China Entertainment: Been working as a director since 03

Chapter 99: Brother Xiao Ming, do you want to bring down domestic oil prices?

Chapter 99: Brother Xiao Ming, do you want to bring down domestic oil prices?


Li Yu's first movie is finally coming.

Fan Xiaopang and Huang Xiaoming both showed strong interest.

As an actor, especially 15 years ago, there was no one who did not yearn for the film industry.

These days, movie stars are the only ones who have a cool personality.

No matter how dazzling the achievements in the TV industry are, no matter how popular they are, the status of a TV star is not as good as that of a movie star.

Later, after Huang Xiaoming's career in the TV industry reached its peak after starring in Shendiao and New Shanghai Stall, he began to develop in the film industry.

His film career was bumpy in the early stages, and he was cast off many times, and he went back to play a lot of domineering CEOs in the middle.

It was not until more than ten years later that he won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor for "Heroes of Fire".

Huang Xiaoming has not yet come into contact with serious film resources. How could he not be interested in Li Yu's films?
  If Li Yu's movie's male lead was a domineering president, he would be willing to star in it for zero pay.

"Director Li wants to make a movie?"

The person in charge of Starlight is not surprised by Li Yu's entry into the film industry.

It's normal for Li Yu to be ambitious at such a young age.

At a young age, you have achieved outstanding results in the television industry that are beyond the reach of others. Isn't your next step to develop into the film industry?

Not to mention Li Yu himself is a director, even some actors want to transform into directors after they have developed to a certain level.

If you sing well, you will act, and if you act well, you will direct. This sentence refers to this phenomenon.

He was just curious about what kind of movie Li Yu wanted to make.

"I wonder what kind of movie Director Li wants to make? How much do you plan to invest?"

Li Yu did not hide anything: "Youth love theme tells the story of a boy chasing a girl in high school.

If you invest, it will probably be around 10 million.

If your company is interested, Tiantian can star.

It would be nice if the MV for the album’s title song had just been cut out of scenes from the movie. "

Li Yu thought so.

Bringing Jing Tian over to play Shen Jiayi in those years, his movie and Jing Tian's MV can be done in one go.

And Yida Cinema will be established next year.

It is said that behind the bright stars is Yida’s background.

If Jing Tian plays the role, it will even be a movie theater.

For Li Yu, a new director in the film industry, it can save a lot of trouble.

Li Yu had a good idea, but he was not very active in Starlight. It could even be said that he was not interested in those years at all.

"No, right now Tiantian's career focus is on releasing an album and taking the Beijing Film Academy exam. We have no plans to arrange for Tiantian to act in a movie for the time being."

The other party declined Li Yu's kindness.

The other party didn't fully understand what he said, but Li Yu himself knew it well.

To put it bluntly, people currently look down upon him.

Who did Yuan Kongli Jingtian star with when she debuted in the film industry?

Ho Run-tung, one of the most popular actors in Taiwan.

Sun Honglei became an instant hit after playing "Latent" and won the "Emperor Grand Slam" award.

Kim Hee-sun, the goddess of the Silla generation, and Wu Zhenyu of Hong Kong Island have to play supporting roles for her.

After that, Cheng Long, Zhen Zhuan, Fa Ge, and Zhang Yingmou all collaborated.

It was normal for Xingguang Cancan to arrange resources of this level for Jing Tian, ​​so he looked down on Li Yu all those years ago.

Even though Li Yu is already a first-line director in the TV industry.

But he is a complete newcomer in the film industry.

They believe in Li Yu's appeal in the TV industry, so they are willing to let Jing Tian play a role in Star You, as a way to pave the way for the release of an album later, and let Jing Tian show his face in front of the public in advance.

Forget it about Li Yu’s movies.

They speculated that Li Yu's first film should be a test of the waters, and whether it can make waves is still a question mark.

They didn't want Jing Tian to take this risk.

If no one cares about Li Yu's movie after it is released, wouldn't it indirectly lower Jing Tian's style?

