Follow Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the country

Chapter 276: Send officials to sacrifice Yue Fei and tell Zhu Yuanzhang about the order to shave his

Chapter 276: Send officials to sacrifice Yue Fei and tell Zhu Yuanzhang about the order to shave his hair
After Zhu Yuanzhang ordered to send officials to commemorate Lu You and inform him that the Han government had regained the Central Plains, he also sent officials to commemorate Yue Fei, Xin Qiji and other Han outstanding figures who had participated in the Northern Expedition and regained the Han Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang even planned to personally pay homage to the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum in the future to report the success of the Northern Expedition. He also asked Zhu Wenzheng to recruit civilians to build a monument to the merits of the Northern Expedition.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang is deeply influenced by Zhang Cheng and begins to believe that it is very important to restore national confidence and promote national ideals.

Therefore, like in history, he did not want to emphasize that his dynasty inherited the Yuan Dynasty, and it was not easy to promote national ideals. Therefore, he did not publicize the success of the Northern Expedition so much that he would send people to report the future of the rivers and mountains. The ancient heroes of the Han family who had regrets even went so far as to pay tribute to the Chinese ancestors.

But today's new dynasty does not inherit the Yuan Dynasty, but really wants to restore China and establish a new concept of governing the country. Naturally, it must focus on promoting national concepts.

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang does not hope that another foreign race will take over the Central Plains as Zhang Cheng said in the future.

However, as Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Cheng discussed, the success of the Chinese Army's Northern Expedition did not make all Han people happy.

Li Shizhan, a Hanlin official in the Yuan Dynasty, felt very desperate about the current situation.

For this reason, he wrote the five words "I will mourn with the world" in his study.

to this end.

"The etiquette cannot be revoked!"

As he spoke, Kong Kejian fell to the ground and cried bitterly again.


"You are members of my Li family, and you must follow me to observe the law. You must not fall into the hands of bandits, stand on their soil, or eat their food!"

Kong Kejian kowtowed to the statue of Confucius with tears streaming down his face and said:

Li Shizhan also ordered his servants to tie up more than 20 members of his family to the waterside, and said to his family:
"The emperor humiliated his ministers and died. Our Li family has inherited the great kindness of the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty. Now that the emperor surrenders thieves as prisoners, I, the Li family, will naturally not be able to survive!"

"do not Cry!"

"Kong Kejian, an unworthy descendant, begs my ancestors to forgive me. In order to protect the survival of my family, I have to choose to live in this world instead of dying loyally to the country!"

Kong Kejian, the Duke of Yansheng conferred by the Yuan Dynasty, did not choose to die for the Yuan Dynasty, let alone his family.

"And because of this, I am afraid that our ancestors will no longer be respected, and the world will hardly know the respect of our ancestors' holy religion!"

"I just want to tell my ancestors that the ones who destroyed our Great Yuan are the thieves of Great Tong!"

However, there were also nobles and scholar-bureaucrats who lamented the demise of the Yuan Dynasty and the rise of the Great Tong Dynasty, but they did not choose to die.

to this end.

"They destroyed the ethics, tampered with the original meaning of saints, placed the distinction between monarch and ministers below the distinction between Huayi and Huayi, and even disrespected saints and principles. Instead, they promoted the common people and claimed that monarchy was granted by the people. As a result, many southerners have become morally corrupt, as is the case today. It can be said that etiquette destroys demons!"

As he spoke, Li Shizhan waved his hand and asked his servants to push his family into the water first, and then he himself jumped into the water.

Like Li Shizhan, there were many nobles and scholar-bureaucrats who chose to take their whole families to die for the Yuan court and even for the old rites.

After all, it is still difficult to choose to die.

He just cried in front of the statue of Confucius in the Confucius Temple.

When Li Shizhan said this, many of his family members began to cry and begged Li Shizhan not to force them to die.

"You must observe the festival with me!"

It can be said that tears fell like rain.

