sequence evolution

Chapter 563 Danger from the Sky

Chapter 563 Danger from the Sky

Sure enough, it was just as Lin Tianyi expected.

After what happened last night, Rosenberg showed more goodwill towards Lin Tianyi!

It seemed that what happened last night had been further confirmed. After the three of them had breakfast, Rosenberg took the initiative to take them to the helipad above the City Lord's Mansion.

"Hahaha, Holy Son, since you insist on leaving today, I don't have any good gifts to give you."

"Last night, His Holiness the Archbishop emphasized to me once again the urgency of this mission through the radio."

"I believe this gray alloy ship will help you complete your mission as soon as possible."

Looking at the high-tech small aircraft painted to a shine on the tarmac, Lin Tianyi smiled.

"How can I do this? I heard that this is your car, the city lord. How can I take away someone's favorite?"

"Besides, when I came here, the Archbishop once told me that the sky is far more dangerous than the ground."

Rosenberg cursed Lin Tianyi for being hypocritical. If he wanted to refuse, why bother coming to this tarmac?

However, after hearing Lin Tianyi call him "brother", the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Hey, what are you talking about, brother? For other escorts, the sky is naturally full of dangers, but... if it's you, brother, then there will be absolutely no problem."

Rosenberg was a man who would not hesitate to take advantage of the situation, so he made a gesture of invitation and led Lin Tianyi towards the plane.

With Akaxi and Lu Lixi around, Lin Tianyi didn't worry about no one knowing how to fly the plane, but he still asked carefully:

"Brother, where does the danger in the sky mainly come from?"

Lin Tianyi actually had a general understanding of why escorts in the past had to walk on the ground.

The most important reason is actually the load-bearing capacity of the aircraft. Transactions between large organizations are generally various large facilities and equipment.

The things that ordinary telekinetic users can carry, that is, the extra-dimensional space for storing materials is limited.

So compared to the dangerous radioactive sea and sky, the wasteland is actually the best transportation route.

But even so, the danger from the sky cannot be ignored.

Otherwise, judging from the level of the entire wasteland's pre-war civilization, with the technology of controlled nuclear fusion and energy devices for cold nuclear batteries, there would be absolutely no problem in artificially building some transport ships with super strength and defense.

Rosenberg said quite candidly:
"As for the danger, it mainly comes from some deformed flying monsters."

"Especially in the stratosphere, there is a dangerous creature similar to the devil ray. They often travel in groups, and their appearance is very similar to clouds. They can produce powerful lightning."

"As you know, after the war, the radiation cloud had a great impact on the distortion of wasteland creatures. Many of the alien creatures that were born from this have all kinds of strange abilities."

"Devil rays are one of them. Their changing clouds can stretch for thousands of kilometers and accumulate with radiation clouds, making them difficult to distinguish."

"Especially since these things are very good at electromagnetic storms, they have a huge impact on flying facilities."

Lin Tianyi couldn't help but become curious when he heard this.

In his fruit world, he once saw an enormous flying whale, also known as the Sky Curtain Beast.

Who would have thought that in the world of the Brutal Wings Fruit, there actually existed a beast comparable to the Sky Curtain Beast.

Lin Tianyi frowned and asked:

"Is the Holtzman defensive force field shield ineffective?"

The Gray Blood Hand said firmly:

"It's definitely useless. The swallowing of these cloud monsters is a slow digestion process, which will not activate the shield. The strong radioactive substances in their stomachs can easily corrode the flight engine." "If you encounter such a monster, the best way is to kill it yourself."

Lin Tianyi was thoughtful and gradually developed a strong interest in these things.

Sounds like...

Looks like some cool stuff.

And it is of great research value.

“Is there any way to identify these things in advance?”

"It's hard to tell from the outside, and it can't be detected by radar. It seems to have the ability to turn reality into illusion. Many organizations want to catch these things for research, but once they are caught, these devil rays will decompose into nuclear waste water with strong radiation in a very short time like jellyfish."

Lu Liqian on the side spoke up.

She frowned her pretty little brows, obviously not recommending going to the sky.

Compared to the dangers on the ground, the dangers in the sky are more uncontrollable.

Lin Tianyi was anxious to complete the task, so he asked directly:

" do we kill these things?!"

"Or to put it another way, what are their weaknesses?!"

Gray Blood Hand Rosenberg said with a smile:

"The main weakness of these things is actually their fear of sand and fire."

"Of course, I mean elemental magic, or supernatural powers."

"They are particularly resistant to energy weapons, and laser weapons are almost ineffective against them."

Lin Tianyi nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, and then asked again:
"The maximum flight speed of your gray alloy ship can already maintain an acceleration of Mach 1. Can't you break through the pursuit and interception of those sky monsters at this speed?!"

Rosenberg shook his head and said:
"That's where the problem lies."

"These things are like storms at sea. They gather and grow very fast. Not only that, they are good at hiding in the ever-changing clouds. Since you choose to fly, what should you do if you encounter an endless sea of ​​clouds?"

"Once your aircraft enters the enemy's attack range, there will be endless electromagnetic storms constantly hitting the aircraft. Even an aerial fortress at the level of a war fortress will definitely have its electromagnetic units destroyed by this intensity of thunderstorms."

If you break in, your engine will be continuously destroyed by strong radioactive acid rain.

If you are outside, you will be attacked by electromagnetic storms.

These things are simply robbers in the sky.

If the starship's reactor ignition method wasn't too complicated, Lin Tianyi would have planned to drive the starship directly to Spark Company.

Unfortunately, according to Akasi, once the reactor is shut down, it will take about a month to complete the cooling of the reactor core and stabilize the energy pile.

After learning about the characteristics of this creature, Lin Tianyi still boarded the plane and said:

"Thank you for the reminder, City Lord. I will try my best to avoid the clouds. If I really encounter such creatures, I will just slow down and I will go out to deal with them."

Hearing Lin Tianyi's words, Rosenberg gave a thumbs up and said:

"Son of God, you are so brave. I wish you a successful start and a triumphant return..."

(End of this chapter)

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