sequence evolution

Chapter 561 Shocking the Violence Hunting Team

Chapter 561 Shocking the Violence Hunting Team

With the help of the lord's car and the black card as his identity card, Lin Tianyi successfully returned to the settlement of the violent hunting team.

As expected, Lin Tianyi had just arrived in the inner city when Gray Blood Hand Rosenberg immediately summoned him.

There's no way, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

As soon as Lin Tianyi left the survivors' settlement, such a large-scale fierce battle broke out in the Forest of Sorrow. How could this not attract the attention of Gray Blood Hand Rosenberg? !

You know, in addition to the battle between the two mythical creatures, the Mother Nest and the First Servant Albedo, whether it is the large-scale gun battle among tens of thousands of mechanical servants, or the field shock launched by the legendary hero Aragorn Holzgaier, it is enough to make Grey Blood Hand Rosenberg extremely vigilant.

Not to mention, the terrifying power that Lin Tianyi launched at the end using the starship's star destroyer cannon was so powerful that it directly destroyed an area within dozens of kilometers.

How could all of this not make Grey Blood Hand Rosenberg feel apprehensive? !
At this time, when the ARP-gray alloy spurted out light blue tail flames and slowly landed on the helipad above the City Lord's Mansion, the leader of the violent search team, who had already led a group of officers and all the high-level officials of the survivors' settlement, stood outside to greet them in person.

As the cabin door slowly opened, Lin Tianyi, holding the black card, got off the plane. Rosenberg walked up quickly and looked at Lin Tianyi with a very careful look, asking:
"Mr. Jin...did you notice the commotion outside just now?"

His eyes were quite obscure, but the power of Kashila in his body was constantly surging, as if he was repeatedly checking Lin Tianyi's various conditions.

Seeing Rosenberg coming in person, Lin Tianyi did not intend to hide it. Since the other party could even produce such an expensive aircraft as ARP-gray alloy, a radar device must be indispensable.

It makes sense that the Audit Reaper initially used the physical cover of the Death Claws and other hive slime molds, combined with anti-radar devices, to conceal the existence of its own branch, making it impossible for the violent search team and the surrounding survivor settlements to detect the other party's traces.

Then the horrific battle that just broke out, the explosions and flames it caused, would no longer be able to conceal the existence of this space base.

Lin Tianyi didn't want to treat a man with good eyesight as a fool at this time. The other party asked this question because he gave him enough face, so he answered directly:

"Mr. Rosenberg, I really don't want to hide anything from you."

"Yes, I was the one who caused the battle just now. Originally, I was planning to explore the ruins of the Xinzhou Space Base, but I didn't expect to find the dangerous mother nest there."

"Based on the principle that a friend's enemy is my enemy, I took direct action and eliminated the mother nest. This is to repay your hospitality to me."

Hearing the Second Holy Son speaking so frankly, Rosenberg's mouth twitched and he said:

"Is it just a mother nest?"

Of course he didn't believe Lin Tianyi's nonsense.

Exploring the ruins might be true, but judging from the intensity and vibration of the battle that just broke out, if it was just an ordinary slime mold nest, it wouldn't cause such a big commotion.

In the apocalyptic wasteland environment, Gnawers and Deathclaws, mutated by radiation, often grow nests on the earth like stubborn tumors, devouring all the surrounding animals and survivors. Some large nests will even give birth to queens, thus generating a "wave".

This wave, along with ghouls and radiation, is known as one of the three major natural disasters of the wasteland.

The violent raids on the group settlements were deeply affected.

For this reason, the violent search team has built such a huge war fortress to deal with the wave of attacks that are bound to occur when the weather warms up every year.

Grayblood Hand Rosenberg actually sent out teams many times to search for the source of the mother nest, but for some special reason, they did not search the Forest of Death.

The fundamental reason for this, in addition to the special geographical location of the Forest of Death and the large number of death claws that are enough to tear apart power armor, is also a matter of profit. The hundreds of thousands or even millions of gnawers killed every year actually have great commercial value.

After these corpses are recycled, the "nutritional paste" made from the furnace tastes better and is cheaper than the high-protein energy bars made from deformed cockroaches. It is an indispensable survival material for some small settlements in the surrounding area.

"It's just the mother nest?"

In his opinion, even if the Second Holy Son in front of him encountered a large-scale wave and could not be killed completely, he could still leave calmly and there was no need to make such a big fuss.

Lin Tianyi said slowly:
"Of course, it's not just the mother nest. When I was exploring the ruins of the Xinzhou Space Base, I also found a branch of the Auditing Death God, which was opened underground in the mother nest."

"And this branch was established precisely for the purpose of studying the mother nest."

Hearing the words "Auditing the Death God Branch", a large number of settlement leaders behind Rosenberg exclaimed in surprise.

In this wasteland, no natural disaster, not even the kingdom of the undead, can be described as terrifying.

Only the Audit Death Gods, a group of planet destroyers who believe in "mechanical immortality", are considered to be the end of the world.

Grayblood Hand Rosenberg obviously had not expected that there was such a huge threat hidden around his own shelter.

What shocked him even more was that the man in front of him actually challenged the Audit Death God branch alone and escaped unscathed!

"This is impossible!"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense said excitedly:

"If this was a branch of the Auditing Death God, our Violent Hunting Team would have been reduced to ruins long ago. Your Excellency the Second Saint Son, I'm not questioning you, but even if you were born in the Red Factory, you can't just talk about this kind of information."

Lin Tianyi did not look at the leader of the violent hunting group, but looked at Rosenberg and said:

"I certainly wouldn't joke about something like that."

"However, please rest assured, the artificial god nest they cultivated has been destroyed by me. I'm afraid the interior of the Auditing Death God is now in chaos."

"Although this base has not been completely destroyed, due to the destruction of the mother nest and the failure of the artificial god plan, I believe this branch will not exist for much longer."

what? !

Artificial God Project?!

The hive has been destroyed?
Outside the City Lord's Mansion, everyone present was in an uproar.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense who had spoken earlier said hurriedly:

"Your Excellency, City Lord, I suggest that the entire settlement enter a level one combat readiness state and send a reconnaissance team to the Sorrow Forest to collect some specific intelligence."

Hearing this, Rosenberg did not even look at the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense, but stared at Lin Tianyi, and said in an increasingly respectful tone:
"Sir, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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