingjian felt even more angry.

He did not expect that these wealthy gentry in neighboring villages would betray him, because Datong Society issued a threat to the wealthy gentry in Huaiyang area in the "China News", saying that anyone who retaliates against Datong Society and the people will have their property confiscated. I will also be put on trial.

"These bastards are so cowardly, why don't they just sell their land and go to Jiangnan to become obedient citizens of the Datong bandits!"

"They were the ones who instigated me to retaliate against the Datong thieves and bury the people alive. Now they are the same ones who want me to surrender to the Datong thieves."

"You want me to talk about the righteousness of our compatriots now, and don't they agree that 'the gangsters should be eliminated and the thieves should be killed'?!"


"Very shameless!"

Zhang Mingjian reprimanded the wealthy gentry who sent troops to surround his territory.

Zhang Mingli said: "They are certainly shameless, but brother, what should we do now?"

"I'll go meet them!"

Zhang Mingjian walked out of the house as he spoke.

He is really depressed now.

What made him depressed was that he, who came out to take revenge on Datong Society, was not favored by these wealthy gentry.

In Zhang Mingjian's opinion, if he had known that this would happen, he might as well have followed the example of other wealthy gentry and behaved in front of the Datong Society.

When Zhang Mingjian saw these wealthy gentry in neighboring villages, he felt that these people looked at him like a fool, and he became even more angry. He continued to question these people: "You really want to help the Datong thieves to kill Zhongliang?" Things?"

"You can't say that. You, Zhang, are slaughtering our Han people like dogs. You are rebelling against the saint's teachings of benevolence!"

"That's right! You, Mr. Zhang, flatter the Tatars and slaughter your compatriots. You will undoubtedly be infamy for thousands of years!"

"You, the Zhang family, are shameless and shameless. You regard your compatriots as enemies and the Tatars as your parents. Everyone in the world is eager to eat your flesh and sleep on your skin!"


The wealthy gentry directly accused Zhang Mingjian.

This made Zhang Mingjian even more intolerable.


Zhang Mingjian simply shouted, opened his eyes wide, looked at these wealthy gentry, and said: "The Datong thieves have become so rampant now, and the world has been corrupted to this point, all because you are all fucking useless. Cowards!"

"I shouldn't always stand up for the ethical code. I should be like you and be a tortoise and hide my head!"

"I'm so stupid! I thought about protecting the ceremony and killing the Datong thieves!"

"The Confucian righteousness in the world should be eliminated, and it can no longer exist! The carnivores in the world are not worthy of the Confucian righteousness!"

Zhang Mingjian complained, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"You are a butcher, what qualifications do you have to talk about protecting etiquette and the righteous way of a saint?!"

"If I were you, I should commit suicide and apologize!"

But these wealthy gentry still righteously rebuked Zhang Mingjian, and deliberately wanted to draw a clear line with Zhang Mingjian.


Zhang Mingjian was so angry that his lips trembled slightly, and then he spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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