Kong Kejian cried so sadly because he knew that Zhu Yuanzhang could no longer only respect Confucianism, and since it was no longer possible to only respect Confucianism, he could no longer particularly respect his Confucian family, and then let his Confucian family continue to be the leader of Qufu and even Shandong. Earth Emperor!

However, Zhu Yuanzhang still sent someone to summon Kong Kejian. Because Zhu Yuanzhang hoped that Kong Kejian would come to the celebration to express his attitude to the world as a descendant of Confucius, explain the reason why he, as a descendant of Confucius, also recognized the Hulu as his main body, and make deep introspection.

But Kong Kejian pretended that he was ill and refused to come to Jiqing to see Zhu Yuanzhang. He only sent Kong Xixue.

Kong Kejian did this naturally because he felt that he would definitely be humiliated if he came to celebrate, so it was better not to come. Instead, he sent a representative of the Kong family to avoid overly irritating Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang soon also learned about Li Shizhan's family sacrifice and Kong Kejian's refusal to come to the DPRK, so he couldn't help but said to Zhang Cheng: "Sure enough, there are northern Han people who are no longer willing to recognize us as southerners as compatriots, and are only willing to die for the Tartars! I only want to recognize the Tatars as orthodox!”

Zhu Yuanzhang then asked Zhang Cheng: "Mr. Zhang, in the world you mentioned, after the Qing Dynasty after the Ming Dynasty was destroyed, did this happen?"

"There are also Han Chinese who died for him."

"However, after the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, the cultural impact was actually greater than that of Hu Yuan."

Zhang Cheng replied.

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help asking: "How big is it?"

Zhang Cheng said: "When the Qing Dynasty first took over the Central Plains, it required Han men to keep their heads or hair. Specifically, the Han men had to follow the same rules as the straight women at that time, shaving all the hair on their foreheads and leaving braids on the back. , which is about the size of a copper coin hole. If you don't agree, you will be beheaded. At the same time, the clothes must be changed into the clothes of straight women, and they are not allowed to wear Hanfu."

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned after hearing this.

"So hateful?!"

"Wait until I bring you a portrait of that kind of headdress, and I'll bring you a copy of the Qing Dynasty's edict on shaving heads."

Not long after Zhang Cheng said this, he actually brought these things to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked back with a frosty look: "How disgusting! I didn't expect that we Han people would be treated like this after the Ming Dynasty we established! We would be forced to destroy our own customs!"

Then, Zhu Yuanzhang asked Zhang Cheng:

"What about the Kong family? After our Ming Dynasty fell, what did the Kong family do?"

"Old Tradition."

"Why bother asking."

Zhang Cheng replied with a smile.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned: "What old tradition?"

"Naturally, whoever comes down will surrender."

"You also gave the Kong family a hereditary title of Duke Yan in that world. After the death of your Ming Dynasty, the Kong family prepared to lower their status as soon as they heard that Li Zicheng had entered the capital of the Ming Dynasty. When I heard that a female straight woman had entered the capital, I immediately handed over a letter of surrender to welcome the female straight woman."

"However, the Kong family is naturally not sincere towards female straight women, because after the Westerners invaded Shandong later, they still worshiped the Westerners as the main ones and enshrined a king from the West!"

"In fact, some members of the Kong family became the mainstay of the Japanese after the Japanese invaded Shandong, and even held a banquet for the Japanese in the Confucius mansion."

After Zhang Cheng said this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but put his hands on his hips and said: "Then why is he so slow in raising and lowering the watch this time? Damn it, and Kong Kejian himself didn't come in person!"

"If you dare to be here with us, he's going to get hard?"

Zhu Yuanzhang became more and more unable to hold himself tight for a while, so much so that he started to curse.

Zhang Cheng smiled and said: "In that world, when you established the Ming Dynasty, Duke Yan Sheng was a little tougher, and he didn't come to see you from the beginning. Maybe he really felt that flattering you was better than being flattered by a Tatar. Even the Japanese pirates and the Western Yi should be embarrassed to show their flattery."

After Zhang Cheng said this, Zhu Yuanzhang blushed.

(End of this chapter)

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