Jing Tian wants to take the high-end route, the international route.

It would be better to play it safe and let Jing Tian star in a movie with a strong cast after two years.

The actor is the most popular and famous actor, and the director is also a director who has proven himself with his strength. This kind of game where the flying dragon rides on the face is suitable for Jing Tian. He can't think of any reason to lose!
  Jing Tian himself did not express any opinion.

She won't turn sixteen in another half month. Everything about her is now arranged by the company's team, and she can't make the decision at all.

"Let's all have fun."

Li Yu changed the topic with a smile on his face.

That’s all.

Jing Tian couldn't play those years, so there were other suitable candidates.

Shi Shi's image and temperament are also very suitable for the heroines of those years.

Shi Shi is a member of the company, so the wealth does not go to outsiders.

At most, Li Yu would have to worry more about theater issues later.

If the school helps with endorsements, it won't be too difficult to solve the problem.

When Director Bi was making a movie, Beijing Film Academy and Beijing University of Science and Technology fully supported him.

Li Yu has already made a name for himself in the television industry and is gearing up to enter the film industry. There is no reason why the school should not provide strong support.

If a great film director could be produced, the school would be proud.

Especially for a director like Li Yu, who has a pure pedigree and a serious directing background, if he can get ahead, he will be more proud of the school.

The last famous director who came from the Beijing Film Academy was director Chen who was filming "The Promise".

The last person to become famous was Lu Chuan.

Many other famous directors are not directing majors, which is really ridiculous.

After the celebration banquet, Jing Tian and the people with bright stars left first.

Wang Jinghua's goal of making friends with Li Yu had been achieved, so she left.

Fan Xiaopang and Huang Xiaoming did not leave. They were very interested in Li Yu's movies.

"Director Li, that movie you just mentioned..."

Huang Xiaoming took the lead in testing.

"Brother Xiao Ming, this is a youth love movie, and the male and female protagonists are both senior students in high school."

Li Yu tapped his knuckles on the table to highlight the key points.

Huang Xiaoming wants to play those years, but can't he?

It would be okay to let him play the role of a domineering boss now, maybe if you push him a little he can make it less greasy.

He plays a senior high school student, a beautiful scene that Li Yu couldn't even imagine, a complete Daqing oil field.

I dare not say that China's oil production will overwhelm the Middle East countries. It is not a big problem if the spilled oil will lower the domestic oil price by a few cents.

Li Yu was afraid of hurting Brother Xiao Ming by saying these words, so he chose not to express them.

Huang Xiaoming understood Li Yu's hidden meaning. He was not suitable for Li Yu's film debut.

The same goes for Fan Xiaopang. No matter how interested she is, it doesn't matter. If she isn't suitable, she just isn't suitable.

Huang Xiaoming and Fan Xiaopang could only return with regret.

For Huang Xiaoming, today was not completely fruitless.

His mind was settled.

In terms of signal activation, Li Yu gave him a sure signal.

"You should take a month's rest and wait until August before starting the machine. Your divine eagle will be turned on in October or November.

The signal is about 20 episodes long, two months is enough, and it won't affect your joining the group. "

Li Yu said to Huang Xiaoming.

This is his current plan. It will be October after the signal is taken.

The signal will be launched either at the end of this year or early next year
  Once The Signal is over, he'll be directing Those Years .

Next year is 2005, and it is not too late to enter the market at this time.

Counting from next year, there are still five years left before the first year of commercial blockbusters in the decade.

Five years is enough time for Li Yu to establish a firm foothold in the film industry.

In addition to making some money by making youth-themed movies like those years ago, Li Yu will also consider making some serious movies to win awards and gild himself.

The domestic environment attaches great importance to awards.

Director Chen started pulling his hips from The Promise, but as soon as he makes a movie, there is still no shortage of investment.

It has a lot to do with the fact that he got the Palme d'Or and became gilded in his early years.

(End of this chapter)

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