sequence evolution

Chapter 472 Competition

Chapter 472 Competition
A tornado can't split it apart, but it can split it apart.

The legendary equipment from Kryptonian Henry Ross - [Bolelitan Vibranium Giant Sword] comes with its own energy blade wall.

Strictly speaking, the energy density of the excited particle blade is close to that of an entity. After entering the tornado, it can instantly block the eye structure inside the tornado, causing the entire tornado to be instantly disintegrated.

At this time, Lin Tianyi's sword used a thirty-meter-long giant blade to directly block the energy body inside the tornado, allowing the entire wind wall to escape.

In the sky, a large number of distorted zombie birds were flying around in shock because they were destroyed by the tornado.

Many ghoul knights sitting on it controlled the reins and panicked these giant featherless birds like pterosaurs.

A large number of ghouls, without the coercion of the hurricane, were immediately thrown everywhere like dumplings. The scattered ghouls smashed into the ground from high in the sky, some struggled and continued to rush forward, and some He fell to the ground and suffered multiple fractures, and he struggled painfully where he fell.

Not only Lin Tianyi's [Bolelitan Vibranium Giant Sword] can disintegrate the zombie tornado, but the frantically fluctuating thermal blast missiles also have this effect.

One after another, the thermal blast missiles hit the eye of the tornado, and the hot orange flames instantly covered the entire tornado with a layer of smoke and flames. In the moonlit night, the flame tornadoes lit up with bright red light. , the corpses among them were directly incinerated and swept by the strong wind, causing the ashes and yellow sand to waft over the entire fanatical wave, emitting a strange smell of burnt moldy flesh.

"Awesome, who can kill more corpses?"

Hearing a crisp sound from his side, Lin Tian turned his head and looked to the side and behind.

She has bright skin, wears full-coverage sandproof electronic goggles, a silver cyber long-sleeved jacket, hot pants with rivets, and a furry tail.

Looking at Catwoman with a lip stud at the corner of her pink mouth, Lin Tian glanced at the suspended jetpack behind her.

This backpack has four folding rotating drone propellers, holding up Catwoman's body to drive alongside Lin Tian.

If not that hot and violent sexy Asian Catwoman, then who is it?

Lin Tian glanced at the opponent's equipment.

On her body were four Georgia square-head magnetic energy plasma pistols, with a grid display similar to a battery compartment on the handle.

At the hip position, there are two long energy knife handles that look like wallpaper knives, and their shape is a bit like a Force lightsaber.

Looking at her waist, two black energy field shields with the Starfire Company logo were buzzing at a low frequency. They should be the Holzmann force field shields pinned to Mad Max.

Lin Tianyi said happily:


With Lin Tianyi's consent, the propeller of the drone behind Catwoman instantly tilted forward, making a loud buzzing sound, and she rushed like a fish into the endless tide of yellow sand corpses.

Lin Tianyi looked at the other party's slender and straight snow-white legs, and the long fluffy tail fluttering in the wind. He felt a little happy, and followed him into the tide of corpses.

The former landed first, and the figure of the other party had already attracted the attention of a large number of crazy ghouls.

The speed of these zombies is not the ordinary ones seen in zombie movies.

The speed of each run is comparable to the reincarnation of Bolt, ten meters per second, running and climbing, as fast as human lightning.

They let out inarticulate roars and whimpering, dark and ferocious, coming from all directions. Almost in the next second, they were about to wrap up and cover the slender girl in all directions and pile up into a mountain.

Lin Tianyi couldn't help but sweat for the other party.

Is it any good to just go in like this?


Holding a white square-headed plasma gun in both hands, he crossed his hands and fired at the corpses rushing towards him from both sides.

Boom, boom! !

It was like thunderclouds exploding from close range.

A large amount of charged entity plasma charges are like lightning exploding in thunderclouds, and their power is quite explosive.

Lin Tianyi had never seen such a powerful charged physical plasma gun.

Although it bears the logo of Spark Company, this powerful plasma gun is equivalent to the penetrating Razer produced by the collision of thunder particles in thunder clouds. The thunder that struck hundreds of meters deep instantly turned the fastest running corpses into charcoal.

The two plasma guns were fired continuously, as if a large amount of thunder exploded continuously. After solving the first batch of zombies, she firmly inserted the plasma gun whose battery grid had turned red back into her waist, and then pulled it out. Two long force-charged knives rushed directly towards the group of corpses that were advancing one after another.

In order to prevent accidental injury, Lin Tianyi even temporarily changed his position and landed close to the opponent a hundred meters away.

What a fierce girl.

These equipment are not simple items.

Eighty's an advanced gadget created by Fruit Master [Cruel Wings].

This Yatan star, no wonder the other party attaches such importance to it.

He sold a large amount of Kasola spices and probably invested a lot in his men.

This guy must have made up his mind to open a harem on his own fruit planet, right?

Lin Tianyi thought this, and his body had already fallen to the ground.

The magic dimensional shoes stepped on the soft sand, and they were immediately surrounded by an endless group of corpses.

Killing without scruple is the best way to release the violent pressure in your heart.

He was suffering from the erosion of his godhead. Ever since he left the [Sekhmet Meteorite Battlefield], he had no chance to release his hidden anxiety.

At this time, the yellow sand in the sky blocked the view of the Fanatic Wave station. Lin Tianyi, who had benefited enough from Mad Max, decided to do whatever he wanted.

Blessed by extraordinary power.

Wrapped in divine fire.

The evil star shines on.

The double pupil and all things dark gold pupil force mimicry is activated.

Xuanwei skills...activate!
Lin Tianyi activated almost all the active release skills he could activate.


He dragged the huge blade of the fifteen-meter [Bolelitan Vibranium Giant Sword] and plowed the fine sand. As the sand and dust rose, Lin Tianyi swung the giant sword hard.

The violent sword was swung out instantly.

The fifteen-meter-long sword wall uses physical attacks, carrying a pure and primitive sense of impact, instantly tearing apart large swaths of zombies rushing up.

It was bone meeting metal.

The whistling huge sword was like a child holding a long stick and chasing chickens in the yard. Every time he swung it, the corpses of flesh and bones would be thrown out.

Lin Tianyi just used the most primitive killing method, waving his sword crazily and rushing forward straightly.

A sword swept across, and thousands of troops were unstoppable.

A sword struck out, with the force of destroying the mountains.

There is a sword smashing and swinging, and the people are on their backs and the horses are turned over with amazing power!

With broken limbs, flesh and blood flying everywhere, and broken bones, Lin Tianyi ran very fast, straight forward, within a 30-meter diameter circle with him as the center, a mountain of corpses piled up, like a peerless murderer...

In the distance, on top of the corpse dragon in the sand sea, which was more than a hundred meters huge, a corpse shaman with blue eyes emitting blue light noticed the existence of Lin Tianyi. In his dry throat, he let out a strange sound. laughter:

"Transform him, and he will become our greatest harvest this time in the Kingdom of the Undead."

(End of this chapter)

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